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2468 lines (1786 loc) · 193 KB

File metadata and controls

2468 lines (1786 loc) · 193 KB




  • Field inputs inside an array modal can now be focused/tabbed via keyboard
  • Fixes admin bar overlapping widget area add menu.
  • Fixed the checkered background for gauging color transparency.
  • Fixes group.operations (batch configuration) merging between modules in the same way that group.fields are merged.
  • The i18n manager detects the current locale correctly in some edge cases, like when the locale is changed per document (Editor Modal) and the localization manager is opened from a relationship manager via a document context menu.


  • Add support for batch localization of pieces and pages.
  • Adds type for each file uploaded by big-upload. Moves big-upload-client to apos/ui folder and makes it esm.
  • When present, projections for reverse relationships now automatically include the special id and field storage properties for the relationship in question, allowing the related documents to be successfully returned.


  • The array editor's isModified method is now a computed property for consistency.
  • The modal configuration property for batch operations without a group is now accepted and works as expected in the same way as for grouped operations.

4.12.0 (2025-01-27)


  • Fixes ability to change color hue by clicking the color hue bar rather than dragging the indicator.
  • Prevents the rich text control bar from closing while using certain UI within the color picker.
  • Saving a document via the dialog box properly refreshes the main content area when on a "show page" (when the context document is a piece rather than a page)
  • Fixes the AposButtonSplit markup to follow the HTML5 specification, optimizes the component performance, visuals and testability.
  • Fixes a case where releationship button overlaps a context menu.


  • Ability to disable the color spectrum UI of a color picker
  • Accessibility improvement for the rich text editor Typography toolbar item.
  • Adds moduleLabels prop to AposDocContextMenu to pass it to opened modals from custom operations (used by templates to define labels to display on the export modal).


  • Range style updates.
  • The pickerOptions sub property of a color field's configuration has been merged with it's parent options object.
  • Reworks inline and micro UI of some fields (color, range, select). Improve global inline style.
  • Makes the range input being a number all the time instead of a string that we convert manually.
  • Command line tasks can run before the first frontend asset build without error messages.

4.11.2 (2024-12-29)


  • Fixes a bug where images in Media manager are not selectable (click on an image does nothing) in both default and relationship mode.
  • Eliminated superfluous error messages. The convert method now waits for all recursive invocations to complete before attempting to determine if fields are visible.


  • Possibility to set a field not ready when performing async operations, when a field isn't ready, the validation and emit won't occur.

4.11.1 (2024-12-18)


  • Corrected a unit test that relies on the sitemap module, as it now makes explicit that the project level baseUrl must be set for a successful experience, and the module level baseUrl was set earlier. No other changes.

4.11.0 (2024-12-18)


  • When validating an area field, warn the developer if widgets is not nested in options.
  • Adds support for supplying CSS variable names to a color field's presetColors array as selectable values.
  • Adds support for dynamic focus trap in Context menus (prop dynamicFocus). When set to true, the focusable elements are recalculated on each cycle step.
  • Adds option to disable tabindex on AposToggle component. A new prop disableFocus can be set to false to disable the focus on the toggle button. It's enabled by default.
  • Adds support for event on addContextOperation, an option type can now be passed and can be modal (default) or event, in this case it does not try to open a modal but emit a bus event using the action as name.


  • Focus properly Widget Editor modals when opened. Keep the previous active focus on the modal when closing the widget editor.
  • a11y improvements for context menus.
  • Fixes broken widget preview URL when the image is overridden (module improve) and external build module is registered.
  • Inject dynamic custom bundle CSS when using external build module with no CSS entry point.
  • Range field now correctly takes 0 into account.
  • Apos style does not go through postcss-viewport-to-container-toggle plugin anymore to avoid UI bugs.

4.10.0 (2024-11-20)


  • Extra bundle detection when using external build module works properly now.
  • Widget players are now properly invoked when they arrive later in the page load process.
  • Fix permission grid tooltip display.
  • Fixes a bug that crashes external frontend applications.
  • Fixes a false positive warning for module not in use for project level submodules (e.g. widges/module.js) and dot-folders (e.g. .DS_Store).
  • Bumped express-bearer-token dependency to address a low-severity npm audit warning regarding noncompliant cookie names and values. Apostrophe did not actually use any noncompliant cookie names or values, so there was no vulnerability in Apostrophe.
  • Rich text "Styles" toolbar now has visually focused state.
  • The renderPermalinks and renderImages methods of the @apostrophecms/rich-text module now correctly resolve the final URLs of page links and inline images in rich text widgets, even when the user has editing privileges. Formerly this was mistakenly prevented by logic intended to preserve the editing experience. The editing experience never actually relied on the rendered output.
  • Search bar will perform the search even if the bar is empty allowing to reset a search.
  • Fixes Color picker being hidden in an inline array schema field, also fixes rgba inputs going off the modal.


  • It's possible now to target the HMR build when registering via template.append and template.prepend. Use when: 'hmr:public' or when: 'hmr:apos' that will be evaluated against the current asset options.hmr configuration.
  • Adds asset module option options.modulePreloadPolyfill (default true) to allow disabling the polyfill preload for e.g. external front-ends.
  • Adds bundleMarkup to the data sent to the external front-end, containing all markup for injecting Apostrophe UI in the front-end.
  • Warns users when two page types have the same field name, but a different field type. This may cause errors or other problems when an editor switches page types.
  • The piece and page GET REST APIs now support ?render-areas=inline. When this parameter is used, an HTML rendering of each widget is added to that specific widget in each area's items array as a new _rendered property. The existing ?render-areas=1 parameter is still supported to render the entire area as a single _rendered property. Note that this older option also causes items to be omitted from the response.


  • Removes postcss plugin and webpack loader used for breakpoint preview mode. Uses instead the new postcss-viewport-to-container-toggle plugin in the webpack config.
  • Implement vue-color directly in Apostrophe rather than as a dependency
  • Switch color handling library from tinycolor2 to @ctrl/tinycolor
  • Removes error messages in server console for hidden fields. These messages should not have been printed out in the server console in the first place.
  • Removes invalid error messages on select fields appearing while opening an existing valid document.

4.9.0 (2024-10-31)


  • Relationship inputs have aria accessibility tags and autocomplete suggestions can be controlled by keyboard.
  • Elements inside modals can have a data-apos-focus-priority attribute that prioritizes them inside the focusable elements list.
  • Modals will continute trying to find focusable elements until an element marked data-apos-focus-priority appears or the max retry threshold is reached.
  • Takes care of an edge case where Media Manager would duplicate search results.
  • Add support for ESM projects.
  • Modules can now have a before: "module-name" property in their configuration to initialize them before another module, bypassing the normal order implied by defaults.js and app.js.
  • select and checkboxes fields that implement dynamic choices can now take into account the value of other fields on the fly, by specifying a following property with an array of other field names. Array and object subfields can access properties of the parent document by adding a < prefix (or more than one) to field names in following to look upwards a level. Your custom method on the server side will now receive a following object as an additional argument. One limitation: for now, a field with dynamic choices cannot depend on another field with dynamic choices in this way.
  • Adds AI-generated missing translations
  • Adds the mobile preview dropdown for non visibles breakpoints. Uses the new shortcut property to display breakpoints out of the dropdown.
  • Adds possibility to have two icons in a button.
  • Breakpoint preview only targets [data-apos-refreshable].
  • Adds a isActive state to context menu items. Also adds possibility to add icons to context menu items.
  • Add a postcss plugin to handle vh and vw values on breakpoint preview mode.
  • Adds inject component when condition with possible values hmr, prod, and dev. Modules should explicitely register their components with the same when value and the condition should be met to inject the component.
  • Adds inject bundler registration condition. It's in use only when registering a component and will be evaluated on runtime. The value should match the current build module (webpack or the external build module alias).
  • Adds new development task @apostrophecms/asset:reset to reset the asset build cache and all build artifacts.
  • Revamps the @apostrophecms/asset module to enable bundling via build modules.
  • Adds apos.asset.devServerUrl() nunjucks helper to get the (bundle) dev server URL when available.
  • The asset module has a new option, options.hmr that accepts public (default), apos or false to enable HMR for the public bundle or the admin UI bundle or disable it respectively. This configuration works only with external build modules that support HMR.
  • The asset module has a new option, options.hmrPort that accepts an integer (default null) to specify the HMR WS port. If not specified, the default express port is used. This configuration works only with external build modules that support HMR WS.
  • The asset module has a new option, options.productionSourceMaps that accepts a boolean (default false) to enable source maps in production. This configuration works only with external build modules that support source maps.


  • Silence deprecation warnings from Sass 1.80+ regarding the use of @import. The Sass team has stated there will be a two-year transition period before the feature is actually removed. The use of @import is common practice in the Apostrophe codebase and in many project codebases. We will arrange for an orderly migration to the new @use directive before Sass 3.x appears.
  • Move saving indicator after breakpoint preview.
  • Internal methods mergeConfiguration, autodetectBundles, lintModules, nestedModuleSubdirs and testDir are now async.
  • express.getSessionOptions is now async.


  • Modifies the AposAreaMenu.vue component to set the disabled attribute to true if the max number of widgets have been added in an area with expanded: true.
  • pnpm: true option in app.js is no longer breaking the application.
  • Remove unused vue-template-compiler dependency.
  • Prevent un-publishing the @apostrophecms/global doc and more generally all singletons.
  • When opening a context menu while another is already opened, prevent from focusing the button of the first one instead of the newly opened menu.
  • Updates isEqual method of area field type to avoid comparing an area having temporary properties with one having none.
  • In a relationship field, when asking for sub relationships using withRelationships an dot notion. If this is done in combination with a projection, this projection is updated to add the id storage fields of the needed relationships for the whole withRelationships path.
  • The admin UI no longer fails to function when the HTML page is rendered with a direct sendPage call and there is no current "in context" page or piece.

4.7.2 and 4.8.1 (2024-10-09)


  • Correct a race condition that can cause a crash at startup when custom uploadfs options are present in some specific cloud environments e.g. when using Azure Blob Storage.

4.8.0 (2024-10-03)


  • Adds a mobile preview feature to the admin UI. The feature can be enabled using the @apostrophecms/asset module's new breakpointPreviewMode option. Once enabled, the asset build process will duplicate existing media queries as container queries. There are some limitations in the equivalence between media queries and container queries. You can refer to the CSS @container at-rule documentation for more information. You can also enable breakpointPreviewMode.debug to be notified in the console when the build encounters an unsupported media query.
  • Apostrophe now automatically adds the appropriate default values for new properties in the schema, even for existing documents in the database. This is done automatically during the migration phase of startup.
  • Adds focus states for media library's Uploader tile.
  • Adds focus states file attachment's input UI.
  • Simplified importing rich text widgets via the REST API. If you you have HTML that contains img tags pointing to existing images, you can now import them all quickly. When supplying the rich text widget object, include an import property with an html subproperty, rather than the usual content property. You can optionally provide a baseUrl subproperty as well. Any images present in html will be imported automatically and the correct figure tags will be added to the new rich text widget, along with any other markup acceptable to the widget's configuration.


  • The various implementations of newInstance found in Apostrophe, e.g. for widgets, array items, relationship fields and documents themselves, have been consolidated in one implementation. The same code is now reused both on the front and the back end, ensuring the same result without the need to introduce additional back end API calls.


  • Apostrophe's migration logic is no longer executed twice on every startup and three times in the migration task. It is executed exactly once, always at the same point in the startup process. This bug did not cause significant performance issues because migrations were always only executed once, but there is a small performance improvement due to not checking for them more than once.
  • The @apostrophecms/page module APIs no longer allow a page to become a child of itself. Thanks to Maarten Marx for reporting the issue.
  • Uploaded SVGs now permit <use> tags granted their xlink:href property is a local reference and begins with the # character. This improves SVG support while mitgating XSS vulnerabilities.
  • Default properties of object fields present in a widget now populate correctly even if never focused in the editor.
  • Fixed the "choices" query builder to correctly support dynamic choices, ensuring compatibility with the piecesFilters feature when using dynamic choices.
  • Fix a reordering issue for arrays when dragging and dropping items in the admin UI.
  • The inline array item extract the label now using title as titleField value by default (consistent with the Slat list).

4.7.1 (2024-09-20)


  • Ensure parked fields are not modified for parked pages when not configured in _defaults.

4.7.0 (2024-09-05)


  • UI and UX of inline arrays and their table styles


  • To aid debugging, when a file extension is unacceptable as an Apostrophe attachment the rejected extension is now printed as part of the error message.
  • The new big-upload-client module can now be used to upload very large files to any route that uses the new big-upload-middleware.
  • Add option skipReplace for apos.doc.changeDocIds method to skip the replacing of the "old" document in the database.
  • The @apostrophecms/i18n module now exposes a locales HTTP GET API to aid in implementation of native apps for localized sites.
  • Context menus can be supplied a menuId so that interested components can listen to their opening/closing.
  • Allow to set mode in AposWidget component through props.
  • Add batch operations to pages.
  • Add shortcuts to pages manager.
  • Add replaces (boolean, false by default) option to the context operation definition (registered via apos.doc.addContextOperation()) to allow the operation to require a replace confirmation before being executed. The user confirmation results in the Editor modal being closed and the operation being executed. The operation is not executed if the user cancels the confirmation.


  • Wait for notify before navigating to a new page.
  • Send also checkedTypes via the pages body toolbar operations (e.g. 'batch') to the modal.


  • Fix link to pages in rich-text not showing UI to select page during edit.
  • Bumps uploadfs dependency to ensure .tar.gz, .tgz and .gz files uploaded to S3 download without double-gzipping. This resolves the issue for new uploads.
  • Registering duplicate icon is no longer breaking the build.
  • Fix widget focus state so that the in-context Add Content menu stays visible during animation
  • Fix UI of areas in schemas so that their context menus are layered overtop sibling schema fields UI
  • Fix unhandled promise rejections and guard against potential memory leaks, remove 3rd party debounce-async dependency
  • Adds an option to center the context menu arrow on the button icon. Sets this new option on some context menus in the admin UI.
  • Fixes the update function of AposSlatLists so that elements are properly reordered on drag

4.6.1 (2024-08-26)


  • Registering duplicate icon is no longer breaking the build.
  • Fix widget focus state so that the in-context Add Content menu stays visible during animation.
  • Fix UI of areas in schemas so that their context menus are layered overtop sibling schema fields UI.


  • Inline array option for alwaysOpen replaced with UI toggles

4.6.0 (2024-08-08)


  • Add a locale switcher in pieces and pages editor modals. This is available for localized documents only, and allows you to switch between locales for the same document. The locale can be switched at only one level, meaning that sub documents of a document that already switched locale will not be able to switch locale itself.
  • Adds visual focus states and keyboard handlers for engaging with areas and widgets in-context
  • Adds method simulateRelationshipsFromStorage method in schema module. This method populates the relationship field with just enough information to allow convert to accept it. It does not fully fetch the related documents. It does the opposite of prepareForStorage.
  • A new options object has been added to the convert method. Setting the fetchRelationships option to false will prevent convert from actually fetching relationships to check which related documents currently exist. The shape of the relationship field is still validated.


  • Refactors Admin UI SASS to eliminate deprecation warnings from declarations coming after nested rules.
  • Bumps the sass-loader version and adds a webpack option to suppress mixed declaration deprecation warnings to be removed when all modules are updated.
  • Add title and _url to select all projection.
  • Display Select all message on all pages in the manager modal.
  • Refresh checked in manager modal after archive action.
  • Update @apostrophecms/emulate-mongo-3-driver dependency to keep supporting [email protected] queries while using [email protected].
  • Updates rich text link tool's keyboard key detection strategy.
  • Buttons that appear on slats (preview, edit crop/relationship, remove) are visually focusable and keyboard accessible.
  • Added tooltip for update button. Thanks to gkumar9891 for this addition.


  • Fixes the rendering of conditional fields in arrays where the inline: true option is used.
  • Fixes the rich text link tool's detection and display of the Remove Link button for removing existing links
  • Fixes the rich text link tool's detection and display of Apostrophe Page relationship field.
  • Overriding standard Vue.js components with editorModal and managerModal are now applied all the time.
  • Accommodate old-style replica set URIs with comma-separated servers by passing any MongoDB URIs that Node.js cannot parse directly to the MongoDB driver, and avoiding unnecessary parsing of the URI in general.
  • Bump oembetter dependency to guarantee compatibility with YouTube. YouTube recently deployed broken link rel="undefined" tags on some of their video pages.
  • It is now possible to see the right filename and line number when debugging the admin UI build in the browser. This is automatically disabled when @apostrophecms/security-headers is installed, because its defaults are incompatible by design.

4.5.4 (2024-07-22)


  • Add a default projection to ancestors of search results in order to load a reasonable amount of data and avoid request timeouts.

4.5.3 (2024-07-17)


  • Enhanced media selection with touchpad on Windows by extending focus timeout.

4.5.2 (2024-07-11)


  • Ensure that apos.doc.walk never gets caught in an infinite loop even if circular references are present in the data. This is a hotfix for an issue that can arise when the new support for breadcrumbs in search results is combined with a more inclusive projection for page ancestors.
  • Correct a longstanding bug in apos.doc.walk that led items to be listed twice in the ancestors array passed to the iterator.
  • Correct a longstanding bug in apos.doc.walk that led ancestors that are themselves arrays to be misrepresented as a series of objects in the ancestors array passed to the iterator.
  • For additional guarantees of reliability the _dotPath and _ancestors arguments to apos.doc.walk, which were always clearly documented as for internal use only, can no longer be passed in externally.

4.5.1 (2024-07-11)


  • Allow tiptap rich-text widget to open modals for images and links without closing the toolbar.

4.5.0 (2024-07-10)


  • Allow to disable shortcut by setting the option shortcut: false
  • Adds a new color picker tool for the rich-text-widget toolbar that matches the existing color schema field. This also adds the same pickerOptions and format options to the rich-text-widget configuration that exist in the color schema field.
  • Add missing UI translation keys.
  • Infite scroll in media manager instead of pagination and related search fixes.
  • Improves loaders by using new AposLoadingBlock that uses AposLoading instead of the purple screen in media manager.
  • Select the configured aspect ratio and add data-apos-field attributes to the fields inside AposImageRelationshipEditor.vue.
  • Add getShowAdminBar method. This method can be overriden in projects to drive the admin bar visibility for logged-in users.


