Releases: antvis/G6
Releases · antvis/G6
- feat: tooltip plugin supports dynamic dom configurations;
- feat: context menu plugin supports mobile touch event;
- feat: allow enabling stack operations at runtime;
- fix: use origin data when changeData without data param, closes: #3459;
- feat: shouldBegin for canvas click in click-select behavior;
- fix: import G6 in head and call getComputedStyle, the document body is not exist;
- fix: node update from no icon to iconfont icon failed;
- fix: getUpdateType with type error;
- fix: edge label background with clearItemStates problem;
- fix: edge label with autoRotate false and padding problem;
- fix: changeData in the process of create-edge behavior, an error occurs, closes: #3384;
- feat: translate graph with animation;
- feat: zoom graph with animation;
- feat: timebar supports filterItemTypes to configure the types of the graph items to be filtered; only nodes can be filtered before;
- feat: timebar supports to configure the rotate of the tick labels by tickLabelStyle[dot]rotate;
- feat: timebar supports container CSS configuration by containerCSS;
- feat: timebar supports a function getDate to returns the date value according to each node or edge by user;
- feat: timebar supports afunction getValue to returns the value (for trend line of trend timebar) according to each node or edge by user;
- feat: timebar supports to configure a boolean changeData to control the filter way, true means filters by graph[dot]changeData, false means filters by graph[dot]showItem and graph[dot]hideItem;
- feat: timebar supports to configure a function shouldIgnore to return true or false by user to decide whether the node or the edge should be ignored while filtering;
- fix: simple timebar silder text position strategy and expand the lineAppendWidth for the slider;
- fix: edge label padding bug, closes: #3346;
- fix: update node with iconfont icon, the icon is updated to a wrong position, closes: #3348;
- fix: add item type to the parameter of afterremoveitem event;
- fix: drag-combo and drag-node with wrongly calling shouldUpdate;
- feat: better performance for item drawing;
- fix: disable the capture of hull shape to enhance the performance of dragging canvas with hulls;
- fix: uncombo an empty combo, fix: #3248;
- fix: upgrade layout to beta 5 to solve proxy problem for IE;
- fix: update edge to be horizontal and the label is on wrong position;
- fix: drag-node on mobile, closes: #3127;
- fix: removeBehaviors drag-canvas cause canvas:drag event cannot be listened;
- fix: drag-node with unexpected offseted edge end points, closes: #3118;
- fix: delete node with combo, closes: #3141;
- fix: update node position with wrong position;
- feat: enableStack for drag-node behavior, closes: #3128;