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173 lines (134 loc) · 4.92 KB

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173 lines (134 loc) · 4.92 KB



List of functions:

  • deposit()
  • withdraw()
  • processWithdraw()
  • executeBlock()
  • startExodus()


Deposit ETH to the contract. This function should:

  1. Check that exodus mode is not active.
  2. Increase number of mintedCoinsCounter.
  3. Use this mintedCoinsCounter as coinId for the Deposit event.
  4. Mint event Deposit with the amount of ETH deposited and address of the sender.
  5. Add deposit to map of address to amount of ETH, coinId and L1BlockNumber of the deposit.
  6. Increase unprocessed deposits amount.


If exodus is not started:

  1. Get merkleRoot from merkleRoots by L2blockNumber
  2. Verify that merklePath from arguments is valid merkle path to merkleRoot
  3. Verify that coinId is not used before. If it's used - check that coinId > current coinId from usedCoinIds
  4. Remove previous withdraw from WaitingForWithdrawals
  5. Emmit WaitingForWithdraw event with amount and address of the sender
  6. Add this withdraw to WaitingForWithdrawals map. Set amount and address and L1BlockNumber and merklePosition and coinId of the deposit.


  1. Check that withdrawId in WaitingForWithdraw structure.
  2. Check that L1BlockNumber + WITHDRAW_WAITING_TIME of the deposit is less than current L1BlockNumber
  3. Start exodus if it's not started.


  1. Set prevMerkleRoot as value from merkleRoots by key lastL2blockNumber
  2. Calculate hash(DepositsBytes)
  3. Calculate hash(WithdrawsBytes)
  4. Verify proof with prevMerkleRoot, newMerkleRoot, hash(DepositsBytes), hash(WithdrawsBytes) and proof
  5. Remove all elements of DepositsBytes from some magic structure of the deposits
  6. Send ETH to all WithdrawsBytes
  7. Remove all elements of WithdrawsBytes from WaitingForWithdrawals map
  8. Emmit BlockExecuted event with L2blockNumber, newMerkleRoot, hash(DepositsBytes), hash(WithdrawsBytes)

TODO PART: publish coinId in Withdrawals, ProcessWithdraw


  1. Check that exodusStarted is false
  2. Set censouredDeposits as value from some magic structure of the deposits with key censouredDepositId
  3. Check that L1BlockNumber from censouredDeposits + DEPOSIT_WAITING_TIME is less than current L1BlockNumber
  4. Emmit ExodusStarted event
  5. exodusStarted = true


Circuit separetadet do 4 parts:

  • Contract withdraw parts
  • Deposit parts
  • Transfer commitment parts
  • Transfer execution parts

Public inputs:

  • initallStateRoot
  • finalStateRoot
  • hash(contractWithdrawals)
  • hash(withdrawals)
  • markle_root(wrongWithdrawals)
  • hash(deposits)

Contract withdraw parts

hash(contractWithdrawals) = contractWithdrawals
accomulatorWrongWithdrawals = empty_merkle_tree
initallStateRoot == state

for every contractWithdrawal:

contractWithdrawal = (coinId, amount, address, merklePosition)
(stateCoinId, stateAmount, stateAddress) = state_tree[merklePosition]
check this statment:
        coinId == stateCoinId
        amount == stateAmount
        address == stateAddress
        state == removeElement(state, merklePosition)
    ) or 
            coinId != stateCoinId
            amount != stateAmount
            address != stateAddress
        nextCccomulatorWrongWithdrawals = addOneToMerkleTree(prevAccomulatorWrongWithdrawals, withdrawal)

and check that accomulatorWrongWithdrawals == markle_root(wrongWithdrawals)

save final state to stateAfterWithdrawals

Deposit parts

hash(deposits) = deposits
state = stateAfterWithdrawals

for every deposit:

deposit = (coinId, amount, address)
state = addOneToMerkleTree(state, deposit)

save final state to stateAfterDeposit

Transfer commitment parts

hash(transactions) = transactions_hash
transferAccomulator = empty_merkle_tree

for every transaction:

transaction = (from_address, to_address, amount, coin_id, signature)
verify merkle proof of note from transaction
savedAmount + fee = amount
operatorFee = fee + operatorFee
check(signature, from_address)
state = addOneToMerkleTree(state, from_address, to_address, amount, coin_id, signature)
transferAccomulator = addOneToMerkleTree(transferAccomulator, transaction)

Transfer execution parts

for every withdrawal:

state == removeElement(state, withdrawal)
transferAccomulator == removeElement(transferAccomulator, withdrawal)

for every transaction_confirmation:

transaction_confirmation = (transaction, signature)
transaction = (from_address, to_address, amount, coin_id, signature)
check(signature, to_address)
transferAccomulator == removeElement(transferAccomulator, transaction)

in the end check that transferAccomulator == empty_merkle_tree

Operator node

It's trivial.

  1. Get from the contract: Deposits, Withdrawals
  2. Colect transactions from senders
  3. Collect confirmations from receivers
  4. Withdrawals without confirmations
  5. Commit block