  • Removes unnecessary, broadly applied line-height setting that may cause logged-in vs logged-out visual discrepencies.
  • Remove double GET request when saving image update.
  • Fix filter menu forgetting selecting filters and not instantiating them.
  • Remove blur emit for filter buttons and search bar to avoid re requesting when clicking outside…
  • this.modified was not working properly (set to false when saving). We can now avoid to reload images when saving no changes.
  • In media manager images checkboxes are disabled when max is reached.
  • In media manager when updating an image or archiving, update the list instead of fetching and update checked documents to see changes in the right panel selected list.
  • The password field type now has a proper fallback default, the empty string, just like the string field type and its derivatives. This resolves bugs in which the unexpected null caused problems during validation. This bug was old, but was masked in some situations until the release of version 4.4.3.
  • Identify and mark server validation errors in the admin UI. This helps editors identify already existing data fields, having validation errors when schema changes (e.g. optional field becomes required).
  • Removes menu-offset props that were causing AposContextMenu to not display properly.
  • Allows to pass a number or an array to AposContextMenu to set the offset of the context menu (main and cross axis see floating-ui documentation).
  • Fixes the relationship fields not having the data when coming from the relationship modal.
  • Fixes watch on checkedDocs passed to AposSlatList not being reactive and not seeing updated relationship fields.
  • Adds styles for 1 column expanded area (#4608)
  • Fixes weird slug computations based on followed values like title. Simplifies based on the new tech design.
  • Prevent broken admin UI when there is a missing widget.
  • Fixes media manager not loading images when last infinite scroll page have been reached (when uploading image for example).
  • Upgrade oembetter versions to allow all vimeo urls.


  • Update Choose Images selection behavior. When choosing images as part of a relationship, you click on the image or checkbox to add the image to the selection. If a max is set to allow only one image, clicking on the selected image will remove it from the selection. Clicking on another image will update the selection with the newly clicked image. If a max is set to allow multiple images, you can remove images from the selection by using the checkbox. Clicking on the image will bring the image schema in the right panel. You can upload images even if the max has been reached. We will append the uploaded images to the existing selection up to the max if any.
  • Update @apostrophecms/emulate-mongo-3-driver dependency to keep supporting [email protected] queries while using [email protected].

4.4.3 (2024-06-17)


  • Do not use schema field.def when calling convert. Applying defaults to new documents is the job of newInstance() and similar code. If you wish a field to be mandatory use required: true.
  • As a convenience, using POST for pieces and pages with _newInstance: true keeps any additional req.body properties in the API response. This feature unofficially existed before, it is now supported.
  • Rollbacks watcher on checked array. Fixes, checked docs not being properly updated.

4.4.2 (2024-06-14)


  • Hotfix: the new _parent property of pieces, which refers to the same piece page as _parentUrl, is now a carefully pruned subset to avoid the risk of infinite recursion when the piece page has a relationship to a piece. Those who want _parent to be more complete can extend the new pruneParent method of the relevant piece page module. This regression was introduced in version 4.4.0.

4.4.1 (2024-06-12)


  • Depend on stylelint-config-apostrophe properly via npm, not github.

4.4.0 (2024-06-12)


  • Adds a pinia store to handle modals logic.
  • Methods from the store are registered on apos.modal instead of methods from TheAposModals component.
  • No more need to emit safe-close when defining an AposModal, modal is automatically resolved when closed.
  • Adds field components access to the reactive document value.
  • Expose AposContextMenu owned method for re-calculation of the content position.
  • Field Meta components of slug and string types can now fire replace-field-value events with text value payload, which will replace the respective field value.
  • AposInputString now accepts a rows prop, in effect only when field.textarea is set to true.
  • Add T,S shortcut to open the Personal Settings.
  • Add T,D shortcut to open the Submitted Drafts.
  • Add a scrollbar to the shortcut list.
  • Add breadcrumbs to search results page.
  • Pages relationships have now their checkboxes disabled when max is reached.


  • Improves widget tabs for the hidden entries, improves UX when validation errors are present in non-focused tabs.
  • When moving a page, recognize when the slug of a new child already contains the new parent's slug and not double it. For example, given we have two pages as children of the home page, page A and page B. Page A and page B are siblings. Page A has the slug /peer and page B has the slug /peer/page. Now we want page B to be the child of page A. We will now end up with page B slug as /peer/page and not /peer/peer/page as before.
  • AposSpinner now respects the colors for heavy weight mode and also accepts second, "light" color in this mode. Props JSDoc blocks are added.
  • AposContextMenu now respects the menuOffset component property.
  • Set G,Shift+I shortcut to open the Image Tags manager modal.
  • Set G,Shift+F shortcut to open the File Tags manager modal.
  • Remove slug from suggestion for images.
  • Increase suggestion search image size to 50px.
  • For suggestions with image, keep title on a single line and truncate title field with ... when it hits the right side.


  • Rich Text editor properly unsets marks on heading close.
  • Widget client side schema validation.
  • Allow G,Shift+I shortcut style.
  • Detect shortcut conflicts when using multiple shortcuts.
  • Updating schema fields as read-only no longer reset the value when updating the document.
  • Fixes stylelint config file, uses config from our shared configuration, fixes all lint errors.
  • Fixes TheAposCommandMenu modals not computing shortcuts from the current opened modal.
  • Fixes select boxes of relationships, we can now check manually published relationships, and AposSlatList renders properly checked relationships.
  • Fixes issues in AposInputArray on production build to be able to add, remove and edit array items after required error.
  • Relationships browse button isn't disabled when max is reached.
  • In media manager images checkboxes are disabled when max is reached.

4.3.3 (2024-06-04)


  • Removes $nextTick use to re render schema in AposArrayEditor because it was triggering weird vue error in production. Instead, makes the AposSchema for loop keys more unique using, if document changes it re-renders schema fields.
  • In media manager image checkboxes are disabled when max is reached.
  • Fixes tiptap bubble menu jumping on Firefox when clicking on buttons. Also fixes the fact that double clicking on bubble menu out of buttons would prevent it from closing when unfocusing the rich text area.
  • In media manager images checkboxes are disabled when max is reached.
  • Makes the final fields accessible in the media manager right rail.

4.3.2 (2024-05-18)


  • Corrects a regression introduced in version 4.3.0 that broke the validation of widget modals, resulting in a confusing error on the page. A "required" field in a widget, for instance, once again blocks the save operation properly.


  • Improves widget tab UI for the hidden entries, improves UX when validation errors are present in non-focused tabs.

4.3.1 (2024-05-17)


  • Databases containing documents that no longer correspond to any module no longer cause the migration that adds missing mode properties to fail (an issue introduced in version 4.2.0). Databases with no such "orphaned" documents were not affected.

4.3.0 (2024-05-15)


  • Allows to disable page refresh on content changed for page types.
  • Widget editor can now have tabs.
  • Adds prop to AposInputMixin to disable blur emit.
  • Adds throttle function in ui module utils.
  • Adds a publicBundle option to @apostrophecms/asset. When set to false, the ui/src public asset bundle is not built at all in most cases except as part of the admin UI bundle which depends on it. For use with external front ends such as apostrophe-astro. Thanks to Michelin for contributing this feature.


  • Do not show widget editor tabs when the developer hasn't created any groups.
  • npm link now works again for Apostrophe modules that are dependencies of a project.
  • Re-crop image attachments found in image widgets, etc. when replacing an image in the Media Manager.
  • Fixes visual transitions between modals, as well as slider transition on overlay opacity.
  • Changing the aspect ratio multiple times in the image cropper modal no longer makes the stencil smaller and smaller.


  • Improves debounce function to handle async properly (waiting for previous async call to finish before triggering a new one).
  • Adds the copyOfId property to be passed to the apos.doc.edit() method, while still allowing the entire copyOf object for backwards compatibility.


4.2.1 (2024-04-29)


  • Fixes drag and drop regression in the page tree where pages were not able to be moved between parent and child.

4.2.0 (2024-04-18)

  • Typing a / in the title field of a page no longer confuses the slug field. Thanks to Gauav Kumar.


  • Rich text styles are now split into Nodes and Marks, with independent toolbar controls for a better user experience when applying text styles. There is no change in how the styles option is configured.
  • Rich text style labels are fully localized.
  • i18n module now uses the regular req.redirect instead of a direct res.redirect to ensure redirection, enabling more possibilities for @apostrophecms/redirect module
  • Refactors AposModal component with composition api to get rid of duplicated code in AposFocusMixin and AposFocus.
  • APOS_MONGODB_LOG_LEVEL has been removed. According to mongodb documentation "Both the logger and the logLevel options had no effect and have been removed."
  • Update connect-mongo to 5.x. Add @apostrophecms/emulate-mongo-3-driver dependency to keep supporting [email protected] queries while using [email protected].


  • Updates the docs beforeInsert handler to avoid ending with different modes being set between _id, aposLocale and aposMode.
  • Adds a migration to fix potential corrupted data having different modes set between _id, aposLocale and aposMode.
  • Fix a crash in notification when req.body was not present. Thanks to Michelin for contributing this fix.
  • Addresses a console error observed when opening and closing the @apostrophecms-pro/palette module across various projects.
  • Fixes the color picker field in @apostrophecms-pro/palette module.
  • Ensures that the data-apos-test attribute in the admin bar's tray item buttons is set by passing the action prop to AposButton.
  • Prevents stripping of query parameters from the URL when the page is either switched to edit mode or reloaded while in edit mode.
  • Add the missing metaType property to newly inserted widgets.


  • New passwords are now hashed with scrypt, the best password hash available in the Node.js core crypto module, following guidance from OWASP. This reduces login time while improving overall security.
  • Old passwords are automatically re-hashed with scrypt on the next successful login attempt, which adds some delay to that next attempt, but speeds them up forever after compared to the old implementation.
  • Custom scrypt parameters for password hashing can be passed to the @apostrophecms/user module via the scrypt option. See the [Node.js documentation for scrypt]. Note that the maxmem parameter is computed automatically based on the other parameters.

4.1.1 (2024-03-21)


  • Hotfix for a bug that broke the rich text editor when the rich text widget has a styles property. The bug was introduced in 4.0.0 as an indirect side effect of deeper watching behavior by Vue 3.

4.1.0 (2024-03-20)


  • Don't crash if a document of a type no longer corresponding to any module is present together with the advanced permission module.
  • AposLoginForm.js now pulls its schema from the user module rather than hardcoding it. Includes the addition of enterUsername and enterPassword i18n fields for front end customization and localization.
  • Simulated Express requests returned by apos.task.getReq now include a req.headers property, for greater accuracy and to prevent unexpected bugs in other code.
  • Fix the missing attachment icon. The responsibility for checking whether an attachment actually exists before calling attachment.url still lies with the developer.


  • Add new getChanges method to the schema module to get an array of document changed field names instead of just a boolean like does the isEqual method.
  • Add highlight class in UI when comparing documents.

4.0.0 (2024-03-12)


  • Add Marks tool to the Rich Text widget for handling toggling marks.
  • Add translation keys used by the multisite assembly module.
  • Add side by side comparison support in AposSchema component.
  • Add beforeLocalize and afterLocalize events.
  • Add custom manager indicators support via apos.schema.addManagerIndicator({ component, props, if }). The component registered this way will be automatically rendered in the manager modal.
  • Add the possibility to make widget modals wider, which can be useful for widgets that contain areas taking significant space. See documentation.
  • Temporarily add translation module to support document translations via the @apostrophecms-pro/automatic-translation module. The translation core module may be removed or refactored to reduce overhead in the core, so its presence should not be relied upon.


  • Migrate to Vue 3. This entails changes to some admin UI code, as detailed in our public announcement. There are no other backwards incompatible changes in apostrophe version 4.0.0. Certain other modules containing custom admin UI have also been updated in a new major version to be compatible, as noted in our announcement and on the migration page of our website.


  • Adds textStyle to Tiptap types so that spans are rendered on RT initialization
  • and field.htmlHelp are now correctly translated when displayed in a tooltip.
  • Bump the he package to most recent version.
  • Notification REST APIs should not directly return the result of MongoDB operations.

3.63.2 (2024-03-01)


  • Always validate that method names passed to the external-condition API actually appear in if or requiredIf clauses for the field in question. This fix addresses a serious security risk in which arbitrary methods of Apostrophe modules could be called over the network, without arguments, and the results returned to the caller. While the lack of arguments mitigates the data exfiltration risk, it is possible to cause data loss by invoking the right method. Therefore this is an urgent upgrade for all Apostrophe 3.x users. Our thanks to the Michelin penetration test red team for disclosing this vulnerability. All are welcome to disclose security vulnerabilities in ApostropheCMS code via [email protected].
  • Disable the alwaysIframe query parameter of the oembed proxy. This feature was never used in Apostrophe core, and could be misused to carry out arbitrary GET requests in the context of an iframe, although it could not be used to exfiltrate any information other than the success or failure of the request, and the request was still performed by the user's browser only. Thanks to the Michelin team.
  • Remove vestigial A2 code relating to polymorphic relationship fields. The code in question had no relevance to the way such a feature would be implemented in A3, and could be used to cause a denial of service by crashing and restarting the process. Thanks to the Michelin team.

3.63.1 (2024-02-22)


  • Bump dependency on sanitize-html to ^2.12.1 at a minimum, to ensure that npm update apostrophe is sufficient to guarantee a security update is installed. This security update prevents specially crafted HTML documents from revealing the existence or non-existence of files on the server. The vulnerability did not expose any other information about those files. Thanks to the Snyk Security team for the disclosure and to Dylan Armstrong for the fix.

3.63.0 (2024-02-21)


  • Adds a launder method to the slug schema field query builder to allow for use in API queries.
  • Adds support for browsing specific pages in a relationship field when withType is set to a page type, like @apostrophecms/home-page, default-page, article-page...
  • Add support for canCreate, canPreview & canShareDraft in context operations conditions.
  • Add support for canCreate, canEdit, canArchive & canPublish in utility operations definitions.
  • Add uponSubmit requirement in the @apostrophecms/login module. uponSubmit requirements are checked each time the user submit the login form. See the documentation for more information.
  • Add field metadata feature, where every module can add metadata to fields via public API offered by apos.doc.setMeta(), apos.doc.getMeta(), apos.doc.getMetaPath() and apos.doc.removeMeta(). The metadata is stored in the database and can be used to store additional information about a field.
  • Add new apos.schema.addFieldMetadataComponent(namespace, component) method to allow adding custom components. They have access to the server-side added field metadata and can decide to show indicators on the admin UI fields. Currently supported fields are "string", "slug", "array", "object" and "area".


  • When deleting a draft document, we remove related reverse IDs of documents having a relation to the deleted one.
  • Fix publishing or moving published page after a draft page on the same tree level to work as expected.
  • Check create permissions on create keyboard shortcut.
  • Copy requires create and edit permission.
  • Display a more informative error message when publishing a page because the parent page is not published and the current user has no permission to publish the parent page (while having permission to publish the current one).
  • The content-changed event for the submit draft action now uses a complete document.
  • Fix the context bar overlap on palette for non-admin users that have the permission to modify it.
  • Show widget icons in the editor area context menu.


  • Share Drafts modal styles made larger and it's toggle input has a larger hitbox.

3.62.0 (2024-01-25)


  • Adds support for type query parameter for page autocomplete. This allows to filter the results by page type. Example: /api/v1/@apostrophecms/page?autocomplete=something&type=my-page-type.
  • Add testing for the float schema field query builder.
  • Add testing for the integer schema field query builder.
  • Add support for link HTML attributes in the rich text widget via configurable fields linkFields, extendable on a project level (same as it's done for fields). Add an htmlAttribute property to the standard fields that map directly to an HTML attribute, except href (see special case below), and set it accordingly, even if it is the same as the field name. Setting htmlAttribute: 'href' is not allowed and will throw a schema validation exception (on application boot).
  • Adds support in can and criteria methods for create and delete.
  • Changes support for image upload from canEdit to canCreate.
  • The media manager is compatible with per-doc permissions granted via the @apostrophecms-pro/advanced-permission module.
  • In inline arrays, the trash icon has been replaced by a close icon.


  • Fix the launder and finalize methods of the float schema field query builder.
  • Fix the launder and finalize methods of the integer schema field query builder.
  • A user who has permission to publish a particular page should always be allowed to insert it into the published version of the site even if they could not otherwise insert a child of the published parent.
  • Display the "Browse" button in a relationship inside an inline array.

3.61.1 (2023-01-08)


  • Pinned Vue dependency to 2.7.15. Released on December 24th, Vue 2.7.16 broke the rich text toolbar in Apostrophe.

3.61.0 (2023-12-21)


  • Add a validate method to the url field type to allow the use of the pattern property.
  • Add autocomplete attribute to schema fields that implement it (cf. HTML attribute: autocomplete).
  • Add the delete method to the @apostrophecms/cache module so we don't have to rely on direct MongoDB manipulation to remove a cache item.
  • Adds tag property to fields in order to show a tag next to the field title (used in advanced permission for the admin field). Adds new sensitive label color.
  • Pass on the module name and the full, namespaced template name to external front ends, e.g. Astro. Also make this information available to other related methods for future and project-level use.
  • Fixes the AposCheckbox component to be used more easily standalone, accepts a single model value instead of an array.


  • Fix date schema field query builder to work with arrays.
  • Fix if on pages. When you open the AposDocEditor modal on pages, you now see an up to date view of the visible fields.
  • Pass on complete annotation information for nested areas when adding or editing a nested widget using an external front, like Astro.
  • We can now close the image modal in rich-text widgets when we click outside of the modal. The click on the cancel button now works too.
  • Fixes the clearLoginAttempts method to work with the new @apostrophecms/cache module delete method.

3.60.1 (2023-12-06)


  • corrected an issue where the use of the doc template library can result in errors at startup when replicating certain content to new locales. This was not a bug in the doc template library. Apostrophe was not invoking findForEditing where it should have.

3.60.0 (2023-11-29)


  • Add the possibility to add custom classes to notifications. Setting the apos-notification--hidden class will hide the notification, which can be useful when we only care about the event carried by it.
  • Give the possibility to add horizontal rules from the insert menu of the rich text editor with the following widget option: insert: [ 'horizontalRule' ]. Improve also the UX to focus back the editor after inserting a horizontal rule or a table.


