- OCT-76: Fixed redundant authentication prompt during App activation
- PIM-10494: Fix memory issue when trying to delete a job profile with many warnings
- OCT-77: Fix translation error in the PIM App Store
- Improvement: Update Composer dependencies and fix ArabicHtmlFormatterSpec
- Improvement: Update PhpStan to 1.7.14
- PIM-10470: Refresh process tracker job detail page when job execution id param changes
- PIM-10457: Fixed inconsistency with column oro_user.consecutive_authentication_failure_counter when migrating from v6 to serenity
- PIM-10449: Remove old table related to old queue system
- PIM-10451: Add migration to add an index on start_time on the job_execution table
- MW-373: Prepare the marketplace migration to another subdomain
- PIM-10452, PIM-10454, PIM-10455, PIM-10456 : Fix migration to set some fields to NOT NULL on job & step execution tables
- PIM-10453: Add migration to add an index on updated on pim_catalog_category table
- PIM-10425: Fix notifications can't be displayed because of removed routes
- Use Node v14 in docker-compose files
- PIM-10332: [Backport PIM-10331] Fix error when using an association with quantities having an numeric code
- PIM-10324: [Backport PIM-10232] Fix "A new entity is found through the relationship" errors in jobs
- PIM-10385: Fix message "New patch available" is present even if the PIM on the last patch
- PIM-10323: [Backport PIM-10233] Fix the saved value by an empty wysiwyg
- PIM-10369: Fix deprecated migrations present during Standard-Edition upgrade
- PIM-10325: [Backport PIM-10229] Enforce strict samesite policy for session cookies
- PIM-10321: [Backport PIM-10241] Fix user account disabled can connect regression
- Fix Docker Composer cache
- PLG-776: Fix Option page broken issue with small screen when creating a new option
- PIM-10305: Do not allow disabled user to login
- PLG-781: Fix migration task related to calculating product quality scores to be independent of the JobExecution implementation
- RAC-1223: [Backport] RAC-1215: fix error when attributeOption doesn't have label
- PIM-10308: [Backport PIM-10292] Fix error 500 when role page contain a validation errors
- PIM-10315: [Backport PIM-10264] Optimize variant product ratio query
- PIM-10318: [Backport PIM-10259] Add ArPHP library and fix Arabic RTL in PDF Exports
- PIM-10287: Fix deprecated methods for Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\TableStyle
- BH-986: Add missing migration file for standard.
- PIM-10005: New Product API Web Permission migration didn't work properly
- PIM-9946: Throw warning when product import contains two products with same identifiers
- PIM-9885: Associating a product to itself with a 2-way association returns an error 500
- PIM-9890: Creating Channels with numeric code breaks the PIM
- PIM-9748: Upgrade JQuery for security reasons
- PIM-9678: The time counter is still running despite the job failed
- PIM-9672: Error 500 on the API when inputing [null] on an array
- PIM-9595: Avoid 403 error when launching import with no view rights on import details
- PIM-9622: Fix query that can generate a MySQL memory allocation error
- PIM-9630: Fix SQL sort buffer size issue when the catalog has a very large number of categories
- PIM-9636: Fix add posibility to contextualize translation when create a variant depending on number of axes
- PIM-9631: fix attribute groups not displayed in family due to JS error
- PIM-9649: Fix PDF product renderer disregarding permissions on Attribute groups
- PIM-9650: Add translation key for mass delete action.
- PIM-9642: Refresh product image when switching channel or locale
- PIM-9667: Prevent import of duplicate options in multiselect attributes
- PIM-9658: Add missing backend permission checks
- PIM 9657: Make open filters close when opening a new one.
