diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index e225b8e..d1ad6cd 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
Bevy Vaporwave
+ You may have to refresh to get the fill to work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
diff --git a/src/.DS_Store b/src/.DS_Store
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39652c8
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/.DS_Store differ
diff --git a/src/blender_scripts/.DS_Store b/src/blender_scripts/.DS_Store
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5008ddf
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/blender_scripts/.DS_Store differ
diff --git a/src/blender_scripts/assign_unique_indices.py b/src/blender_scripts/assign_unique_indices.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e9c9ab9..0000000
--- a/src/blender_scripts/assign_unique_indices.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-import bpy
-import bmesh
-def add_indices():
- selected_objects = bpy.context.selected_objects
- if not selected_objects:
- print("No objects selected. Please select at least one object.")
- return
- for primitive_idx, obj in enumerate(selected_objects):
- if obj.type != 'MESH':
- print(f"Skipping {obj.name}: Not a mesh object")
- continue
- # Assign primitive index to the object
- obj["gltf_primitive_index"] = primitive_idx
- # Create a BMesh from the object data
- bm = bmesh.new()
- bm.from_mesh(obj.data)
- # Ensure lookup table is up-to-date
- bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
- # Create a new custom attribute layer for vertex indices
- vert_index_layer = bm.verts.layers.int.new('_VERT_INDEX')
- # Iterate through all vertices and assign unique IDs
- for idx, v in enumerate(bm.verts):
- v[vert_index_layer] = idx
- # Update the mesh with BMesh data
- bm.to_mesh(obj.data)
- obj.data.update()
- # Free the BMesh
- bm.free()
- print(f"Object: {obj.name}")
- print(f" Assigned primitive index: {primitive_idx}")
- print(f" Added '_VERT_INDEX' attribute to {len(obj.data.vertices)} vertices")
-# Run the function
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/blender_scripts/bevy_vaporwabe_blender.py b/src/blender_scripts/bevy_vaporwabe_blender.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 895da04..0000000
--- a/src/blender_scripts/bevy_vaporwabe_blender.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-import bpy
-import bmesh
-import json
-from bpy.types import Panel, Operator
-def get_selected_edges(obj):
- if obj.type != 'MESH':
- return []
- was_in_edit_mode = (obj.mode == 'EDIT')
- if was_in_edit_mode:
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- bm = bmesh.new()
- bm.from_mesh(obj.data)
- selection = [edge for edge in bm.edges if edge.select]
- result = selection.copy()
- bm.free()
- if was_in_edit_mode:
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
- return result
-def add_to_visible_edges(obj):
- if obj.type != 'MESH':
- return
- was_in_edit_mode = (obj.mode == 'EDIT')
- if was_in_edit_mode:
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- # Create BMesh from the object
- bm = bmesh.new()
- bm.from_mesh(obj.data)
- # Get or create the '_VISIBLE_EDGE' layer
- visible_layer = bm.edges.layers.int.get('_VISIBLE_EDGE')
- if visible_layer is None:
- visible_layer = bm.edges.layers.int.new('_VISIBLE_EDGE')
- selected_edges = [edge for edge in bm.edges if edge.select]
- for edge in selected_edges:
- edge[visible_layer] = 1
- edge.smooth = False # Mark edge as sharp
- # Update the mesh
- bm.to_mesh(obj.data)
- bm.free()
- if was_in_edit_mode:
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
-def remove_from_visible_edges(obj):
- if obj.type != 'MESH':
- return
- was_in_edit_mode = (obj.mode == 'EDIT')
- if was_in_edit_mode:
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- # Create BMesh from the object
- bm = bmesh.new()
- bm.from_mesh(obj.data)
- # Get or create the '_VISIBLE_EDGE' layer
- visible_layer = bm.edges.layers.int.get('_VISIBLE_EDGE')
- if visible_layer is None:
- visible_layer = bm.edges.layers.int.new('_VISIBLE_EDGE')
- selected_edges = [edge for edge in bm.edges if edge.select]
- for edge in selected_edges:
- edge[visible_layer] = 0
- edge.smooth = True # Unmark edge as sharp
- # Update the mesh
- bm.to_mesh(obj.data)
- bm.free()
- if was_in_edit_mode:
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
-def clear_visible_edges(obj):
- if obj.type != 'MESH':
- return
