diff --git a/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/__tests__/__snapshots__/studio-ui-codegen-react.test.ts.snap b/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/__tests__/__snapshots__/studio-ui-codegen-react.test.ts.snap
index be60e6b1..452c6059 100644
--- a/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/__tests__/__snapshots__/studio-ui-codegen-react.test.ts.snap
+++ b/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/__tests__/__snapshots__/studio-ui-codegen-react.test.ts.snap
@@ -879,6 +879,61 @@ export default function Test(props: TestProps): React.ReactElement {
+exports[`amplify render tests bindings auth supports auth bindings in actions - amplify js v6 1`] = `
+"/* eslint-disable */
+import * as React from \\"react\\";
+import { getOverrideProps, useAuth, useDataStoreCreateAction } from \\"./utils\\";
+import { Customer } from \\"../models\\";
+import { schema } from \\"../models/schema\\";
+import { Button, ButtonProps } from \\"@aws-amplify/ui-react\\";
+export type EscapeHatchProps = {
+  [elementHierarchy: string]: Record<string, unknown>;
+} | null;
+export type VariantValues = { [key: string]: string };
+export type Variant = {
+  variantValues: VariantValues;
+  overrides: EscapeHatchProps;
+export declare type PrimitiveOverrideProps<T> = Partial<T> &
+  React.DOMAttributes<HTMLDivElement>;
+export declare type ComponentWithAuthEventBindingOverridesProps = {
+  ComponentWithAuthEventBinding?: PrimitiveOverrideProps<ButtonProps>;
+} & EscapeHatchProps;
+export type ComponentWithAuthEventBindingProps = React.PropsWithChildren<
+  Partial<ButtonProps> & {
+    overrides?: ComponentWithAuthEventBindingOverridesProps | undefined | null;
+  }
+export default function ComponentWithAuthEventBinding(
+  props: ComponentWithAuthEventBindingProps
+): React.ReactElement {
+  const { overrides, ...rest } = props;
+  const authAttributes = useAuth().user?.attributes ?? {};
+  const componentWithAuthEventBindingOnClick = useDataStoreCreateAction({
+    model: Customer,
+    fields: {
+      userName: authAttributes[\\"username\\"],
+      favoriteIceCream: authAttributes[\\"custom:favorite_icecream\\"],
+    },
+    schema: schema,
+  });
+  return (
+    /* @ts-ignore: TS2322 */
+    <Button
+      children=\\"Create\\"
+      onClick={() => {
+        componentWithAuthEventBindingOnClick();
+      }}
+      {...getOverrideProps(overrides, \\"ComponentWithAuthEventBinding\\")}
+      {...rest}
+    ></Button>
+  );
 exports[`amplify render tests bindings auth supports auth bindings in actions 1`] = `
 "/* eslint-disable */
 import * as React from \\"react\\";
diff --git a/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/__tests__/studio-ui-codegen-react.test.ts b/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/__tests__/studio-ui-codegen-react.test.ts
index b938546e..59bdfbac 100644
--- a/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/__tests__/studio-ui-codegen-react.test.ts
+++ b/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/__tests__/studio-ui-codegen-react.test.ts
@@ -744,6 +744,13 @@ describe('amplify render tests', () => {
+      it('supports auth bindings in actions - amplify js v6', () => {
+        expect(
+          generateWithAmplifyRenderer('bindings/auth/componentWithAuthActionBinding', {
+            dependencies: { 'aws-amplify': '^6.0.0' },
+          }).componentText,
+        ).toMatchSnapshot();
+      });
     describe('data', () => {
diff --git a/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/__tests__/utils/__snapshots__/render-util-functions.test.ts.snap b/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/__tests__/utils/__snapshots__/render-util-functions.test.ts.snap
index 87dac1e8..7a7e80ac 100644
--- a/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/__tests__/utils/__snapshots__/render-util-functions.test.ts.snap
+++ b/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/__tests__/utils/__snapshots__/render-util-functions.test.ts.snap
@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ export const processFile = async ({ file }) => {
 exports[`render utils file render all utils - amplify v6 1`] = `
 "/* eslint-disable */
 import * as React from \\"react\\";