  • The render-widget route now provides an options property on the widget, so that schema-level options of the widget are available to the external front end when rendering a newly added or edited widget in the editor. Note that when rendering a full page, this information is already available on the parent area: area.options.widgets[widget.type]
  • Pages inserted directly in the published mode are now given a correct lastPublishedAt property, correcting several bugs relating to the page tree.
  • A migration has been added to introduce lastPublishedAt wherever it is missing for existing pages.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented page ranks from renumbering properly during "insert after" operations.
  • Added a one-time migration to make existing page ranks unique among peers.
  • Fixes conditional fields not being properly updated when switching items in array editor.
  • The beforeSend event for pages and the loading of deferred widgets are now handled in renderPage with the proper timing so that areas can be annotated successfully for "external front" use.
  • The external front now receives 100% of the serialization-friendly data that Nunjucks receives, including the home property etc. Note that the responsibility to avoid passing any nonserializable or excessively large data in falls on the developer when choosing to use the apos-external-front feature.
  • Wraps the group label in the expanded preview menu component in $t() to allow translation

3.59.1 (2023-11-14)


  • Fix if and requiredIf fields inside arrays. With regard to if, this is a hotfix for a regression introduced in 3.59.0.

3.59.0 (2023-11-03)


  • Webpack warnings about package size during the admin UI build process have been turned off by default. Warnings are still enabled for the public build, where a large bundle can be problematic for SEO.


  • Apostrophe warns you if you have more than one piece page for the same piece type and you have not overridden chooseParentPage to help Apostrophe decide which page is suitable as the _url of each piece. Beginning with this release, Apostrophe can recognize when you have chosen to do this via extendMethods, so that you can call _super() to fall back to the default implementation without receiving this warning. The default implementation still just returns the first page found, but always following the _super() pattern here opens the door to npm modules that improve @apostrophecms/piece-page to do something more sophisticated by default.
  • newInstance always returns a reasonable non-null empty value for area and object fields in case the document is inserted without being passed through the editor, e.g. in a parked page like the home page. This simplifies the new external front feature.


  • An adapter for Astro is under development with support from Michelin. Starting with this release, adapters for external fronts, i.e. "back for front" frameworks such as Astro, may now be implemented more easily. Apostrophe recognizes the x-requested-with: AposExternalFront header and the apos-external-front-key header. If both are present and apos-external-front-key matches the APOS_EXTERNAL_FRONT_KEY environment variable, then Apostrophe returns JSON in place of a normal page response. This mechanism is also available for the render-widget route.
  • Like type, metaType is always included in projections. This helps ensure that apos.util.getManagerOf() can be used on any object returned by the Apostrophe APIs.

3.58.1 (2023-10-18)


  • Update uploadfs to guarantee users get a fix for a potential security vulnerability in sharp. This was theoretically exploitable only by users with permission to upload media to Apostrophe
  • Remove the webpack bundle analyzer feature, which had been nonfunctional for some time, to address a harmless npm audit warning
  • Note: there is one remaining npm audit warning regarding postcss. This is not a true vulnerability because only developers with access to the entire codebase can modify styles passed to postcss by Apostrophe, but we are working with upstream developers to determine the best steps to clear the warning


  • Automatically add type to the projection only if there are no exclusions in the projection. Needed to prevent Cannot do exclusion on field in inclusion projection error.

3.58.0 (2023-10-12)


  • Ensure Apostrophe can make appropriate checks by always including type in the projection even if it is not explicitly listed.
  • Never try to annotate a widget with permissions the way we annotate a document, even if the widget is simulating a document.
  • The areas query builder now works properly when an array of area names has been specified.


  • Widget schema can now follow the parent schema via the similar to introduced in the array field type syntax (< prefix). In order a parent followed field to be available to the widget schema, the area field should follow it. For example, if area follows the root schema title field via following: ['title'], any field from a widget schema inside that area can do following: ['<title'].
  • The values of fields followed by an area field are now available in custom widget preview Vue components (registered with widget option options.widget = 'MyComponentPreview'). Those components will also receive additional areaField prop (the parent area field definition object).
  • Allows to insert attachments with a given ID, as well as with docIds and archivedDocIds to preserve related docs.
  • Adds an update method to the attachment module, that updates the mongoDB doc and the associated file.
  • Adds an option to the http remote method to allow receiving the original response from node-fetch that is a stream.

3.57.0 2023-09-27


  • Removes a 25px gap used to prevent in-context widget UI from overlapping with the admin bar
  • Simplifies the way in-context widget state is rendered via modifier classes


  • Widgets detect whether or not their in-context editing UI will collide with the admin bar and adjust it appropriately.
  • Italian translation i18n file created for the Apostrophe Admin-UI. Thanks to Antonello Zanini for this contribution.
  • Fixed date in piece type being displayed as current date in column when set as undefined and without default value. Thanks to TheSaddestBread for this contribution.


  • Bumped dependency on oembetter to ensure Vimeo starts working again for everyone with this release. This is necessary because Vimeo stopped offering oembed discovery meta tags on their video pages.


  • The 118n module now ignores non-JSON files within the i18n folder of any module and does not crash the build process.

3.56.0 (2023-09-13)


  • Add ability for custom tiptap extensions to access the options passed to rich text widgets at the area level.
  • Add support for npm workspaces dependencies. A workspace dependency can now be used as an Apostrophe module even if it is not a direct dependency of the Apostrophe project. Only direct workspaces dependencies of the Apostrophe project are supported, meaning this will only work with workspaces set in the Apostrophe project. Workspaces set in npm modules are not supported, please use bundle instead. For instance, I have an Apostrophe project called website. website is set with two npm workspaces, workspace-a & workspace-b. workspace-a package.json contains a module named blog as a dependency. website can reference blog as enabled in the Apostrophe modules configuration.
  • The actual invocation of renderPageForModule by the sendPage method of all modules has been factored out to renderPage, which is no longer deprecated. This provides a convenient override point for those who wish to substitute something else for Nunjucks or just wrap the HTML in a larger data structure. For consistent results, one might also choose to override the renderWidget and render methods of the @apostrophecms/area module, which are used to render content while editing. Thanks to Michelin for their support of this work.
  • Add @apostrophecms/rich-text-widget:lint-fix-figure task to wrap text nodes in paragraph tags when next to figure tags. Figure tags are not valid children of paragraph tags.
  • Add @apostrophecms/rich-text-widget:remove-empty-paragraph task to remove empty paragraphs from all existing rich-texts.

3.55.1 (2023-09-11)


  • The structured logging for API routes now responds properly if an API route throws a string as an exception, rather than a politely Error-derived object with a stack property. Previously this resulted in an error message about the logging system itself, which was not useful for debugging the original exception.

3.55.0 (2023-08-30)


  • Add publicApiCheckAsync wrapper method (and use it internally) to allow for overrides to do async permission checks of REST APIs. This feature doesn't introduce any breaking changes because the default implementation still invokes publicApiCheck in case developers have overridden it.


  • Refresh schema field with same name in AposDocEditor when the schema changes.
  • Infer parent ID mode from the request when retrieving the parent (target) page to avoid notfound.
  • Log the actual REST API error message and not the one meant for the user.
  • Hide dash on autopublished pages title.

3.54.0 (2023-08-16)


  • Add @apostrophecms/log module to allow structured logging. All modules have logDebug, logInfo, logWarn and logError methods now. See the documentation for more details.
  • Add @apostrophecms/settings translations.
  • Add the ability to have custom modals for batch operations.
  • Add the possibility to display utility operations inside a 3-dots menu on the page manager, the same way it is done for the docs manager.
  • Custom context operations now accept a moduleIf property, which tests options at the module level the same way that if tests properties of the document to determine if the operation should be offered for a particular document. Note that not all options are passed to the front end unless getBrowserData is extended to suit the need.
  • Move Pages Manager modal business logic to a mixin.
  • Add column.extraWidth option (number) for AposTreeHeader.vue to allow control over the tree cell width.
  • Move AposDocContextMenu.vue business logic to a mixin.
  • Move Pages Manager modal business logic to a mixin. Add column.extraWidth option (number) for AposTreeHeader.vue to allow control over the tree cell width.


  • Rename misleading projection parameter into options in self.find method signature for @apostrophecms/any-doc-type, @apostrophecms/any-page-type & @apostrophecms/piece-type. This was never really a projection in A3, so it is not a backwards compatibility issue.
  • Hide save button during in-context editing if the document is autopublished.
  • Beginning with this release, the correct moduleName for typical actions on the context document is automatically passed to the modal associated with a custom context operation, unless moduleName is explicitly specified. The moduleName parameter to addContextOperation is no longer required and should not be passed at all in most cases (just pass the object argument). If you do wish to specify a moduleName to override that prop given to the modal, then it is recommended to pass it as a moduleName property of the object, not as a separate argument. For backwards compatibility the two-argument syntax is still permitted.


  • Resolved data integrity issue with certain page tree operations by inferring the best peer to position the page relative to rather than attempting to remember the most recent move operation.
  • Fixes a downstream bug in the getFieldsByCategory method in the AposEditorMixin.js by checking for a property before accessing it.
  • In Nunjucks templates, data.url now includes any sitewide and locale URL prefixes. This fixes local prefixing for pagination of piece-type index pages.
  • Changes were detected in various fields such as integers, which caused the "Update" button to be active even when there was no actual modification in the doc.
  • Fix a bug that prevented adding multiple operations in the same batch operation group.
  • The getTarget method of the page module should use findForEditing to make sure it is able to see pages that would be filtered out of a public view by project level or npm module overrides.

3.53.0 (2023-08-03)


  • Accessibility improved for navigation inside modals and various UI elements. Pages/Docs Manager and Doc Editor modal now have better keyboard accessibility. They keep the focus on elements inside modals and give it back to their parent modal when closed. This implementation is evolving and will likely switch to use the dialog HTML element soon.
  • Adds support for a new if property in addContextOperation in order to show or not a context operation based on the current document properties.
  • Add update-doc-fields event to call AposDocEditor.updateDocFields method
  • Add schema field hidden property to always hide a field
  • Hide empty schema tabs in AposDocEditor when all fields are hidden due to if conditions
  • The front end UI now respects the _aposEditorModal and _aposAutopublish properties of a document if present, and otherwise falls back to module configuration. This is a powerful addition to custom editor components for piece and page types, allowing "virtual piece types" on the back end that deal with many content types to give better hints to the UI.
  • Respect the _aposAutopublish property of a document if present, otherwise fall back to module configuration.
  • For convenience in custom editor components, pass the new prop type, the original type of the document being copied or edited.
  • For better results in custom editor components, pass the prop copyOfId, which implies the custom editor should fetch the original itself by its means of choice. For backwards compatibility copyOf is still passed, but it may be an incomplete projection and should not be used in new code.
  • Custom context operations now receive a docId prop, which should be used in preference to doc because doc may be an incomplete projection.
  • Those creating custom context operations for documents can now specify both a props object for additional properties to be passed to their modal and a docProps object to map properties from the document to props of their choosing.
  • Adds support to add context labels in admin bar.
  • Adds support for admin UI language configuration in the @apostrophecms/i18n module. The new options allow control over the default admin UI language and configures the list of languages, that any individual logged in user can choose from. See the documentation for more details.
  • Adds adminLocale User field to allow users to set their preferred admin UI language, but only when the @apostrophecms/i18n is configured accordingly (see above).
  • Adds @apostrophecms/settings module and a "Personal Settings" feature. See the documentation for more details.
  • Adds $and operator on addContextOperation if property in order to check multiple fields before showing or hiding a context operation.


  • AposDocEditor onSave method signature. We now always expect an object when a parameter is passed to the function to check the value of navigate flag.
  • Fixes a problem in the rich text editor where the slash would not be deleted after item selectin from the insert menu.
  • Modules that have a public or i18n subdirectory no longer generate a warning if they export no code.
  • Clean up focus parent event handlers when components are destroyed. Prevents a slow degradation of performance while editing. Thanks to Joshua N. Miller.
  • Fixes a visual discrepancy in the rich text editor where empty paragraphs would appear smaller in preview mode compared to edit mode.


  • To make life easier for module developers, modules that are npm linked to the project no longer have to be listed in package.json as dependencies. To prevent surprises this is still a requirement for modules that are not symlinked.

3.52.0 (2023-07-06)


  • Foreign widget UI no longer uses inverted theme styles.


  • Allows users to double-click a nested widget's breadcrumb entry and open its editor.
  • Adds support for a new conditions property in addContextOperation and validation of addContextOperation configuration.


  • The API now allows the user to create a page without defining the page target ID. By default it takes the Home page.
  • Users are no longer blocked from saving documents when a field is hidden by an if condition fails to satisfy a condition such as min or max or is otherwise invalid. Instead the invalid value is discarded for safety. Note that required has always been ignored when an if condition is not satisfied.
  • Errors thrown in @apostrophecms/login:afterSessionLogin event handlers are now properly passed back to Passport as such, avoiding a process restart.

3.51.1 (2023-06-23)


  • Fix a regression introduced in 3.51.0 - conditional fields work again in the array editor dialog box.

3.51.0 (2023-06-21)


  • Items can now be added to the user's personal menu in the admin bar, alongside the "Log Out" option. To do so, specify the user: true option when calling self.apos.adminBar.add. This should be reserved for items that manage personal settings.
  • When duplicating another document, the _id properties of array items, widgets and areas are still regenerated to ensure uniqueness across documents. However, an _originalId property is now available for reference while the document remains in memory. This facilitates change detection within array items in beforeSave handlers and the like.
  • Adds the possibility to add custom admin bars via the addBar() method from the admin-bar module.
  • Adds support for conditional fields within array and object field schema. See the documentation for more information.


  • Uses findForEditing method in the page put route.
  • The "Duplicate" option in the page or piece manager now correctly duplicates the entire document. This was a regression introduced in 3.48.0. The "Duplicate" option in the editor dialog box always worked correctly.


  • Browser URL now changes to reflect the slug of the document according to the mode that is being viewed.

3.50.0 (2023-06-09)


  • As a further fix for issues that could ensue before the improvements to locale renaming support that were released in 3.49.0, an @apostrophecms/page:reattach task has been added. This command line task takes the _id or slug of a page and reattaches it to the page tree as the last child of the home page, even if page tree data for that page is corrupted. You may wish to use the --new-slug and --locale options. This task should not be needed in normal circumstances.

3.49.0 (2023-06-08)


  • Updates area UX to not display Add Content controls when a widget is focused.
  • Updates area UX to unfocus widget on esc key.
  • Updates widget UI to use dashed outlines instead of borders to indicate bounds.
  • Updates UI for Insert Menu.
  • Updates Insert Menu UX to allow mid-node insertion.
  • Rich Text Widget's Insert components are now expected to emit done and cancel for proper RT cleanup. close still supported for BC, acts as done.
  • Migrated the business logic of the login-related Vue components to external mixins, so that the templates and styles can be overridden by copying the component .vue file to project level without copying all of the business logic. If you have already copied the components to style them, we encourage you to consider replacing your script tag with the new version, which just imports the mixin, so that fixes we make there will be available in your project.


  • Adds keyboard accessibility to Insert menu.
  • Adds regex pattern feature for string fields.
  • Adds pnpm support. Introduces new optional Apostrophe root configuration pnpm to force opt-in/out when auto detection fails. See the documentation for more details.
  • Adds a warning if database queries involving relationships are made before the last apostrophe:modulesRegistered handler has fired. If you need to call Apostrophe's find() methods at startup, it is best to wait for the @apostrophecms/doc:beforeReplicate event.
  • Allow @ when a piece is a template and /@ for page templates (doc-template-library module).
  • Adds a prefix option to the http frontend util module. If explicitly set to false, prevents the prefix from being automatically added to the URL, when making calls with already-prefixed URLs for instance.
  • Adds the redirectToFirstLocale option to the i18n module to prevent users from reaching a version of their site that would not match any locale when requesting the site without a locale prefix in the URL.
  • If just one instance of a piece type should always exist (per locale if localized), the singletonAuto option may now be set to true or to an object with a slug option in order to guarantee it. This implicitly sets singleton: true as well. This is now used internally by @apostrophecms/global as well as the optional @apostrophecms-pro/palette module.


  • Fix 404 error when viewing/editing a doc which draft has a different version of the slug than the published one.
  • Fixed a bug where multiple home pages can potentially be inserted into the database if the default locale is renamed. Introduced the async apos.doc.bestAposDocId(criteria) method to help identify the right aposDocId when inserting a document that might exist in other locales.
  • Fixed a bug where singletons like the global doc might not be inserted at all if they exist under the former name of the default locale and there are no other locales.

3.48.0 (2023-05-26)


  • For performance, add apos.modules['piece-type']getManagerApiProjection method to reduce the amount of data returned in the manager modal. The projection will contain the fields returned in the method in addition to the existing manager modal columns.
  • Add apos.schema.getRelationshipQueryBuilderChoicesProjection method to set the projection used in apos.schema.relationshipQueryBuilderChoices.
  • Rich-text inline images now copies the alt attribute from the original image from the Media Library.


  • Remove stripPlaceholderBrs and restorePlaceholderBrs from AposRichTextWidgetEditor.vue component.
  • Change tiptap Gapcursor display to use a vertical blinking cursor instead of an horizontal cursor, which allow users to add text before and after inline images and tables.
  • You can set max-width on .apos-rich-text-toolbar__inner to define the width of the rich-text toolbar. It will now flow on multiple lines if needed.
  • The utilityRail prop of AposSchema now defaults to false, removing the need to explicitly pass it in almost all contexts.
  • Mark apos.modules['doc-type'] methods getAutocompleteTitle, getAutocompleteProjection and autocomplete as deprecated. Our admin UI does not use them, it uses the autocomplete('...') query builder. More info at'.
  • Print a warning with a clear explanation if a module's index.js file contains no module.exports object (often due to a typo), or it is empty.


  • Now errors and exits when a piece-type or widget-type module has a field object with the property type. Thanks to NuktukDev for this contribution.
  • Add a default page type value to prevent the dropdown from containing an empty value.