- was_in_edit_mode = (obj.mode == 'EDIT')
- if was_in_edit_mode:
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- # Create BMesh from the object
- bm = bmesh.new()
- bm.from_mesh(obj.data)
- # Get the '_VISIBLE_EDGE' layer, if it exists
- visible_layer = bm.edges.layers.int.get('_VISIBLE_EDGE')
- if visible_layer is not None:
- for edge in bm.edges:
- edge[visible_layer] = 0 # Unmark as visible
- edge.smooth = True # Unmark edge as sharp
- # Optionally, remove the layer
- bm.edges.layers.int.remove(visible_layer)
- else:
- # Even if the layer doesn't exist, ensure edges are unsharp
- for edge in bm.edges:
- edge.smooth = True
- # Update the mesh
- bm.to_mesh(obj.data)
- bm.free()
- if was_in_edit_mode:
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
-def get_visible_edges_indices(obj):
- if obj.type != 'MESH':
- print(f"Skipping {obj.name}: Not a mesh object")
- return None
- primitive_index = obj.get("gltf_primitive_index", -1)
- bm = bmesh.new()
- bm.from_mesh(obj.data)
- bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
- bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
- vert_index_layer = bm.verts.layers.int.get('_VERT_INDEX')
- visible_edge_layer = bm.edges.layers.int.get('_VISIBLE_EDGE')
- if vert_index_layer is None:
- print(f"Custom vertex index layer not found for {obj.name}")
- bm.free()
- return None
- if visible_edge_layer is None:
- print(f"Visible edge layer not found for {obj.name}")
- bm.free()
- return None
- visible_edges = [e for e in bm.edges if e[visible_edge_layer] == 1]
- line_list = []
- for edge in visible_edges:
- v1, v2 = edge.verts
- line_list.append([v1[vert_index_layer], v2[vert_index_layer]])
- bm.free()
- return primitive_index, line_list
-def create_and_store_json_line_list():
- selected_objects = bpy.context.selected_objects
- if not selected_objects:
- print("No objects selected. Please select at least one object.")
- return
- all_visible_edges = {}
- for obj in selected_objects:
- result = get_visible_edges_indices(obj)
- if result is not None:
- primitive_index, line_list = result
- if line_list:
- all_visible_edges[str(primitive_index)] = line_list
- if all_visible_edges:
- json_string = json.dumps(all_visible_edges)
- bpy.context.scene["gltf_all_selected_edges"] = json_string
- print(f"Stored visible edges data for all objects in the scene")
- print(f"JSON data: {json_string}")
- else:
- print("No visible edges found in any object")
-# Operators
-class VIEW3D_OT_add_visible_edges(Operator):
- bl_idname = "view3d.add_visible_edges"
- bl_label = "Add Visible Edges"
- bl_description = "Mark selected edges as visible and sharp"
- def execute(self, context):
- for obj in context.selected_objects:
- add_to_visible_edges(obj)
- return {'FINISHED'}
-class VIEW3D_OT_remove_visible_edges(Operator):
- bl_idname = "view3d.remove_visible_edges"
- bl_label = "Remove Visible Edges"
- bl_description = "Mark selected edges as not visible and unsharp"
- def execute(self, context):
- for obj in context.selected_objects:
- remove_from_visible_edges(obj)
- return {'FINISHED'}
-class VIEW3D_OT_clear_visible_edges(Operator):
- bl_idname = "view3d.clear_visible_edges"
- bl_label = "Clear All Visible Edges"
- bl_description = "Unmark all edges as visible and unsharp in selected objects"
- def execute(self, context):
- for obj in context.selected_objects:
- clear_visible_edges(obj)
- return {'FINISHED'}
-class VIEW3D_OT_generate_edge_json(Operator):
- bl_idname = "view3d.generate_edge_json"
- bl_label = "Export Edge List"
- bl_description = "Generate JSON line list from visible edges"
- def execute(self, context):
- create_and_store_json_line_list()
- return {'FINISHED'}
-# Panel
-class VIEW3D_PT_edge_visibility(Panel):
- bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
- bl_region_type = 'UI'
- bl_category = 'Edge Visibility'
- bl_label = "Edge Visibility"
- def draw(self, context):
- layout = self.layout
- box = layout.box()
- box.label(text="Edge Selection")
- row = box.row()
- row.operator("view3d.add_visible_edges", text="Add Visible Edges")
- row = box.row()
- row.operator("view3d.remove_visible_edges", text="Remove Visible Edges")
- row = box.row()
- row.operator("view3d.clear_visible_edges", text="Clear All Visible Edges")
- box = layout.box()
- box.label(text="Export")
- row = box.row()
- row.operator("view3d.generate_edge_json", text="Export Edge List")
-# Registration
-classes = (
- VIEW3D_OT_add_visible_edges,