-import { signOut } from \\"aws-amplify/auth\\";
+import { fetchUserAttributes, signOut } from \\"aws-amplify/auth\\";
 import { DataStore } from \\"aws-amplify/datastore\\";
 import { Hub } from \\"aws-amplify/utils\\";
 export const UI_CHANNEL = \\"ui\\";
@@ -1305,6 +1305,60 @@ export const useAuthSignOutAction = (options) => async () => {
+export const useAuth = () => {
+  const [result, setResult] = React.useState({
+    error: undefined,
+    isLoading: true,
+    user: undefined,
+  });
+  const fetchCurrentUserAttributes = React.useCallback(async () => {
+    setResult((prevResult) => ({ ...prevResult, isLoading: true }));
+    try {
+      const attributes = await fetchUserAttributes();
+      setResult({ user: { attributes }, isLoading: false });
+    } catch (error) {
+      setResult({ error, isLoading: false });
+    }
+  }, []);
+  const handleAuth = React.useCallback(
+    ({ payload }) => {
+      switch (payload.event) {
+        case \\"signedIn\\":
+        case \\"signUp\\":
+        case \\"tokenRefresh\\":
+        case \\"autoSignIn\\": {
+          fetchCurrentUserAttributes();
+          break;
+        }
+        case \\"signedOut\\": {
+          setResult({ user: undefined, isLoading: false });
+          break;
+        }
+        case \\"tokenRefresh_failure\\":
+        case \\"signIn_failure\\": {
+          setResult({ error: payload.data, isLoading: false });
+          break;
+        }
+        case \\"autoSignIn_failure\\": {
+          setResult({ error: new Error(payload.message), isLoading: false });
+          break;
+        }
+        default: {
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    [fetchCurrentUserAttributes]
+  );
+  React.useEffect(() => {
+    const unsubscribe = Hub.listen(\\"auth\\", handleAuth, \\"useAuth\\");
+    fetchCurrentUserAttributes();
+    return unsubscribe;
+  }, [handleAuth, fetchCurrentUserAttributes]);
+  return {
+    ...result,
+  };
 export const validateField = (value, validations) => {
   for (const validation of validations) {
     if (value === undefined || value === \\"\\" || value === null) {
diff --git a/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/imports/import-mapping.ts b/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/imports/import-mapping.ts
index 9e8cff67..bf47cb2e 100644
--- a/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/imports/import-mapping.ts
+++ b/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/imports/import-mapping.ts
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ export enum ImportValue {
   USE_AUTH = 'useAuth',
   AUTH = 'Auth',
   SIGN_OUT = 'signOut',
+  FETCH_USER_ATTRIBUTES = 'fetchUserAttributes',
   GET_OVERRIDES_FROM_VARIANTS = 'getOverridesFromVariants',
   USE_BREAKPOINT_VALUE = 'useBreakpointValue',
   VARIANT = 'Variant',
@@ -98,4 +99,5 @@ export const ImportMapping: Record<ImportValue, ImportSource> = {
   [ImportValue.PROCESS_FILE]: ImportSource.UTILS,
   [ImportValue.USE_EFFECT]: ImportSource.REACT,
   [ImportValue.USE_STATE]: ImportSource.REACT,
diff --git a/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/react-studio-template-renderer.ts b/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/react-studio-template-renderer.ts
index 1e00a5c5..4860a3fe 100644
--- a/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/react-studio-template-renderer.ts
+++ b/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/react-studio-template-renderer.ts
@@ -777,7 +777,12 @@ export abstract class ReactStudioTemplateRenderer extends StudioTemplateRenderer
     const authStatement = this.buildUseAuthenticatedUserStatement();
     if (authStatement !== undefined) {
-      this.importCollection.addMappedImport(ImportValue.USE_AUTH);
+      if (getAmplifyJSVersionToRender(this.renderConfig.dependencies) === AMPLIFY_JS_V5) {
+        this.importCollection.addMappedImport(ImportValue.USE_AUTH);
+      } else {
+        // V6 useAuth is in the utils file
+        this.importCollection.addImport(ImportSource.UTILS, ImportValue.USE_AUTH);
+      }
diff --git a/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/react-utils-studio-template-renderer.ts b/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/react-utils-studio-template-renderer.ts