3.47.0 (2023-05-05)


  • Since Node 14 and MongoDB 4.2 have reached their own end-of-support dates, we are no longer supporting them for A3. Note that our dependency on jsdom 22 is incompatible with Node 14. Node 16 and Node 18 are both still supported. However, because Node 16 reaches its end-of-life date quite soon (September), testing and upgrading directly to Node 18 is strongly recommended.
  • Updated sluggo to version 1.0.0.
  • Updated jsdom to version 22.0.0 to address an installation warning about the word-wrap module.


  • Fix extendQueries to use super pattern for every function in builders and methods (and override properties that are not functions).

3.46.0 (2023-05-03)


  • Adding or editing a piece no longer immediately refreshes the main content area if a widget editor is open. This prevents interruption of the widget editing process when working with the @apostrophecms/ai-helper module, and also helps in other situations.
  • Check that e.doc exists when handling content-changed event.
  • Require updated uploadfs version with no dependency warnings.


  • Allow sub-schema fields (array and object) to follow parent schema fields using the newly introduced following: '<parentField' syntax, where the starting < indicates the parent level. For example <parentField follows a field in the parent level, <<grandParentField follows a field in the grandparent level, etc. The change is fully backward compatible with the current syntax for following fields from the same schema level.


  • Debounce search to prevent calling search on every key stroke in the manager modal.
  • Various size and spacing adjustments in the expanded Add Content modal UI

3.45.1 (2023-04-28)


  • Added missing styles to ensure consistent presentation of the rich text insert menu.
  • Fixed a bug in which clicking on an image in the media manager would close the "insert image" dialog box.
  • Update html-to-text package to the latest major version.

3.45.0 (2023-04-27)


  • Rich text widgets now support the insert option, an array which currently may contain the strings image and table in order to add a convenient "insert menu" that pops up when the slash key is pressed. This provides a better user experience for rich text features that shouldn't require that the user select existing text before using them.
  • Auto expand inline array width if needed using width: max-content in the admin UI.
  • The "browse" button is now available when selecting pages and pieces to link to in the rich text editor.
  • The "browse" button is also available when selecting inline images in the rich text editor.
  • Images are now previewed in the relationship field's compact list view.
  • The new apos-refreshing Apostrophe bus event can be used to prevent Apostrophe from refreshing the main content zone of the page when images and pieces are edited, by clearing the refresh property of the object passed to the event.
  • To facilitate custom click handlers, an apos.modal.onTopOf(el1, el2) function is now available to check whether an element is considered to be "on top of" another element in the modal stack.


  • The v-click-outside-element Vue directive now understands that modals "on top of" an element should be considered to be "inside" the element, e.g. clicks on them shouldn't close the link dialog etc.


  • Fix various issues on conditional fields that were occurring when adding new widgets with default values or selecting a falsy value in a field that has a conditional field relying on it. Populate new or existing doc instances with default values and add an empty null choice to select fields that do not have a default value (required or not) and to the ones configured with dynamic choices.
  • Rich text widgets save more reliably when many actions are taken quickly just before save.
  • Fix an issue in the oembed field where the value was kept in memory after cancelling the widget editor, which resulted in saving the value if the widget was nested and the parent widget was saved. Also improve the oembed field UX by setting the input as readonly rather than disabled when fetching the video metadata, in order to avoid losing its focus when typing.

3.44.0 (2023-04-13)


  • checkboxes fields now support a new style: 'combobox' option for a better multiple-select experience when there are many choices.
  • If the new guestApiAccess option is set to true for a piece type or for @apostrophecms/page, Apostrophe will allow all logged-in users to access the GET-method REST APIs of that module, not just users with editing privileges, even if publicApiProjection is not set. This is useful when the goal is to allow REST API access to "guest" users who have project-specific reasons to fetch access content via REST APIs.
  • test-lib/utils.js has new createUser and loginAs methods for the convenience of those writing mocha tests of Apostrophe modules.
  • batchOperations permissions: if a permission property is added to any entry in the batchOperations cascade of a piece-type module, this permission will be checked for every user. See batchOperations configuration in modules/@apostrophecms/piece-type/index.js. The check function checkBatchOperationsPermissions can be extended. Please note that this permission is checked only to determine whether to offer the operation.


  • Fix child page slug when title is deleted

3.43.0 (2023-03-29)


  • Add the possibility to override the default "Add Item" button label by setting the itemLabel option of an array field.
  • Adds touch task for every piece type. This task invokes update on each piece, which will execute all of the same event handlers that normally execute when a piece of that type is updated. Example usage: node app article:touch.


  • Hide the suggestion help from the relationship input list when the user starts typing a search term.
  • Hide the suggestion hint from the relationship input list when the user starts typing a search term except when there are no matches to display.
  • Disable context menu for related items when their relationship field has no sub-fields configured.
  • Logic for checking whether we are running a unit test of an external module under mocha now uses includes for a simpler, safer test that should be more cross-platform.

3.42.0 (2023-03-16)


  • You can now set style: table on inline arrays. It will display the array as a regular HTML table instead of an accordion. See the array field documentation for more information.
  • You can now set draggable: false on inline arrays. It will disable the drag and drop feature. Useful when the order is not significant. See the array field documentation for more information.
  • You can now set the label and icon to display on inline arrays when they are empty. See the array field documentation for more information.
  • We have added a new and improved suggestion UI to relationship fields.
  • The utilityOperations feature of piece types now supports additional properties: relationship: true (show the operation only when editing a relationship), relationship: false (never show the operation when editing a relationship), button: true, icon and iconOnly: true. When button: true is specified, the operation appears as a standalone button rather than being tucked away in the "more" menu.
  • In addition, utilityOperations can now specify eventOptions with an event subproperty instead of modalOptions. This is useful with the new edit event (see below).
  • Those extending our admin UI on the front end can now open a modal to create or edit a page or piece by calling await apos.doc.edit({ type: 'article' }) (the type here is an example). To edit an existing document add an _id property. To copy an existing document (like our "duplicate" feature) add a copyOf property. When creating new pages, type can be sent to @apostrophecms/page for convenience (note that the type property does not override the default or current page type in the editor).
  • The edit Apostrophe event is now available and takes an object with the same properties as above. This is useful when configuring utilityOperations.
  • The content-changed Apostrophe event can now be emitted with a select: true property. If a document manager for the relevant content type is open, it will attempt to add the document to the current selection. Currently this works best with newly inserted documents.
  • Localized strings in the admin UI can now use $t(key) to localize a string inside an interpolated variable. This was accomplished by setting skipOnVariables to false for i18next, solely on the front end for admin UI purposes.
  • The syntax of the method defined for dynamic choices now accepts a module prefix to get the method from, and the () suffix. This has been done for consistency with the external conditions syntax shipped in the previous release. See the documentation for more information.
  • Added the viewPermission property of schema fields, and renamed permission to editPermission (with backwards compatibility) for clarity. You can now decide if a schema field requires permissions to be visible or editable. See the documentation for more information.
  • Display the right environment label on login page. By default, based on NODE_ENV, overriden by environmentLabel option in @apostrophecms/login module. The environment variable APOS_ENV_LABEL will override this. Note that NODE_ENV should generally only be set to development (the default) or production as many Node.js modules opt into optimizations suitable for all deployed environments when it is set to production. This is why we offer the separate APOS_ENV_LABEL variable.


  • Do not log unnecessary "required" errors for hidden fields.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented "Text Align" from working properly in the rich text editor in certain cases.
  • Fix typo in @apostrophecms/doc-type and @apostrophecms/submitted-drafts where we were using canCreate instead of showCreate to display the Create New button or showing the Copy button in Manager modals.
  • Send external condition results in an object so that numbers are supported as returned values.

3.41.1 (2023-03-07)

No changes. Publishing to make sure 3.x is tagged latest in npm, rather than 2.x.

3.41.0 (2023-03-06)


  • Handle external conditions to display fields according to the result of a module method, or multiple methods from different modules. This can be useful for displaying fields according to the result of an external API or any business logic run on the server. See the documentation for more information.


  • Replace deep-get-set dependency with lodash's get and set functions to fix the Prototype Pollution in deep-get-set vulnerability. There was no actual vulnerability in Apostrophe due to the way the module was actually used, and this was done to address vulnerability scan reports.
  • The "soft redirects" for former URLs of documents now work better with localization. Thanks to Waldemar Pankratz.
  • Destroy AreaEditor Vue apps when the page content is refreshed in edit mode. This avoids a leak of Vue apps components being recreated while instances of old ones are still alive.


  • Upgrades passport to the latest version in order to ensure session regeneration when logging in or out. This adds additional security to logins by mitigating any risks due to XSS attacks. Apostrophe is already robust against XSS attacks. For passport methods that are internally used by Apostrophe everything is still working. For projects that are accessing the passport instance directly through self.apos.login.passport, some verifications may be necessary to avoid any compatibility issue. The internally used methods are authenticate, use, serializeUser, deserializeUser, initialize, session.

3.40.1 (2023-02-18)

  • No code change. Patch level bump for package update.

3.40.0 (2023-02-17)


  • For devops purposes, the APOS_BASE_URL environment variable is now respected as an override of the baseUrl option.


  • Do not display shortcut conflicts at startup if there are none.
  • Range field correctly handles the def attribute set to 0 now. The def property will be used when the field has no value provided; a value going over the max or below the min threshold still returns null.
  • select fields now work properly when the value of a choice is a boolean rather than a string or a number.

3.39.2 (2023-02-03)


  • Hotfix for a backwards compatibility break in webpack that triggered a tiptap bug. The admin UI build will now succeed as expected.

3.39.1 (2023-02-02)


  • Rescaling cropped images with the @apostrophecms/attachment:rescale task now works correctly. Thanks to Waldemar Pankratz for this contribution.

3.39.0 (2023-02-01)


  • Basic support for editing tables by adding table to the rich text toolbar. Enabling table allows you to create tables, including td and th tags, with the ability to merge and split cells. For now the table editing UI is basic, all of the functionality is there but we plan to add more conveniences for easy table editing soon. See the "Table" dropdown for actions that are permitted based on the current selection.
  • superscript and subscript may now be added to the rich text widget's toolbar option.
  • Early beta-quality support for adding inline images to rich text, by adding image to the rich text toolbar. This feature works reliably, however the UI is not mature yet. In particular you must search for images by typing part of the title. We will support a proper "browse" experience here soon. For good results you should also configure the imageStyles option. You will also want to style the figure tags produced. See the documentation for more information.
  • Support for div tags in the rich text toolbar, if you choose to include them in styles. This is often necessary for A2 content migration and can potentially be useful in new work when combined with a class if there is no suitable semantic block tag.
  • The new @apostrophecms/attachment:download-all --to=folder command line task is useful to download all of your attachments from an uploadfs backend other than local storage, especially if you do not have a more powerful "sync" utility for that particular storage backend.
  • A new loadingType option can now be set for image-widget when configuring an area field. This sets the loading attribute of the img tag, which can be used to enable lazy loading in most browsers. Thanks to Waldemar Pankratz for this contribution.
  • Two new module-level options have been added to the image-widget module: loadingType and size. These act as fallbacks for the same options at the area level. Thanks to Waldemar Pankratz for this contribution.


  • Adding missing require (bluebird) and fallback (file.crops || []) to @apostrophecms/attachment:rescale-task

3.38.1 (2023-01-23)


  • Version 3.38.0 introduced a regression that temporarily broke support for user-edited content in locales with names like de-de (note the lowercase country name). This was inadvertently introduced in an effort to improve support for locale fallback when generating static translations of the admin interface. Version 3.38.1 brings back the content that temporarily appeared to be missing for these locales (it was never removed from the database), and also achieves the original goal. However, if you created content for such locales using 3.38.0 (released five days ago) and wish to keep that content, rather than reverting to the content from before 3.38.0, see below.


  • The new i18n:rename-locale task can be used to move all content from one locale name to another, using the --old and --new options. By default, any duplicate keys for content existing in both locales will stop the process. However you can specify which content to keep in the event of a duplicate key error using the --keep=localename option. Note that the value of --new should match the a locale name that is currently configured for the @apostrophecms/i18n module.


# If you always had de-de configured as a locale, but created
# a lot of content with Apostrophe 3.38.0 which incorrectly stored
# it under de-DE, you can copy that content. In this case we opt
# to keep de-de content in the event of any conflicts
node app @apostrophecms/i18n:rename-locale --old=de-DE --new=de-de --keep=de-de

3.38.0 (2023-01-18)


  • Emit a beforeSave event from the @apostrophecms:notification module, with req and the notification as arguments, in order to give the possibility to override the notification.
  • Emit a beforeInsert event from the @apostrophecms:attachment module, with req and the doc as arguments, in order to give the possibility to override the attachment.
  • Emit a beforeSaveSafe event from the @apostrophecms:user module, with req, safeUser and user as arguments, in order to give the possibility to override properties of the safeUser object which contains password hashes and other information too sensitive to be stored in the aposDocs collection.
  • Automatically convert failed uppercase URLs to their lowercase version - can be disabled with redirectFailedUpperCaseUrls: false in @apostrophecms/page/index.js options. This only comes into play if a 404 is about to happen.
  • Automatically convert country codes in locales like xx-yy to xx-YY before passing them to i18next, which is strict about uppercase country codes.
  • Keyboard shortcuts conflicts are detected and logged on to the terminal.


  • Invalid locales passed to the i18n locale switching middleware are politely mapped to 400 errors.
  • Any other exceptions thrown in the i18n locale switching middleware can no longer crash the process.
  • Documents kept as the previous version for undo purposes were not properly marked as such, breaking the public language switcher in some cases. This was fixed and a migration was added for existing data.
  • Uploading an image in an apostrophe area with minSize requirements will not trigger an unexpected error anymore. If the image is too small, a notification will be displayed with the minimum size requirements. The Edit Image modal will now display the minimum size requirements, if any, above the Browse Images field.
  • Some browsers saw the empty POST response for new notifications as invalid XML. It will now return an empty JSON object with the Content-Type set to application/json.

3.37.0 (2023-01-06)


  • Dynamic choice functions in schemas now also receive a data object with their original doc id for further inspection by your function.
  • Use mergeWithCustomize when merging extended source Webpack configuration. Introduce overideable asset module methods srcCustomizeArray and srcCustomizeObject, with reasonable default behavior, for fine tuning Webpack config arrays and objects merging. More info - the Webpack mergeWithCustomize docs
  • The image widget now accepts a placeholderImage option that works like previewImage (just specify a file extension, like placeholderImage: 'jpg', and provide the file public/placeholder.jpg in the module). The placeholderUrl option is still available for backwards compatibility.


  • docId is now properly passed through array and object fields and into their child schemas.
  • Remove module @apostrophecms/polymorphic-type name alias @apostrophecms/polymorphic. It was causing warnings e.g. A permission.can() call was made with a type that has no manager: @apostrophecms/polymorphic-type.
  • The module webpack.extensions configuration is not applied to the core Admin UI build anymore. This is the correct and intended behavior as explained in the relevant documentation.
  • The previewImage option now works properly for widget modules loaded from npm and those that subclass them. Specifically, the preview image may be provided in the public/ subdirectory of the original module, the project-level configuration of it, or a subclass.

3.36.0 (2022-12-22)


  • shortcut option for piece modules, allowing easy re-mapping of the manager command shortcut per module.


  • Ensure there are no conflicting command shortcuts for the core modules.

3.35.0 (2022-12-21)


  • Introduced support for linking directly to other Apostrophe documents in a rich text widget. The user can choose to link to a URL, or to a page. Linking to various piece types can also be enabled with the linkWithType option. This is equivalent to the old apostrophe-rich-text-permalinks module but is included in the core in A3. See the documentation for details.
  • Introduced support for the anchor toolbar control in the rich text editor. This allows named anchors to be inserted. These are rendered as span tags with the given id and can then be linked to via #id, providing basic support for internal links. HTML 4-style named anchors in legacy content (name on a tags) are automatically migrated upon first edit.
  • German translation i18n file created for the Apostrophe Admin-UI. Thanks to Noah Gysin for this contribution.
  • Introduced support for keyboard shortcuts in admin UI. Hitting ? will display the list of available shortcuts. Developpers can define their own shortcuts by using the new @apostrophecms/command-menu module and the commands property. Please check the keyboard shortcut documentation for more details.


  • The bulletList and orderedList TipTap toolbar items now work as expected.
  • When using the autocomplete/typeahead feature of relationship fields, typing a space at the start no longer results in an error.
  • Replace credential package with credentials to fix the mout Prototype Pollution vulnerability. There was no actual vulnerability in Apostrophe or credential due to the way the module was actually used, and this was done to address vulnerability scan reports.
  • Added a basic implementation of the missing "Paste from Clipboard" option to Expanded Widget Previews.

3.34.0 (2022-12-12)


  • Nested areas work properly in widgets that have the initialModal: false property.
  • Apostrophe's search index now properly incorporates most string field types as in A2.


  • Relationships load more quickly.
  • Parked page checks at startup are faster.
  • Tasks to localize and unlocalize piece type content (see node app help [yourModuleName]:localize and node app help [yourModuleName]:unlocalize).

3.33.0 (2022-11-28)


  • You can now set inline: true on schema fields of type array. This displays a simple editing interface in the context of the main dialog box for the document in question, avoiding the need to open an additional dialog box. Usually best for cases with just one field or just a few. If your array field has a large number of subfields the default behavior (inline: false) is more suitable for your needs. See the array field documentation for more information.
  • Batch feature for publishing pieces.
  • Add extensibility for rich-text-widget defaultOptions. Every key will now be used in the AposRichTextWidgetEditor.


  • Prior to this release, widget templates that contained areas pulled in from related documents would break the ability to add another widget beneath.
  • Validation of object fields now works properly on the browser side, in addition to server-side validation, resolving UX issues.
  • Provisions were added to prevent any possibility of a discrepancy in relationship loading results under high load. It is not clear whether this A2 bug was actually possible in A3.

3.32.0 (2022-11-09)


  • Adds Reset Password feature to the login page. Note that the feature must be enabled and email delivery must be properly configured. See the documentation for more details.
  • Allow project-level developer to override bundling decisions by configuring the @apostrophecms/asset module. Check the module documentation for more information.


  • Query builders for regular select fields have always accepted null to mean "do not filter on this property." Now this also works for dynamic select fields.
  • The i18n UI state management now doesn't allow actions while it's busy.
  • Fixed various localization bugs in the text of the "Update" dropdown menu.
  • The singleton: true option for piece types now automatically implies showCreate: false.
  • Remove browser console warnings by handling Tiptap Editor's breaking changes and duplicated plugins.
  • The editor modal now allocates more space to area fields when possible, resolving common concerns about editing large widgets inside the modal.

