The value of the field is usually the number of days after which a dataset is expected to be updated. The exceptions to this are:
- adhoc has value -2
- never has value -1 ( initially the value 0 was used for this but it was decided that 0 is more suitable for live)
- The following patch was used for updating the database:
update package_extra set value='-1' where key='data_update_frequency' and value='0' and state='active';
- live has value 0
If a sysadmin sets the value to Live, Adhoc or Never then a normal user will see that value in the drop down (even if he normally wouldn't see it). Otherwise there would be a problem when a normal user would save the dataset form because the frequency field would get reset .
If a normal user decides to change that field from Never to Every day then the Never value will no longer appear in the dropdown next time the user accesses the dataset form.