diff --git a/doc/GUIDE.org b/doc/GUIDE.org
index c672308a..e2107706 100644
--- a/doc/GUIDE.org
+++ b/doc/GUIDE.org
@@ -110,7 +110,9 @@ Also see [[https://github.com/karlicoss/promnesia/issues/172][issues/172]].
 ** partial update
-(experimental) Set env variable =PROMNESIA_INDEX_POLICY=update=.
+Only index sources given in =promnesia index --sources SOURCE [SOURCE] ...=
+(or all sources, if no =--sources= given), unless =--overwrite= is given,
+in which case all existing visits are removed from db prior to indexing.
 ** exclude files from =auto= indexer
diff --git a/src/promnesia/__main__.py b/src/promnesia/__main__.py
index f6f025d2..5e3b3bf5 100644
--- a/src/promnesia/__main__.py
+++ b/src/promnesia/__main__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 import argparse
-import os
 import logging
 import inspect
 import sys
@@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ def iter_all_visits(sources_subset: Iterable[Union[str, int]]=()) -> Iterator[Re
         logger.warning("unknown --sources: %s", ", ".join(repr(i) for i in sources_subset))
-def _do_index(dry: bool=False, sources_subset: Iterable[Union[str, int]]=()) -> Iterable[Exception]:
+def _do_index(dry: bool=False, sources_subset: Iterable[Union[str, int]]=(), overwrite_db=False) -> Iterable[Exception]:
     # also keep & return errors for further display
     errors: List[Exception] = []
     def it() -> Iterable[Res[DbVisit]]:
@@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ def it() -> Iterable[Res[DbVisit]]:
         for v in res:
-        dump_errors = visits_to_sqlite(it())
+        dump_errors = visits_to_sqlite(it(), overwrite_db=overwrite_db)
         for e in dump_errors:
@@ -89,10 +88,11 @@ def do_index(
         config_file: Path,
         dry: bool=False,
         sources_subset: Iterable[Union[str, int]]=(),
+        overwrite_db: bool=False,
     ) -> None:
     config.load_from(config_file) # meh.. should be cleaner
-        errors = list(_do_index(dry=dry, sources_subset=sources_subset))
+        errors = list(_do_index(dry=dry, sources_subset=sources_subset, overwrite_db=overwrite_db))
     if len(errors) > 0:
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ def do_demo(
         config_file: Optional[Path],
         name: str='demo',
         sources_subset: Iterable[Union[str, int]]=(),
+        overwrite_db: bool=False,
     ) -> None:
     from pprint import pprint
     with TemporaryDirectory() as tdir:
@@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ def do_demo(
             config.instance = cfg
-        errors = list(_do_index(sources_subset=sources_subset))
+        errors = list(_do_index(sources_subset=sources_subset, overwrite_db=overwrite_db))
         if len(errors) > 0:
             logger.error('%d errors during indexing (see logs above for backtraces)', len(errors))
         for e in errors:
@@ -300,8 +301,14 @@ def main() -> None:
-        help="Source names (or their 0-indexed position) to index."
-        "  If missing, db is recreated empty and all sources are indexed.",
+        help="Source names (or their 0-indexed position) to index.",
+    )
+    ep.add_argument(
+        '--overwrite',
+        required=False,
+        action="store_true",
+        help="Empty db before populating it with newly indexed visits."
+        "  If interrupted, db is left untouched."
     sp = subp.add_parser('serve', help='Serve a link database', formatter_class=F) # type: ignore
@@ -323,8 +330,22 @@ def main() -> None:
         help='Promnesia source to index as (see https://github.com/karlicoss/promnesia/tree/master/src/promnesia/sources for the full list)',
-    ap.add_argument('--sources', required=False, action="extend", nargs="+", type=_ordinal_or_name,
-                    help="Subset of source(s) to run (name or 0-indexed position);  use `promnisia --dry` to view sources")
+    ap.add_argument(
+        '--sources',
+        required=False,
+        action="extend",
+        nargs="+",
+        type=_ordinal_or_name,
+        metavar="SOURCE",
+        help="Source names (or their 0-indexed position) to index.",
+    )
+    ap.add_argument(
+        '--overwrite',
+        required=False,
+        action="store_true",
+        help="Empty db before populating it with newly indexed visits."
