😃 Let's have fun with LeetCode! I have solved these problems. ID Title Python C++ Go 1 Two Sum Python C++ Go 2 Add Two Numbers Python C++ Go 3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Python C++ Go 4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Python C++ Go 5 Longest Palindromic Substring Python C++ Go 6 ZigZag Conversion Python C++ TODO 7 Reverse Integer Python C++ TODO 8 String to Integer (atoi) Python TODO TODO 9 Palindrome Number Python C++ TODO 10 Regular Expression Matching Python TODO TODO 11 Container With Most Water Python C++ TODO 13 Roman to Integer Python C++ TODO 14 Longest Common Prefix Python TODO TODO 15 3Sum Python C++ TODO 16 3Sum Closest Python C++ TODO 17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Python C++ TODO 18 4Sum Python TODO TODO 19 Remove Nth Node From End of List Python TODO TODO 20 Valid Parentheses Python C++ TODO 21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Python TODO TODO 22 Generate Parentheses Python TODO TODO 23 Merge k Sorted Lists Python TODO TODO 25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group Python TODO TODO 26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Python TODO TODO 28 Implement strStr() Python TODO TODO 29 Divide Two Integers Python TODO TODO 30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words Python TODO TODO 33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Python TODO TODO 35 Search Insert Position Python C++ TODO 36 Valid Sudoku Python TODO TODO 37 Sudoku Solver Python TODO TODO 38 Count and Say Python TODO TODO 39 Combination Sum Python TODO TODO 42 Trapping Rain Water Python TODO TODO 46 Permutations Python TODO TODO 48 Rotate Image Python TODO TODO 49 Group Anagrams Python TODO TODO 51 N-Queens Python TODO TODO 52 N-Queens II Python TODO TODO 53 Maximum Subarray Python TODO TODO 55 Jump Game Python TODO Go 59 Spiral Matrix II Python TODO TODO 62 Unique Paths Python C++ TODO 63 Unique Paths II Python TODO TODO 64 Minimum Path Sum Python C++ TODO 66 Plus One Python TODO TODO 67 Add Binary Python TODO TODO 69 Sqrt(x) TODO C++ TODO 70 Climbing Stairs Python C++ TODO 73 Set Matrix Zeroes Python TODO TODO 74 Search a 2D Matrix Python TODO TODO 77 Combinations Python TODO TODO 79 Word Search Python TODO TODO 80 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II Python TODO TODO 81 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II Python TODO TODO 84 Largest Rectangle in Histogram Python TODO TODO 85 Maximal Rectangle Python TODO TODO 88 Merge Sorted Array Python TODO TODO 92 Reverse Linked List II Python TODO TODO 98 Validate Binary Search Tree Python TODO TODO 101 Symmetric Tree Python TODO TODO 102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Python TODO TODO 104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Python C++ TODO 105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Python TODO TODO 106 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal Python TODO TODO 108 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree Python TODO Go 109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree Python TODO TODO 112 Path Sum Python TODO TODO 113 Path Sum II Python TODO TODO 121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Python TODO TODO 122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Python TODO TODO 125 Valid Palindrome Python TODO TODO 128 Longest Consecutive Sequence Python TODO TODO 130 Surrounded Regions Python TODO TODO 131 Palindrome Partitioning Python TODO TODO 136 Single Number Python TODO TODO 141 Linked List Cycle Python TODO TODO 142 Linked List Cycle II Python TODO TODO 148 Sort List Python TODO TODO 150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Python TODO TODO 152 Maximum Product Subarray Python TODO TODO 153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Python TODO TODO 154 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II Python TODO TODO 155 Min Stack Python TODO TODO 160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists Python C++ TODO 162 Find Peak Element Python TODO TODO 167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted TODO C++ TODO 189 Rotate Array Python TODO TODO 198 House Robber Python TODO TODO 200 Number of Islands Python C++ TODO 203 Remove Linked List Elements Python C++ TODO 204 Count Primes Python TODO TODO 206 Reverse Linked List Python TODO Go 208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Python TODO TODO 211 Design Add and Search Words Data Structure Python TODO TODO 213 House Robber II Python TODO TODO 215 Kth Largest Element in an Array Python TODO TODO 217 Contains Duplicate Python TODO TODO 219 Contains Duplicate II Python TODO TODO 232 Implement Queue using Stacks Python TODO TODO 234 Palindrome Linked List Python TODO Go 237 Delete Node in a Linked