- VIEW3D_OT_remove_visible_edges,
- VIEW3D_OT_clear_visible_edges,
- VIEW3D_OT_generate_edge_json,
- VIEW3D_PT_edge_visibility
-def register():
- for cls in classes:
- bpy.utils.register_class(cls)
-def unregister():
- for cls in classes:
- bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- register()
diff --git a/src/blender_scripts/new.py b/src/blender_scripts/bevy_vaporwave_blender_scripts.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/blender_scripts/new.py
rename to src/blender_scripts/bevy_vaporwave_blender_scripts.py
diff --git a/src/blender_scripts/old/create_json_line_list.py b/src/blender_scripts/old/create_json_line_list.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 32d1737..0000000
--- a/src/blender_scripts/old/create_json_line_list.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-import bpy
-import bmesh
-import json
-def get_selected_edges_indices(obj):
- if obj.type != 'MESH':
- print(f"Skipping {obj.name}: Not a mesh object")
- return None
- primitive_index = obj.get("gltf_primitive_index", -1)
- bm = bmesh.new()
- bm.from_mesh(obj.data)
- bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
- bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
- vert_index_layer = bm.verts.layers.int.get('_VERT_INDEX')
- if vert_index_layer is None:
- print(f"Custom vertex index layer not found for {obj.name}. Please run the index assignment script first.")
- bm.free()
- return None
- selected_edges = [e for e in bm.edges if e.select]
- line_list = []
- for edge in selected_edges:
- v1, v2 = edge.verts
- line_list.append([v1[vert_index_layer], v2[vert_index_layer]])
- bm.free()
- return primitive_index, line_list
-def create_and_store_json_line_list():
- selected_objects = bpy.context.selected_objects
- if not selected_objects:
- print("No objects selected. Please select at least one object.")
- return
- all_selected_edges = {}
- for obj in selected_objects:
- result = get_selected_edges_indices(obj)
- if result is not None:
- primitive_index, line_list = result
- if line_list: # Only add if there are selected edges
- all_selected_edges[str(primitive_index)] = line_list
- if all_selected_edges:
- json_string = json.dumps(all_selected_edges)
- # Store the JSON string as a custom property on the scene
- bpy.context.scene["gltf_all_selected_edges"] = json_string
- print(f"Stored selected edges data for all objects in the scene")
- else:
- print("No selected edges found in any object")
-# Run the function
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/blender_scripts/old/edge_selection.py b/src/blender_scripts/old/edge_selection.py
deleted file mode 100644
index eea1bc5..0000000
--- a/src/blender_scripts/old/edge_selection.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-# Add or subtract selected edges to / from an edge attribute called _VISIBLE_EDGES
-import bpy
-import bmesh
-from bpy.types import Panel, Operator
-def get_selected_edges(obj):
- if obj.type != 'MESH':
- return []
- was_in_edit_mode = (obj.mode == 'EDIT')
- if was_in_edit_mode:
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- bm = bmesh.new()
- bm.from_mesh(obj.data)
- selection = [edge for edge in bm.edges if edge.select]
- # Important: Return the selection before cleaning up
- result = selection.copy() # Make a copy of the selection
- bm.free()
- if was_in_edit_mode:
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
- return result
-def add_to_visible_edges(obj):
- if obj.type != 'MESH':
- return
- was_in_edit_mode = (obj.mode == 'EDIT')
- if was_in_edit_mode:
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- bm = bmesh.new()
- bm.from_mesh(obj.data)
- visible_layer = bm.edges.layers.int.get('_VISIBLE_EDGE')
- if visible_layer is None:
- visible_layer = bm.edges.layers.int.new('_VISIBLE_EDGE')
- selected_edges = [edge for edge in bm.edges if edge.select]
- for edge in selected_edges:
- edge[visible_layer] = 1
- bm.to_mesh(obj.data)
- bm.free()
- if was_in_edit_mode:
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
-def remove_from_visible_edges(obj):
- if obj.type != 'MESH':
- return
- was_in_edit_mode = (obj.mode == 'EDIT')
- if was_in_edit_mode:
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- bm = bmesh.new()
- bm.from_mesh(obj.data)
- visible_layer = bm.edges.layers.int.get('_VISIBLE_EDGE')
- if visible_layer is None:
- visible_layer = bm.edges.layers.int.new('_VISIBLE_EDGE')
- selected_edges = [edge for edge in bm.edges if edge.select]
