- Added shadow to results
- Dependency updates
- Added
- Fixed typing for searchFunction
- Dependency updates
- Dependency updates
- Added base
size to keep it consistent
- Changed
back torem
as it caused more issues than it helped.
- Removed throwing an error when an invalid modelValue gets passed (introduced in 0.1.28).
- Dependency updates.
- Code cleanup and stricter linting rules.
- Throwing an error if the passed down model is invalid.
- Changed
as it's better stylable this way.
- Changed
as it's better stylable this way.
- When component gets disabled and the modelValue is not set, the searchTerm will also be reset
- If the border-radius for the input gets overwritten manually, the border-radius in the correct direction doesn't get removed, when the search results become visible
- Inlined close icon svg in order to be able to import the css file from anywhere
- Changed the background url for the close button so that the css file can also be imported directly inside the script tag
- Changed styles from old name (auto-select) to new name (autosearch)
- When the property passed to v-model got reset from outside the component, the searchTerm didn't reset properly
- Added the
option to pass a custom id to the search input field
- Added the
option to conditionally enable/disable the search input field
- Added CHANGELOG.md to track all changes by version and date
- Changed the exported library name from
to avoid issues when being installed from the CDN (there were still some issues in 0.1.16)
- Changed the exported library name from
to avoid issues when being installed from the CDN
- Added a default height for the results box on elements, which were loaded at the bottom of the viewport initially
- Added the possibility to initially pass a ref containing an empty array to the component and update it with values at a later moment
- Removed the CSS from the default bundle, so it can be imported separately or completely styled independently
- Unfified mixed input styles
- Updated examples
- Added live demos
- Reduced published package size
- Reduced published package size
- Fixed broken npm deploy
- Fixed broken npm deploy
- Fixed broken npm deploy