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This page describes permissions for NoCheatPlus 3.10.2 and above,
NoCheatPlus 3.10.2-RC-sMD5NET-b620 adds new permissions for commands and new short-cut permissions, updates following soon.
For older versions see the permissions page for 3.10.1 and below.

NoCheatPlus supports "SuperPerms", CraftBukkit's official permission framework. You'll need to use a permissions plugin that supports "SuperPerms" to manage all the permissions of NoCheatPlus. Here are some examples:

  • PermissionsEx
  • bPermissions
  • Essentials GroupManager
  • Privileges
  • zPermissions

By default NoCheatPlus assigns all permissions and gives full rights to players that have been /op-ed on your server. If you don't want to give OPs full access to all NoCheatPlus features then take a look in the configuration of your permissions plugin (Example with PermissionsEx: allowOps: false).


nocheatplus.notifyThe player will receive notifications through the in-game chat of players failing NoCheatPlus checks. .

If you want moderators to be able to toggle notifications, just give the permission nocheatplus.command.notify, which will also give this one then. Mind the ".silent" permission for individual checks permissions (explained on the bottom of this page).


nocheatplus.adminShortcut permission for all administrative commands including ban (do not give lightly). See nocheatplus.shortcut permissions for faster setup for moderators.


nocheatplus.admin.debugOwners of this node will receive debug messages of checks if NoCheatPlus debugging is turned on.

Command permissions

nocheatplus.command.notifyAllow toggling notifications and also to receive them (nocheatplus.notify is included here).
nocheatplus.command.infoThe player gets access to "/ncp info", which displays all violations that a player has gotten (if any).
nocheatplus.command.lagGives access to "/ncp lag" which shows informations about your server latency (NoCheatPlus uses this informations to adapt some checks for serversided latency).
nocheatplus.command.reloadThe player gets access to "/ncp reload", which causes NoCheatPlus to reread its configuration files (This doesn't clear NoCheatPlus data or exemptions!).
nocheatplus.command.pluginsAllows the player to execute the "/plugins" or "/pl" command from CraftBukkit (protectplugins has be set to true in the configuration file).
nocheatplus.command.versionOwners of this node can execute the "/version" or "/ver" command from CraftBukkit (protectplugins has be set to true in the configuration file).
nocheatplus.command.exemptionsGives access to execute "/ncp exemptions" which list all exemptions for an specified player (Those exemptions will get reset after every reload/restart! For permanent exemptions use the check permissions!).
nocheatplus.command.exemptGives access to the "/ncp exempt" command which allows to temporary exempt players for either all (ALL) or specified checks only.
nocheatplus.command.unexemptAllows to unexempt players from checks by using the "/ncp unexempt" command.
nocheatplus.command.removeplayerGives access to execute "/ncp removeplayer", which causes NoCheatPlus to wipe/clear specified or all collected data from a player including violations and temporary stored check data (This wont wipe exemptions!).
nocheatplus.command.commandsAllows the player to use the "/ncp" command which lists all NoCheatPlus commands.
nocheatplus.command.banGives permissions to use "/ncp ban" which bans a player on your server.
nocheatplus.command.kickGives access to "/ncp kick" which kicks a player from your server.
nocheatplus.command.tellGives access to "/ncp tell" which allows whispering something to a specified player.
nocheatplus.command.delayGives permissions to use the "/ncp delay" command which has the ability to run a specified command with delayed time execution time.
nocheatplus.command.tempkickAllows the player to tempkick/tempban someone from the server using "/ncp tempkick".
nocheatplus.command.kicklistGives access to the "/ncp kicklist" command which lists all players that got "tempkicked/tempbanned" from NoCheatplus by either using actions or "/ncp tempkick".
nocheatplus.command.unkickGives access to remove a tempkick/tempban from a player using "/ncp unkick".

Filter permissions (plugin hiding)

nocheatplus.filter.command.(commandname)Allows to use a command protected by command protection, only for the case the command did not have a permission set. Note that (commandname) is just the lower-case command label. In case of incompatibilities of your permission plugin you might have to add nocheatplus.filter.command.nocheatplus to players that are to use /ncp ... commands.


Specific bypass permissions.

nocheatplus.bypass.denyloginAllows to bypass the login denial, such as exists with the /ncp tempkick command.