index 54380017..bc9692f0 100644
--- a/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/react-utils-studio-template-renderer.ts
+++ b/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/react-utils-studio-template-renderer.ts
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import {
+  useAuthString,
 } from './utils-file-functions';
 import { getAmplifyJSVersionToRender } from './helpers/amplify-js-versioning';
 import { AMPLIFY_JS_V6 } from './utils/constants';
@@ -101,9 +102,11 @@ export class ReactUtilsStudioTemplateRenderer extends StudioTemplateRenderer<
     if (getAmplifyJSVersionToRender(this.renderConfig.dependencies) === AMPLIFY_JS_V6) {
       this.importCollection.addImport(ImportSource.AMPLIFY_AUTH, ImportValue.SIGN_OUT);
+      this.importCollection.addImport(ImportSource.AMPLIFY_AUTH, ImportValue.FETCH_USER_ATTRIBUTES);
       this.importCollection.addImport(ImportSource.AMPLIFY_DATASTORE_V6, ImportValue.DATASTORE);
       this.importCollection.addImport(ImportSource.AMPLIFY_UTILS, ImportValue.HUB);
+      parsedUtils.push(useAuthString);
     } else {
       this.importCollection.addMappedImport(ImportValue.HUB, ImportValue.DATASTORE, ImportValue.AUTH);
diff --git a/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/utils-file-functions/hooks/index.ts b/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/utils-file-functions/hooks/index.ts
index 3977001a..e084d2db 100644
--- a/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/utils-file-functions/hooks/index.ts
+++ b/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/utils-file-functions/hooks/index.ts
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ export * from './useTypeCastFields';
 export * from './useDataStoreCreateAction';
 export * from './useDataStoreUpdateAction';
 export * from './useDataStoreDeleteAction';
+export * from './useAuth';
 export * from './createDataStorePredicate';
 export * from './useDataStoreBinding';
 export * from './constants';
diff --git a/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/utils-file-functions/hooks/useAuth.ts b/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/utils-file-functions/hooks/useAuth.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e7c0e95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/codegen-ui-react/lib/utils-file-functions/hooks/useAuth.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+  Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
+  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
+  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+ */
+export const useAuthString = `export const useAuth = () => {
+  const [result, setResult] = React.useState({
+    error: undefined,
+    isLoading: true,
+    user: undefined,
+  });
+  const fetchCurrentUserAttributes = React.useCallback(async () => {
+    setResult((prevResult) => ({ ...prevResult, isLoading: true }));
+    try {
+      const attributes = await fetchUserAttributes();
+      setResult({ user: {attributes}, isLoading: false });
+    } catch (error) {
+      setResult({ error, isLoading: false });
+    }
+  }, []);
+  const handleAuth = React.useCallback(
+    ({ payload }) => {
+      switch (payload.event) {
+        case 'signedIn':
+        case 'signUp':
+        case 'tokenRefresh':
+        case 'autoSignIn': {
+          fetchCurrentUserAttributes();
+          break;
+        }
+        case 'signedOut': {
+          setResult({ user: undefined, isLoading: false });
+          break;
+        }
+        case 'tokenRefresh_failure':
+        case 'signIn_failure': {
+          setResult({ error: payload.data, isLoading: false });
+          break;
+        }
+        case 'autoSignIn_failure': {
+          setResult({ error: new Error(payload.message), isLoading: false });
+          break;
+        }
+        default: {
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    [fetchCurrentUserAttributes]
+  );
+  React.useEffect(() => {
+    const unsubscribe = Hub.listen('auth', handleAuth, 'useAuth');
+    fetchCurrentUserAttributes();
+    return unsubscribe;
+  }, [handleAuth, fetchCurrentUserAttributes]);
+  return {
+    ...result,
+  };