We'll be looking at the following IPython Notebooks, all of which are under the python/ directory of the git repository:
Scientific Python basics: python-full.ipynb
Plotting with matplotlib: matplotlib-full.ipynb
Reading and writing files: readwrite-full.ipynb
Loading and plotting files: loading-and-plotting-data.ipynb
End of day data Analysis mix: end-of-day-data-analysis.ipynb
Honestly, the hardest part is just getting things running :(. Pick whichever one of the solutions below works...
Once you get the Anaconda CE file (see :doc:`install` for download links!), go run it at the command line -- double clicking it doesn't seem to work :(.
This should be as simple as opening up a Terminal window and typing:
bash ~/Downloads/AnacondaCE-1.2.0-macosx.sh
and answering all the questions with the defaults ('yes' where appropriate).
Then, once it's all done installing, cd to the git directory that you downloaded earlier, cd into the python/ subdirectory, and type
~/anaconda/bin/ipython notebook --pylab=inline
Your Web browser should pop up. Tada!
Start up your virtual machine (see :doc:`install` for instructions on installing VirtualBox), and then click 'Terminal'. Inside of terminal, run the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/swcarpentry/2012-11-scripps ls cd 2012-11-scripps/ ls cd python ls ./run-in-vm.sh
(You can copy on your Web browser, and then paste into the Terminal in your VM with 'ctrl-shift-V'.)
This will start up a Firefox browser pointing at IPython Notebook
You can upgrade ipython notebook to a newer version like so. Type:
sudo apt-get install python-pip sudo pip install --upgrade ipython
This will take a few minutes to do, because it has to download some files...
The IPython Notebook (ipynb for short) is a simple notebook interface to Python that lets you interactively run Python code and view figures and graphics. You can load, save, and download notebooks as a record of your research as well as for interaction with colleagues.
The main thing you need to know about IPython is that to execute code in a cell, you hit Shift-ENTER.