ππ First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! ππ
Before you report a bug, please check the troubleshooting guide first.
When creating the bug report, please follow the bug template and provide the details requested.
You're welcome to contribute new features by creating a pull requests or feature request in the issues section. Besides new features, translations are highly welcome.
For pull requests, please follow these guidelines:
- Do not use any PHP language features above the minimum supported version (see
) - Symfony code style (use
to configure PHP Code Sniffer checks in your IDE) - PHP 7.1 type hints for everything (including: return types,
, nullable types) declare(strict_types=1)
must be used- Methods/variables/constants must declare visibility
- Please add/update test cases
- Test methods should be named
Before you create a pull request, please make sure your changes fulfill the quality criteria. CI is also checking these, but running them locally gives you the chance to catch any errors before you push changes.
First, install the dependencies by running composer install
in the project root.
- Run PHP-CS-Fixer (not provided with the library) with
php-cs-fixer fix
- Run PHP CodeSniffer with
vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=php_cs.xml app/src src tests
- Run Psalm with
and address any error-level issues
- Run the unit tests with
The library comes with its own little test application to play around with 2fa and to run integration tests. For more
information, have a look at the Readme file in the app
folder. In short, to run the integration
- Change the working directory to the
In the app
- Install the test application dependencies with
composer install
- Run the integration tests with