- correct Windows path
- Python version required is now 3.7, instead of 3.8
- feat(unencrypted): initial support for unencrypted iOS backups
- Merge pull request #21 from ahsueh1996/master
- fix(getFolderDecryptedCopy): unserializeNSKeyedArchiver for manifest file
- Merge pull request #18 from doronz88/master
- Merge pull request #16 from ickc/encoding
- bugfix: setBackupRoot will use "hinted" path only explicitly
- add .gitignore
- explicit encoding
- version bump
- typos in build system
- isOlderThaniOS10dot2() converted to a class static method
- plist handling with NSKeyedUnArchiver
- more items in the list of interesting files on README.md
- updated changelog
- improved exception message when password of decryption key is wrong
- Merge pull request #13 from Unbrick/master
- Merge pull request #10 from hcleves/ios-older-than-10.2
- Merge pull request #7 from lps-rocks/patch-1
- Updated mmap to run on Windows machines
- Add files via upload
- Fix uncaught exception
- crypto donation addresses
- included close() method to clean open databases
- started to use the logging module
- improved getFileDecryptedCopy() to handle huge files
- getFileDecryptedCopy() now can handle huge files
- more code adaptation to acomodate improved getFileDecryptedCopy()
- taking care of other 2 catalog files: Info.plist and Status.plist
- improvements to examples as docs
- New method getRelativePathDecryptedData
- doc section about basic device and backup info
- script to generate changelog from git-log
- getFileDecryptedCopy() now sets file modification time corretcly to what is on device, localtime
- getFolderDecryptedCopy() sets files modification time as localtime, not UTC anymore
- getFileDecryptedData() includes entire manifest struct
- info about iTunes default backup folders
- assured to run with iOS 14 and updated README
- added example for entire app files retrieval
- adapted getFolderDecryptedCopy to extract entire apps files
- better explanations about derived key instead of clear text password
- removed pycrypto references from documentation
- migrated from pycrypto to pycryptodome
- how to use on a Linux host
- nicer docs
- Fix decryption padding from #1
- Make fastpbkdf2 dependency optional and dynamic; fallback to hashlib otherwise
- added various datetime conversion and manipulation functions
- added more interesting files to documentation