Check permissions, directly related to players actions and associated checks.

nocheatplus.checksParent permission for all checks. TODO: Overview for "full" exemption by permissions (might need few additional permissions?).


nocheatplus.checks.blockbreakParent permission for the blockbreak checks.
nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.directionDon't force the player to look at the blocks that he/she wants to break.
nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.fastbreakAllows the player to break blocks very quickly.
nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.frequencyAllows the player to break 2 or more blocks at the same time.
nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.noswingDon't force players to swing their arm when breaking blocks.
nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.reachAllows breaking of blocks that are out of reach distance.
nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.wrongblockDon't force the player to interact with the block first before he/she is allowed break it (interacting=touching).
nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.break.liquidAllows the player to break liquids such as water or lava (source blocks) by using a hack in creative gamemode.


nocheatplus.checks.blockinteractParent permission for this check section.
nocheatplus.checks.blockinteract.directionDon't force the player to look at the blocks that he/she is trying to interact with (levers, doors and other).
nocheatplus.checks.blockinteract.reachAllows the player to interact with blocks that are further away than usual.
nocheatplus.checks.blockinteract.speedAllows the player to spam interaction on blocks such as levers, note blocks, doors and other.
nocheatplus.checks.blockinteract.visibleEveryone that owns this node is allowed to interact through walls to open a chest, furnace and other container without actually seeing them (also prevents from entering a minecart, bed or boat through walls).


nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.directionDon't force the player to look at the block that he/she is trying to place on.
nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.boatsanywhereAllows the player to place boats everywhere and not only in the water.
nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.fastplaceAllows the player to place blocks very quickly.
nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.noswingDon't force players to swing their arm when placing a block.
nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.reachAllows the player to place blocks that are too far away.
nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.speedAllows a player to throw projectiles very quickly (snowballs, splash potions and other).
nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.against.liquidsHaving this permission assigned allows to place block against liquids by using a special hack.
nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.against.airThis permission allows a player to place blocks against air.

Chat't filter color codes from messages that get sent by players to allow them using colors in their messages. However nearly every chat plugin will override this. the player to bypass the chat spam check for written text. players to bypass the command frequency check that protects against command spam. of this permission wont be forced to type in a captcha if they fail one of the chat checks (this feature is disabled by default). player that has this permission is allowed to completely bypass the re-log check of NoCheatPlus. the player to bypass the login check which prevents too many players loging in at the same time.


nocheatplus.checks.combinedParent permission for the combined check group.
nocheatplus.checks.combined.improbableAllows the player to bypass the Combined_Improbable check which fights against kill-auras ,speed hacks and some other combined hacks also. It also prevents the player from using 2 or more hacks at the same time.
nocheatplus.checks.combined.bedleaveAllows the player to send bed leave packets from anywhere (can be exploited to confuse some other checks of NoCheatPlus).
nocheatplus.checks.combined.munchhausenPlayers with this node might be able to use fishing roods for flying (Check is disabled by default in configuration).


nocheatplus.checks.fightFight check group.
nocheatplus.checks.fight.angleDon't prevent the player from attacking multiple entities at the time.
nocheatplus.checks.fight.criticalDon't prevent the player from doing fake critical hits when it's technically not possible to do so.
nocheatplus.checks.fight.directionDon't force the player to look at the targets while fighting them.
nocheatplus.checks.fight.godmodeDon't prevent the player from keeping the temporary invulnerability that he/she gets when taking damage.
nocheatplus.checks.fight.fasthealThe owner of this node is allowed to regenerate health faster then usually possible.
nocheatplus.checks.fight.knockbackDon't prevent the player from doing knockbacks when it's technically not possible to do so.
nocheatplus.checks.fight.noswingDon't force the player to move the arm while fighting against someone or something.
nocheatplus.checks.fight.reachAllows the player to hit players and mobs that are out of allowed distance.
nocheatplus.checks.fight.selfhitAllows the player to do self hits for flying by exploiting the knockback of those hits.
nocheatplus.checks.fight.speedDon't limit the amount of attacks that the player can do per second.


nocheatplus.checks.inventoryInventory check group.
nocheatplus.checks.inventory.dropDon't limit the amount of items that a player may drop within a short timeframe.
nocheatplus.checks.inventory.instantbowDon't prevent the player from shooting arrows instantly over the bow without taking the usual time to pull the string back.
nocheatplus.checks.inventory.instanteatDon't prevent players from eating their food instantly without taking the usual time to munch on it.
nocheatplus.checks.inventory.fastclickAllows the player to move items around the inventory instantly without using there mouse/keyboard to do so.
nocheatplus.checks.inventory.itemsAllows the player to use illegal enchantments on signed books (This got fixed now in Minecraft 1.4.3 and higher).