+        "  If interrupted, db is left untouched."
+    )
     ap.add_argument('params', nargs='*', help='Optional extra params for the indexer')
     isp = subp.add_parser('install-server', help='Install server as a systemd service (for autostart)', formatter_class=F)
@@ -358,13 +379,20 @@ def main() -> None:
+    logger.info("CLI args: %s", args)
     # TODO maybe, it's better for server to compute intermediate represetnation?
     # the only downside is storage. dunno.
     # worst case -- could use database?
     with get_tmpdir() as tdir: # TODO??
         if args.mode == 'index':
-             do_index(config_file=args.config, dry=args.dry, sources_subset=args.sources)
+            do_index(
+                config_file=args.config,
+                dry=args.dry,
+                sources_subset=args.sources,
+                overwrite_db=args.overwrite,
+            )
         elif args.mode == 'serve':
         elif args.mode == 'demo':
@@ -377,6 +405,7 @@ def main() -> None:
+                overwrite_db=args.overwrite,
         elif args.mode == 'install-server': # todo rename to 'autostart' or something?
diff --git a/src/promnesia/dump.py b/src/promnesia/dump.py
index 49198909..f42e325e 100644
--- a/src/promnesia/dump.py
+++ b/src/promnesia/dump.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-import os
 from pathlib import Path
 import shutil
 from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Set, Iterable
@@ -14,14 +13,6 @@
 from . import config
-def update_policy_active() -> bool:
-    # NOTE: experimental.. need to make it a proper cmdline argument later
-    INDEX_POLICY = os.environ.get('PROMNESIA_INDEX_POLICY', 'overwrite_all')
-    # if 'update' is passed, will run against the existing db and only tough the sources present in the current index run
-    # not sue if a good name for this..
-    return INDEX_POLICY == 'update'
 # NOTE: I guess the main performance benefit from this is not creating too many tmp lists and avoiding overhead
 # since as far as sql is concerned it should all be in the same transaction. only a guess
 # not sure it's the proper way to handle it
@@ -30,7 +21,7 @@ def update_policy_active() -> bool:
 # returns critical warnings
-def visits_to_sqlite(vit: Iterable[Res[DbVisit]]) -> List[Exception]:
+def visits_to_sqlite(vit: Iterable[Res[DbVisit]], *, overwrite_db: bool) -> List[Exception]:
     logger = get_logger()
     db_path = config.get().db
@@ -58,8 +49,7 @@ def vit_ok() -> Iterable[DbVisit]:
                 yield ev
     tpath = Path(get_tmpdir().name) / 'promnesia.tmp.sqlite'
-    policy_update = update_policy_active()
-    if not policy_update:
+    if overwrite_db:
         engine = create_engine(f'sqlite:///{tpath}')
         engine = create_engine(f'sqlite:///{db_path}')
@@ -82,12 +72,12 @@ def vit_ok() -> Iterable[DbVisit]:
             # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
-    if not policy_update:
+    if overwrite_db:
         shutil.move(str(tpath), str(db_path))
     errs = '' if errors == 0 else f', {errors} ERRORS'
     total = ok + errors
-    what = 'updated' if policy_update else 'overwritten'
+    what = 'overwritten' if overwrite_db else 'updated'
     logger.info('%s database "%s". %d total (%d OK%s)', what, db_path, total, ok, errs)
     res: List[Exception] = []
     if total == 0:
diff --git a/tests/integration_test.py b/tests/integration_test.py
index f9ffdb1d..6f7e2be0 100644
--- a/tests/integration_test.py
+++ b/tests/integration_test.py
@@ -13,15 +13,7 @@
 def run_index(cfg: Path, *, update=False) -> None:
     from promnesia.__main__ import do_index
-    if update:
-        os.environ[ev] = 'update'
-        try:
-            do_index(cfg)
-        finally:
-            del os.environ[ev]
-    else:
-        do_index(cfg)
+    do_index(cfg, overwrite_db=not update)
 index = run_index # legacy name