Thank you for considering contributing to the ML Learning Journey Repository! This repository is a passionate endeavor that captures the essence of machine learning exploration. Whether it's a minor typo, a new section proposal, or adding an innovative example, every contribution helps!
Begin by forking the repository to ensure you can propose changes without impacting the original work.
git clone[YourUsername]/machine-learning.git
git checkout -b [branch-name]
Modify the code or enhance the documentation as you deem fit.
git add .
git commit -m "Detailed description of changes"
git push origin [branch-name]
Head over to the original repository and tap the "Compare & pull request" button. Assign an appropriate title and briefly describe the changes you made.
- 🔒 Ensure any install or build dependencies are purged prior to the end of the build layer.
- 📖 If pertinent, update the to reflect your changes.
- 🖊️ Elaborate on your changes when making a pull request.
- 📑 Prioritize clear documentation and comment where necessary.
- 🧪 Before submitting, rigorously test your modifications.
- 🌐 Embrace global collaboration.
- 🤔 Remember, patience is golden.
- 💡 Every idea, no matter how small, has value.
- 🚫 Avoid harmful behavior, offensive language, or any form of harassment.
- 👥 Treat everyone with respect, as you would expect in return.
A heartfelt thank you! Your dedication and contributions enhance the repository, creating an enriched experience for all visitors. Together, we build better!