nocheatplus.checks.movingParent permission for the moving checks group.
nocheatplus.checks.moving.creativeflyAllows the player to fly faster in creative mode then usually possible.
nocheatplus.checks.moving.morepacketsAllow the player to make a lot more movements than normally possible. Doing more movements will result in faster movement speed and causes the server to spend a lot of additional time for processing these movements.
nocheatplus.checks.moving.morepacketsvehicleAllows players to make a lot more movements in vehicles (boats, minecrats, pigs, ...) than normally possible.
nocheatplus.checks.moving.nofallAllows the player to avoid fall damage by using cheats. Normally NoCheatPlus will keep track of a player's movement and rectify the fall-damage calculations of Minecraft so the player always gets the fall damage he/she is supposed to get.
nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalflyAllows the player to fly in survival mode. It also treats the player as if he has the ".nofall" permission too.
nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly.blockingAllows the player to block while moving at normal speed.
nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly.sneakingAllows the player to sneak while moving at normal speed.
nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly.sprintingAllows the player to sprint backwards.
nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly.speedingAllows the player to bypass the vanilla walk/run/sprint speed limits.
nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly.stepDon't check if the player is using the step hack to get faster over blocks then usually possible.


These permissions allow to control which feature/mod a player may use. There is no guarantee that players use the original client and obey the request to turn off/on features, though.


nocheatplus.mods.cjbAll CJB features.
nocheatplus.mods.cjb.flyDon't prevent the player from using CJB's fly mod on the server.
nocheatplus.mods.cjb.radarGives access to use CJB's radar mod on the server.
nocheatplus.mods.cjb.xrayDon't prevent the player from using CJB's xray mod on the server.


nocheatplus.mods.minecraftautomapAll features for MinecraftAutoMap.
nocheatplus.mods.minecraftautomap.oresDon't prevent the player from using the ore detector from Minecraft AutoMap's.
nocheatplus.mods.minecraftautomap.caveDon't prevent the player from using the cave mode feature of the Minecraft AutoMap's mod.
nocheatplus.mods.minecraftautomap.radarDon't prevent the player from using Minecraft AutoMap's inbuilt radar.


nocheatplus.mods.rei.caveDon't prevent the player from using Rei's Minimap's cave mode.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radarDon't prevent Rei's Minimap mod users from using all kind of available radar hacks.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.playerAllows the player to use the radar from Rei's Minimap to track down other players only.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.animalAllows the player to only use the animal radar from Rei's Minimap mod.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.mobGives access to use the mob radar feature from Rei's Minimap mod.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.slimeAllows the player to track down slimes only by using the radar feature of Rei's Minimap.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.squidPlayer is allowed to use the Rei's Minimap radar to track down squids only.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.otherAllows the player to use all the other features of the Rei's Minimap radar.


nocheatplus.mods.smartmovingAll SmartMoving features.
nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.climbingDon't prevent the player from using Smart Moving's climb feature.
nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.swimmingDon't prevent the player from using Smart Moving's swimming.
nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.crawlingDon't prevent the player from using Smart Moving's crawl.
nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.slidingDon't prevent the player from using Smart Moving's slide.
nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.jumpingDon't prevent the player from using Smart Moving's jump.
nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.flyingDon't prevent the player from using Smart Moving's fly.


nocheatplus.mods.zombeAll zombe features.
nocheatplus.mods.zombe.flyDon't prevent the player from using Zombe's fly mod.
nocheatplus.mods.zombe.noclipDon't prevent the player from using Zombe's noclip mod on the server.
nocheatplus.mods.zombe.cheatDon't prevent the player from using Zombe's cheat mods.

Parent Nodes

Most permissions have parent nodes, that in fact goes for all check types. Resulting in nocheatplus.admin, nocheatplus.checks.moving, nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly, nocheatplus.checks.fight, etc.

Things to know about Permissions

You can exclude a specific player from getting logged by appending ".silent" to the relevant permission node of the specific check. E.g.

  • nocheatplus.checks.moving.nofall.silent

will prevent NoCheatPlus from recording log messages for that player for the "nofall" check, while still executing all other actions as usual.

Shortcut permissions

nocheatplus.adminsee above (full admin perms except check bypassing).
nocheatplus.shortcut.infoinfo about players
nocheatplus.shortcut.monitorinfo about players and diagnostic info like version, lag,
nocheatplus.shortcut.safeadmin"Safe" admin perms, no banning or reloading but unkick, exemption, data removal

More to be added (shortcut.bypass - bypass about everything).