3.31.0 (2022-10-27)


  • Adds placeholder: true and initialModal: false features to improve the user experience of adding widgets to the page. Checkout the Widget Placeholders documentation for more detail.


  • When another user is editing the document, the other user's name is now displayed correctly.

3.30.0 (2022-10-12)


  • New APOS_LOG_ALL_ROUTES environment variable. If set, Apostrophe logs information about all middleware functions and routes that are executed on behalf of a particular URL.
  • Adds the addFileGroups option to the attachment module. Additionally it exposes a new method, addFileGroup(group). These allow easier addition of new file groups or extension of the existing groups.


  • Vue 3 may now be used in a separate webpack build at project level without causing problems for the admin UI Vue 2 build.
  • Fixes cache module clear-cache CLI task message
  • Fixes help message for express module list-routes CLI task

3.29.1 (2022-10-03)


  • Hotfix to restore Node 14 support. Of course Node 16 is also supported.

3.29.0 (2022-10-03)


  • Areas now support an expanded: true option to display previews for widgets. The Expanded Widget Preview Menu also supports grouping and display columns for each group.
  • Add "showQuery" in piece-page-type in order to override the query for the "show" page as "indexQuery" does it for the index page


  • Resolved a bug in which users making a password error in the presence of pre-login checks such as a CAPTCHA were unable to try again until they refreshed the page.

3.28.1 (2022-09-15)


  • AposInputBoolean can now be required and have the value false.
  • Schema fields containing boolean filters can now list both yes and no choices according to available values in the database.
  • Fix attachment getHeight() and getWidth() template helpers by changing the assignment of the attachment._crop property.
  • Change assignment of attachment._focalPoint for consistency.

3.28.0 (2022-08-31)


  • Fix UI bug when creating a document via a relationship.


  • Support for uploading webp files for display as images. This is supported by all current browsers now that Microsoft has removed IE11. For best results, you should run npm update on your project to make sure you are receiving the latest release of uploadfs which uses sharp for image processing. Thanks to Isaac Preston for this addition.
  • Clicking outside a modal now closes it, the same way the Escape key does when pressed.
  • checkboxes fields now support min and max properties. Thanks to Gabe Flores.

3.27.0 (2022-08-18)


  • Add /grid POST route in permission module, in addition to the existing GET one.
  • New utility script to help find excessively heavy npm dependencies of apostrophe core.


  • Extract permission grid into AposPermissionGrid vue component.
  • Moved stylelint from dependencies to devDependencies. The benefit may be small because many projects will depend on stylelint at project level, but every little bit helps install speed, and it may make a bigger difference if different major versions are in use.

3.26.1 (2022-08-06)


Hotfix: always waits for the DOM to be ready before initializing the Apostrophe Admin UI. setTimeout alone might not guarantee that every time. This issue has apparently become more frequent in the latest versions of Chrome.

  • Modifies the login module to return an empty object in the API session cookie response body to avoid potential invalid JSON error if response.json() is retrieved.

3.26.0 (2022-08-03)


  • Tasks can now be registered with the afterModuleReady flag, which is more useful than afterModuleInit because it waits for the module to be more fully initialized, including all "improvements" loaded via npm. The original afterModuleInit flag is still supported in case someone was counting on its behavior.
  • Add /grid POST route in permission module, in addition to the existing GET one, to improve extensibility.
  • @apostrophecms/express:list-routes command line task added, to facilitate debugging.


  • Since Microsoft has ended support for IE11 and support for ES5 builds is responsible for a significant chunk of Apostrophe's installation time, the es5: true option no longer produces an IE11 build. For backwards compatibility, developers will receive a warning, but their build will proceed without IE11 support. IE11 ES5 builds can be brought back by installing the optional @apostrophecms/asset-es5 module.


  • testModule: true works in unit tests of external Apostrophe modules again even with modern versions of mocha, thanks to Amin Shazrin.
  • getObjectManager is now implemented for Object field types, fixing a bug that prevented the use of areas found in object schema fields within templates. Thanks to James R T.

3.25.0 (2022-07-20)


  • radio and checkboxes input field types now support a server side choices function for supplying their choices array dynamically, just like select fields do. Future custom field types can opt into this functionality with the field type flag dynamicChoices: true.


  • AposSelect now emits values on change event as they were originally given. Their values "just work" so you do not have to think about JSON anymore when you receive it.
  • Unpinned tiptap as the tiptap team has made releases that resolve the packaging errors that caused us to pin it in 3.22.1.
  • Pinned vue-loader to the 15.9.x minor release series for now. The 15.10.0 release breaks support for using npm link to develop the apostrophe module itself.
  • Minimum version of sanitize-html bumped to ensure a potential denial-of-service vector is closed.

3.24.0 (2022-07-06)


  • Handle private: true locale option in i18n module, preventing logged out users from accessing the content of a private locale.


  • Fix missing title translation in the "Array Editor" component.
  • Add follow: true flag to glob functions (with ** pattern) to allow registering symlink files and folders for nested modules
  • Fix disabled context menu for relationship fields editing (#3820)
  • In getReq method form the task module, extract the right role property from the options object.
  • Fix def: option in array fields, in order to be able to see the default items in the array editor modal

3.23.0 (2022-06-22)


  • Shared Drafts: gives the possibility to share a link which can be used to preview the draft version of page, or a piece show page.
  • Add Localize option to @apostrophecms/image. In Edit mode the context bar menu includes a "Localize" option to start cloning this image into other locales.


  • Update sass to 1.52.3+ to prevent the error RangeError: Invalid value: Not in inclusive range 0..145: -1. You can now fix that by upgrading with npm update. If it does not immediately clear up the issue in development, try node app @apostrophecms/asset:clear-cache.
  • Fix a potential issue when URLs have a query string, in the '@apostrophecms/page:notFound' handler of the soft-redirect module.

3.22.1 (2022-06-17)

  • Hotfix: temporarily pin versions of tiptap modules to work around packaging error that breaks import of the most recent releases. We will unpin as soon as this is fixed upstream. Fixes a bug where npm update would fail for A3 projects.

3.22.0 (2022-06-08)


  • Possibility to pass options to webpack extensions from any module.


  • Fix a Webpack cache issue leading to modules symlinked in node_modules not being rebuilt.
  • Fixes login maximum attempts error message that wasn't showing the plural when lockoutMinutes is more than 1.
  • Fixes the text color of the current array item's slat label in the array editor modal.
  • Fixes the maximum width of an array item's slat label so as to not obscure the Remove button in narrow viewports.
  • If an array field's titleField option is set to a select field, use the selected option's label as the slat label rather its value.
  • Disable the slat controls of the attachment component while uploading.
  • Fixes bug when re-attaching the same file won't trigger an upload.
  • AposSlat now fully respects the disabled state.

3.21.1 (2022-06-04)


  • Work around backwards compatibility break in sass module by pinning to sass 1.50.x while we investigate. If you saw the error RangeError: Invalid value: Not in inclusive range 0..145: -1 you can now fix that by upgrading with npm update. If it does not immediately clear up the issue in development, try node app @apostrophecms/asset:clear-cache.

3.21.0 (2022-05-25)


  • Trigger only the relevant build when in a watch mode (development). The build paths should not contain comma (,).
  • Adds an unpublish method, available for any doc-type. An Unpublish option has also been added to the context menu of the modal when editing a piece or a page.
  • Allows developers to group fields in relationships the same way it's done for normal schemas.


  • Vue files not being parsed when running eslint through command line, fixes all lint errors in vue files.
  • Fix a bug where some Apostrophe modules symlinked in node_modules are not being watched.
  • Recover after webpack build error in watch mode (development only).
  • Fixes an edge case when failing (throw) task invoked via task.invoke will result in apos.isTask() to always return true due to apos.argv not reverted properly.

3.20.1 (2022-05-17)


  • Minor corrections to French translation.



  • Adds French translation of the admin UI (use the fr locale).



  • New schema field type dateAndTime added. This schema field type saves in ISO8601 format, as UTC (Universal Coordinated Time), but is edited in a user-friendly way in the user's current time zone and locale.
  • Webpack disk cache for better build performance in development and, if appropriately configured, production as well.
  • In development, Webpack rebuilds the front end without the need to restart the Node.js process, yielding an additional speedup. To get this speedup for existing projects, see the nodemonConfig section of the latest package.json in a3-boilerplate for the new "ignore" rules you'll need to prevent nodemon from stopping the process and restarting.
  • Added the new command line task apostrophecms/asset:clear-cache for clearing the webpack disk cache. This should be necessary only in rare cases where the configuration has changed in ways Apostrophe can't automatically detect.
  • A separate publishedLabel field can be set for any schema field of a page or piece. If present it is displayed instead of label if the document has already been published.



  • The admin UI now rebuilds properly in a development environment when new npm modules are installed in a multisite project (apos.rootDir differs from apos.npmRootDir).

3.18.0 (2022-05-03)


  • Images may now be cropped to suit a particular placement after selecting them. SVG files may not be cropped as it is not possible in the general case.
  • Editors may also select a "focal point" for the image after selecting it. This ensures that this particular point remains visible even if CSS would otherwise crop it, which is a common issue in responsive design. See the @apostrophecms/image widget for a sample implementation of the necessary styles.
  • Adds the aspectRatio option for image widgets. When set to [ w, h ] (a ratio of width to height), images are automatically cropped to this aspect ratio when chosen for that particular widget. If the user does not crop manually, then cropping happens automatically.
  • Adds the minSize option for image widgets. This ensures that the images chosen are at least the given size [ width, height ], and also ensures the user cannot choose something smaller than that when cropping.
  • Implements OpenTelemetry instrumentation.
  • Developers may now specify an alternate Vue component to be used for editing the subfields of relationships, either at the field level or as a default for all relationships with a particular piece type.
  • The widget type base module now always passes on the components option as browser data, so that individual widget type modules that support contextual editing can be implemented more conveniently.
  • In-context widget editor components now receive a focused prop which is helpful in deciding when to display additional UI.
  • Adds new configuration option - beforeExit async handler.
  • Handlers listening for the apostrophe:run event are now able to send an exit code to the Apostrophe bootstrap routine.
  • Support for Node.js 17 and 18. MongoDB connections to localhost will now successfully find a typical dev MongoDB server bound only to, Apostrophe can generate valid ipv6 URLs pointing back to itself, and webpack and vue-loader have been updated to address incompatibilities.
  • Adds support for custom context menus provided by any module (see apos.doc.addContextOperation()).
  • The AposSchema component now supports an optional generation prop which may be used to force a refresh when the value of the object changes externally. This is a compromise to avoid the performance hit of checking numerous subfields for possible changes every time the value prop changes in response to an input event.
  • Adds new event @apostrophecms/doc:afterAllModesDeleted fired after all modes of a given document are purged.


  • Documentation of obsolete options has been removed.
  • Dead code relating to activating in-context widget editors have been removed. They are always active and have been for some time. In the future they might be swapped in on scroll, but there will never be a need to swap them in "on click."
  • The method of modules now correctly accepts a default from address configured for a specific module via the from subproperty of the email option to that module. Thanks to chmdebeer for pointing out the issue and the fix.
  • Fixes _urls not added on attachment fields when pieces API index is requested (#3643)
  • Fixes float field UI bug that transforms the value to integer when there is no field error and the first number after the decimal is 0.
  • The nestedModuleSubdirs feature no longer throws an error and interrupts startup if a project contains both @apostrophecms/asset and asset, which should be considered separate module names.

3.17.0 (2022-03-31)


  • Full support for the object field type, which works just like array but stores just one sub-object as a property, rather than an array of objects.
  • To help find documents that reference related ones via relationship fields, implement backlinks of related documents by adding a relatedReverseIds field to them and keeping it up to date. There is no UI based on this feature yet but it will permit various useful features in the near future.
  • Adds possibility for modules to extend the webpack configuration.
  • Adds possibility for modules to add extra frontend bundles for scss and js. This is useful when the ui/src build would otherwise be very large due to code used on rarely accessed pages.
  • Loads the right bundles on the right pages depending on the page template and the loaded widgets. Logged-in users have all the bundles on every page, because they might introduce widgets at any time.
  • Fixes deprecation warnings displayed after running npm install, for dependencies that are directly included by this package.
  • Implement custom ETags emission when etags cache option is enabled. See the documentation for more information. It allows caching of pages and pieces, using a cache invalidation mechanism that takes into account related (and reverse related) document updates, thanks to backlinks mentioned above. Note that for now, only single pages and pieces benefit from the ETags caching system (pages' and pieces' getOne REST API route, and regular served pages). The cache of an index page corresponding to the type of a piece that was just saved will automatically be invalidated. However, please consider that it won't be effective when a related piece is saved, therefore the cache will automatically be invalidated after the cache lifetime set in maxAge cache option.


  • Apostrophe's webpack build now works properly when developing code that imports module-specific npm dependencies from ui/src or ui/apos when using npm link to develop the module in question.
  • The es5: true option to @apostrophecms/asset works again.

3.16.1 (2022-03-21)


  • Fixes a bug in the new Cache-Control support introduced by 3.16.0 in which we get the logged-out homepage right after logging in. This issue only came into play if the new caching options were enabled.

3.16.0 (2022-03-18)


  • Offers a simple way to set a Cache-Control max-age for Apostrophe page and GET REST API responses for pieces and pages. See the documentation for more information.
  • API keys and bearer tokens "win" over session cookies when both are present. Since API keys and bearer tokens are explicitly added to the request at hand, it never makes sense to ignore them in favor of a cookie, which is implicit. This also simplifies automated testing.
  • data-apos-test="" selectors for certain elements frequently selected in QA tests, such as data-apos-test="adminBar".
  • Offer a simple way to set a Cache-Control max-age for Apostrophe page and GET REST API responses for pieces and pages.
  • To speed up functional tests, an insecurePasswords option has been added to the login module. This option is deliberately named to discourage use for any purpose other than functional tests in which repeated password hashing would unduly limit performance. Normally password hashing is intentionally difficult to slow down brute force attacks, especially if a database is compromised.


  • POSTing a new child page with _targetId: '_home' now works properly in combination with _position: 'lastChild'.

3.15.0 (2022-03-02)


  • Adds throttle system based on username (even when not existing), on initial login route. Also added for each late login requirement, e.g. for 2FA attempts.

3.14.2 (2022-02-27)

  • Hotfix: fixed a bug introduced by 3.14.1 in which non-parked pages could throw an error during the migration to fix replication issues.

3.14.1 (2022-02-25)

  • Hotfix: fixed a bug in which replication across locales did not work properly for parked pages configured via the _children feature. A one-time migration is included to reconnect improperly replicated versions of the same parked pages. This runs automatically, no manual action is required. Thanks to justyna1 for identifying the issue.

3.14.0 (2022-02-22)


  • To reduce complications for those implementing caching strategies, the CSRF protection cookie now contains a simple constant string, and is not recorded in req.session. This is acceptable because the real purpose of the CSRF check is simply to verify that the browser has sent the cookie at all, which it will not allow a cross-origin script to do.
  • As a result of the above, a session cookie is not generated and sent at all unless req.session is actually used or a user logs in. Again, this reduces complications for those implementing caching strategies.
  • When logging out, the session cookie is now cleared in the browser. Formerly the session was destroyed on the server side only, which was sufficient for security purposes but could create caching issues.
  • Uses express-cache-on-demand lib to make similar and concurrent requests on pieces and pages faster.
  • Frontend build errors now stop app startup in development, and SCSS and JS/Vue build warnings are visible on the terminal console for the first time.


  • Fixed a bug when editing a page more than once if the page has a relationship to itself, whether directly or indirectly. Widget ids were unnecessarily regenerated in this situation, causing in-context edits after the first to fail to save.
  • Pages no longer emit double beforeUpdate and beforeSave events.
  • When the home page extends @apostrophecms/piece-page-type, the "show page" URLs for individual pieces should not contain two slashes before the piece slug. Thanks to Martí Bravo for the fix.
  • Fixes transitions between login page and afterPasswordVerified login steps.
  • Frontend build errors now stop the @apostrophecms/asset:build task properly in production.
  • start replaced with flex-start to address SCSS warnings.
  • Dead code removal, as a result of following up on JS/Vue build warnings.

3.13.0 - 2022-02-04


  • Additional requirements and related UI may be imposed on native ApostropheCMS logins using the new requirements feature, which can be extended in modules that improve the @apostrophecms/login module. These requirements are not imposed for single sign-on logins via @apostrophecms/passport-bridge. See the documentation for more information.
  • Adds latest Slovak translation strings to SK.json in i18n/ folder. Thanks to Michael Huna for the contribution.
  • Verifies afterPasswordVerified requirements one by one when emitting done event, allows to manage errors ans success before to go to the next requirement. Stores and validate each requirement in the token. Checks the new askForConfirmation requirement option to go to the next step when emitting done event or waiting for the confirm event (in order to manage success messages). Removes support for afterSubmit for now.


  • Decodes the testReq param property in serveNotFound. This fixes a problem where page titles using diacritics triggered false 404 errors.
  • Registers the default namespace in the Vue instance of i18n, fixing a lack of support for un-namespaced l10n keys in the UI.

3.12.0 - 2022-01-21


  • It is now best practice to deliver namespaced i18n strings as JSON files in module-level subdirectories of i18n/ named to match the namespace, e.g. i18n/ourTeam if the namespace is ourTeam. This allows base class modules to deliver phrases to any namespace without conflicting with those introduced at project level. The i18n option is now deprecated in favor of the new i18n module format section, which is only needed if browser: true must be specified for a namespace.
  • Brought back the nestedModuleSubdirs feature from A2, which allows modules to be nested in subdirectories if nestedModuleSubdirs: true is set in app.js. As in A2, module configuration (including activation) can also be grouped in a modules.js file in such subdirectories.


