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Encrypted profile

This sample demonstrates a way to encrypt the attributes stored on a user object in Azure AD B2C, including the signInName.


In some applications data residency is an issue which requires a user's profile to be stored in a certain country or in a dedicated data center. For this, you have the remote profile samples. But in other applications, with tough security requirements, the question is that what you store can not be in clear text. For instance, it can not be readable like in for IT Admins regardless the appropriate permissions. It must be anonymous and encrypted.

This sample will encrypt a user's profile attributes, like displayName, givenName, etc, so that it is unreadable. A user would look like this in

An Azure Admin screenshot of the User Profile blade.

If you use Microsoft Graph Explorer to query the user object created with this signup policy, the the signInName attribute will also be encrypted in order not to reveal the user's the email.

A printout in Microsoft Graph of the User Profile SigninName.

Encrypting the attributes

The encryption in this sample is done in an Azure Function that is called with B2C's RESTful Provider. In this sample, there are two versions of the Azure Function, where the run.csx file contains the implementation just doing base64 encode/decode and where the run_encrypted.csx file contains the implementation that hashes the email with a salt and does symmetric encryption of attributes. The purpose of the simple base64 encode/decode function is to keep it simple and get you going without too much setup. The purpose of the function with encryption is to show how real encryption could be done. If you plan to use the Azure Function with encryption, please see instructions at the bottom for deploying the Azure Function together with Azure Key Valut.

During signup, the B2C policy calls it as an REST API to encrypt attrributes like email, displayName, givenName and surname. The encrypted values are then persisted to the user object. The email value is persisted as a userid and not as an emailAddress, since the encrypted result does not follow the email syntax anymore.

What happens during signin is that the user enters the email in clear text in the user interface, since that is what he/she knows. The B2C policy then calls the Azure Function to encrypt the email before validating the userid/password.

A screenshot of a standard login screen.

To decrypt the additional attributes so they can appear in clear text in the JWT token, the Azure Function is called again at the end of the signin user journey to decrypt attributes like displayName, etc.

A JSON print out of a Signin-JWT.

B2C Custom Policy explained

Signup encryption

During signup there are two steps in the UserJourney that first calls the REST API to encrypt the attributes and then (re)writes them. The reason that this is not done in a ValidationTechnicalProfile step is that if you plan to extend this and capture more info in secondary UX pages, you need to do it after all user input is captured. It is also worth noting that the (re)write is responsible for removing the signInNames.emailAddress and replacing it with signInNames.userid. We don't use signInNames.username as that has a max length limit of 64 chars while using another name, like userid gives us 100 chars to persist. From a functional perspective, it doesn't matter.

<!-- next 2 steps are only executed during SignUp. It calls the REST API to encrypt and rewrites the persisted values -->
<OrchestrationStep Order="3" Type="ClaimsExchange">
    <Precondition Type="ClaimsExist" ExecuteActionsIf="false">
    <ClaimsExchange Id="REST-Encrypt" TechnicalProfileReferenceId="REST-API-EncodeClaims" />
<OrchestrationStep Order="4" Type="ClaimsExchange">
    <Precondition Type="ClaimsExist" ExecuteActionsIf="false">
    <ClaimsExchange Id="Write-Encrypt" TechnicalProfileReferenceId="AAD-UserWriteEncryptedUsingObjectId" />

Signin encryption / decryption

During signin we must take what the user typed in the UX and encrypt it before attepting to authenticate the local account, as the email doesn't work as a unique identifier for the user anymore. Therefor, the TechinalProfile SelfAsserted-LocalAccountSignin-Email is modified in the TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml file to include a call to the REST API. It will pass what the user typed in the signInName and get back a claim called emailEncrypted.

<!-- before validating the userid/password, encrypt what the user entered and use that -->
<TechnicalProfile Id="SelfAsserted-LocalAccountSignin-Email">
    <Item Key="setting.operatingMode">username</Item>
    <ValidationTechnicalProfile ReferenceId="REST-API-EncodeClaims" />
    <ValidationTechnicalProfile ReferenceId="login-NonInteractive" />

Then, we must modify login-NonInteractive to use emailEncrypted as the username. Note that you must also edit the TrustFrameworkBase.xml file to remove the similar line where is sends signInName as username as it will not work otherwise.

