Simple as that:
cat ed2k.txt |xargs -L1 ed2k
...and without xargs
is even better
user@host ~ $ ed2k --help
aMule ED2k link parser vx.x.x
--help, -h Prints this help.
--config-dir, -c Specifies the aMule configuration directory.
--version, -v Displays version info.
--category, -t Add Link to category number.
magnet:? Causes the file to be queued for download.
ed2k://|file| Causes the file to be queued for download.
ed2k://|server| Causes the server to be listed or updated.
ed2k://|serverlist| Causes aMule to update the current serverlist.
--list, -l Show all links of an emulecollection
--emulecollection, -e Loads all links of an emulecollection
List an emulecollection file
user@host ~ $ ed2k --list <FILE NAME.emulecollection>
Add an emulecollection queue to download list
user@host ~ $ ed2k --emulecollection <FILE NAME.emulecollection>
cat ed2k.txt | xargs -I MYFILE amulecmd -h localhost -P MyPerfectPassword -c "Add MYFILE"
is a useful utility even to issue batch jobs from command line, this is a nice way to script and automate things, for example:
amulecmd -h localhost -P MyCoolPasswordForIt <<EOT
show servers
show dl
show ul
Commands are defined in the amule protocol.