A descriptor in JSON AM Data Format is represented as a JSON object { } (not to be confused with the Photoshop API Object type, whose tag is "<object>"
as described below), where each item in the descriptor is expressed as a unique key unified ID string associated with a “typed value”:
Typed Value | Parameters | ActionDescriptor Methods |
{ "<boolean>": Boolean } or [ "<boolean>", Boolean ] |
Boolean : true or false |
desc.getBoolean desc.putBoolean |
{ "<class>": Class } or [ "<class>", Class ] |
Class : class unified ID string | desc.getClass desc.putClass |
{ "<data>": Data } or [ "<data>", Data ] |
Data : raw byte data string | desc.getData desc.putData (only from CS2) |
{ "<double>": Double } or [ "<double>", Double ] |
Double : number | desc.getDouble desc.putDouble |
{ "<enumerated>": { EnumType: EnumValue } } or [ "<enumerated>", [ EnumType, EnumValue ] ] |
EnumType : enumType unified ID string EnumValue : enumValue unified ID string |
desc.getEnumerationType desc.getEnumerationValue desc.putEnumerated |
{ "<integer>": Integer } or [ "<integer>", Integer ] |
Integer : number (signed integer) | desc.getInteger desc.putInteger |
{ "<largeInteger>": LargeInteger } or [ "<largeInteger>", LargeInteger ] |
LargeInteger : number (signed integer) | desc.getLargeInteger desc.putLargeInteger (only from CS6) |
{ "<list>": List } or [ "<list>", List ] |
List : JSON AM list array | desc.getList desc.putList |
{ "<object>": { Class: Descriptor } } or [ "<object>", [ Class, Descriptor ] ] |
Class : class unified ID string Descriptor : JSON AM descriptor object |
desc.getObjectType desc.getObjectValue desc.putObject |
{ "<path>": Path } or [ "<path>", Path ] |
Path : file system path string | desc.getPath desc.putPath |
{ "<reference>": Reference } or [ "<reference>", Reference ] |
Reference : JSON AM reference array | desc.getReference desc.putReference |
{ "<string>": String } or [ "<string>", String ] |
String : string | desc.getString desc.putString |
{ "<unitDouble>": { Unit: Double } } or [ "<unitDouble>", [ Unit, Double ] ] |
Unit : unit unified ID string Double : number |
desc.getUnitDoubleType desc.getUnitDoubleValue desc.putUnitDouble |
"mode": { "<class>": "RGBColorMode" },
"width": { "<unitDouble>": { "distanceUnit": 512 } },
"height": { "<unitDouble>": { "distanceUnit": 512 } },
"resolution": { "<unitDouble>": { "densityUnit": 72 } },
"pixelScaleFactor": { "<double>": 1 },
"fill": { "<enumerated>": { "fill": "white" } },
"depth": { "<integer>": 8 },
"profile": { "<string>": "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" }
"mode": [ "<class>", "RGBColorMode" ],
"width": [ "<unitDouble>", [ "distanceUnit", 512 ] ],
"height": [ "<unitDouble>", [ "distanceUnit", 512 ] ],
"resolution": [ "<unitDouble>", [ "densityUnit", 72 ] ],
"pixelScaleFactor": [ "<double>", 1 ],
"fill": [ "<enumerated>", [ "fill", "white" ] ],
"depth": [ "<integer>", 8 ],
"profile": [ "<string>", "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" ]
A list in JSON AM Data Format is represented as a JSON array [ ], where each element of the array is a “typed value”:
Typed Value | Parameters | ActionList Methods |
{ "<boolean>": Boolean } or [ "<boolean>", Boolean ] |
Boolean : true or false |
list.getBoolean list.putBoolean |
{ "<class>": Class } or [ "<class>", Class ] |
Class : class unified ID string | list.getClass list.putClass |
{ "<data>": Data } or [ "<data>", Data ] |
Data : raw byte data string | list.getData list.putData (only from CS2) |
{ "<double>": Double } or [ "<double>", Double ] |
Double : number | list.getDouble list.putDouble |
{ "<enumerated>": { EnumType: EnumValue } } or [ "<enumerated>", [ EnumType, EnumValue ] ] |
EnumType : enumType unified ID string EnumValue : enumValue unified ID string |
list.getEnumerationType list.getEnumerationValue list.putEnumerated |
{ "<integer>": Integer } or [ "<integer>", Integer ] |
Integer : number (signed integer) | list.getInteger list.putInteger |
{ "<largeInteger>": LargeInteger } or [ "<largeInteger>", LargeInteger ] |
