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The aim of the task was given a financial headline find the sentiment of the headline with respect to a particular company that is mentioned in the headline. The data that was associated with this task can be found here once downloaded if you wish to keep using the same helper functions that I use in the code please put the individual training, test, trail data in this folder or else change the config file appropriately, also please look at the config file to see how the training, test and trial data files should be named.

This contains all of the code that is associated with the SemEval paper that is currently being written.

The headlines were predicted using two methods:

  1. Support Vector Regression (SVR) used scikit learns library.
  2. Bi-Directional LSTM's used keras library.

The SVR's can be found in their own directory and likewise for the LSTM's. The Early Stopping LSTM performed the best on the finance dataset.

How to use the code base

Quick example of all the main features of this code base can be found within the examples folder in the run file NOTE that this may take a long time to run with respect to the LSTM's.


There are two SVR's both have been left with features that maximise the performance on the train finance dataset when cross validation (CV) has been performed. Both of them have code commented out to show how the different features can be implemented in case anybody wants to test any of the scores that are in the paper or see how the features affect the CV score.

Both of these SVR can be used with other data with the same type of properties e.g. the finsvr assumes sentence level sentiment data and the aspect svr assumes aspect level sentiment data.

finsvr is a sentence level sentiment classifier as it only takes into account the headline sentence and not the company that sentiment is in respect to which tends to be fine for sentences that are only about one company.

aspect svr compared to finsvr does take into account the company as well as the sentence. Which tends to perform slightly better.

The results folder contains TSV files of the performance of different feature parameter settings for both SVR's. This will be summarised in the paper being written.


There are two LSTM's both sub class LSTMModel. Note that in the paper the standard LSTM is called the Tweeked LSTM in the code base sorry for any confusion.

Early Stopping LSTM as the name suggests does not have a set number of times that it iterates over the training data instead it stops based on the number of times it stops improving this is hard coded as 10. It also has a slightly different architecture design but not that much different to Tweeked LSTM which stops after 25 times iterating over the training data. The Early Stopping model performs worse over CV on the training data but performed the best on test set of the task (of which true values for that data set has not been released yet hence why I talk about CV over the training data) this was expected as the model is more generalisable due to the early stopping condition.

Both of these LSTM's are affectively sentence level classifiers as they only consider the headline text and nothing else. Also compared to the SVR's they do not have an feature engineering.

NOTE if you do these for other datasets you may want to change the output dimension of the LSTMs from the length of the longest sentence in the training data to something more relevant this was used as it appeared to work well for this task.



  1. Python 3.4.3 or above.
  2. graphviz

And the installation of pip's:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Also look at the config file to see where to put the data.

In this folder are the two submission json files that were submitted to the SEMEval challenge participating in Task 5 track 2 headline sentiment prediction. Both submission used a bi-direction LSTM.

Finance Word2Vec model

None of the data that was used to create the Word2Vec models are allowed to be released due to license agreements. However the Word2Vec model can be, therefore the Finance model (all_fin_model_lower) is released and it was trained using the following parameters any parameters not mentioned are just default parameters:

gensim.models.Word2Vec(sentences=self, min_count=40, workers=4, window=10, sample=1e-3, size=300)

number of articles = 189, 206 tokens = 161, 877, 425 number of sections used - 567071

They are a collection of financial news articles such as:

  1. The Telegraph.
  2. Financial Times.
  3. Reuters
  4. Press Association Which were collected from Factiva

Word2Vec library used was Gensim all text was lower cased and then tokensied using unitok before being fed into the word2vec model. No sentence splitting was used as it was fed news papers broken down into headline, and two main stories.

The reason those parameters were chosen as the Kaggle blog suggested they were good and also I didn't have time to experiment with different model parameters.
