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Set bukkitapionly to true to force using API-only mode. This can be useful when using other server modifications than CraftBukkit, for the case that NoCheatPlus loads the wrong compatibility module.
All blocks can be referenced by the type id or the Bukkit Material name.
The ignorepassable list is outdated you should use flag-overriding instead (see below). Blocks can be ignored for passability checks, but this can lead to issues with flying checks not recognizing them as ground properly.
The allowinstantbreak list is a list of blocks for which you override the default breaking time settings. This is a last resort for blocks that just don't work. Unknown blocks are set to be instantly breakable by default, but not included here.
The overrideflags section allows to specify specific flags, using blocks as keys.
See Development Pinboard, linked below.
There might be more details available on the Development Pinboard page, such as hidden settings also for moving.
More detailed explanations might be found there until put here.