Outstanding set of the most powerful React Hooks!
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Detects the current state of the app through the AppState API from ReactNativeCore. The current app states: "active" | "background" | "inactive" | "unknown" | "extension"
import { useAppState } from 'react-native-hookbox';
// ...
const appState = useAppState();
useEffect(() => {
if (appState === 'active') {
// ...
}, [appState]);
Async wrapper for async/await functions with Promise return.
// file1 (API or something)
const someAsyncFn = async () => 'async data';
// file2 (Component)
import { useAsync } from 'react-native-hookbox';
// ...
const { data, error, isLoading } = useAsync(someAsyncFn);
useEffect(() => {
console.log('new data:', data);
}, [data]);
useEffect(() => {
console.log('error:', error);
}, [error]);
// usage of 'isLoading' if you need
Returns the cached non-empty value of the current value.
Do not consider any null
, undefined
and NaN
values (or similar).
import { useCached } from 'react-native-hookbox';
// ...
const [state, setState] = useState(0);
const cachedState = useCached(state);
// state: 0, cachedState: 0
// state: 1, cachedState: 1,
// state: 2, cachedState: 2,
// state: undefined, cachedState: 2,
// state: null, cachedState 2,
// state: 10, cachedState: 10,
// state: 11, cachedState: 11,
// ...
A bit delayed value of the state. If the state changes, the timer is reset.
import { useDebouncedValue } from 'react-native-hookbox';
// ...
const [state, setState] = useState(0);
const debouncedState = useDebouncedValue(state, 1000);
// ...
useEffect with deep comparison of dependencies instead of shalow comparison by the default.
import { useDeepCompareEffect } from 'react-native-hookbox';
// ...
const [state, setState] = useState({ name: 'John' });
// ...
useDeepCompareEffect(() => {
console.log('state has been updated (even if not a link for object)');
}, [state]);
// ...
// The same link for object, but another properties inside
setState(prev => {
prev.name = 'Roman';
return prev;
// It will trigger the deepCompareEffect above
import { useKeyboardListeners } from 'react-native-hookbox';
// ...
const onKeyboardShow = useCallback(() => {
// ...
}, []);
const onKeyboardHide = useCallback(() => {
// ...
}, []);
useKeyboardListeners(onKeyboardShow, onKeyboardHide);
useEffect with an empty dependency array.
import { useMount } from 'react-native-hookbox';
// ...
useMount(() => {
console.log('component has been mounted');
Returns the previous value in the previous render iteration.
import { usePrevious } from 'react-native-hookbox';
// ...
const [state, setState] = useState(0);
const prevState = usePrevious(state);
// state: 0, prevState: undefined
// state: 1, prevState: 0,
// state: 2, prevState: 1,
// state: 0, prevState: 2,
// ...
import { useSpecificKeyExtractor } from 'react-native-hookbox';
// ...
// 'some-data-element' is a just prefix for a convenient debugging when you check nodes in React DevTools
// 'id' should be included in 'SomeDataType'
const keyExtractor = useSpecificKeyExtractor<SomeDataType>('some-data-element', 'id');
return (
// ...
Combines useState and useCached hooks.
import { useStateWithCached } from 'react-native-hookbox';
// ...
const [state, setState, cachedState] = useStateWithCached(0);
// state: 0, cachedState: 0
// state: 1, cachedState: 1,
// state: 2, cachedState: 2,
// state: null, cachedState: 2,
// state: 4, cachedState: 4,
// state: undefined, cachedState: 4,
// state: 6, cachedState: 6,
// state: 7, cachedState: 7,
Combines useState and usePrevious hooks.
import { useStateWithPrevious } from 'react-native-hookbox';
// ...
const [state, setState, prevState] = useStateWithPrevious(0);
// state: 0, prevState: undefined
// state: 1, prevState: 0,
// state: 2, prevState: 1,
// state: 0, prevState: 2,
Validate the state value when it updates and return the boolean value of passed / failed validation as third param of the output array.
export { useStateWithValidation } from 'react-native-hookbox';
// ...
const [state, setState, isValid] = useStateWithValidation(0, value => value > 0);
// state: 0, isValid: false
// setState(1)
// state: 1, isValid: true,
// setState(-1)
// state: -1, isValid: false,
// setState(10)
// state: 10, isValid: true,
Extended useState for boolean values.
Return [value, toggleValue]
import { useToggle } from 'react-native-hookbox';
// ...
const [value, toggleValue] = useToggle(false);
// ...
const onPress = () => {
// onPress() -> value: true
// onPress() -> value: false
// onPress() -> value: true
// ...
useEffect that does not run on the first render.
import { useUpdateEffect } from 'react-native-hookbox';
// ...
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
// only after new value appears
// shouldn't be called with counter === 0
useUpdateEffect(() => {
console.log('counter has been updated');
}, [counter]);
// setCounter(1) -> 'counter has been updated' in the console
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