Here are some essential markdoc syntax elements with code examples:
To create a new paragraph, simply leave a blank line between lines of text.
This is the first paragraph.
This is the second paragraph.
Headers are used to create section titles. Use hashtags (#) for headers, with more hashtags for lower-level headers.
# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
Headers can also be given ID's so they can be linked to and are present in the ToC:
# Header with ID {% #header-with-id %}
Create ordered (numbered) and unordered (bulleted) lists using 1., *, or -.
Ordered List:
1. First item
2. Second item
3. Third item
Unordered List:
- Apple
- Banana
- Cherry
Create hyperlinks to other web pages or sections within your documentation.
[Link to Section](#section-name)
Embed images using the ![alt text](image URL)
In most cases, we need images in both light and dark mode such as:
{% only_dark %}
![Project settings screen](/images/docs/platform/dark/create-api-key.png)
{% /only_dark %}
{% only_light %}
![Project settings screen](/images/docs/platform/create-api-key.png)
{% /only_light %}
Format code blocks using triple backticks (```).
```python def hello_world(): print("Hello, World!") ```
Remember to use a specific language label if the code is using an Appwrite SDK. Find the list of available labels here.
Highlight inline code with backticks (`) around the code snippet.
Use the `print()` function to display text.
Use asterisks (*) or underscores (_) for emphasis and double asterisks or underscores for strong text.
We use bold for representing text as seen on UI. For example: "Click the button Create new document."
_Italic Text_ or _Italic Text_
**Bold Text** or **Bold Text**
Tables allow you to display structured data in your documentation. Use pipes (|) to separate columns and hyphens (-) to define the table header.
| Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| Row 1, Col 1 | Row 1, Col 2 | Row 1, Col 3 |
| Row 2, Col 1 | Row 2, Col 2 | Row 2, Col 3 |
Alternatively, use markdoc tables.
{% table %}
- Heading 1
- Heading 2
- Row 1 Cell 1
- Row 1 Cell 2
- Row 2 Cell 1
- Row 2 cell 2
{% /table %}
Block quotes are used to emphasize or highlight text. To create a block quote, use the > symbol at the beginning of the quoted text.
> This is a block quote.
> It can span multiple lines.
These are the fundamental Markdown syntax elements you'll need to create well-structured and formatted documentation.
{% tabs %}
{% tabsitem #js title="Javascript" %}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.
{% /tabsitem %}
{% tabsitem #flutter title="Flutter" %}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.
{% /tabsitem %}
{% /tabs %}
{% multicode %} ```js console.log('test'); ``` ```php echo 'test'; ``` ```dart print('test'); ``` {% /multicode %}
Use sections when there is a clear step-by-step format to a page. This is used mainly in journey pages and tutorials.
{% section #featured-products-1 step=1 title="Title" %}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.
{% /section %}
{% section #featured-products-2 step=2 title="Title" %}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.
{% /section %}
{% section #featured-products-3 step=3 title="Title" %}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.
{% /section %}
{% info title="Public Service Announcement" %}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.
{% /info %}
Available sizes are s
, m
, l
and xl
. Default: s
{% icon icon="github" /%}
{% icon icon="github" size="m" /%}
{% icon icon="github" size="l" /%}
{% icon icon="github" size="xl" /%}
Available sizes are s
, m
, l
and xl
. Default: s
{% icon_image src="/icon.png" alt="Icon" /%}
{% icon_image src="/icon.png" alt="Icon" size="m" /%}
{% icon_image src="/icon.png" alt="Icon" size="l" /%}
{% icon_image src="/icon.png" alt="Icon" size="xl" /%}
{% only_dark %}
![Project settings screen](/images/docs/platform/dark/create-api-key.png)
{% /only_dark %}
{% only_light %}
![Project settings screen](/images/docs/platform/create-api-key.png)
{% /only_light %}
We use cards when we reference a list of links for navigation
{% cards %}
{% cards_item href="/docs/quick-starts/react" title="React" %}
Get started with Appwrite and React
{% /cards_item %}
{% cards_item href="/docs/quick-starts/vue" title="Vue.js" %}
Get started with Appwrite and Vue.js
{% /cards_item %}
{% cards_item href="/docs/quick-starts/nuxt" title="Nuxt" %}
Get started with Appwrite and Nuxt
{% /cards_item %}
{% cards_item href="/docs/quick-starts/sveltekit" title="SvelteKit" %}
Get started with Appwrite and SvelteKit
{% /cards_item %}
{% /cards %}
We use cards when we reference a list of links for navigation, this variation has icons for extra hints visually.
{% cards %}
{% cards_item href="/docs/products/messaging/apns" title="APNS" icon="icon-apple" %}
Configure APNs for push notification to Apple devices.
{% /cards_item %}
{% cards_item href="/docs/products/messaging/fcm" title="FCM" icon="web-icon-firebase" %}
Configure FCM for push notification to Android and Apple devices.
{% /cards_item %}
{% /cards %}
Use accordions to reduce page size and collapse information that's not important when a reader is scrolling the page.
{% accordion %}
{% accordion_item title="Team ID" %}
{% /accordion_item %}
{% accordion_item title="Bundle ID" %}
{% /accordion_item %}
{% /accordion %}