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WebSphere Liberty To WebSphere eXtreme Scale Setup
aspyker edited this page May 29, 2013
34 revisions
set JAVA_HOME=C:\work\java\ibm-java-sdk-60-win-i386
WebSphere Liberty
- Download link:
- Click on the "Download Release" image under "WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Liberty Profile"
- Click on the "Download" image, review and agree to the license, click the "Download Now" link and save the resulting "wlp-developers-" file.
- Install the file into a directory of your choice
java -jar wlp-developers-
- At the end of the install it will ask for the directory and choose something like C:\work\java and it will create a directory call C:\work\java\wlp
- For the rest of these instructions we will assume this to be the WLP_SERVERDIR
set WLP_SERVERDIR=C:\work\java\wlp
WebSphere eXtreme Scale
- Download link:
- Download the trial zip in a file called ""
- Unzip this zip into a directory
- For the rest of these instructions we will assume this to be the WXS_SERVERDIR
cd \work\java
cd \work\java\ObjectGrid
set WXS_SERVERDIR=C:\work\java\ObjectGrid
- Git for access to the source code ( for windows)
- Maven for building the project (
- Ensure git.exe and mvn.bat are in your path
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=objectgrid.jar -DartifactId=objectgrid -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar
- Go into a directory that you want to have the code in and use git to clone it
cd \work\eclipse
git clone
- For the rest of these instructions we will assume this to be the ACMEAIR_SRCDIR
set ACMEAIR_SRCDIR=\work\eclipse\acmeair
mvn clean compile package install
- To create a new configuration we will create a copy of the "gettingstarted" configuration and customize it to a configuration and directory called "acmeair"
xcopy gettingstarted\*.* acmeair\. /s/e/i/v/q
- Under %WXS_SERVERDIR%\acmeair, customize the env.bat to include pointers to the classes you have built
- You will find a line with SAMPLE_SERVER_CLASSPATH, modify it as below (ensure these directories and jars exist based on your environment variables)
SET SAMPLE_SERVER_CLASSPATH=%SAMPLE_HOME%\server\bin;%SAMPLE_COMMON_CLASSPATH%;%ACMEAIR_SRCDIR%\acmeair-common\target\classes;%ACMEAIR_SRCDIR%\acmeair-services-wxs\target\classes;%HOMEPATH%\.m2\repository\commons-logging\commons-logging\1.1.1\commons-logging-1.1.1.jar
- Next we copy the Acme Air specific eXtreme Scale configuration files from our source directory
cd %WXS_SERVERDIR%\acmeair
copy /y %ACMEAIR_SRCDIR%\acmeair-services-wxs\src\main\resources\deployment.xml server\config\.
copy /y %ACMEAIR_SRCDIR%\acmeair-services-wxs\src\main\resources\objectgrid.xml server\config\.
- In one window start the catalog server
cd %WXS_SERVERDIR%\acmeair
- In another window start a single container server
- Ensure that you have set JAVA_HOME and have Java in the path as before
cd %WXS_SERVERDIR%\acmeair
.\runcontainer.bat c0
- In another window, we do this by running a Acme Air loader program
- Ensure you have JAVA_HOME, Java and Maven in your path as before
cd %ACMEAIR_SRCDIR%\acmeair-loader
mvn exec:java
- You should see output that indicates flights and customers (200) were loaded
bin\server create server1
- Edit %WLP_SERVERDIR%\usr\servers\server1\server.xml to add the following as the first child of the server xml file:
- Copy the web application you previously built
copy ACMEAIR_SRCDIR%\acmeair-webapp\target\acmeair-webapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war %WLP_SERVERDIR%usr\servers\server1\dropins\.
- Start the WebSphere Liberty server
bin\server start server1
- Load the following url:
- Login (use the provided credentials), search for flights (suggest today between Paris and New York), book the flights, use the checkin link to cancel the bookings one at a time, view your account profile
- Tell eclipse to import existing projects into the workspace looking in %ACMEAIR_SRCDIR%