List Python TODO TODO 239 Sliding Window Maximum Python TODO TODO 240 Search a 2D Matrix II Python TODO TODO 241 Different Ways to Add Parentheses Python TODO TODO 242 Valid Anagram Python TODO TODO 278 First Bad Version TODO C++ TODO 279 Perfect Squares Python TODO TODO 283 Move Zeroes Python TODO TODO 287 Find the Duplicate Number Python C++ TODO 290 Word Pattern Python TODO TODO 295 Find Median from Data Stream Python TODO TODO 300 Longest Increasing Subsequence Python TODO TODO 303 Range Sum Query - Immutable Python TODO TODO 309 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown Python TODO TODO 312 Burst Balloons Python TODO TODO 322 Coin Change Python C++ TODO 326 Power of Three Python TODO TODO 334 Increasing Triplet Subsequence Python TODO TODO 337 House Robber III Python TODO TODO 338 Counting Bits Python TODO TODO 342 Power of Four Python TODO TODO 347 Top K Frequent Elements Python TODO TODO 350 Intersection of Two Arrays II Python TODO TODO 367 Valid Perfect Square Python TODO TODO 371 Sum of Two Integers Python TODO TODO 374 Guess Number Higher or Lower TODO C++ TODO 378 Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix TODO C++ TODO 387 First Unique Character in a String Python C++ TODO 389 Find the Difference Python TODO TODO 406 Queue Reconstruction by Height Python TODO TODO 412 Fizz Buzz Python TODO TODO 413 Arithmetic Slices Python TODO TODO 416 Partition Equal Subset Sum Python C++ TODO 438 Find All Anagrams in a String Python TODO TODO 441 Arranging Coins TODO C++ TODO 445 Add Two Numbers II Python C++ TODO 448 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array Python TODO TODO 451 Sort Characters By Frequency Python TODO TODO 452 Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons Python TODO TODO 454 4Sum II Python TODO TODO 455 Assign Cookies Python TODO TODO 456 132 Pattern Python TODO TODO 461 Hamming Distance Python TODO TODO 463 Island Perimeter Python TODO TODO 476 Number Complement Python TODO TODO 518 Coin Change 2 Python TODO TODO 535 Encode and Decode TinyURL Python TODO TODO 538 Convert BST to Greater Tree Python TODO TODO 543 Diameter of Binary Tree Python TODO TODO 561 Array Partition I Python TODO TODO 572 Subtree of Another Tree Python TODO TODO 581 Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray Python TODO TODO 605 Can Place Flowers Python TODO TODO 617 Merge Two Binary Trees Python TODO TODO 638 Shopping Offers Python TODO TODO 643 Maximum Average Subarray I Python TODO TODO 648 Replace Words Python TODO TODO 654 Maximum Binary Tree Python TODO TODO 655 Print Binary Tree Python TODO TODO 657 Robot Return to Origin Python TODO TODO 658 Find K Closest Elements TODO C++ TODO 665 Non-decreasing Array Python TODO TODO 669 Trim a Binary Search Tree Python TODO TODO 677 Map Sum Pairs Python TODO TODO 693 Binary Number with Alternating Bits Python TODO TODO 695 Max Area of Island Python TODO TODO 714 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee Python TODO TODO 739 Daily Temperatures Python TODO TODO 744 Network Delay Time Python TODO TODO 746 Prefix and Suffix Search Python TODO TODO 763 Special Binary String Python C++ TODO 771 Encode N-ary Tree to Binary Tree Python TODO TODO 807 Custom Sort String Python TODO TODO 811 Number of Subarrays with Bounded Maximum Python TODO TODO 814 Smallest Rotation with Highest Score Python TODO TODO 817 Design HashMap Python TODO TODO 821 Bricks Falling When Hit Python TODO TODO 852 Friends Of Appropriate Ages Python C++ TODO 876 Hand of Straights Python C++ TODO 877 Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes Python TODO TODO 905 Length of Longest Fibonacci Subsequence Python TODO TODO 907 Koko Eating Bananas Python TODO TODO 922 Possible Bipartition Python TODO TODO 969 Number of Recent Calls Python TODO TODO 973 Stamping The Sequence Python TODO TODO 977 Distinct Subsequences II Python TODO TODO 979 DI String Match Python TODO TODO 1038 Number of Squareful Arrays Python TODO TODO 1048 Clumsy Factorial Python TODO TODO 1071 Binary Prefix Divisible By 5 Python TODO TODO 1072 Next Greater Node In Linked List Python TODO TODO 1091 Maximum Average Subtree Python TODO TODO 1122 Longest Duplicate Substring Python TODO TODO 1221 Element Appearing More Than 25% In Sorted Array Python TODO TODO 1281 Can Make Palindrome from Substring Python TODO TODO 1282 Number of Valid Words for Each Puzzle Python TODO TODO 1293 Three Consecutive Odds Python TODO TODO 1295 Minimum Garden Perimeter to Collect Enough Apples Python TODO TODO 1302 Delete Characters to Make Fancy String Python TODO TODO 1313 Count Ways to Build Rooms in an Ant Colony Python TODO TODO 1534 Minimum Number of Frogs Croaking Python TODO TODO 1535 Build Array Where You Can Find The Maximum Exactly K Comparisons Python TODO TODO