- for edge in selected_edges:
- edge[visible_layer] = 0
- bm.to_mesh(obj.data)
- bm.free()
- if was_in_edit_mode:
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
-# Operators
-class VIEW3D_OT_add_visible_edges(Operator):
- bl_idname = "view3d.add_visible_edges"
- bl_label = "Add Visible Edges"
- bl_description = "Mark selected edges as visible"
- def execute(self, context):
- for obj in context.selected_objects:
- add_to_visible_edges(obj)
- return {'FINISHED'}
-class VIEW3D_OT_remove_visible_edges(Operator):
- bl_idname = "view3d.remove_visible_edges"
- bl_label = "Remove Visible Edges"
- bl_description = "Mark selected edges as not visible"
- def execute(self, context):
- for obj in context.selected_objects:
- remove_from_visible_edges(obj)
- return {'FINISHED'}
-# Panel
-class VIEW3D_PT_edge_visibility(Panel):
- bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
- bl_region_type = 'UI'
- bl_category = 'Edge Visibility'
- bl_label = "Edge Visibility"
- def draw(self, context):
- layout = self.layout
- row = layout.row()
- row.operator("view3d.add_visible_edges", text="Add Visible Edges")
- row = layout.row()
- row.operator("view3d.remove_visible_edges", text="Remove Visible Edges")
-# Registration
-classes = (
- VIEW3D_OT_add_visible_edges,
- VIEW3D_OT_remove_visible_edges,
- VIEW3D_PT_edge_visibility
-def register():
- for cls in classes:
- bpy.utils.register_class(cls)
-def unregister():
- for cls in classes:
- bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- register()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/blender_scripts/old/json_from_visible_edges_attribute.py b/src/blender_scripts/old/json_from_visible_edges_attribute.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 17b5c65..0000000
--- a/src/blender_scripts/old/json_from_visible_edges_attribute.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-## Generate json line list from "_VISIBLE_EDGES" edge attribute
-import bpy
-import bmesh
-import json
-def get_visible_edges_indices(obj):
- if obj.type != 'MESH':
- print(f"Skipping {obj.name}: Not a mesh object")
- return None
- primitive_index = obj.get("gltf_primitive_index", -1)
- # Create BMesh
- bm = bmesh.new()
- bm.from_mesh(obj.data)
- bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
- bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
- # Get the custom vertex indices and visible edges layers
- vert_index_layer = bm.verts.layers.int.get('_VERT_INDEX')
- visible_edge_layer = bm.edges.layers.int.get('_VISIBLE_EDGE')
- if vert_index_layer is None:
- print(f"Custom vertex index layer not found for {obj.name}")
- bm.free()
- return None
- if visible_edge_layer is None:
- print(f"Visible edge layer not found for {obj.name}")
- bm.free()
- return None
- # Get edges marked as visible
- visible_edges = [e for e in bm.edges if e[visible_edge_layer] == 1]
- # Create line list from visible edges
- line_list = []
- for edge in visible_edges:
- v1, v2 = edge.verts
- line_list.append([v1[vert_index_layer], v2[vert_index_layer]])
- bm.free()
- return primitive_index, line_list
-def create_and_store_json_line_list():
- selected_objects = bpy.context.selected_objects
- if not selected_objects:
- print("No objects selected. Please select at least one object.")
- return
- all_visible_edges = {}
- for obj in selected_objects:
- result = get_visible_edges_indices(obj)
- if result is not None:
- primitive_index, line_list = result
- if line_list: # Only add if there are visible edges
- all_visible_edges[str(primitive_index)] = line_list
- if all_visible_edges:
- json_string = json.dumps(all_visible_edges)
- # Store the JSON string as a custom property on the scene
- bpy.context.scene["gltf_all_selected_edges"] = json_string
- print(f"Stored visible edges data for all objects in the scene")
- print(f"JSON data: {json_string}")
- else:
- print("No visible edges found in any object")
-# Run the function
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/blender_scripts/old/renove_attributes.py b/src/blender_scripts/old/renove_attributes.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a8d55a..0000000
--- a/src/blender_scripts/old/renove_attributes.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-import bpy
-import bmesh
-def remove_vertex_attribute(attribute_name):
- selected_objects = bpy.context.selected_objects
- if not selected_objects:
- print("No objects selected. Please select at least one object.")