- PIM-9671: Provide a data quality insight status context for attribute groups
- PIM-9670: Fix attribute filter "Group" issue when several attribute groups have the same label
- PIM-9664: Display Ziggy as asset image when the preview cannot be generated
- PIM-9681: Fix criteria selector closing behavior on the product grid filters
- PIM-9686: Fix memory leak during "set_attribute_requirements" job
- PIM-9690: Fix job remaining in stopping status forever
- PIM-9700: Add batch-size option in index products command and index product-models command
- PIM-9701: Fix role deletion when a user do not have any role
- PIM-9699: Fix clicking detail on last operation return 404 on import and export jobs
- API-1483: Fix the test button of the Event Subscription
- PLG-63: Fix product-grid grouped variant filter dropdown
- PIM-9718: Decimals attribute values with no separators are well formatted
- PIM-9727: Add missing query params to hatoas links
- API-9698: Refresh ES index after creating a product from the UI in order to well send product created event to event subscriptions
- PIM-9711: Check that a category root isn't linked to a user or a channel before moving it to a sub-category
- PIM-9730: Fix category tree initialization in the PEF when switching tabs
- PIM-9679: Clean existing text attribute values removing linebreaks
- PIM-9758: Fix bad replacement for line breaks introduced in PIM-9658
- PIM-9743: Add the "change input" event so that the SKU/code doesn't disappear when doing copy/paste
- PIM-9759: Fix step name translation for product models csv import
- PIM-9740: Prevent to delete a channel used in a product export job
- PIM-9764: Fix DSM Card component to handle links properly
- PIM-9773: Fix unique variant axis validator considering 01 and 1 as equal
- PIM-9767: Fix minimum & maximum user password validation
- PIM-9765: Fix missing translation key in bulk actions when adding attributes values for some product
- PIM-9780: Fix completed import/export job notification broken link
- PIM-9783: Optimize batch query when compute completeness
- PIM-9783: Optimize SQL query when compute completeness
- PIM-9715: Prevent the deletion of an attribute used as a label by a family
- PIM-9781: Fix Category tree not refreshing when switching locale
- PIM-9779: Fix ACE order when loading ACLs
- PIM-9739: Fix connection users, users, channels having a link to a sub-category
- PIM-9763: Make sure that 2 users can each create a private view with the same name
- PIM-9798: Refresh completeness on product grid after family import
- PIM-9800: Fix event not sent issue when creating products or product models
- PIM-9809: Fix missing filters in the product grid for few UI locales with Firefox
- PIM-9807: Trigger warning when importing date as text attribute via XLSX files
- PIM-9801: Fix jobs that are still stuck in STARTED and STOPPING and create a command to avoid this again
- PIM-9771: Fix the image preview when exporting a product as pdf
- PIM-9829: Fix product grid crash when using a family filter on a deleted family
- PIM-9820: Fix the Error 500 on the product grid with the date filter
- PIM-9833: Fix null pointer exception on Product::getVariationLevel (CE contribution)
- PIM-9826: Display the system attribute filters with the UI locale on the user account settings
- PIM-9834: Fix MySQL error when trying to import new attribute options to attributes with a lot of options already
- PIM-9850: Fix broken section title in DQI dashboard
- PIM-9827: Fix HTTP 500 when using POST/PATCH with incorrect format
- PIM-9857: Fix Microgram & Microliter conversion operations
- PIM-9856: Fix children completeness query being too long
- PIM-9853: Make the word "product" translatable
- PIM-9741: Fix choice filter mask not closing when selecting with keyboard
- PIM-9806: Enable authentication temporary lock to protect against brute force attack
- PIM-9864: Fix 500 error when using DateTime filter with invalid value
- PIM-9869: Fix download log in job tracker is only available when log is located in the fpm server
- PIM-9777: Fix error message when trying to delete an attribute linked to an entity
- PIM-9873: Fix since last n day filter in product export
- PIM-9852: Fix exception during PRE_REMOVE on removeAll cause ES desynchronisation
- PIM-9876: Fix purge of products old scores in Data Quality Insights
- PIM-9881: Do not update a product value which was not modified
- PIM-9863: Remove temporisation and add unit tests for product model reindexation.
