diff --git a/docs/1049-metadata-guidelines-for-geospatial-data-resources-part-2.asciidoc b/docs/1049-metadata-guidelines-for-geospatial-data-resources-part-2.asciidoc
index 42f7320..7a52cb7 100644
--- a/docs/1049-metadata-guidelines-for-geospatial-data-resources-part-2.asciidoc
+++ b/docs/1049-metadata-guidelines-for-geospatial-data-resources-part-2.asciidoc
@@ -1,47 +1,15 @@
-== Metadata Guidelines for Geospatial Data Resources Part 2
+= Metadata Guidelines for Geospatial Data Resources Part 2
-=== Creating metadata using UK GEMINI (v2.3) May 2018 -{nbsp}_being revised_
+Creating metadata using UK GEMINI (v2.3) May 2018 -{nbsp}_being revised_
-2.3 home page]
+Return to link:1037-uk-gemini-standard-and-inspire-implementing-rules[GEMINI 2.3 home page]
+:sectnumlevels: 3
-Metadata elements]
-Additional metadata elements]
-Extension code lists]
-Possible metadata errors]
-Impact of metadata errors]
-Effect on searches]
-Prevention and correction of errors]
-Common errors]
-Guidance for individual metadata elements]
-=== Preface
This is the second part of a set of guidelines for metadata for
geospatial data resources. These metadata guidelines are primarily
@@ -59,11 +27,10 @@ providers of metadata services and general data users. They include
guidance on quality management such that they could be used in the
context of a national metadata service.
-1 of the Guidelines{nbsp}]covers the basics of metadata and provides an
+1 of the Guidelines] covers the basics of metadata and provides an
introduction to the other two parts. It includes a glossary of terms and
-set of references. Part 3
+set of references. https://www.agi.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/METADATAGUIDELINESPART32015-04.pdf[Part 3]
deals with metadata quality and covers quality evaluation and quality
management of metadata including guidance on establishing acceptable
quality levels. This Part of the Guidelines provides a set of detailed
@@ -72,9 +39,9 @@ correspond to version 2.3 of UK GEMINI.
Any comments on these guidelines or on the UK GEMINI2 metadata standard
should be sent
+to mailto:gemini@agi.org.uk[gemini@agi.org.uk].
-=== [#intro]##{nbsp}1. Introduction
+== Introduction
UK GEMINI2 defines a core set of metadata elements for discovery of data
resources and other essential purposes. It provides details of what
@@ -86,11 +53,10 @@ content. This includes datasets that relate to a limited geographic
area. The data resources may be graphical or textual (tabular or free
text), hardcopy or digital.
-This part of the{nbsp}_Metadata Guidelines for Geospatial Data
-Resources_{nbsp}provides detailed guidance for the application of UK GEMINI2.
+This part of the _Metadata Guidelines for Geospatial Data Resources_ provides detailed guidance for the application of UK GEMINI2.
It is aimed at those creating metadata conforming to UK GEMINI2. This
expands on existing guidance given in the UK GEMINI2
It also describes possible errors that might occur in such metadata and
suggests actions to guard against them. It explains how to expand the
metadata elements in addition to those in UK GEMINI2 if required, and
@@ -99,40 +65,35 @@ how to extend code lists of allowable values.
This Part should be read in conjunction with the other parts of these
-=== [#gemini]##{nbsp}2. GEMINI2
-==== *_[#2.1]####2.1 Metadata elements_*
+=== Metadata elements
UK GEMINI2 specifies a set of metadata elements for describing
geospatial data resources. These resources may be a dataset, data set
series (collection of datasets with a common specification) or data
service. The type of resource is identified in the element Resource Type
-(39). The metadata elements are summarised
+(39). The metadata elements are summarised in link:1250-element-summary[element summary].
Detailed guidance on how to create each of these elements can be found
-- Datasets and data series]
+link:datasets.html[GEMINI - Datasets and data series]
-GEMINI - Services
+link:services.html[GEMINI - Services]
-==== *_[#2.2]####2.2 Additional metadata elements_*
+=== Additional metadata elements
In many organisations, there is a need to record additional items of
metadata to meet specific local requirements. This may be to incorporate
particular characteristics of the data resources, or for particular
applications. Additional metadata elements may be included in a metadata
-implementation. These elements should be taken from ISO
-19115{nbsp}_Geographic information -
+implementation. These elements should be taken from ISO 19115:2003 _Geographic information - Metadata_,
which includes a comprehensive collection of metadata elements for
geographic information. An example would be Dataset character set and
Metadata character set where non-standard characters are used.
-==== *_[#2.3]####2.3 Extension of code lists_*
+=== Extension of code lists
Several of the metadata elements specified in UK GEMINI2 use enumerated
code lists. These are pre-defined sets of values identified by codes.
@@ -153,7 +114,7 @@ created as follows:
Such code extensions may be either specific to a metadata implementation
in an organisation or sector, or for general usage. In the latter case,
proposed new codes should be submitted
+(to mailto:standards@agi.org[gemini@agi.org.uk])
for inclusion in the next version of UK GEMINI2. It is expected that
future editions of UK GEMINI will incorporate such modified code lists.
