- Connect to router oplab-net3
- IPv4 settings: DHCP DNS:, Routes:,,
There are 2 comptuers: the sparus computer and the voyis (jetson) computer. Commands are run from the sparus computer
Log in to sparus2 comptuer: ssh sparus2
(or ssh sparus
, depending on the ssh config)
Or if ssh config is not set up: ssh [email protected]
Password: iqua
Log in to jetson from sparus: ssh voyis-jetson
Or directly from this laptop: ssh [email protected]
, Password: cc20#12tg
Launch byobu
roslaunch cola2_sparus2 start.launch
To stop architercture: Ctrl + C
Typical errors:
INS not initialised: no need to worry: it takes 20 min or so to align (can check in browser at
double-click IQUAview on the desktop
- "Vehicle" green shows vehicle is powered
- "COLA2" green means architecture is on
- Enable the joystick using the joystick symbol
- Click on propeller symbol to enable thrusters
- Open the checklist by clicking on the "Check List" symbol. Run through checklist
- Click on "AUV Configuration Parameters" to set the limits for the joystick (+-0.25 for x, y and yaw is good in the pool, 0.5 or 0.6 in the ocean)
- Click on anker symbol to "Disable Keep Position" (important when in the tank!)
- Click on the Sparus ("cigarette") symbol ("Monitor AUV Pose") to display the Vehicle Widgets
(I think the below commands are run from within the voyis camera system, i.e. ssh into the jetson)
pyvoyis -c ~/git/pyvoyis/config/pyvoyis.yaml
pyvoyis -c ~/git/pyvoyis/config/pyvoyis_no_laser.yaml
Sometimes it shows an error "Voyis API500 server s is not online. Retrying in 5 seconds...". This can be because the time between the jetson and the sparus PC. Restarting usually solves it.
If that happens run sudo service loop500 restart
inside the jetson.
Note: Before interacting with the voyis system it is important to turn on the architecture, as otherwise the time signal is not sent
When downloading code, make sure to also download libbpg in ./external/libbpg (from https://github.com/miquelmassot/libbpg/)
There is an alias in ~/.bashrc:
alias remote_awareness='docker run --rm -it --ipc=private -e USER=$(whoami) -h $HOSTNAME --user $(id -u):$(id -g) --volume $(pwd):/data -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro -v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro --name=georef_$(whoami)_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) --net=host -v $HOME/.cache/matplotlib:/opt/.config/matplotlib --shm-size=16g ghcr.io/ocean-perception/remote_awareness:latest remote_awareness'
Call remote_awareness -h
to display the list of commands:
Usage: remote_awareness [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
acquisition_summary needs configurtion files, and https://github.com/miquelmassot/remote_awareness/tree/main/config has examples, but
find / -name "voyis_strobe_camera.yaml" 2>/dev/null
find / -name "smarty200.yaml" 2>/dev/null
both return nothing.
Images are stored on the voyis system in /data (/dev/sda1 mounted to /data) On the sparus there is as folder /mnt/voyis that I thought might be pointing to it, but it cannot be accessed ("ls: cannot access '/mnt/voyis/': Too many levels of symbolic links")
It is likely that remote_awareness pipeline
is the what we need to run, but when run like this (version 1.0.0), it complains "INFO ▸ pipeline needs a configuration file".
The help (remote_awareness pipeline -h
) displays
INFO ▸ Running remote_awareness version 1.0.0
Usage: remote_awareness pipeline [OPTIONS]
-c, --config FILE Path to the YAML configuration file
--raw-images-extension TEXT Extension of the images [default: png]
--raw-images-type TEXT Image type [default: rgb]
-d INTEGER Image bit depth [default: 8]
-r FLOAT Downsize the input image size by the ratio
downsize_size = (image_size *
downsize_ratio) [default: 1.0]
--calib FILE Path to the camera calibration file
-m, --method TEXT Correction method [default:
--metric TEXT Distance metric [default: altitude]
--mean FLOAT Desired brightness [default: 30.0]
--std FLOAT Desired contrast [default: 7.0]
--image-mean FILE Image mean
--image-std FILE Image standard deviation
--attenuation-parameters FILE Attenuation parameters
--correction-gains FILE Correction gains
--undistort / --no-undistort Undistort [default: no-undistort]
--gamma-correct / --no-gamma-correct
Gamma correct [default: no-gamma-correct]
--color-gain-matrix-rgb TEXT Color gain matrix RGB
--subtractors-rgb TEXT Subtractors RGB
--number-of-images INTEGER Number of images to sample from the dataset
[default: 1500]
--interlace / --no-interlace Interlace the image list (false for sorted
images). [default: no-interlace]
--model-path FILE Path to the trained model
--use-full-image / --no-use-full-image
Use full image instead of patches [default:
--crop-size INTEGER Crop size [default: 350]
--patch-size INTEGER Patch size [default: 227]
--latents-dim INTEGER Latents dimension [default: 16]
--batch-size INTEGER Batch size [default: 32]
--corrected-images-extension TEXT
Extension of the corrected images [default:
--num-representative-images INTEGER
Number of representative images to use
[default: 16]
--num-representative-clusters INTEGER
Number of representative clusters to use
[default: 4]
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Docker command for remote_awareness:
docker run --rm -it --ipc=private -e USER=$(whoami) -h $HOSTNAME --user $(id -u):$(id -g) --volume $(pwd):/data -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro -v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro --name=georef_$(whoami)_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) --net=host -v $HOME/.cache/matplotlib:/opt/.config/matplotlib --shm-size=16g remote_awareness_image
remote_awareness pipeline
correct _images
Usage: remote_awareness generate_metadata_csv [OPTIONS]
