To see at what time the commands were executed from the bash history I can use HISTTIMEFORMAT
variable, here's an example:
This will report a command just once
export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups
But for a more complete list of command take a look at this:
- ignorespace – lines beginning with a space will not be saved in history.
- ignoredups – lines matching the previous history entry will not be saved. In other words, duplicates are ignored.
- ignoreboth – It is shorthand for “ignorespace” and “ignoredups” values. If you set these two values to HISTCONTROL variable, the lines beginning with a space and the duplicates will not be saved.
- erasedups – eliminate duplicates across the whole history.
as simple as (!!
$ !!
$ ls -laR test
# ...whatever result...
$ !ls
# this executes last instance of the 'ls' command with whatever parameter it had