  • Fixes minor inline documentation comments.
  • UI strings that are not registered localization keys will now display properly when they contain a colon (:). These were previously interpreted as i18next namespace/key pairs and the "namespace" portion was left out.
  • Fixes a bug where changing the page type immediately after clicking "New Page" would produce a console error. In general, areas and checkboxes now correctly handle their value being changed to null by the parent schema after initial startup of the AposInputArea or AposInputCheckboxes component.
  • It is now best practice to deliver namespaced i18n strings as JSON files in module-level subdirectories of i18n/ named to match the namespace, e.g. i18n/ourTeam if the namespace is ourTeam. This allows base class modules to deliver phrases to any namespace without conflicting with those introduced at project level. The i18n option is now deprecated in favor of the new i18n module format section, which is only needed if browser: true must be specified for a namespace.
  • Removes the @apostrophecms/util module template helper indexBy, which was using a lodash method not included in lodash v4.
  • Removes an unimplemented csrfExceptions module section cascade. Use the csrfExceptions option of any module to set an array of URLs excluded from CSRF protection. More information is forthcoming in the documentation.
  • Fix [Object Object] in the console when warning A permission.can() call was made with a type that has no manager is printed.


  • Temporarily removes npm audit from our automated tests because of a sub-dependency of vue-loader that doesn't actually cause a security vulnerability for apostrophe.

3.11.0 - 2022-01-06


  • Apostrophe now extends Passport's req.login to emit an afterSessionLogin event from the @apostrophecms:login module, with req as an argument. Note that this does not occur at all for login API calls that return a bearer token rather than establishing an Express session.


  • Apostrophe's extension of req.login now accounts for the req.logIn alias and the skippable options parameter, which is relied upon in some passport strategies.
  • Apostrophe now warns if a nonexistent widget type is configured for an area field, with special attention to when -widget has been erroneously included in the name. For backwards compatibility this is a startup warning rather than a fatal error, as sites generally did operate successfully otherwise with this type of bug present.


  • Unpins vue-click-outside-element the packaging of which has been fixed upstream.
  • Adds deprecation note to __testDefaults option. It is not in use, but removing would be a minor BC break we don't need to make.
  • Allows test modules to use a custom port as an option on the @apostrophecms/express module.
  • Removes the code base pull request template to instead inherit the organization-level template.
  • Adds npm audit back to the test scripts.

3.10.0 - 2021-12-22


  • slug type fields can now have an empty string or null as their def value without the string 'none' populating automatically.
  • The underline feature works properly in tiptap toolbar configuration.
  • Required checkbox fields now properly prevent editor submission when empty.
  • Pins vue-click-outside-element to a version that does not attempt to use eval in its distribution build, which is incompatible with a strict Content Security Policy.


  • Adds a last option to fields. Setting last: true on a field puts that field at the end of the field's widget order. If more than one field has that option active the true last item will depend on general field registration order. If the field is ordered with the fields.order array or field group ordering, those specified orders will take precedence.


  • Adds deprecation notes to the widget class methods getWidgetWrapperClasses and getWidgetClasses from A2.
  • Adds a deprecation note to the reorganize query builder for the next major version.
  • Uses the runtime build of Vue. This has major performance and bundle size benefits, however it does require changes to Apostrophe admin UI apps that use a template property (components should require no changes, just apps require an update). These apps must now use a render function instead. Since custom admin UI apps are not yet a documented feature we do not regard this as a bc break.
  • Compatible with the @apostrophecms/security-headers module, which supports a strict Content-Security-Policy.
  • Adds a deprecation note to the addLateCriteria query builder.
  • Updates the toCount doc type query method to use Math.ceil rather than Math.floor plus an additional step.

3.9.0 - 2021-12-08


  • Developers can now override any Vue component of the ApostropheCMS admin UI by providing a component of the same name in the ui/apos/components folder of their own module. This is not always the best approach, see the documentation for details.
  • When running a job, we now trigger the notification before to run the job, this way the progress notification ID is available from the job and the notification can be dismissed if needed.
  • Adds maxUi, maxLabel, minUi, and minLabel localization strings for array input and other UI.


  • Fully removes references to the A2 self.partial module method. It appeared only once outside of comments, but was not actually used by the UI. The self.render method should be used for simple template rendering.
  • Fixes string interpolation for the confirmation modal when publishing a page that has an unpublished parent page.
  • No more "cannot set headers after they are sent to the client" and "req.res.redirect not defined" messages when handling URLs with extra trailing slashes.
  • The apos.util.runPlayers method is not called until all of the widgets in a particular tree of areas and sub-areas have been added to the DOM. This means a parent area widget player will see the expected markup for any sub-widgets when the "Edit" button is clicked.
  • Properly activates the apostropheI18nDebugPlugin i18next debugging plugin when using the APOS_SHOW_I18N environment variable. The full set of l10n emoji indicators previously available for the UI is now available for template and server-side strings.
  • Actually registers piece types for site search unless the searchable option is false.
  • Fixes the methods required for the search index task.


  • Adds localization keys for the password field component's min and max error messages.

3.8.1 - 2021-11-23


  • The search field of the pieces manager modal works properly. Thanks to Miro Yovchev for pointing out the issue and providing a solution.
  • Fixes a bug in AposRichTextWidgetEditor.vue when a rich text widget was specifically configured with an empty array as the styles option. In that case a new empty rich text widget will initiate with an empty paragraph tag.
  • ThefieldsPresent method that is used with the presentFieldsOnly option in doc-type was broken, looking for properties in strings and wasn't returning anything.

3.8.0 - 2021-11-15


  • Checkboxes for pieces are back, a main checkbox allows to select all page items. When all pieces on a page are checked, a banner where the user can select all pieces appears. A launder for mongo projections has been added.
  • Registered batchOperations on a piece-type will now become buttons in the manager batch operations "more menu" (styled as a kebab icon). Batch operations should include a label, messages object, and modalOptions for the confirmation modal.
  • batchOperations can be grouped into a single button with a menu using the group cascade subproperty.
  • batchOperations can be conditional with an if conditional object. This allows developers to pass a single value or an array of values.
  • Piece types can have utilityOperations configured as a top-level cascade property. These operations are made available in the piece manager as new buttons.
  • Notifications may now include an event property, which the AposNotification component will emit on mount. The event property should be set to an object with name (the event name) and optionally data (data included with the event emission).
  • Adds support for using the attachments query builder in REST API calls via the query string.
  • Adds contextual menu for pieces, any module extending the piece-type one can add actions in this contextual menu.
  • When clicking on a batch operation, it opens a confirmation modal using modal options from the batch operation, it also works for operations in grouped ones. operations name property has been renamed in action to work with AposContextMenu component.
  • Beginning with this release, a module-specific static asset in your project such as modules/mymodulename/public/images/bg.png can always be referenced in your .scss and .css files as /modules/mymodulename/images/bg.png, even if assets are actually being deployed to S3, CDNs, etc. Note that public and ui/public module subdirectories have separate functions. See the documentation for more information.
  • Adds AposFile.vue component to abstract file dropzone UI, uses it in AposInputAttachment, and uses it in the confirmation modal for pieces import.
  • Optionally add dimensionAttrs option to image widget, which sets width & height attributes to optimize for Cumulative Layout Shift. Thank you to Qiao Lin for the contribution.


  • The apos.util.attachmentUrl method now works correctly. To facilitate that, apos.uploadsUrl is now populated browser-side at all times as the frontend logic originally expected. For backwards compatibility apos.attachment.uploadsUrl is still populated when logged in.
  • Widget players are now prevented from being played twice by the implementing vue component.


  • Removes Apostrophe 2 documentation and UI configuration from the @apostrophecms/job module. These options were not yet in use for A3.
  • Renames methods and removes unsupported routes in the @apostrophecms/job module that were not yet in use. This was not done lightly, but specifically because of the minimal likelihood that they were in use in project code given the lack of UI support.
    • The deprecated cancel route was removed and will likely be replaced at a later date.
    • run was renamed runBatch as its purpose is specifically to run processes on a "batch selected" array of pieces or pages.
    • runNonBatch was renamed to run as it is the more generic job-running method. It is likely that runBatch will eventually be refactored to use this method.
    • The good and bad methods are renamed success and failure, respectively. The expected methods used in the run method were similarly renamed. They still increment job document properties called good and bad.
  • Comments out the unused batchSimpleRoute methods in the page and piece-type modules to avoid usage before they are fully implemented.
  • Optionally add dimensionAttrs option to image widget, which sets width & height attributes to optimize for Cumulative Layout Shift.
  • Temporarily removes npm audit from our automated tests because of a sub-dependency of uploadfs that doesn't actually cause a security vulnerability for apostrophe.

3.7.0 - 2021-10-28


  • Schema select field choices can now be populated by a server side function, like an API call. Set the choices property to a method name of the calling module. That function should take a single argument of req, and return an array of objects with label and value properties. The function can be async and will be awaited.
  • Apostrophe now has built-in support for the Node.js cluster module. If the APOS_CLUSTER_PROCESSES environment variable is set to a number, that number of child processes are forked, sharing the same listening port. If the variable is set to 0, one process is forked for each CPU core, with a minimum of 2 to provide availability during restarts. If the variable is set to a negative number, that number is added to the number of CPU cores, e.g. -1 is a good way to reserve one core for MongoDB if it is running on the same server. This is for production use only (NODE_ENV=production). If a child process fails it is restarted automatically.


  • Prevents double-escaping interpolated localization strings in the UI.
  • Rich text editor style labels are now run through a localization method to get the translated strings from their l10n keys.
  • Fixes README Node version requirement (Node 12+).
  • The text alignment buttons now work immediately in a new rich text widget. Previously they worked only after manually setting a style or refreshing the page. Thanks to Michelin for their support of this fix.
  • Users can now activate the built-in date and time editing popups of modern browsers when using the date and time schema field types.
  • Developers can now require their project app.js file in the Node.js REPL for debugging and inspection. Thanks to Matthew Francis Brunetti.
  • If a static text phrase is unavailable in both the current locale and the default locale, Apostrophe will always fall back to the en locale as a last resort, which ensures the admin UI works if it has not been translated.
  • Developers can now require their project app.js in the Node.js REPL for debugging and inspection
  • Ensure array field items have valid _id prop before storing. Thanks to Thanks to Matthew Francis Brunetti.


  • In 3.x, relationship fields have an optional builders property, which replaces filters from 2.x, and within that an optional project property, which replaces projection from 2.x (to match MongoDB's cursor.project). Prior to this release leaving the old syntax in place could lead to severe performance problems due to a lack of projections. Starting with this release the 2.x syntax results in an error at startup to help the developer correct their code.
  • The className option from the widget options in a rich text area field is now also applied to the rich text editor itself, for a consistently WYSIWYG appearance when editing and when viewing. Thanks to Max Mulatz for this contribution.
  • Adds deprecation notes to doc module afterLoad events, which are deprecated.
  • Removes unused afterLogin method in the login module.

3.6.0 - 2021-10-13


  • The context-editing apostrophe admin UI bus event can now take a boolean parameter, explicitly indicating whether the user is actively typing or performing a similar active manipulation of controls right now. If a boolean parameter is not passed, the existing 1100-millisecond debounced timeout is used.
  • Adds 'no-search' modifier to relationship fields as a UI simplification option.
  • Fields can now have their own modifiers array. This is combined with the schema modifiers, allowing for finer grained control of field rendering.
  • Adds a Slovak localization file. Activate the sk locale to use this. Many thanks to Michael Huna for the contribution.
  • Adds a Spanish localization file. Activate the es locale to use this. Many thanks to Eugenio Gonzalez for the contribution.
  • Adds a Brazilian Portuguese localization file. Activate the pt-BR locale to use this. Many thanks to Pietro Rutzen for the contribution.


  • Fixed missing translation for "New Piece" option on the "more" menu of the piece manager, seen when using it as a chooser.
  • Piece types with relationships to multiple other piece types may now be configured in any order, relative to the other piece types. This sometimes appeared to be a bug in reverse relationships.
  • Code at the project level now overrides code found in modules that use improve for the same module name. For example, options set by the @apostrophecms/seo-global improvement that ships with @apostrophecms/seo can now be overridden at project level by /modules/@apostrophecms/global/index.js in the way one would expect.
  • Array input component edit button label is now propertly localized.
  • A memory leak on each request has been fixed, and performance improved, by avoiding the use of new Nunjucks environments for each request. Thanks to Miro Yovchev for pointing out the leak.
  • Fragments now have access to __t(), getOptions and other features passed to regular templates.
  • Fixes field group cascade merging, using the original group label if none is given in the new field group configuration.
  • If a field is conditional (using an if option), is required, but the condition has not been met, it no longer throws a validation error.
  • Passing busy: true to and related methods no longer produces an error if invoked when logged out, however note that there will likely never be a UI for this when logged out, so indicate busy state in your own way.
  • Bugs in document modification detection have been fixed. These bugs caused edge cases where modifications were not detected and the "Update" button did not appear, and could cause false positives as well.


  • No longer logs a warning about no users if testModule is true on the app.

3.5.0 - 2021-09-23

  • Pinned dependency on vue-material-design-icons to fix apos-build.js build error in production.
  • The file size of uploaded media is visible again when selected in the editor, and media information such as upload date, dimensions and file size is now properly localized.
  • Fixes moog error messages to reflect the recommended pattern of customization functions only taking self as an argument.
  • Rich Text widgets now instantiate with a valid element from the styles option rather than always starting with an unclassed <p> tag.
  • Since version 3.2.0, apostrophe modules to be loaded via npm must appear as explicit npm dependencies of the project. This is a necessary security and stability improvement, but it was slightly too strict. Starting with this release, if the project has no package.json in its root directory, the package.json in the closest ancestor directory is consulted.
  • Fixes a bug where having no project modules directory would throw an error. This is primarily a concern for module unit tests where there are no additional modules involved.
  • css-loader now ignores url() in css files inside assets so that paths are left intact, i.e. url(/images/file.svg) will now find a static file at /public/images/file.svg (static assets in /public are served by express.static). Thanks to Matic Tersek.
  • Restored support for clicking on a "foreign" area, i.e. an area displayed on the page whose content comes from a piece, in order to edit it in an appropriate way.
  • Apostrophe module aliases and the data attached to them are now visible immediately to ui/src/index.js JavaScript code, i.e. you can write apos.alias where alias matches the alias option configured for that module. Previously one had to write apos.modules['module-name'] or wait until next tick. However, note that most modules do not push any data to the browser when a user is not logged in. You can do so in a custom module by calling self.enableBrowserData('public') from init and implementing or extending the getBrowserData(req) method (note that page, piece and widget types already have one, so it is important to extend in those cases).
  • options.testModule works properly when implementing unit tests for an npm module that is namespaced.


  • Cascade grouping (e.g., grouping fields) will now concatenate a group's field name array with the field name array of an existing group of the same name. Put simply, if a new piece module adds their custom fields to a basics group, that field will be added to the default basics group fields. Previously the new group would have replaced the old, leaving inherited fields in the "Ungrouped" section.
  • AposButton's block modifier now less login-specific


  • Rich Text widget's styles support a def property for specifying the default style the editor should instantiate with.
  • A more helpful error message if a field of type area is missing its options property.

3.4.1 - 2021-09-13

No changes. Publishing to correctly mark the latest 3.x release as "latest" in npm.

3.4.0 - 2021-09-13


  • Changing a user's password or marking their account as disabled now immediately terminates any active sessions or bearer tokens for that user. Thanks to Daniel Elkabes for pointing out the issue. To ensure all sessions have the necessary data for this, all users logged in via sessions at the time of this upgrade will need to log in again.
  • Users with permission to upload SVG files were previously able to do so even if they contained XSS attacks. In Apostrophe 3.x, the general public so far never has access to upload SVG files, so the risk is minor but could be used to phish access from an admin user by encouraging them to upload a specially crafted SVG file. While Apostrophe typically displays SVG files using the img tag, which ignores XSS vectors, an XSS attack might still be possible if the image were opened directly via the Apostrophe media library's convenience link for doing so. All SVG uploads are now sanitized via DOMPurify to remove XSS attack vectors. In addition, all existing SVG attachments not already validated are passed through DOMPurify during a one-time migration.


  • The apos.attachment.each method, intended for migrations, now respects its criteria argument. This was necessary to the above security fix.
  • Removes a lodash wrapper around @apostrophecms/express bodyParser.json options that prevented adding custom options to the body parser.
  • Uses req.clone consistently when creating a new req object with a different mode or locale for localization purposes, etc.
  • Fixes bug in the "select all" relationship chooser UI where it selected unpublished items.
  • Fixes bug in "next" and "previous" query builders.
  • Cutting and pasting widgets now works between locales that do not share a hostname, provided that you switch locales after cutting (it does not work between tabs that are already open on separate hostnames).
  • The req.session object now exists in task req objects, for better compatibility. It has no actual persistence.
  • Unlocalized piece types, such as users, may now be selected as part of a relationship when browsing.
  • Unpublished localized piece types may not be selected via the autocomplete feature of the relationship input field, which formerly ignored this requirement, although the browse button enforced it.
  • The server-side JavaScript and REST APIs to delete pieces now work properly for pieces that are not subject to either localization or draft/published workflow at all the (localize: false option). UI for this is under discussion, this is just a bug fix for the back end feature which already existed.
  • Starting in version 3.3.1, a newly added image widget did not display its image until the page was refreshed. This has been fixed.
  • A bug that prevented Undo operations from working properly and resulted in duplicate widget _id properties has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused problems for Undo operations in nested widgets, i.e. layout or multicolumn widgets, has been fixed.
  • Duplicate widget _id properties within the same document are now prevented on the server side at save time.
  • Existing duplicate widget _id properties are corrected by a one-time migration.


  • Adds a linter to warn in dev mode when a module name include a period.
  • Lints module names for apostrophe- prefixes even if they don't have a module directory (e.g., only in app.js).
  • Starts all warnDev messages with a line break and warning symbol (⚠️) to stand out in the console.
  • apos.util.onReady aliases apos.util.onReadyAndRefresh for brevity. The apos.util.onReadyAndRefresh method name will be deprecated in the next major version.
  • Adds a developer setting that applies a margin between parent and child areas, allowing developers to change the default spacing in nested areas.


  • Removes the temporary trace method from the @apostrophecms/db module.
  • Beginning with this release, the apostrophe:modulesReady event has been renamed apostrophe:modulesRegistered, and the apostrophe:afterInit event has been renamed apostrophe:ready. This better reflects their actual roles. The old event names are accepted for backwards compatibility. See the documentation for more information.
  • Only autofocuses rich text editors when they are empty.
  • Nested areas now have a vertical margin applied when editing, allowing easier access to the parent area's controls.

