The following configuration options in php.ini
Name | Default |
aerospike.connect_timeout | 1000 |
aerospike.read_timeout | 1000 |
aerospike.write_timeout | 1000 |
aerospike.key_policy | 0 |
aerospike.serializer | php |
aerospike.udf.lua_system_path | /usr/local/aerospike/lua |
aerospike.udf.lua_user_path | /usr/local/aerospike/usr-lua |
aerospike.shm.use | false |
aerospike.shm.key | 0xA5000000 |
aerospike.shm.max_nodes | 16 |
aerospike.shm.max_namespaces | 8 |
aerospike.shm.shm_takeover_threshold_sec | 30 |
aerospike.use_batch_direct | 0 |
aerospike.compression_threshold | 0 |
aerospike.max_threads | 300 |
aerospike.thread_pool_size | 16 |
aerospike.nesting_depth | 3 |
aerospike.log_path | NULL |
aerospike.log_level | NULL |
aerospike.key_gen | 0 |
Here is a description of the configuration directives:
aerospike.connect_timeout integer The connection timeout in milliseconds
aerospike.read_timeout integer The read timeout in milliseconds
aerospike.write_timeout integer The write timeout in milliseconds
aerospike.key_policy string Whether to send and store the record's (ns,set,key) data along with its (unique identifier) digest. One of { digest, send }
aerospike.serializer string The unsupported type handler. One of { php, user, none }
aerospike.udf.lua_system_path string Path to the system support files for Lua UDFs
aerospike.udf.lua_user_path string Path to the user-defined Lua function modules
aerospike.shm.use boolean Indicates if shared memory should be used for cluster tending. Recommended for multi-process cases such as FPM. One of { true, false }
aerospike.shm.key string Explicitly sets the shm key for this client to store shared-memory cluster tending results in.
aerospike.shm.max_nodes integer Shared memory maximum number of server nodes allowed. Leave a cushion so new nodes can be added without needing a client restart.
aerospike.shm.max_namespaces integer Shared memory maximum number of namespaces allowed. Leave a cushion for new namespaces.
aerospike.shm.takeover_threshold_sec integer Take over shared memory cluster tending if the cluster hasn't been tended by this threshold in seconds.
aerospike.use_batch_direct Use the batch-direct (1) or batch-index (0) protocol for batch read operations.
aerospike.compression_threshold The client will compress records larger than this value for transport.
aerospike.max_threads integer Size of the synchronous connection pool for each server node
aerospike.thread_pool_size integer Number of threads stored in underlying thread pool that is used in batch/scan/query commands
aerospike.compression_threshold Minimum record size beyond which it is compressed and sent to the server