Ruby code for tic-tac-toe Game.
Tic tac toe game consists in a 3 by 3 board and two players.
Players choose between X and O as their tokens to play.
Players take turns to play their token in a unoccupied cell.
The first player who gets three of their tokens in line wins the game.
If no player gets three tokens in line and the board is full it is a tie.
Open a bash console and type:
- git clone
- cd tic-tac-toe
- bin/main.rb
- VSCode
We are using RSpec testing tool to test all enumerable methods. Also some detailed documentation about this tool
- In a terminal window type gem install rspec
- Once rspec install has finished, type rspec --init
- You will see a folder spec and a file .rspec
- Inside spec folder you'll see a spec_helper.rb file.
We have already created rspec-testing files called board_spec.rb, helper_spec.rb, player_spec.rb and spec_helper.rb if you want to create another one with the end [your file name]_spec.rb
- go to the folder inside your terminal type rspec
- If all test were passed you will see:
15 examples, 0 failures
Else you'll see a red message, then check errors and fix them
👤 Abel Lavieri
👤 Shingirayi Mandebvu
- Github: @simandebvu
- Twitter: @simandebvu
- Linkedin: simandebvu
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Microverse
This project is MIT licensed.