LargeInteger : number (signed integer) | list.getLargeInteger list.putLargeInteger (only from CS6) |
{ "<list>": List } or [ "<list>", List ] |
List : JSON AM list array | list.getList list.putList |
{ "<object>": { Class: Descriptor } } or [ "<object>", [ Class, Descriptor ] ] |
Class : class unified ID string Descriptor : JSON AM descriptor object |
list.getObjectType list.getObjectValue list.putObject |
{ "<path>": Path } or [ "<path>", Path ] |
Path : file system path string | list.getPath list.putPath |
{ "<reference>": Reference } or [ "<reference>", Reference ] |
Reference : JSON AM reference array | list.getReference list.putReference |
{ "<string>": String } or [ "<string>", String ] |
String : string | list.getString list.putString |
{ "<unitDouble>": { Unit: Double } } or [ "<unitDouble>", [ Unit, Double ] ] |
Unit : unit unified ID string Double : number |
list.getUnitDoubleType list.getUnitDoubleValue list.putUnitDouble |
{ "<string>": "Times" },
{ "<string>": "Helvetica" },
{ "<string>": "Monaco" }
[ "<string>", "Times" ],
[ "<string>", "Helvetica" ],
[ "<string>", "Monaco" ]
A reference in JSON AM Data Format is represented as a JSON array [ ], where each element of the array is either:
{ DesiredClass: TypedValue }
[ DesiredClass, TypedValue ]
DesiredClass is a class unified ID string, and TypedValue is a “typed value”:
Typed Value | Parameters | ActionReference Methods |
{ "<class>": null } or [ "<class>", null ] |
(none) | (none)ref.putClass |
{ "<enumerated>": { EnumType: EnumValue } } or [ "<enumerated>", [ EnumType, EnumValue ] ] |
EnumType : enumType unified ID string EnumValue : enumValue unified ID string |
ref.getEnumeratedType ref.getEnumeratedValue ref.putEnumerated |
{ "<identifier>": Identifier } or [ "<identifier>", Identifier ] |
Identifier : number (unsigned integer) | ref.getIdentifier ref.putIdentifier |
{ "<index>": Index } or [ "<index>", Index ] |
Index : number (unsigned integer) | ref.getIndex ref.putIndex |
{ "<name>": Name } or [ "<name>", Name ] |
Name : string | ref.getName ref.putName |
{ "<offset>": Offset } or [ "<offset>", Offset ] |
Offset : number (signed integer) | ref.getOffset ref.putOffset |
{ "<property>": Property } or [ "<property>", Property ] |
Property : property (key) unified ID string | ref.getProperty ref.putProperty |
{ "property": { "<property>": "histogram" } },
{ "channel": { "<enumerated>": { "channel": "green" } } },
{ "layer": { "<name>": "Hulk" } },
{ "document": { "<index>": 1 } }
[ "property", [ "<property>", "histogram" ] ],
[ "channel", [ "<enumerated>", [ "channel", "green" ] ] ],
[ "layer", [ "<name>", "Hulk" ] ],
[ "document", [ "<index>", 1 ] ]
ID String | Unified Syntax | Examples | Application Methods |
CharID | Four-letter “mnemonic” string surrounded by single quotation marks: "'xxxx'" |
"'Rd '" "'Grn '" "'Bl '" "'H '" "'Axis'" "'#Pxl'" |
app.charIDToTypeID app.typeIDToCharID |
StringID | Plain “human-readable” text string:"xxxxxxxx" |
"red" "green" "blue" "hue" "axis" "pixelsUnit" |
app.stringIDToTypeID app.typeIDToStringID |
Note: In Photoshop, all internal IDs are strictly positive integers; they are normally represented by more “readable” strings known as CharIDs and StringIDs, converted to numerical IDs by app.charIDToTypeID
and app.stringIDToTypeID
respectively. Any CharID or StringID can actually be used as long as they are equivalent, i.e., they get converted to the same numerical ID.
A JSON object is an unordered collection of name/value pairs. It begins with { (left brace) and ends with } (right brace). Each name is a string followed by : (colon) and the name/value pairs are separated by , (comma).
A JSON array is an ordered sequence of values. It begins with [ (left bracket) and ends with ] (right bracket). Values are separated by , (comma).
A value can only be: a string, a number, an object, an array, or
. -
All strings must be enclosed in double quotes.
As an extra reminder, it should be noted that the following JavaScript statements:
var myObject = { };
var myArray = [ ];
are strictly equivalent to:
var myObject = new Object ();
var myArray = new Array ();