Large Ordered List (llist) is optimized for searching and updating sorted lists. It can access data at any point in the collection, while still being capable of growing the collection to virtually any size.
For an example of LList usage see examples/ldt/map_elements.php
\Aerospike\LDT\LList extends \Aerospike\LDT
public __construct ( Aerospike $client, array $key, string $bin )
public int add ( int|string|array $value )
public int addMany ( array $values )
public int update ( int|string|array $value )
public int updateMany ( array $values )
public int exists ( int|string $value, boolean &$res )
public int existsMany ( array $values )
public int find ( int|string $value, array &$elements [, string $module=null [, string $function=null [, array $args=array()]]] )
public int findFirst ( int $count, array &$elements [, string $module=null [, string $function=null [, array $args=array()]]] )
public int findLast ( int $count, array &$elements [, string $module=null [, string $function=null [, array $args=array()]]] )
public int findRange ( int|string|null $min, int|string|null $max, array &$elements )
public int scan ( array &$elements [, string $module=null [, string $function=null [, array $args=array()]]] )
public int remove ( int|string $value )
public int removeRange ( int|string|null $min, int|string|null $max )
public int removeMany ( array $values )
/* Inherited Methods */
public boolean isLDT ( void )
public boolean isValid ( void )
public string error ( void )
public int errorno ( void )
public int size ( int &$num_elements )
public int config ( array &$config )
public void setPageSize ( int $size )
public int destroy ( void )