- return
- for obj in selected_objects:
- if obj.type != 'MESH':
- print(f"Skipping {obj.name}: Not a mesh object")
- continue
- # Create a BMesh from the object data
- bm = bmesh.new()
- bm.from_mesh(obj.data)
- # Ensure lookup table is up-to-date
- bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
- # Check if the attribute exists
- if attribute_name in bm.verts.layers.int:
- bm.verts.layers.int.remove(bm.verts.layers.int[attribute_name])
- print(f"Removed '{attribute_name}' attribute from {obj.name}")
- elif attribute_name in bm.verts.layers.float:
- bm.verts.layers.float.remove(bm.verts.layers.float[attribute_name])
- print(f"Removed '{attribute_name}' attribute from {obj.name}")
- elif attribute_name in bm.verts.layers.string:
- bm.verts.layers.string.remove(bm.verts.layers.string[attribute_name])
- print(f"Removed '{attribute_name}' attribute from {obj.name}")
- else:
- print(f"Attribute '{attribute_name}' not found in {obj.name}")
- # Update the mesh with BMesh data
- bm.to_mesh(obj.data)
- obj.data.update()
- # Free the BMesh
- bm.free()
-# Example usage:
-# Change '_VERT_INDEX' to the name of the attribute you want to remove
-attribute_to_remove = '_INDEX'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main_copy.rs b/src/main_copy.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index bb6cd21..0000000
--- a/src/main_copy.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,517 +0,0 @@
-use line_material::{
- generate_edge_line_list_data, generate_edge_line_list_indices, IndexLineList, IntEdge,
- LineMaterial,
-use mesh_ops::{random_color_mesh, smooth_normals};
-use std::time::Duration;
-use bevy::{
- animation::animate_targets, ecs::query, prelude::*, render::{
- mesh::VertexAttributeValues, render_asset::RenderAssetUsages,
- render_resource::VertexFormat, renderer::RenderDevice,
- }, scene::SceneInstanceReady, text::scale_value, utils::HashSet
-use fill_material::FillMaterial;
-use outline_material::OutlineMaterial;
-use bevy::prelude::*;
-use bevy::render::render_resource::{Buffer, BufferInitDescriptor, BufferUsages};
-mod camera_plugin;
-mod fill_material;
-mod line_material;
-mod mesh_ops;
-mod outline_material;
-const PATH: &str = "astro/scene.gltf";
-// const PATH: &str = "sphere_flat.gltf";
-fn main() {
- App::new()
- .insert_resource(AmbientLight {
- color: Color::WHITE,
- brightness: 2000.,
- })
- .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins)
- .add_plugins(camera_plugin::CamPlugin)
- .add_plugins(MaterialPlugin::::default())
- .add_plugins(MaterialPlugin::::default())
- .add_plugins(MaterialPlugin::::default())
- .add_systems(Startup, setup)
- // .add_systems(Update, play_animation_once_loaded.before(animate_targets))
- .add_systems(Update, process_scene)
- .add_systems(Update, mesh_added)
- .run();
-struct Animations {
- animations: Vec,
- #[allow(dead_code)]
- graph: Handle,
-fn setup(
- mut commands: Commands,
- asset_server: Res,
- mut graphs: ResMut>,
-) {
- // // Build the animation graph
- // let mut graph = AnimationGraph::new();
- // let animations = graph
- // .add_clips(
- // [
- // // GltfAssetLabel::Animation(2).from_asset(PATH),
- // // GltfAssetLabel::Animation(1).from_asset(PATH),
- // GltfAssetLabel::Animation(0).from_asset(PATH),
- // ]
- // .into_iter()
- // .map(|path| asset_server.load(path)),
- // 1.0,
- // graph.root,
- // )
- // .collect();
- // // Insert a resource with the current scene information
- // let graph = graphs.add(graph);
- // commands.insert_resource(Animations {
- // animations,
- // graph: graph.clone(),
- // });
- // Character
- commands.spawn(SceneBundle {
- scene: asset_server.load(GltfAssetLabel::Scene(0).from_asset(PATH)),
- transform: Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 0.3, 0.0),
- ..default()
- });
-// Once the scene is loaded, start the animation
-fn play_animation_once_loaded(
- mut commands: Commands,
- animations: Res,
- mut players: Query<(Entity, &mut AnimationPlayer), Added>,
-) {
- for (entity, mut player) in &mut players {
- println!("animation player added");
- let mut transitions = AnimationTransitions::new();
- // Make sure to start the animation via the `AnimationTransitions`
- // component. The `AnimationTransitions` component wants to manage all
- // the animations and will get confused if the animations are started
- // directly via the `AnimationPlayer`.