-c, --config FILE Path to the YAML configuration file
-i, --images DIRECTORY Path to the images
-b, --bagfiles FILE Path to the navigation bagfile
-o, --output FILE Output path to the metadata CSV file [default:
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Mount data folder on Voyis PC:
mkdir -p ~/data/voyis_data
sshfs -o allow_other,IdentityFile=/home/sparus/.ssh/id_rsa [email protected]:/data/data ~/data/voyis_data
Below does not work unless we modif dockerfile to provide /data_voyis folder
docker run --rm -it --ipc=private -e USER=$(whoami) -h $HOSTNAME --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd):/data -v ~/data/voyis_data:/data_voyis -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro -v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro --name=georef_$(whoami)_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) --net=host -v $HOME/.cache/matplotlib:/opt/.config/matplotlib --shm-size=16g ghcr.io/ocean-perception/remote_awareness:latest
Workaround: run command from / (no need to modify docker alias)
Not sure if we need a config file. A default config file is in the docker image at /opt/remote_awareness/config/smarty200.yaml (there is another one in ../src/configuration/remote_awareness.yaml but from running the code I think it picks smarty200.yaml by default)
Bag files are on sparus ~/bags/ home/user/data/voyis_data/20241105_162702_smarty200/stills/processed/
The metadata file points to the raw images. However we can use sed
to modify the paths to point to the processed images.
cd ~/Documents
docker run --rm -it --ipc=private -e USER=$(whoami) -h $HOSTNAME --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd):/data -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro -v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro --name=georef_$(whoami)_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) --net=host -v $HOME/.cache/matplotlib:/opt/.config/matplotlib --shm-size=16g ghcr.io/ocean-perception/remote_awareness:latest \
remote_awareness generate_metadata_csv \
-c /opt/remote_awareness/config/smarty200.yaml \
-i plymouth2024/raw/20241105_151333_smarty200/images/20241105_151333_smarty200/ \
-b plymouth2024/raw/20241105_151333_smarty200/nav/bags/sparus2_2024-11-05-15-15-50_0.bag \
-o metadata.csv
sed -i 's/raw_/processed_/g' metadata.csv && \
sed -i 's/stills\/raw/stills\/processed/g' metadata.csv && \
sed -i 's/.tif/.jpg/g' metadata.csv
Usage: remote_awareness sampling [OPTIONS]
-c, --config FILE Path to the YAML configuration file
--csv FILE Path to the metadata CSV file
--number-of-images INTEGER Number of images to sample from the dataset
[default: 1500]
--interlace / --no-interlace Interlace the image list (false for sorted
images). [default: no-interlace]
--output-path PATH Output folder path
cd ~/Documents
docker run --rm -it --ipc=private -e USER=$(whoami) -h $HOSTNAME --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd):/data -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro -v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro --name=georef_$(whoami)_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) --net=host -v $HOME/.cache/matplotlib:/opt/.config/matplotlib --shm-size=16g ghcr.io/ocean-perception/remote_awareness:latest \
remote_awareness sampling \
-c /opt/remote_awareness/config/smarty200.yaml \
--csv metadata.csv \
--output-path sampled.csv \
--number-of-images 900
Note: number-of-images is not documented. It is set to 1500 by default. If the dataset has fewer images it crashes (I blieve; with the version of the code on Smarty).
Note: This is not run in the pipeline. In the pipeline representative_images is run, which also runs inference. I believe it will have a different result every time it is run, so do not mix inference
results and representative_images
results (or results from two different runs of inference
(or representative_images
), for that matter)
cd ~/Documents
docker run --rm -it --ipc=private -e USER=$(whoami) -h $HOSTNAME --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd):/data -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro -v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro --name=georef_$(whoami)_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) --net=host -v $HOME/.cache/matplotlib:/opt/.config/matplotlib --shm-size=16g ghcr.io/ocean-perception/remote_awareness:latest \
remote_awareness inference \
-c /opt/remote_awareness/config/smarty200.yaml \
--metadata-csv sampled.csv \
--model-path /opt/remote_awareness/config/ae_model.pt \
--output-directory inference_output
Usage: remote_awareness representative_images [OPTIONS]
-c, --config FILE Path to the YAML configuration file
--output-directory DIRECTORY Path to the output directory
--num-representative-images INTEGER
Number of representative images to use
[default: 16]
--num-representative-clusters INTEGER
Number of representative clusters to use
[default: 4]
cd ~/Documents
docker run --rm -it --ipc=private -e USER=$(whoami) -h $HOSTNAME --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd):/data -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro -v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro --name=georef_$(whoami)_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) --net=host -v $HOME/.cache/matplotlib:/opt/.config/matplotlib --shm-size=16g ghcr.io/ocean-perception/remote_awareness:latest \
remote_awareness representative_images \
-c /opt/remote_awareness/config/smarty200.yaml \
--output-directory inference_output
Problem: it crashes when it does not find the column "imagenumber" in inference_output/latents_float64.csv. But this columnn was not originally written when the file is written in inference.py. This has now been modified in the "develop_adrian" branch.