Author: Joel DeTeves
Desription: TacticalRMM Kubernetes manifests tested & working on Digital Ocean managed Kubernetes (DOKS).
Disclaimer: These manifests are experimental and as such are NOT SUPPORTED. I have done my best to make them as secure as possible however I am NOT responsible for anything that happens to you or your data as a result of using these files. Please do your due dilligence security-wise and open a Github issue if you wish to report a problem. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. By using these files you agree that you are the sole entity responsible for any damages that may arise as a result.
- A working Kubernetes cluster
- Kubernetes NFS provisioner or another storage provisioner that supports
- cert-manager or a Lets Encrypt cert issuer of your choice. Alternatively, you can mount your own certs as secret volumes into the pods
kubectl apply -f namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f .
kubectl apply -f deployment/ -R
The load balancer has externalTrafficPolicy: Local
disabled by default, as it caused a health check issue with the Digital Ocean Load Balancer these manifests were tested on. It may need to be enabled depending on your cloud provider, see for more info
Please open an issue in Github or you can also check in the Tactical RMM Discord Channel.
Note: I am not affiliated with TRMM or AmidaWare; I am a community contributor. Please direct TRMM-related issues to the appropriate channels.