@@ -161,9 +122,9 @@ future editions of UK GEMINI will incorporate such modified code lists.
service until incorporated in the Standard, neither will they be valid
for the purposes of INSPIRE.*
-=== [#errors]##{nbsp}3. Possible metadata errors
+== Possible metadata errors
-==== *_[#3.1]####3.1 Impact of metadata errors_*
+=== Impact of metadata errors
Errors having the greatest impact are likely to be those that affect
searches based on:
@@ -180,7 +141,7 @@ Inconsistencies in the capture or updating of metadata, such as the
categorisation of data subject or topic, will further erode the quality
of the discovery service.
-==== *_[#3.2]####3.2 Effect on searches_*
+=== Effect on searches
Having discovered a number of candidate data resources, the discovery
service user then assesses the likelihood that any of these meet their
@@ -197,7 +158,7 @@ about the data resource and how they can obtain that resource. It is not
uncommon for this to be out-of-date or have incorrect URLs or contact
-==== *_[#3.3]####3.3 Prevention and correction of errors_*
+=== Prevention and correction of errors
Prevention and correction of these errors is usually a combination of:
@@ -216,11 +177,9 @@ users;
* Overall quality assurance process which reviews procedures in the
light of experience and aims to improve overall metadata quality.
-Further guidance on how to prevent and correct errors is given in Part 3
-these Guidelines.
+Further guidance on how to prevent and correct errors is given in https://www.agi.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/METADATAGUIDELINESPART32015-04.pdf[Part 3] of these Guidelines.
-==== *_[#3.4]####3.4 Common errors_*
+=== Common errors
Some common errors that lead to inconsistent results when searching
across metadatasets are:
@@ -254,15 +213,17 @@ and dates documented using one metadata record.
Have clear guidance on the “chunking” of data resources for individual
-1 of these Guidelines]] based on:
+documentation (See link:1052-metadata-guidelines-for-geospatial-data-resources-part-1[Part
+1 of these Guidelines]) based on:
. how the data is used (stand-alone or as part of wider set);
. continuity and extent of coverage;
. date of capture or maintenance;
. topics or subjects covered, and
. uniformity of specification within data resource.
Introduce checks to ensure consistency of approach across all metadata.
|Extent over-generalised |This particularly applies when extent is
@@ -281,7 +242,9 @@ the coverage of data resources and guidelines on the types of extents to
be used. Where named extents form part of a nesting hierarchy (e.g.
administrative areas) then any guidance should cover the possible need
for inclusion of levels in the hierarchy.
Introduce checks to ensure consistency of approach across all metadata.
|Subjects and topic categories under-reported |This particularly applies
@@ -292,16 +255,22 @@ boundaries, elevation, inland waters, structure, and transportation as
topics. a|
Use guidance on the recording of topics or themes to promote
Use closed lists wherever possible and discourage the use of free text.
Introduce checks to ensure consistency of approach across all metadata.
|Incorrect or inconsistent date entries a|
There is often confusion between the date that the data was current, the
date when the data was captured or last updated and the date when the
data resource was released, published or made available.
There can be further inconsistencies between the frequency of update and
the recorded currency of the data resource. This can lead to {nbsp} false
returns for searches based on dates.
@@ -313,7 +282,9 @@ years ago.
Use guidance on the recording of different dates to promote consistency.
Introduce checks, preferably by software, to ensure that the ordering of
dates is consistent.
@@ -323,7 +294,9 @@ metadatasets. This may lead to inconsistent results or, more frequently
misinterpretation of results. |National Grid, British National Grid,
National Grid of Great Britain. a|
Include frequently used standard names in any internal guidance.
Introduce checks to ensure consistency of approach across all metadata.
|Missing values |Omission of values relating to extent, date or topic
@@ -371,7 +344,9 @@ against the wrong metadata element. a|
Use guidance on the definition and use of the metadata elements
especially those most commonly confused (see examples).
Introduce training and checks to ensure correct use of elements.
|Values incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate |This can apply to both
@@ -398,25 +373,19 @@ user.
|Use guidance and checklists for compiling entries e.g. abstracts.
-=== [#guidance]####4. Guidance for individual metadata elements
+== Guidance for individual metadata elements
Detailed guidance on how to create each of these elements can be found
-- Datasets and data series]
+link:datasets.html[GEMINI - Datasets and data series]
-https://www.agi.org.uk/gemini/40-gemini/1063-gemini-services/[GEMINI -
+link:services.html[GEMINI - Services]
-Each metadata element is listed{nbsp}separately, as described
-GEMINI Introduction].
+Each metadata element is listed separately, as described
+in link:1051-uk-gemini-v2-2-specification-for-discovery-metadata-for-geospatial-resources.html#4.3[UK GEMINI Introduction].
_Last updated: May 2018_
-Commons Licence]] +
-This work is licensed under
-a{nbsp}http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/[Creative Commons
-Attribution 4.0 International License]
+http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/[image:https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by/4.0/88x31.png[Creative Commons Licence]] +
+This work is licensed under a http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/[Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License]