- PIM-9891: Fix missing sanity checks when computing enrichment status
- PIM-9886: Fix display of completeness in the PEF when the selected locale is deactivated
- PIM-9925: Fix roles that couldn't contain dashes in their codes
- PIM-9933: Fix delete category menu that stays displayed on screen
- PIM-9949: Fix category edit page to use catalog locale
- PIM-9950: Fix import product model fail instead of warning vs permission
- PIM-9948: Fix performance issue on product model import
- PIM-9966: Fix Settings page crashing when coming from the PEF
- PIM-9973: Fix Asset attribute media type dropdown being hidden
- PIM-9986: Fix error message returned by the backend not displayed when an error occured while deleting a category
- PIM-9942: Fix message on DQI dashboard in French UI locale
- PIM-9947: Display validation errors message in the UI when
job fails - PIM-9987: Fix product grid count not accurate after specific SKU selection
- PIM-10009: Fix error being printed in the response of partial update of product models API
- PIM-10003: Fix translation in setting page are not plurializable
- PIM-9989: Fix record code of reference entity field is case-sensitive
- PIM-10026: Avoid session persistance for API
- PIM-9997: Fix page freezing after deleting a user group
- PIM-10019: Update product indexation on attribute as label change
- PIM-10037: Fix family variant query to return correct number of results
- PIM-10041: Change configuration to apply APP_ELASTICSEARCH_TOTAL_FIELDS_LIMIT to assets and references entities
- PIM-9990: Fix lost of keyup event when tab key is pressed too fast on input field
- CXP-838: Fix (Not)LocalizableAnd(Not)ScopableAttributeException catches
- PIM-10029: Added an explicit class named container to inject additional content into sub-navigation panel
- PIM-10067: Date value in calendar not set when none is selected
- PIM-10071: Fix fatal error in case of Cursor::getResults is called without been initialized
- PIM-10077: Fix the "product image" filter display (untranslatable values on languages other than english)
- PIM-10078: Add sanity check on attribute options to avoid having an empty screen.
- PIM-10085: Fix product grid filters with multiple selectable values going out of screen when too many values are selected
- PIM-10074: Add translation key for mass action selection
- PIM-10062: Suppress PHP warning when missing 'dataScope' value.
- Bump NodeJS library to fix CVE on tmpl 1.0.4
- CVE-2021-3777: Bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5
- CVE-2021-23343: Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7
- GHSA-6fc8-4gx4-v693: Bump ws from 7.4.5 to 7.5.5
- PIM-10096: Reload PEF main image on channel switching
- CVE-2021-23368: Bump postcss from 7.0.35 to 7.0.36
- CVE-2021-23358: Bump underscore from 1.8.3 to 1.12.1
- GHSA-6fc8-4gx4-v693: Bump ws from 7.4.5 to 7.5.5 (yarn.lock and front-packages/share/yarn.lock)
- CVE-2021-23364: Bump browserslist from 4.16.4 to 4.16.6 in /front-packages/shared
- PIM-10095: Fix API error when providing an integer for the identifier or code when patching products or models
- CVE-2021-3807: Bump ansi-regex from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 in /front-packages/shared
- CVE-2021-23343: Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 in /front-packages/shared
- PIM-10094: Increase product grid filters limit display in user settings
- PIM-10101: Fix incorrect count of families selection in the family grid
- PIM-10107: Hide add quantified association button when ACL is not granted
- PIM-10100: Added a product & product model indexation step for setAttributeRequirements job
- PIM-10092: Display an error message when trying to delete a category tree linked to a channel
- PIM-10116: Fix filter bar not being sticky on Measurement & Attribute groups page
- PIM-10030: use POST method to fetch product data grid data to avoid http 414 error
- EXB-1046: Don't delete a channel used in an "Export to Shared Catalogs" export profile
- PIM-10087: Fix storage errors HTTP code to return 500 instead of 422
- PIM-10090: Fix missing cache clearing during family variant changes computing
- PIM-10048: fix memory leak in search product models by family variant query
- PIM-10115: Connections domain blacklist should deny local ip