3.3.1 - 2021-09-01


  • In some situations it was possible for a relationship with just one selected document to list that document several times in the returned result, resulting in very large responses.
  • Permissions roles UI localized correctly.
  • Do not crash on startup if users have a relationship to another type. This was caused by the code that checks whether any users exist to present a warning to developers. That code was running too early for relationships to work due to event timing issues.

3.3.0 - 2021-08-30


  • Addresses the page jump when using the in-context undo/redo feature. The page will immediately return users to their origin scroll position after the content refreshes.
  • Resolves slug-related bug when switching between images in the archived view of the media manager. The slug field was not taking into account the double slug prefix case.
  • Fixes migration task crash when parking new page. Thanks to Miro Yovchev for this fix.
  • Fixes incorrect month name in AposCellDate, which can be optionally used in manage views of pieces. Thanks to Miro Yovchev for this fix.


  • This version achieves localization (l10n) through a rich set of internationalization (i18n) features. For more information, see the documentation.
  • There is support for both static string localization and dynamic content localization.
  • The home page, other parked pages, and the global document are automatically replicated to all configured locales at startup. Parked properties are refreshed if needed. Other pages and pieces are replicated if and when an editor chooses to do so.
  • An API route has been added for voluntary replication, i.e. when deciding a document should exist in a second locale, or desiring to overwrite the current draft contents in locale B with the draft contents of locale A.
  • Locales can specify prefix and hostname options, which are automatically recognized by middleware that removes the prefix dynamically where appropriate and sets req.locale. In 3.x this works more like the global site prefix option. This is a departure from 2.x which stored the prefix directly in the slug, creating maintenance issues.
  • Locales are stateless: they are never recorded in the session. This eliminates many avenues for bugs and bad SEO. However, this also means the developer must fully distinguish them from the beginning via either prefix or hostname. A helpful error message is displayed if this is not the case.
  • Switching locales preserves the user's editing session even if on separate hostnames. To enable this, if any locales have hostnames, all configured locales must have hostnames and/or baseUrl must be set for those that don't.
  • An API route has been added to discover the locales in which a document exists. This provides basic information only for performance (it does not report title or _url).
  • Editors can "localize" documents, copying draft content from one locale to another to create a corresponding document in a different locale. For convenience related documents, such as images and other pieces directly referenced by the document's structure, can be localized at the same time. Developers can opt out of this mechanism for a piece type entirely, check the box by default for that type, or leave it as an "opt-in" choice.
  • The @apostrophecms/i18n module now uses i18next to implement static localization. All phrases in the Vue-based admin UI are passed through i18next via this.$t, and i18next is also available via req.t() in routes and __t() in templates. Apostrophe's own admin UI phrases are in the apostrophe namespace for a clean separation. An array of locale codes, such as en or fr or en-au, can be specified using the locales option to the @apostrophecms/i18n module. The first locale is the default, unless the defaultLocale option is set. If no locales are set, the locale defaults to en. The i18next-http-middleware locale guesser is installed and will select an available locale if possible, otherwise it will fall back to the default.
  • In the admin UI, v-tooltip has been extended as v-apos-tooltip, which passes phrases through i18next.
  • Developers can link to alternate locales by iterating over data.localizations in any page template. Each element always has locale, label and homePageUrl properties. Each element also has an available property (if true, the current context document is available in that locale), title and a small number of other document properties are populated, and _url redirects to the context document in that locale. The current locale is marked with current: true.
  • To facilitate adding interpolated values to phrases that are passed as a single value through many layers of code, the this.$t helper provided in Vue also accepts an object argument with a key property. Additional properties may be used for interpolation.
  • i18next localization JSON files can be added to the i18n subdirectory of any module, as long as its i18n option is set. The i18n object may specify ns to give an i18next namespace, otherwise phrases are in the default namespace, used when no namespace is specified with a : in an i18next call. The default namespace is yours for use at project level. Multiple modules may contribute to the same namespace.
  • If APOS_DEBUG_I18N=1 is set in the environment, the i18next debug flag is activated. For server-side translations, i.e. req.t() and __t(), debugging output will appear on the server console. For browser-side translations in the Vue admin UI, debugging output will appear in the browser console.
  • If APOS_SHOW_I18N=1 is set in the environment, all phrases passed through i18next are visually marked, to make it easier to find those that didn't go through i18next. This does not mean translations actually exist in the JSON files. For that, review the output of APOS_DEBUG_I18N=1.
  • There is a locale switcher for editors.
  • There is a backend route to accept a new locale on switch.
  • A req.clone(properties) method is now available. This creates a clone of the req object, optionally passing in an object of properties to be set. The use of req.clone ensures the new object supports req.get and other methods of a true req object. This technique is mainly used to obtain a new request object with the same privileges but a different mode or locale, i.e. mode: 'published'.
  • Fallback wrappers are provided for the req.__(), res.__() and __() localization helpers, which were never official or documented in 3.x but may be in use in projects ported from 2.x. These wrappers do not localize but do output the input they are given along with a developer warning. You should migrate them to use req.t() (in server-side javascript) or __t() (Nunjucks templates).


  • Bolsters the CSS that backs Apostrophe UI's typography to help prevent unintended style leaks at project-level code.
  • Removes the 2.x series changelog entries. They can be found in the 2.0 branch in Github.

3.2.0 - 2021-08-13


  • req.hostname now works as expected when trustProxy: true is passed to the @apostrophecms/express module.
  • Apostrophe loads modules from npm if they exist there and are configured in the modules section of app.js. This was always intended only as a way to load direct, intentional dependencies of your project. However, since npm "flattens" the dependency tree, dependencies of dependencies that happen to have the same name as a project-level Apostrophe module could be loaded by default, crashing the site or causing unexpected behavior. So beginning with this release, Apostrophe scans package.json to verify an npm module is actually a dependency of the project itself before attempting to load it as an Apostrophe module.
  • Fixes the reference to sanitize-html defaults in the rich text widget.
  • Fixes the toolbarToAllowedStyles method in the rich text widget, which was not returning any configuration.
  • Fixes the broken text alignment in rich text widgets.
  • Adds a missing npm dependency on chokidar, which Apostrophe and Nunjucks use for template refreshes. In most environments this worked anyway due to an indirect dependency via the sass module, but for stability Apostrophe should depend directly on any npm module it uses.
  • Fixes the display of inline range inputs, notably broken when using Palette
  • Fixes occasional unique key errors from migrations when attempting to start up again with a site that experienced a startup failure before inserting its first document.
  • Requires that locale names begin with a letter character to ensure order when looping over the object entries.
  • Unit tests pass in MongoDB 5.x.


  • Adds Cut and Paste to area controls. You can now Cut a widget to a virtual clipboard and paste it in suitable areas. If an area can include the widget on the clipboard, a special Clipboard widget will appear in area's Add UI. This works across pages as well.


  • Apostrophe's Global's UI (the @apostrophecms/global singleton has moved from the admin bar's content controls to the admin utility tray under a cog icon.
  • The context bar's document Edit button, which was a cog icon, has been rolled into the doc's context menu.

3.1.3 - 2021-07-16


3.1.2 - 2021-07-14


  • Removes an unused method, mapMongoIdToJqtreeId, that was used in A2 but is no longer relevant.
  • Removes deprecated and non-functional steps from the edit method in the AposDocsManager.vue component.
  • Legacy migrations to update 3.0 alpha and 3.0 beta sites to 3.0 stable are still in place, with no functional changes, but have been relocated to separate source files for ease of maintenance. Note that this is not a migration path for 2.x databases. Tools for that are forthcoming.

3.1.1 - 2021-07-08


  • Two distinct modules may each have their own ui/src/index.scss file, similar to the fix already applied to allow multiple ui/src/index.js files.

3.1.0 - 2021-06-30


  • Corrects a bug that caused Apostrophe to rebuild the admin UI on every nodemon restart, which led to excessive wait times to test new code. Now this happens only when package-lock.json has been modified (i.e. you installed a new module that might contain new Apostrophe admin UI code). If you are actively developing Apostrophe admin UI code, you can opt into rebuilding all the time with the APOS_DEV=1 environment variable. In any case, ui/src is always rebuilt in a dev environment.
  • Updates cheerio, deep-get-set, and oembetter versions to resolve vulnerability warnings.
  • Modules with a ui/src folder, but no other content, are no longer considered "empty" and do not generate a warning.
  • Pushing a secondary context document now always results in entry to draft mode, as intended.
  • Pushing a secondary context document works reliably, correcting a race condition that could cause the primary document to remain in context in some cases if the user was not already in edit mode.


  • Deprecates self.renderPage method for removal in next major version.
  • Since ui/src/index.js files must export a function to avoid a browser error in production which breaks the website experience, we now detect this at startup and throw a more helpful error to prevent a last-minute discovery in production.

3.0.1 - 2021-06-17


  • Fixes an error observed in the browser console when using more than one ui/src/index.js file in the same project. Using more than one is a good practice as it allows you to group frontend code with an appropriate module, or ship frontend code in an npm module that extends Apostrophe.
  • Migrates all of our own frontend players and utilities from ui/public to ui/src, which provides a robust functional test of the above.
  • Executes ui/src imports without waiting for next tick, which is appropriate as we have positioned it as an alternative to ui/public which is run without delay.

3.0.0 - 2021-06-16


  • Previously our a3-boilerplate project came with a webpack build that pushed code to the ui/public folder of an asset module. Now the webpack build is not needed because Apostrophe takes care of compiling ui/src for us. This is good! However, if you are transitioning your project to this new strategy, you will need to remove the modules/asset/ui/public folder from your project manually to ensure that webpack-generated code originally intended for webpack-dev-server does not fail with a publicPath error in the console.
  • The CORE_DEV=1 environment setting has been changed to APOS_DEV=1 because it is appropriate for anyone who is actively developing custom Apostrophe admin UI using ui/apos folders in their own modules.
  • Apostrophe now uses Dart Sass, aka the sass npm module. The node-sass npm module has been deprecated by its authors for some time now. Most existing projects will be unaffected, but those writing their own Apostrophe UI components will need to change any /deep/ selectors to ::v-deep and consider making other Dart Sass updates as well. For more information see the Dart Sass documentation. Those embracing the new ui/src feature should also bear in mind that Dart Sass is being used.


  • Relationship ids are now stored as aposDocIds (without the locale and mode part). The appropriate locale and mode are known from the request. This allows easy comparison and copying of these properties across locales and fixes a bug with reverse relationships when publishing documents. A migration has been added to take care of this conversion on first startup.
  • The attachment field type now correctly limits file uploads by file type when using the fileGroup field option.
  • Uploading SVG files is permitted in the Media Library by default.


  • Apostrophe now enables you to ship frontend JavaScript and Sass (using the SCSS syntax) without your own webpack configuration.
  • Any module may contain modern JavaScript in a ui/src/index.js file, which may use import to bring in other files in the standard way. Note that ui/src/index.js must export a function. These functions are called for you in the order modules are initialized.
  • Any module may contain a Sass (SCSS) stylesheet in a ui/src/index.scss file, which may also import other Sass (SCSS) files.
  • Any project that requires IE11 support for ui/src JavaScript code can enable it by setting the es5: true option to the @apostrophecms/asset module. Apostrophe produces separate builds for IE11 and modern browsers, so there is no loss of performance in modern browsers. Code is automatically compiled for IE11 using babel and missing language features are polyfilled using core-js so you can use promises, async/await and other standard modern JavaScript features.
  • ui/public is still available for raw JavaScript and CSS files that should be pushed as-is to the browser. The best use of this feature is to deliver the output of your own custom webpack build, if you have one.
  • Adds browser-side editMode flag that tracks the state of the current view (edit or preview), located at window.apos.adminBar.editMode.
  • Support for automatic inline style attribute sanitization for Rich Text widgets.
  • Adds text align controls for Rich Text widgets. The following tools are now supported as part of a rich text widget's toolbar property: -- alignLeft -- alignRight -- alignCenter -- alignJustify
  • @apostrophecms/express module now supports the trustProxy: true option, allowing your reverse proxy server (such as nginx) to pass on the original hostname, protocol and client IP address.


  • Unit tests passing again. Temporarily disabled npm audit checks as a source of critical failures owing to upstream issues with third-party packages which are not actually a concern in our use case.
  • Fixed issues with the query builder code for relationships. These issues were introduced in beta 3 but did not break typical applications, except for displaying distinct choices for existing values of a relationship field.
  • Checkbox field types can now be used as conditional fields.
  • Tracks references to attachments correctly, and introduces a migration to address any attachments previously tracked as part of documents that merely have a relationship to the proper document, i.e. pages containing widgets that reference an image piece.
  • Tracks the "previously published" version of a document as a legitimate reference to any attachments, so that they are not discarded and can be brought back as expected if "Undo Publish" is clicked.
  • Reverse relationships work properly for published documents.
  • Relationship subfields are now loaded properly when reverseOf is used.
  • "Discard Draft" is available when appropriate in "Manage Pages" and "Manage Pieces."
  • "Discard Draft" disables the "Submit Updates" button when working as a contributor.
  • Relationship subfields can now be edited when selecting in the full "manage view" browser, as well as in the compact relationship field view which worked previously.
  • Relationship subfields now respect the def property.
  • Relationship subfields are restored if you deselect a document and then reselect it within a single editing experience, i.e. accidentally deselect and immediately reselect, for instance.
  • A console warning when editing subfields for a new relationship was fixed.
  • Field type color's format option moved out of the UI options and into the general options object. Supported formats are "rgb", "prgb", "hex6", "hex3", "hex8", "name", "hsl", "hsv". Pass the format string like:
myColorField: {
  type: 'color',
  label: 'My Color',
  options: {
    format: 'hsl'
  • Restored Vue dependency to using semantic versioning now that Vue 2.6.14 has been released with a fix for the bug that required us to pin 2.6.12.
  • Nunjucks template loader is fully compatible with Linux in a development environment.
  • Improved template performance by reusing template loaders.
  • min and max work properly for both string-like and number-like fields.
  • Negative numbers, leading minus and plus signs, and trailing periods are accepted in the right ways by appropriate field types.
  • If a user is inadvertently inserted with no password, set a random password on the backend for safety. In tests it appears that login with a blank password was already forbidden, but this provides an additional level of certainty.
  • and data.contextOptions are now available in widget.html templates in most cases. Specifically, they are available when loading the page, (2) when a widget has just been inserted on the page, and (3) when a widget has just been edited and saved back to the page. However, bear in mind that these parameters are never available when a widget is being edited "out of context" via "Page Settings", via the "Edit Piece" dialog box, via a dialog box for a parent widget, etc. Your templates should be written to tolerate the absence of these parameters.
  • Double slashes in the slug cannot be used to trick Apostrophe into serving as an open redirect (fix ported to 3.x from 2.92.0).
  • The global doc respects the def property of schema fields when first inserted at site creation time.
  • Fixed fragment keyword arguments being available when not a part of the fragment signature.

3.0.0-beta.3.1 - 2021-06-07


  • This backwards compatibility break actually occurred in 3.0.0-beta.3 and was not documented at that time, but it is important to know that the following Rich Text tool names have been updated to match Tiptap2's convention: -- bullet_list -> bulletList -- ordered_list -> orderedList -- code_block -> codeBlock -- horizontal_rule -> horizontalRule


  • Rich Text default tool names updated, no longer broken. Bug introduced in 3.0.0-beta.3.
  • Fixed Rich Text's tool cascade to properly account for core defaults, project level defaults, and area-specific options.

3.0.0-beta.3 - 2021-06-03

Security Fixes

The nlbr and nlp Nunjucks filters marked their output as safe to preserve the tags that they added, without first escaping their input, creating a CSRF risk. These filters have been updated to escape their input unless it has already been marked safe. No code changes are required to templates whose input to the filter is intended as plaintext, however if you were intentionally leveraging this bug to output unescaped HTML markup you will need to make sure your input is free of CSRF risks and then use the | safe filter before the | nlbr or | nlp filter.


  • Added the ignoreUnusedFolderWarning option for modules that intentionally might not be activated or inherited from in a particular startup.
  • Better explanation of how to replace macros with fragments, in particular how to call the fragments with {% render fragmentName(args) %}.


  • Temporarily pinned to Vue 2.6.12 to fix an issue where the "New" button in the piece manager modals disappeared. We think this is a bug in the newly released Vue 2.6.13 but we are continuing to research it.

  • Updated dependencies on sanitize-html and nodemailer to new major versions, causing no bc breaks at the ApostropheCMS level. This resolved two critical vulnerabilities according to npm audit.

  • Removed many unused dependencies.

  • The data retained for "Undo Publish" no longer causes slug conflicts in certain situations.

  • Custom piece types using localized: false or autopublish: true, as well as singleton types, now display the correct options on the "Save" dropdown.

  • The "Save and View," "Publish and View" and/or "Save Draft and Preview" options now appear only if an appropriate piece page actually exists for the piece type.

  • Duplicating a widget now properly assigns new IDs to all copied sub-widgets, sub-areas and array items as well.

  • Added the ignoreUnusedFolderWarning option for modules that intentionally might not be activated or inherited from in a particular startup.

  • If you refresh the page while previewing or editing, you will be returned to that same state.


  • Numerous npm audit vulnerability warnings relating to postcss 7.x were examined, however it was determined that these are based on the idea of a malicious SASS coder attempting to cause a denial of service. Apostrophe developers would in any case be able to contribute JavaScript as well and so are already expected to be trusted parties. This issue must be resolved upstream in packages including both stylelint and vue-loader which have considerable work to do before supporting postcss 8.x, and in any case public access to write SASS is not part of the attack surface of Apostrophe.


  • When logging out on a page that only exists in draft form, or a page with access controls, you are redirected to the home page rather than seeing a 404 message.

