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Autocomplete Providers

A. PerCova edited this page Apr 19, 2018 · 83 revisions

Built-In Providers

Grammar Selector Provider Status
All * SymbolProvider Default Provider
All * FuzzyProvider Deprecated

Providers For Built-In Grammars

Grammar Selector Provider API Status
Null Grammar .text.plain.null-grammar    
CoffeeScript (Literate) .source.litcoffee
JSON .source.json
Shell Session
Shell Script
Hyperlink .text.hyperlink
TODO .text.todo
C .source.c autocomplete-clang
C++ .source.cpp autocomplete-clang 2.0.0
Clojure .source.clojure proto-repl
CSS .source.css autocomplete-css 2.0.0
GitHub Markdown .source.gfm autocomplete-bibtex 1.1.0
Git Config .source.git-config
Git Commit Message .text.git-commit
Git Rebase Message .text.git-rebase
HTML (Go) .text.html.gohtml
Go .source.go go-plus, autocomplete-go 2.0.0
Go Template .source.gotemplate
HTML .text.html.basic autocomplete-html 2.0.0
JavaScript .source.js atom-ternjs 2.0.0
Java Properties
Regular Expressions (JavaScript) .source.js.regexp
JavaServer Pages .text.html.jsp autocomplete-jsp 2.0.0
Java autocomplete-java-minus 2.0.0
JUnit Test Report .text.junit-test-report
Makefile .source.makefile
LESS .source.css.less
SQL (Mustache) .source.sql.mustache
HTML (Mustache) .text.html.mustache
Objective-C++ .source.objcpp autocomplete-clang
Strings File .source.strings
Objective-C .source.objc autocomplete-clang
Property List (XML) .text.xml.plist
Property List (Old-Style) .source.plist
Perl .source.perl
PHP .text.html.php
PHP .source.php php-integrator-autocomplete-plus, atom-autocomplete-php, autocomplete-php 2.0.0
Python Console .text.python.console
Python Traceback .text.python.traceback
Regular Expressions (Python) .source.regexp.python
Python .source.python autocomplete-python, autocomplete-python-jedi
Ruby on Rails (RJS) .source.ruby.rails.rjs
Ruby .source.ruby
HTML (Ruby - ERB) .text.html.erb
HTML (Rails) .text.html.ruby
SQL (Rails) .source.sql.ruby
JavaScript (Rails) .source.js.rails .source.js.jquery
Ruby on Rails .source.ruby.rails
Sass .source.sass
Plain Text .text.plain
SCSS .source.css.scss
SQL .source.sql autocomplete-sql 2.0.0
TOML .source.toml
XSL .text.xml.xsl
XML .text.xml autocomplete-xml 2.0.0
YAML .source.yaml

Providers For Third-Party Grammars

Grammar Selector Provider API Status
Apex .source.apex mavensmate-atom 1.0.0
AsciiDoc .source.asciidoc autocomplete-asciidoc 2.0.0
C# .source.cs omnisharp-atom 2.0.0
ComputerCraft .source.computercraft autocomplete-computercraft 1.0.0
Curry .source.curry autocomplete-curry 3.0.0
Dart .source.dart dart-tools
Dart .source.dart dartlang
Elixir .source.elixir autocomplete-elixir 2.0.0
Erlang .source.erlang autocomplete-erlang 2.0.0
GLSL .source.glsl autocomplete-glsl 2.0.0
HackLang .source.hack autocomplete-hack 2.0.0
Haskell .source.haskell autocomplete-haskell 1.0.0
Haskell .source.haskell ide-haskell 1.0.0
Haxe .source.haxe autocomplete-haxe 1.1.0
LaTeX .text.tex.latex autocomplete-latex-cite, autocomplete-latex-references, autocomplete-glossaries 2.0.0
Marko .text.marko autocomplete-marko 2.0.0
Nunjucks .source.nunjucks, .text.html.nunjucks autocomplete-nunjucks 2.0.0
Pig .source.pig pig 2.0.0
Q/K .source.q autocomplete-kdb-q 2.0.0
Rust .source.rust racer 2.0.0
TypeScript .source.ts atom-typescript 8.11.0
Visualforce .visualforce mavensmate-atom 1.1.0
WordPress Coding Standard Whitelist Flags .php .comment autocomplete-wpcs-flags 2.0.0

Providers Not Tied To A Specific Grammar

Selector Provider Status
* autocomplete-emojis 1.0.0
* autocomplete-snippets 2.0.0
* autocomplete-paths 1.0.0
* atom-path-intellisense 1.0.3
* atom-ctags 2.0.0
.source.js, .source.jsx ide-flow 1.1.0
.source.js, .source.jsx, autocomplete-underdash 2.0.0
.source.css, .source.css.less, .source.sass, .source.css.scss, .source.stylus project-palette-finder 1.1.0
* you-complete-me 2.0.0
English word autocompetion with the hint of explanation. autocomplete-en-en 2.0.0


Providers Requested By The Community

If you'd like to contribute and are interested in learning how to write an autocomplete-plus Provider, start here:

Packages That Claim Autocomplete, But Are Not API 1.0.0 Compatible

Deprecated Providers

If you are using one of these providers, please uninstall the package as it is no longer maintained.

Other Forks Of Autocomplete

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