This page suppose you already obtain a Conversation
object, through the DMArchive
instance (see Browsing Direct Message archive).
object will be named, for convention, conversation
Note that some filtering methods returns a SubConversation
object, that expose the same public methods that Conversation
(except conversation ID .id
give access to included some LinkedDirectMessage
, that hold the data of one message.
Detail of the interface is given at the end of this page.
Conversation.all: LinkedDirectMessage[]
Basic access to every direct message stored in current Conversation
Conversation.find(query: RegExp): SubConversation
Find direct messages using a query. Return a filtered conversation.
// Search for messages having specific text (use a RegExp to validate)
conversation.find(/Hello !/i);
Conversation.month(month: string, year: string): SubConversation
Get a subconversation containing all the messages of a specific month.
Conversation.sender(ids: string | string[]): SubConversation
Find direct messages sender by a specific user ID. Return a filtered conversation.
Conversation.recipient(ids: string | string[]): SubConversation
Find direct messages recieved by a specific user ID. Return a filtered conversation.
Conversation.between(since: Date, until: Date): SubConversation
Find direct messages send between two dates. Return a filtered conversation.
// Search for messages sent in a specific date
conversation.between(new Date("2019-01-01"), new Date("2019-02-04"));
Conversation.around(id: string, context?: number)
Find context around a direct message. Returns a object containing the n-before and the n-after messages asked with context.
=> {
before: LinkedDirectMessage[],
current: LinkedDirectMessage,
after: LinkedDirectMessage[]
Instances of Conversation
are iterable.
for (const message of conversation) {
// message fulfill LinkedDirectMessage interface
- Chaining
You can chain methods that returns SubConversation
// Every truncature method [.find(), .between(), .month(), .sender(), .recipient()]
// returns a sub-object (SubConversation) that have his own index and own methods.
// This allow you to chain methods:
.between(new Date("2019-01-01"), new Date("2019-02-01"))
.recipient(["MY_USER_1", "MY_USER_2"]);
Conversation.index: ConversationIndex
Get the conversation details, with messages sorted by year, month and day.
Conversation.length: number
Number of messages in this conversation.
Conversation.participants: Set<string>
User IDs of the participants of this conversation.
Conversation.is_group_conversation: boolean
True if the conversation is a group conversation.
Conversation.first: LinkedDirectMessage
First DM in the conversation.
Conversation.last: LinkedDirectMessage
Last DM in the conversation.
Here's the properties available in a DirectMessage
interface DirectMessage {
/** Person who get the DM (Twitter user ID). */
recipientId: string;
/** Content of the DM. */
text: string;
* Array of URLs linked to this direct message.
* Currently, a DM could only contain **one** media.
mediaUrls: string[];
/** Person who send the DM (Twitter user ID). */
senderId: string;
/** Message ID. */
id: string;
/** Stringified date of message creation.
* If the DM is a `LinkedDirectMessage`,
* please use **.createdAtDate** property to get the date,
* it's already correctly parsed.
createdAt: string;
Interface LinkedDirectMessage
, that validate DMs in Conversation
objects, add a .previous
and .next
property, linking the following and previous DM in the current conversation.
To get medias linked in one message, please see Get a direct message media.
Next part is Get a direct message media