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KeyWrap (NIST SP 800 38f)


NIST SP 800 38f describes three keywrap primitives (KW, KWP and TKW). The three primitives are related in that they use the same underlying construction for a strong pseudorandom permutation. KW and KWP use AES, TKW uses DES. The input size of KW and TKW are limited to a multiple of 8 (rsp 4) bytes, KWP adds a padding so that arbitrary length inputs can be processed.

KW is also defined by [RFC 3394]. KWP is also defined by [RFC 5649]. TKW is a key wrap primitive that uses TripleDES instead of AES.

All the key wrap primitives use an underlying permutation (called W by NIST), with a structure shown in the diagram below. The primitive consists of 6 rounds, where in each round consecutive an IV and consecutive semiblocks are mixed together using AES (rsp. TripleDES) as block cipher. The design goal appears to be that this permutation is strong pseudorandom. The authors of RFC 3394 speak of an "ideal pseudorandom permutation" without a precise definition.

Image of the pseudorandom function W{style="display:block;margin:auto"}


There are some minor differences between NIST SP 800 38f and the RFCs. NIST does not define a KWP when the wrapped key is 64-bits long. RFC 3394 specifies in Section 2, that the input for the key wrap algorithm must be at least two blocks and otherwise the constant field and key are simply encrypted with ECB as a single block. Other references are more clear about this. E.g. (Though the latest version simply refers to RFC 3394).

Padding oracles (KWP)

Keys wrapped with KWP are padded before the wrapping. The padding of a key K has the following format

IV || length || Key || pad,

where IV is the 4 byte constant 0xA65959A6, length is the length of the key K as a 4 byte bigendian byte array, pad are 0 bytes so that the length of the padded byte array is a multiple of 8 bytes long. Unwrapping requires that the padding is checked and used as an integrity check. The probability that a random string has the padding above is about $$1.004\cdot 2^{-64}$$. Hence checking the padding gives about 64 bit of security against an attacker that tries to pass random inputs as wrapped keys.

An implementation is expected to check all the parts of the padding. If it throws exceptions depending on which part of the padding is unexpected then these exception leak partial information about the plaintext in form of a padding oracle. Many cryptographic primitives are susceptible to attacks if padding oracles are present. So one question is whether this is the case here too.

An analysis of cryptographic primitives based on strong pseudorandom permutations is [BelRog00]. Theorem 2 implies that checking redundancy in the plaintext gives an integrity check is correct, i.e. any constant part in the plaintext is useful as integrity check.

Another property of strong pseudorandom permutations is that the decryption D(c') of a modified ciphertext c' does not reveal anything useful about D(c). So instead of wondering whether some padding information or side channel is useful for an attacker one can look at the situation where the attacker receives all of D(c') for any modified c'. Strong pseudorandomness implies that this does not help to find D(c). A padding oracle leaks of course less information than the full plaintext D(c'). Hence if the full plaintext is not useful for an attack then a padding oracle is not helpful either.

So basing a key wrap primitive on a potential strong pseudorandom permutation is a robust approach. Its properties would rule out padding attacks. However, KWP is breaking the strong pseudorandom property. While it uses KW for most of the wrappings and unwrappings, it uses a single AES encryption and decryption for plaintexts of size 8 or smaller. If one tries the same argumentation as above, i.e. allow an attacker to just access D(c') for all modified ciphertexts c' then there is an attack, since the attacker can simply call the decryption oracle multiple times with 16 byte ciphertexts.

In practice an attacker should only learn partial information about the decrypted ciphertext and hence the attack above is theoretical. But it is still quite puzzling why an RFC would abandon a nice property to encrypt key of sizes (64-bit or less) that shouldn't be used in the first place.

NIST SP 800 38f allows to restrict the input sizes to key sizes actually used. Today nobody should use 8 byte keys for anything. Hence, it would make sense if any implementation of KWP would disallow keys of size 8 or smaller and hence wrappings of size 16 byte.


Forgery attack

NIST SP 800 38f describes a forgery attack by Ferguson. The attack uses a known wrapping of a message that is n semiblocks long. Ferguson observed that there it is possible that modifying the last block of the ciphertext does not propagate to first block of the decryption. In particular, if there exists blocks $$1\leq i_1\leq i_2\leq i_3\leq i_4\leq i_5\leq i_6\leq n,$$ such that the decryption of block $$i_r$$ in round $$r$$ does not change the outcome of the first half of the plaintext then decryption does not change the IV and hence the modified ciphertext is accepted as a valid key wrapping. The probability of this happening is approximately

$$1/720 (n / 2^h)^6,$$

where $$n$$ is the number of semiblocks of the message and $$h$$ is the number of bits of a semiblock (i.e. $$h=64$$ for AES). This probability becomes significant if $$n$$ is large.

Distinguishing attack

The forgery attack by Ferguson can also be used for a distinguishing attack. The basic goal of the distinguishing attack is to show that the underlying construction can be distinguished from a random permutation. The attack is a chosen plaintext attack. The attacker choses small integers $$k,p$$ and a large number $$n$$. The chosen plaintexts are chosen as

k constant semiblocks || p random semiblocks || n constant semiblocks

The observation as above is that it is possible that for two inputs the difference in the $$k$$ random semiblocks do not change the entire ciphertext. In particular, if there exists blocks $$k+p\leq i_1\leq i_2\leq i_3\leq i_4\leq i_5\leq n + k + p,$$ such that the encryption of block $$i_r$$ in round $$r$$ does not change the second half to the result then the semiblocks $$2\ldots k+1$$ of the ciphertexts of the two inputs will be the same. This time collisions only need to happen in 5 rounds, and the probability of this occurring is larger, i.e. approximately

$$1/120 (n / 2^h)^5.$$

Additionally this is now a collision attack. If t messages of the form above are wrapped then the probability of 2 of them having the same semiblocks $$2\ldots k+1$$ is about

$$1/240 (n / 2^h)^5 t^2.$$

This probability is significant if $$n$$ is large, especially if n is close to $$2^h$$. TKW is the weakest proposal here, because of the small block size of TripleDES. For the maximal allowed input size of $$2^{28}$$ semiblocks an attacker would need about $$2^{14}$$ chosen message for a distinguishing attack. KW and KWP use AES. Because of the larger block size of 128 bits we have $$h=64$$ here. Hence a similar attack requires a lot more chosen plaintexts or much longer plaintexts. E.g. for $$n\leq 2^{32}$$ an attack would require more than $$2^{80}$$ chosen plaintexts, and hence is not feasible.

For comparison, most encryption primitives based on AES suffer from a birthday attack after significantly less encryptions and in many cases the effect of such an attack is much more devastating. E.g. AES-GCM with random 96-bit IVs likely leaks the authentication key after $$2^{48}$$ encryptions. Extending the attack A distinguishing attack as the one described above is not a huge threat. By itself it does not leak a lot of information. So an open question is whether the distinguishing attack can be extended to a more serious attack. An attacker learns from a collision obtained from a distinguishing attack two partial inputs that produce a collision in the first round. Can this be used somehow?


Wycheproof has test vectors for KW and KWP (TripleDES variants are ignored). The main focus is on correct wrapping and unwrapping. I.e. the tests assume that the padding of KWP is fully checked: invalid lengths, incorrect IVs or non-zero padding are all rejected. implementations of KW do not wrap messages of size 0, 8 or any length not a multiple of 8. For longer inputs the internal counter can overflow. Implementations are expected to implement this correctly or reject longer inputs. Currently the tests do not fail when a padding oracle is present, since such oracles are likely harmless.