In this folder you will find templates that will help you decide to create multimedia content, script templates, and storyboard templates. You'll also find other templates that we won't be using in the #ETC_19 workshop, but that may be useful in the future.
Before deciding to make a video, make sure you've gone through the checklist of questions to decide if you should make a video. Read the questions
- Empty storyboard template
- Example script explaining the CSS box model
- Spreadsheet for comments - have your stakholders leave comments here so you can track requests
Courtesy of the Display & Video team at Google.
Download royalty free images for personal and commercial use here:
If you do decide you need sounds or music, here are some resources:
- Getty Music Library - royalty free music
- Audio Jungle
- RumbleFish
- Filmstro create your own soundtrack
Record your own audio with Audacity and be sure to remove the white noise.