<TechnicalProfile Id="login-NonInteractive">
    <Item Key="client_id">...guid...</Item>
    <Item Key="IdTokenAudience">...guid...</Item>
    <InputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="client_id" DefaultValue="...guid..." />
    <InputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="resource_id" PartnerClaimType="resource" DefaultValue="...guid..." />
    <InputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="emailEncrypted" PartnerClaimType="username" Required="true" />

At the end of the signin UserJourney, there is a orchestration step that decrypts the additional attributes, like displayName, since you want these attributes in clear text in the JWT token. To keep it simple in this sample, it is the same Azure Function that has the responsibility of also decrypting values and the REST API is passed a flag restApiOperation to signal if it is encryption or decryption it should perform.

<!-- the next step is only executed during Signin. It decrypts displayName, etc, so you can get them in clear text in the JWT -->
<OrchestrationStep Order="6" Type="ClaimsExchange">
    <Precondition Type="ClaimsExist" ExecuteActionsIf="true">
    <ClaimsExchange Id="Decrypt-at-Signin" TechnicalProfileReferenceId="REST-API-DecodeClaims" />

Azure Function with encryption - how it works

The Azure Function run_encrypted.csx does the following

  1. Gets the parameters signInName, email, displayName, givenName and surName.
  2. Looks for the hash salt and AES Key + IV as Environment Variables.
  3. If there are no environment variables, calls Azure Key Vault to obtain the secrets and sets them as Environment Variables. This serves as some basic way of caching as we don't need to obtain them again until the service is restarted.
  4. If operation is encoding, hash the signInName/email with the salt obtained from Azure Key Vault and encrypt the other attributes.
  5. If operation is decoding, do nothing with the signInName/email and decrypt the other attributes.

Azure Function and Azure Key Vault configuration

In order to use the Azure Function run_encrypted.csx that implements real encryption, you need to do the following steps.

Azure Function - part 1

  1. Deploy and Azure Function with OS=Windows and Runtime=.Net Core 3.1 with type=HttpTrigger and give it a name like EncryptClaims. Set the Authorization level to Anonymous.
  2. Copy the code in run_encrypted.csx and paste it over the code in run.csx.
  3. Do a Test/Run of the function passing a Body of { "restApiOperation": "generate" } and copy the response output to somewhere since we will add these values as Azure Key Vault secrets. This step helps you to generate the hash salt and AES Key and IV.

Azure AD Service Principal for accessing Azure Key Vault

The hast salt and AES Key and IV (Initialization Vector) are stored in Azure Key Vault. In order for the Azure Function to retrieve these values, you need to do an App Registration in the Azure AD that protects the Azure Key Vault you plan to use (ie, do NOT register this app in the B2C tenant). The documentation is available here but you just need to register an application and create a secret. Make sure you copy and save tenantid of your Azure AD (not the B2C tenant), the AppID and the secret as we need to configure these values in the Azure Function - part 2.

Azure Key Vault

  1. Deploy an Azure Key Vault in an Azure subscription if you don't have one.
  2. Under Access policies, select +Add Access Policy.
    1. Key permissions = you don't need to select anything
    2. Secret permissions = select Get, List
    3. Select principal = Search for you service principal via your AppID guid
  3. Under Secrets, select +Generate/Import.
    1. Upload options = Manual
    2. Name = B2CEncryptionSalt
    3. Value = the value for B2CEncryptionSalt you saved in above step (Azure Function - part 1). This should be a base64 string
  4. Under Secrets, select +Generate/Import.
    1. Upload options = Manual
    2. Name = B2CAesKeyIV
    3. Value = the value for B2CAesKeyIV you saved in above step (Azure Function - part 1). This should be two base64 strings separated by a "."

Azure Function - part 2

Last part is to add some configuration for your Azure Function. Find Configuration in the menu and do +New application settings once for each setting mentioned below.

  1. KV_TENANTID = the tenantid of your Azure AD (not the B2C tenant)
  2. KV_CLIENTID = the AppID of your Azure AD service principal you created above
  3. KV_CLIENTSECRET = the secret of your Azure AD service principal you created above
  4. KV_NAME = the Name of your Azure Key Vault

Edit TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml

Edit the TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml file so that the ServiceUrl points to your new Azure Function. Then upload the policies again.

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This sample policy is based on SocialAndLocalAccounts starter pack. All changes are marked with Demo: comment inside the policy XML files. Make the necessary changes in the Demo action required sections.