- transitions
- .play(&mut player, animations.animations[0], Duration::ZERO)
- .repeat();
- commands
- .entity(entity)
- .insert(animations.graph.clone())
- .insert(transitions);
- }
-fn mesh_added(mut commands: Commands, mut meshes: ResMut>, query: Query<(Entity, &Handle), Added>>) {
- for (entity, mesh_handle) in query.iter() {
- if let Some(mesh) = meshes.get_mut(mesh_handle) {
- mesh_to_wireframe(mesh);
- }
- }
-fn process_scene(
- mut commands: Commands,
- mut ready_events: EventReader,
- query: Query<(&Children, Option<&Handle>)>,
- mut meshes: ResMut>,
-) {
- for scene in ready_events.read() {
- println!("a");
- let root_entity = scene.parent;
- process_entity_recursive(root_entity, &query, &mut meshes);
- }
-fn process_entity_recursive(
- entity: Entity,
- query: &Query<(&Children, Option<&Handle>)>,
- meshes: &mut Assets,
-) {
- // println!("Processing entity: {:?}", entity);
- if let Ok((children, mesh_handle)) = query.get(entity) {
- // println!("Entity has {} children", children.len());
- match mesh_handle {
- Some(_) => println!("Entity has a mesh handle"),
- None => (),
- // None => println!("Entity does not have a mesh handle"),
- }
- // If this entity has a mesh, modify it
- if let Some(mesh_handle) = mesh_handle {
- println!("Attempting to get mesh from handle");
- if let Some(mesh) = meshes.get_mut(mesh_handle) {
- println!("Successfully retrieved mesh, modifying...");
- mesh_to_wireframe(mesh);
- } else {
- println!("Failed to retrieve mesh from handle");
- }
- }
- // Recursively process children
- for &child in children.iter() {
- process_entity_recursive(child, query, meshes);
- }
- } else {
- // println!("Failed to get components for entity: {:?}", entity);
- }
-fn mesh_to_wireframe(mesh: &mut Mesh) {
- random_color_mesh(mesh);
- let lines = generate_edge_line_list_data(mesh);
- let mut line_mesh = Mesh::new(bevy::render::render_resource::PrimitiveTopology::LineList, RenderAssetUsages::RENDER_WORLD);
- let positions: Vec<[f32; 3]> = lines
- .lines
- .iter()
- .flat_map(|(start, end)| vec![start.position, end.position])
- .collect();
- let colors: Vec<[f32; 4]> = lines
- .lines
- .iter()
- .flat_map(|(start, end)| vec![start.color, end.color])
- .flatten()
- .collect();
- let normal: Vec<[f32; 3]> = lines
- .lines
- .iter()
- .flat_map(|(start, end)| vec![start.normal, end.normal])
- .flatten()
- .collect();
- let joint_indices: Vec<[u16; 4]> = lines
- .lines
- .iter()
- .flat_map(|(start, end)| vec![start.joint_indices, end.joint_indices])
- .flatten()
- .collect();
- let joint_weights: Vec<[f32; 4]> = lines
- .lines
- .iter()
- .flat_map(|(start, end)| vec![start.joint_weights, end.joint_weights])
- .flatten()
- .collect();
- let joint_indices_count = joint_indices.len();
- let joint_weights_count = joint_weights.len();
- println!("{} {}", joint_indices_count, joint_weights_count);
- assert_eq!(
- joint_indices_count, joint_weights_count,
- "Joint indices and weights must have the same length"
- );
- line_mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION, positions);
- line_mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_COLOR, colors);
- line_mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, normal);
- line_mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_JOINT_INDEX,VertexAttributeValues::Uint16x4(joint_indices));
- line_mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_JOINT_WEIGHT, joint_weights);
- *mesh = line_mesh;
-// fn process_scene(
-// mut commands: Commands,
-// mut scene_spawner: ResMut,
-// scene_handles: Res>,
-// // query: Query<(Entity, &Handle)>,
-// // query: Query<(Entity, &Handle), Added>>,
-// query: Query<
-// (
-// Entity,
-// &Handle,
-// // &Handle,
-// // &Handle,
-// // &GlobalTransform,
-// ),
-// // Added>,
-// >,
-// ) {
