ruby_lib's Android tests. Requires Ruby 2.2+
or better.
rake install
Install gems required to run the tests.rake android
Run all tests.rake android['android/element/generic']
Run a single test.arc
Opens the Appium Ruby Console (arc). Enables interactive testing.gem install appium_console
if it's not installed already.
api.apk is from appium/android-apidemos The way to generate api.apk is described in the repository.
Finished in 2 mins 57 secs
106 runs, 144 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
- apk
[caps] platformName = "android" deviceName = "Nexus 7" app = "../test_apps/api.apk" appPackage = "" appActivity = "" some_capability = "some_capability" androidCoverage = '' [appium_lib] sauce_username = "" sauce_access_key = ""