  • Rich text editor upgraded to tiptap 2.x beta 🎉. On the surface not a lot has changed with the upgrade, but tiptap 2 has big improvements in terms of speed, composability, and extension support. See the technical differences of tiptap 1 and 2 here

3.0.0-beta.2 - 2021-05-21


  • The updateModified: false option, formerly supported only by apos.doc.update, has been renamed to setModified: false and is now supported by apos.doc.insert as well. If explicitly set to false, the insert and update methods will leave the modified property alone, rather than trying to detect or infer whether a change has been made to the draft relative to the published version.
  • The permission module no longer takes an interestingTypes option. Instead, doc type managers may set their showPermissions option to true to always be broken out separately in the permissions explorer, or explicitly set it to false to never be mentioned at all, even on a list of typical piece types that have the same permissions. This allows module creators to ship the right options with their modules rather than requiring the developer to hand-configure interestingTypes.
  • When editing users, the permissions explorer no longer lists "submitted draft" as a piece type.
  • Removed method, which is unlikely to be needed in 3.x. One can group admin bar items into dropdowns via the groups option.
  • Raw HTML is no longer permitted in an apos.notify message parameter. Instead, options.buttons is available. If present, it must be an array of objects with type and label properties. If type is 'event' then that button object must have name and data properties, and when clicked the button will trigger an apos bus event of the given name with the provided data object. Currently 'event' is the only supported value for type.


  • The name @apostrophecms/any-page-type is now accepted for relationships that should match any page. With this change, the doc type manager module name and the type name are now identical for all types in 3.x. However, for backwards compatibility @apostrophecms/page is still accepted. apos.doc.getManager will accept either name.
  • Sets the project root-level views directory as the default fallback views directory. This is no longer a necessary configuration in projects unless they want to change it on the @apostrophecms/template option viewsFolderFallback.
  • The new afterAposScripts nunjucks block allows for pushing markup after Apostrophe's asset bundle script tag, at the end of the body. This is a useful way to add a script tag for Webpack's hot reload capabilities in development while still ensuring that Apostrophe's utility methods are available first, like they are in production.
  • An uploadfs option may be passed to the @apostrophecms/asset module, in order to pass options configuring a separate instance of uploadfs specifically for the static assets. The @apostrophecms/uploadfs module now exports a method to instantiate an uploadfs instance. The default behavior, in which user-uploaded attachments and static assets share a single instance of uploadfs, is unchanged. Note that asset builds never use uploadfs unless APOS_UPLOADFS_ASSETS=1 is set in the environment.
  • AposButtonSplit is a new UI component that combines a button with a context menu. Users can act on a primary action or change the button's function via menu button to the right of the button itself.
  • Developers can now pass options to the color schema field by passing a pickerOptions object through your field. This allows for modifying/removing the default color palette, changing the resulting color format, and disabling various UI. For full set of options see this example
  • AposModal now emits a ready event when it is fully painted and can be interacted with by users or code.
  • The video widget is now compatible with vimeo private videos when the domain is on the allowlist in vimeo.


  • You can now override the parked page definition for the home page without copying the entirety of minimumPark from the source code. Specifically, you will not lose the root archive page if you park the home page without explicitly parking the archive page as well. This makes it easier to choose your own type for the home page, in lieu of @apostrophecms/home-page.


  • Piece types like users that have a slug prefix no longer trigger a false positive as being "modified" when you first click the "New" button.
  • The name option to widget modules, which never worked in 3.x, has been officially removed. The name of the widget type is always the name of the module, with the -widget suffix removed.
  • The home page and other parked pages should not immediately show as "pending changes."
  • In-context editing works properly when the current browser URL has a hash (portion beginning with #), enabling the use of the hash for project-specific work. Thanks to [](Štěpán Jákl) for reporting the issue.
  • When present, the apos.http.addQueryToUrl method preserves the hash of the URL intact.
  • The home page and other parked pages should not immediately show as "pending changes."
  • The browser-side apos.http.parseQuery function now handles objects and arrays properly again.
  • The in-context menu for documents has been refactored as a smart component that carries out actions on its own, eliminating a great deal of redundant code, props and events.
  • Added additional retries when binding to the port in a dev environment.
  • The "Submit" button in the admin bar updates properly to "Submitted" if the submission happens in the page settings modal.
  • Skipping positional arguments in fragments now works as expected.
  • The rich text editor now supports specifying a styles array with no p tags properly. A newly added rich text widget initially contains an element with the first style, rather than always a paragraph. If no styles are configured, a p tag is assumed. Thanks to Stepan Jakl for reporting the issue.


  • Editor modal's Save button (publish / save draft / submit) now updated to use the AposSplitButton component. Editors can choose from several follow-up actions that occur after save, including creating another piece of content of the same type, being taken to the in-context version of the document, or being returned to the manager. Editor's selection is saved in localstorage, creating a remembered preference per content type.

3.0.0-beta.1.1 - 2021-05-07


  • A hotfix for an issue spotted in beta 1 in our demo: all previously published pages of sites migrated from early alpha releases had a "Draft" label until published again.

3.0.0-beta.1 - 2021-05-06


  • Removes the firstName and lastName fields in user pieces.
  • The query parameters apos-refreshapos-editapos-mode and apos-locale are now aposRefreshaposEditaposModeand aposLocale. Going forward all query parameters will be camelCase for consistency with query builders.


  • Archiving a page or piece deletes any outstanding draft in favor of archiving the last published version. Previously the behavior was effectively the opposite.
  • "Publish Changes" button label has been changes to "Update".
  • Draft mode is no longer the default view for published documents.
  • The page and piece manager views now display the title, etc. of the published version of a document, unless that document only exists in draft form. However a label is also provided indicating if a newer draft is in progress.
  • Notifications have been updated with a new visual display and animation style.


  • Four permissions roles are supported and enforced: guest, contributor, editor and admin. See the documentation for details. Pre-existing alpha users are automatically migrated to the admin role.
  • Documents in managers now have context sensitive action menus that allow actions like edit, discard draft, archive, restore, etc.
  • A fragment call may now have a body using rendercall, just like a macro call can have a body using call. In addition, fragments can now have named arguments, just like macros. Many thanks to Miro Yovchev for contributing this implementation.
  • Major performance improvement to the nestedModuleSubdirs option.
  • Updates URL fields and oEmbed URL requests to use the httpsFix option in launder's url() method.
  • Documents receive a state label based on their document state (draft, pending, pending updates)
  • Contributors can submit drafts for review ("Submit" versus "Submit Updates").
  • Editors and admins can manage submitted drafts.
  • Editors and admins can easily see the number of proposed changes awaiting their attention.
  • Support for virtual piece types, such as submitted drafts, which in actuality manage more than one type of doc.
  • Confirm modals now support a schema which can be assessed after confirmation.
  • When archiving and restoring pages, editors can chose whether the action affects only this document or this document + children
  • Routes support the before syntax, allowing routes that are added to Express prior to the routes or middleware of another module. The syntax before: 'middleware:moduleName' must be used to add the route prior to the middleware of moduleName. If middleware: is not used, the route is added before the routes of moduleName. Note that normally all middleware is added before all routes.
  • url property can now optionally be specified when adding middleware. By default all middleware is global.
  • The pieces REST GET API now supports returning only a count of all matching pieces, using the ?count=1 query parameter.
  • Admin bar menu items can now specify a custom Vue component to be used in place of AposButton.
  • Sets username fields to follow the user title field to remove an extra step in user creation.
  • Adds default data to the outerLayoutBase.html <title> tag: data.piece.title or
  • Moves the core UI build task into the start up process. The UI build runs automatically when NODE_ENV is not 'production' and when:
    1. The build folder does not yet exist.
    2. The package.json file is newer than the existing UI build.
    3. You explicitly tell it to by setting the environment variable CORE_DEV=1
  • The new ._ids(_idOrArrayOfIds) query builder replaces explicitOrder and accepts an array of document _ids or a single one. _id can be used as a multivalued query parameter. Documents are returned in the order you specify, and just like with single-document REST GET requests, the locale of the _ids is overridden by the aposMode query parameter if present.
  • The .withPublished(true) query builder adds a _publishedDoc property to each returned draft document that has a published equivalent. withPublished=1 can be used as a query parameter. Note this is not the way to fetch only published documents. For that, use .locale('en:published') or similar.
  • The server-side implementation of now supports passing a FormData object created with the [form-data]( npm module. This keeps the API parallel with the browser-side implementation and allows for unit testing the attachments feature, as well as uploading files to internal and external APIs from the server.
  • manuallyPublished computed property moved to the AposPublishMixin for the use cases where that mixin is otherwise warranted.
  • columns specified for a piece type's manage view can have a name that uses "dot notation" to access a subproperty. Also, for types that are localized, the column name can begin with draft: or published: to specifically display a property of the draft or published version of the document rather than the best available. When a prefix is not used, the property comes from the published version of the document if available, otherwise from the draft.
  • For page queries, the children query builder is now supported in query strings, including the depth subproperty. For instance you could fetch /api/v1/@apostrophecms/page/id-of-page?children=1 or /api/v1/@apostrophecms/page/id-of-page?children[depth]=3.
  • Setting APOS_LOG_ALL_QUERIES=1 now logs the projection, skip, limit and sort in addition to the criteria, which were previously logged.


  • Fragments can now call other fragments, both those declared in the same file and those imported, just like macros calling other macros. Thanks to Miro Yovchev for reporting the issue.
  • There was a bug that allowed parked properties, such as the slug of the home page, to be edited. Note that if you don't want a property of a parked page to be locked down forever you can use the _defaults feature of parked pages.
  • A required field error no longer appears immediately when you first start creating a user.
  • Vue warning in the pieces manager due to use of value rather than name of column as a Vue key. Thanks to Miro Yovchev for spotting the issue.
  • "Save Draft" is not an appropriate operation to offer when editing users.
  • Pager links no longer break due to aposRefresh=1 when in edit mode. Also removed superfluous append query parameter from these.
  • You may now intentionally clear the username and slug fields in preparation to type a new value. They do not instantly repopulate based on the title field when you clear them.
  • Language of buttons, labels, filters, and other UI updated and normalized throughout.
  • A contributor who enters the page tree dialog box, opens the editor, and selects "delete draft" from within the editor of an individual page now sees the page tree reflect that change right away.
  • The page manager listens for content change events in general and its refresh mechanism is robust in possible situations where both an explicit refresh call and a content change event occur.
  • Automatically retries once if unable to bind to the port in a dev environment. This helps with occasional EADDRINUSE errors during nodemon restarts.
  • Update the current page's context bar properly when appropriate after actions such as "Discard Draft."
  • The main archive page cannot be restored, etc. via the context menu in the page tree.
  • The context menu and "Preview Draft" are both disabled while errors are present in the editor dialog box.
  • "Duplicate" should lead to a "Publish" button, not an "Update" button, "Submit" rather than "Submit Update," etc.
  • When you "Duplicate" the home page you should be able to set a slug for the new page (parked properties of parked pages should be editable when making a duplicate).
  • When duplicating the home page, the suggested slug should not be / as only one page can have that slug at a time.
  • Attention is properly called to a slug conflict if it exists immediately when the document is opened (such as making a copy where the suggested slug has already been used for another copy).
  • "Preview Draft" never appears for types that do not use drafts.
  • The toggle state of admin bar utility items should only be mapped to an is-active class if, like palette, they opt in with toggle: true
  • Fixed unique key errors in the migrate task by moving the parking of parked pages to a new @apostrophecms/migrate:after event handler, which runs only after migrations, whether that is at startup (in dev) or at the end of the migration task (in production).
  • UI does not offer "Archive" for the home page, or other archived pages.
  • Notification checks and other polling requests now occur only when the tab is in the foreground, resolving a number of problems that masqueraded as other bugs when the browser hit its connection limit for multiple tabs on the same site.
  • Parked pages are now parked immediately after database migrations are checked and/or run. In dev this still happens at each startup. In production this happens when the database is brand new and when the migration task is manually run.

3.0.0-alpha.7 - 2021-04-07


  • The trash property has been renamed archived, and throughout the UI we refer to "archiving" and the "archive" rather than "move to trash" and the "trash can." A database migration is included to address this for existing databases. However, if you set the minimumPark option, or used a boilerplate in which it is set, you will need to **change the settings for the parkedId: 'trash' page to match those currently found in the minimumPark option setting in the @apostrophecms/page source code.


  • General UX and UI improvements to the experience of moving documents to and from the archive, formerly known as the trash.
  • Links to each piece are available in the manage view when appropriate.
  • Search is implemented in the media library.
  • You can now pass core widgets a className option when configuring them as part of an area.
  • previewDraft for pieces, adds a Preview Draft button on creation for quick in-context editing. Defaults to true.


  • Do not immediately redirect to new pages and pieces.
  • Restored pieces now restore as unpublished drafts.
  • Refactored the admin bar component for maintainability.
  • Notification style updates


  • Advisory lock no longer triggers an update to the modification timestamp of a document.
  • Attempts to connect Apostrophe 3.x to an Apostrophe 2.x database are blocked to prevent content loss.
  • "Save as Draft" is now available as soon as a new document is created.
  • Areas nested in array schema fields can now be edited in context.
  • When using apos.image.first, the alt attribute of the image piece is available on the returned attachment object as ._alt. In addition, _credit and _creditUrl are available.
  • Fixes relating to the editing of widgets in nested areas, both on the page and in the modal.
  • Removed published / draft switch for unpublished drafts.
  • "Publish Changes" appears only at appropriate times.
  • Notifications moved from the bottom right of the viewport to the bottom center, fixing some cases of UI overlap.

3.0.0-alpha.6.1 - 2021-03-26


  • Conditional fields (if) and the "following values" mechanism now work properly in array item fields.
  • When editing "Page Settings" or a piece, the "publish" button should not be clickable if there are errors.

3.0.0-alpha.6 - 2021-03-24


  • You can "copy" a page or a piece via the ⠇ menu.
  • When moving the current page or piece to the trash, you are taken to the home page.
  • permissions: false is supported for piece and page insert operations.
  • Adds note to remove deprecated allowedInChooser option on piece type filters.
  • UX improvement: "Move to Trash" and "Restore" buttons added for pieces, replacing the boolean field. You can open a piece that is in the trash in a read-only way in order to review it and click "Restore."
  • Advisory lock support has been completed for all content types, including on-page, in-context editing. This prevents accidental conflicts between editors.
  • Image widgets now accept a size context option from the template, which can be used to avoid sending a full-width image for a very small placement.
  • Additional improvements.


  • Fixes error from missing select method in AposPiecesManager component.
  • No more migration messages at startup for brand-new sites.
  • max is now properly implemented for relationships when using the manager dialog box as a chooser.
  • "Trash" filter now displays its state properly in the piece manager dialog box.
  • Dragging an image to the media library works reliably.
  • Infinite loop warning when editing page titles has been fixed.
  • Users can locate the tab that still contains errors when blocked from saving a piece due to schema field errors.
  • Calling insert works properly in the init function of a module.
  • Additional fixes.


  • Apostrophe's instance of uploadfs has moved from apos.attachment.uploadfs to apos.uploadfs. The uploadfs configuration option has similarly moved from the @apostrophecms/attachment module to the @apostrophecms/uploadfs module. imageSizes is still an option to @apostrophecms/attachment.

3.0.0-alpha.5 - 2021-02-11

  • Conditional fields are now supported via the new if syntax. The old 2.x showFields feature has been replaced with if: { ... }.
  • Adds the option to pass context options to an area for its widgets following the with keyword. Context options for widgets not in that area (or that don't exist) are ignored. Syntax: {% area, 'areaName' with { '@apostrophecms/image: { size: 'full' } } %}.
  • Advisory locking has been implemented for in-context editing, including nested contexts like the palette module. Advisory locking has also been implemented for the media manager, completing the advisory locking story.
  • Detects many common configuration errors at startup.
  • Extends getBrowserData in @apostrophecms/doc-type rather than overwriting the method.
  • If a select element has no default, but is required, it should default to the first option. The select elements appeared as if this were the case, but on save you would be told to make a choice, forcing you to change and change back. This has been fixed.
  • Removes 2.x piece module option code, including for contextual, manageViews, publishMenu, and contextMenu.
  • Removes admin bar module options related to 2.x slide-out UI: openOnLoad, openOnHomepageLoad, closeDelay.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed users to appear to be in edit mode while looking at published content in certain edge cases.
  • The PATCH API for pages can now infer the correct _id in cases where the locale is specified in the query string as an override, just like other methods.
  • Check permissions for the delete and publish operations.
  • Many bug fixes.


  • Changes the piecesModuleName option to pieceModuleName (no "s") in the @apostrophecms/piece-page-type module. This feature is used only when you have two or more piece page types for the same piece type.

3.0.0-alpha.4.2 - 2021-01-27

  • The label option is no longer required for widget type modules. This was already true for piece type and page type modules.
  • Ability to namespace asset builds. Do not push asset builds to uploadfs unless specified.

Breaking changes

  • Removes the browser module option, which was only used by the rich text widget in core. All browser data should now be added by extending or overriding getBrowserData in a module. Also updates getComponentName to reference options.components instead of options.browser.components.


  • Hotfix: the asset module now looks for a ./release-id file (relative to the project), not a ./data/release-id file, because data is not a deployed folder and the intent of release-id is to share a common release identifier between the asset build step and the deployed instances.


  • "Fragments" have been added to the Apostrophe template API, as an alternative to Nunjucks' macros, to fully support areas and async components. See the A3 alpha documentation for instructions on how to use this feature.
  • CSS files in the ui/public subdirectory of any module are now bundled and pushed to the browser. This allows you to efficiently deliver your CSS assets, just as you can deliver JS assets in ui/public. Note that these assets must be browser-ready JS and CSS, so it is customary to use your own webpack build to generate them. See the a3-boilerplate project for an example, especially webpack.config.js.
  • More support for rendering HTML in REST API requests. See the render-areas query parameter in piece and page REST API documentation.
  • Context bar takeover capability, for situations where a secondary document should temporarily own the undo/redo/publish UI.
  • Unpublished pages in the tree are easier to identify
  • Range fields have been added.
  • Support for npm bundles is back. It works just like in 2.x, but the property is bundle, not moogBundle. Thanks to Miro Yovchev.

Breaking changes

  • A3 now uses webpack 5. For now, due to a known issue with vue-loader, your own project must also be updated to use webpack 5. The a3-boilerplate project has been updated accordingly, so you may refer to the a3-boilerplate project for an example of the changes to be made, notably in webpack.config.js and package.json. We are in communication with upstream developers to resolve the issue so that projects and apostrophe core can use different major versions of webpack.


Third alpha release of 3.x. Introduced draft mode and the "Publish Changes" button.


Second alpha release of 3.x. Introduced a distinct "edit" mode.


First alpha release of 3.x.