-// for (entity, scene_handle ) in query.iter() {
-// println!("a");
-// if let Some(scene) = scene_handles.get(scene_handle){
-// println!("b");
-// }
-// }
-// // for (entity, scene_handle) in query.iter() {
-// // println!("a");
-// // if let Some(scene) = scene_handles.get(scene_handle) {
-// // println!("b");
-// // println!("entity: {:?}, scene: {:?}", entity, scene_handle);
-// // // // Iterate through the entities and components of the scene
-// // // for entity in &scene.entities {
-// // // println!("Entity in scene: {:?}", entity);
-// // // // If you want to modify or add components, you can use the entity from the scene
-// // // // Example: commands.entity(*entity).insert(SomeComponent { ... });
-// // // }
-// // }
-// // // Optionally, despawn the original entity if it's no longer needed
-// // // commands.entity(entity).despawn();
-// // }
-// }
-// fn process_scene(
-// // mut world: World,
-// mut commands: Commands,
-// mut meshes: ResMut>,
-// mut line_materials: ResMut>,
-// mut standard_materials: ResMut>,
-// query: Query<
-// (
-// Entity,
-// &Handle,
-// &Handle,
-// &GlobalTransform,
-// &Handle
-// ),
-// Added>,
-// >,
-// ) {
-// for (entity, _material_handle, mesh_handle, global_transform, scene) in query.iter() {
-// if let Some(mesh) = meshes.get_mut(mesh_handle) {
-// println!("1");
-// let line_material = line_materials.add(LineMaterial {});
-// random_color_mesh(mesh);
-// // VertexAttributeValues::Float32x3(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION);
-// // let index_line_list: IndexLineList = generate_edge_line_list_indices(mesh);
-// let lines = generate_edge_line_list_data(mesh);
-// println!("{} lines", lines.lines.len());
-// let mut line_mesh = Mesh::new(
-// bevy::render::render_resource::PrimitiveTopology::LineList,
-// RenderAssetUsages::RENDER_WORLD,
-// );
-// let positions: Vec<[f32; 3]> = lines
-// .lines
-// .iter()
-// .flat_map(|(start, end)| vec![start.position, end.position])
-// .collect();
-// let colors: Vec<[f32; 4]> = lines
-// .lines
-// .iter()
-// .flat_map(|(start, end)| vec![start.color, end.color])
-// .flatten()
-// .collect();
-// let normal: Vec<[f32; 3]> = lines
-// .lines
-// .iter()
-// .flat_map(|(start, end)| vec![start.normal, end.normal])
-// .flatten()
-// .collect();
-// let joint_indices: Vec<[u16; 4]> = lines
-// .lines
-// .iter()
-// .flat_map(|(start, end)| vec![start.joint_indices, end.joint_indices])
-// .flatten()
-// .collect();
-// let joint_weights: Vec<[f32; 4]> = lines
-// .lines
-// .iter()
-// .flat_map(|(start, end)| vec![start.joint_weights, end.joint_weights])
-// .flatten()
-// .collect();
-// let joint_indices_count = joint_indices.len();
-// let joint_weights_count = joint_weights.len();
-// println!("{} {}", joint_indices_count, joint_weights_count);
-// assert_eq!(
-// joint_indices_count, joint_weights_count,
-// "Joint indices and weights must have the same length"
-// );
-// line_mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION, positions);
-// line_mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_COLOR, colors);
-// line_mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, normal);
-// // line_mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_JOINT_INDEX,VertexAttributeValues::Uint16x4(joint_indices));
-// line_mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_JOINT_WEIGHT, joint_weights);
-// let line_mesh_handle = meshes.add(line_mesh);
-// // commands.entity(entity).with_children(|parent| {
-// // parent.spawn(MaterialMeshBundle {
-// // mesh: line_mesh_handle,
-// // // material: line_material,
-// // material: standard_materials.add(StandardMaterial::default()),
-// // transform: Transform::from_matrix(global_transform.compute_matrix())
-// // .with_scale(Vec3::splat(10.)),