- PIM-10138: Fix Add attribute dropdown being hidden when bulk editing Assets
- PIM-10129: Fix error 414 with a long filter list when launching a bulk action and quick export
- PIM-10139: Fix missing translation key in Italian locale with "change family" mass action
- PIM-10145: Fix reset password page
- PIM-10163: Prefix groups breadcrumb link to avoid 404
- PIM-10160: Fix AM thumbnail generation when filename is longer than 100 characters
- PIM-10167: Fix import file - datetime in price attribute break the import
- PIM-10177: Fix warning level for status badge on last operations
- PIM-10158: Fix failed migration longtext to json for akeneo_batch_job_execution.raw_parameters du to empty values
- PIM-10187: Fix impossible to configure the columns of the product grid if attribute labels are too long
- PIM-10155: Decrease batch size during indexation of products and product models
- PIM-10182: Search_after uses identifiers/codes instead of encrypted Mysql ids in external API
- PIM-10149: Fix group product page OOM (remove group to products association)
- PIM-10193: fix TypeError(implode(): Argument #2 () must be of type ?array, string given)
- PIM-10194: Fix pagination for list products/product models endpoints with search_after pagination type
- PIM-10199: Fix occasional segmentation fault when generating thumbnails
- PIM-10198: Fixed error message display when saving family variant
- PIM-10206: Fix product and product model save when they had values for a deleted channel or locale
- PIM-10197: Added safeguards against attribute change to locale specific when the same attribute is a variant axis for a family
- PIM-10208: Fix currency settings page crashing when label is not found
- PIM-10192: Retry mechanism in delete action of ES documents
- PIM-10214: Fix cannot create a measurement attribute if measurement family or unit code is too long
- PIM-10210: Fix notifications can't be displayed
- PIM-10220: Fixed issues where association has NaN error
- PIM-10217: Fix cannot quick export product model when id is not present in grid context
- PIM-10212: Prevent spaces in locale codes
- PIM-10218: Remove previous scope filter before moving the new one
- DAPI-1443: Add possibility to export products depending on their Quality Score
- DAPI-1480: Add possibility to filter products on Quality Score through the API
- PIM-9716: Autoselect last element of pasted list in choice filter
- PIM-9985: Improve channels sentence display in the settings menu
- PIM-9648: Mitigate DDoS risk on API auth endpoint by rejecting too large content
- PIM-9697: Exported files streamer
- PIM-9719: Add the real "updated" values in ES for product and product models
- CPM-152: Use Symfony Messenger to handle job queue messages. Therefore the
table is removed. Depending on your environment, please check the associatedmessenger.yml
to figure out how the messages are sent/received. The former command to launch job consumption is removed and replaced by:
bin/console messenger:consume ui_job import_export_job data_maintenance_job
- PIM-9929: Improve performances of attribute options list PATCH endpoint when Data Quality Insights is enabled
- PIM-9877: Optimize DQI dashboard data consolidation
- PIM-10004: Optimize counting job execution warnings
- PIM-10142: Block HTTP redirection in Webhook URLs
- PIM-10144: Don't display Guzzle version in user agent
- PIM-10098: Add a command/handler to remove a product model
- CPM-101: Remove twig/extensions dependency (abandoned)
- CPM-100: replace deprecated
- CPM-100: replace deprecated
- Change constructor of
to removeSymfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating\EngineInterface $templating
- Change constructor of
to removeSymfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface $translator
- Change constructor of
to removeSymfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface $translator
- Change constructor of
to addSymfony\Contracts\Translation\LocaleAwareInterface\LocaleAwareInterface $localeAware
- Change constructor of
to:- remove
Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface $translator
- add
Symfony\Contracts\Translation\LocaleAwareInterface\LocaleAwareInterface $localeAware
- remove
- PIM-9738: Remove command pim:catalog:remove-completeness-for-channel-and-locale