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WebSphere Liberty To WebSphere eXtreme Scale Setup
set JAVA_HOME=C:\work\java\ibm-java-sdk-60-win-i386
WebSphere Liberty
Download link: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/wasdev/entry/download
Click on the "Download V8.5.5" image under "WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile"
Click on the "Download" image, review and agree to the license, click the "Download Now" link and save the resulting "wlp-developers-runtime-" file.
Download link: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/wasdev/entry/download
Click on the "Download V8.6" image under "WebSphere eXtreme Scale for Developers Liberty Profile"
Click on the "I confirm" button, review and agree to the license, click the "Download Now" link and save the resulting "wxs-wlp_8.6.0.2.jar" file.
Install the WebSphere Liberty Profile Developers Runtime file into a directory of your choice
java -jar wlp-developers-runtime-
At the end of the install it will ask for the directory and choose something like C:\work\java and it will create a directory call C:\work\java\wlp
Install the "WebSphere eXtreme Scale for Developers Liberty Profile" file into the same directory as the developers runtime
java -jar wxs-wlp_8.6.0.2.jar
- For the rest of these instructions we will assume this to be the WLP_SERVERDIR
set WLP_SERVERDIR=C:\work\java\wlp
WebSphere eXtreme Scale
- Download link: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/downloads/ws/wsdg
- Download the trial zip in a file called "extremescaletrial860.zip"
- Unzip this zip into a directory
- For the rest of these instructions we will assume this to be the WXS_SERVERDIR
cd \work\java
unzip extremescaletrial860.zip
cd \work\java\ObjectGrid
set WXS_SERVERDIR=C:\work\java\ObjectGrid
- Git for access to the source code (http://msysgit.github.io/ for windows)
- Maven for building the project (http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi)
- Ensure git.exe and mvn.bat are in your path
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=objectgrid.jar -DgroupId=com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid -DartifactId=objectgrid -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar
- Go into a directory that you want to have the code in and use git to clone it
cd \work\eclipse
git clone https://github.com/acmeair/acmeair.git
- For the rest of these instructions we will assume this to be the ACMEAIR_SRCDIR
set ACMEAIR_SRCDIR=\work\eclipse\acmeair
mvn clean compile package install
- To create a new configuration we will create a copy of the "gettingstarted" configuration and customize it to a configuration and directory called "acmeair"
xcopy gettingstarted\*.* acmeair\. /s/e/i/v/q
- Under %WXS_SERVERDIR%\acmeair, customize the env.bat to include pointers to the classes you have built
- You will find a line with SAMPLE_SERVER_CLASSPATH, modify it as below (ensure these directories and jars exist based on your environment variables)
SET SAMPLE_SERVER_CLASSPATH=%SAMPLE_HOME%\server\bin;%SAMPLE_COMMON_CLASSPATH%;%ACMEAIR_SRCDIR%\acmeair-common\target\classes;%ACMEAIR_SRCDIR%\acmeair-services-wxs\target\classes;%HOMEPATH%\.m2\repository\commons-logging\commons-logging\1.1.1\commons-logging-1.1.1.jar
- Next we copy the Acme Air specific eXtreme Scale configuration files from our source directory
cd %WXS_SERVERDIR%\acmeair
copy /y %ACMEAIR_SRCDIR%\acmeair-services-wxs\src\main\resources\deployment.xml server\config\.
copy /y %ACMEAIR_SRCDIR%\acmeair-services-wxs\src\main\resources\objectgrid.xml server\config\.
- In one window start the catalog server
cd %WXS_SERVERDIR%\acmeair
- In another window start a single container server
- Ensure that you have set JAVA_HOME and have Java in the path as before
cd %WXS_SERVERDIR%\acmeair
.\runcontainer.bat c0
- In another window, we do this by running a Acme Air loader program
- Ensure you have JAVA_HOME, Java and Maven in your path as before
cd %ACMEAIR_SRCDIR%\acmeair-loader
mvn exec:java
- You should see output that indicates flights and customers (200) were loaded
bin\server create server1
- Edit %WLP_SERVERDIR%\usr\servers\server1\server.xml to change the featureManager section to:
- Copy the web application you previously built
copy %ACMEAIR_SRCDIR%\acmeair-webapp\target\acmeair-webapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war %WLP_SERVERDIR%\usr\servers\server1\dropins\.
- Start the WebSphere Liberty server
bin\server start server1
- Load the following url:
- Login (use the provided credentials), search for flights (suggest today between Paris and New York), book the flights, use the checkin link to cancel the bookings one at a time, view your account profile
- Tell eclipse to import existing projects into the workspace looking in %ACMEAIR_SRCDIR%