-// // ..default()
-// // });
-// // });
-// commands.entity(entity).remove::>();
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// fn process_scene_old(
-// mut commands: Commands,
-// mut meshes: ResMut>,
-// mut fill_materials: ResMut>,
-// mut outline_materials: ResMut>,
-// mut standard_materials: ResMut>,
-// mut line_materials: ResMut>,
-// query: Query<
-// (
-// Entity,
-// &Handle,
-// &Handle,
-// &GlobalTransform,
-// ),
-// Added>,
-// >,
-// ) {
-// for (entity, _material_handle, mesh_handle, global_transform) in query.iter() {
-// if let Some(mesh) = meshes.get_mut(mesh_handle) {
-// random_color_mesh(mesh);
-// smooth_normals(mesh);
-// // Create new materials
-// let fill_material = fill_materials.add(FillMaterial {
-// color: Vec4::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
-// displacement: 10.0,
-// });
-// let outline_material = outline_materials.add(OutlineMaterial {
-// flat_color: Vec4::new(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
-// outline_width: 0.1,
-// ..default()
-// });
-// let line_material = line_materials.add(LineMaterial {});
-// let line_list = generate_edge_line_list(mesh);
-// // let positions: Vec<[f32; 3]> = lines
-// // .lines
-// // .iter()
-// // .flat_map(|(start, end)| vec![start.position.to_array(), end.position.to_array()])
-// // .collect();
-// let colors: Vec<[f32; 4]> = line_list
-// .lines
-// .iter()
-// .flat_map(|(start, end)| vec![start.color.to_array(), end.color.to_array()])
-// .collect();
-// let mut line_mesh = Mesh::new(
-// bevy::render::render_resource::PrimitiveTopology::LineList,
-// RenderAssetUsages::RENDER_WORLD,
-// );
-// let positions: &VertexAttributeValues =
-// mesh.attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION).unwrap();
-// if let (Some(VertexAttributeValues::Float32x3(pp)),) =
-// (mesh.attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION),)
-// {
-// let mut set = HashSet::new();
-// for line in line_list.lines {
-// let print_it = |p1: [f32; 3], p2: [f32; 3]| {
-// println!(
-// "{}:{}:{} -> {}:{}:{}",
-// p1[0], p1[1], p1[2], p2[0], p2[1], p2[2]
-// );
-// };
-// let edge: IntEdge = if line.0.index < line.1.index {
-// IntEdge::new_from_floats(
-// pp[line.0.index as usize],
-// pp[line.1.index as usize],
-// )
-// } else {
-// IntEdge::new_from_floats(
-// pp[line.1.index as usize],
-// pp[line.0.index as usize],
-// )
-// };
-// set.insert(edge);
-// print_it(pp[line.0.index as usize], pp[line.1.index as usize])
-// }
-// println!("Unique lines: {}", set.len());
-// }
-// line_mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION, positions.clone());
-// // line_mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_COLOR, colors);
-// let line_mesh_handle = meshes.add(line_mesh);
-// commands.entity(entity).with_children(|parent| {
-// parent.spawn(MaterialMeshBundle {
-// mesh: line_mesh_handle,
-// material: line_material,
-// transform: Transform::from_matrix(global_transform.compute_matrix()), // .with_scale(Vec3::splat(10.))
-// ..default()
-// });
-// });
-// // Remove the StandardMaterial component
-// commands.entity(entity).remove::>();
-// // // Add the new material components to the original mesh
-// // commands
-// // .entity(entity)
-// // .insert(fill_material)
-// // .insert(outline_material);
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// fn count_unique_lines(line_list: &LineList, ps: &VertexAttributeValues) -> usize {
-// let p = VertexAttributeValues::Float32x3(ps);
-// let mut set = HashSet::new();
-// for line in line_list.lines.iter() {
-// let edge = if line.0.index < line.1.index {
-// (p[line.0.index as usize], p[line.1.index as usize])
-// } else {
-// (p[line.1.index as usize], p[line.0.index as usize])
-// };
-// set.insert(edge);
-// }
-// set.len()
-// }