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Are you an ACM Student Chapter member but not on the Github Organization?
If you answered yes to the above question please follow the following steps:

  1. Create a Github account (If you don't already have one)
  2. Fork this repo (Button named fork on the top right)
  3. Add your Name and Github username to the bottom of this file
  4. Don't delete anything that already exists
  5. Submit a Pull Request to this repository (If you don't know how to, now is the best time to learn!)

If you do not know what these steps mean, what any of these words mean, or what is even going on, please drop a message on the whatsapp or discord groups! We're happy to help :-)
If you are already a part of the organization but still want to follow the steps, PR away! :)

P.S. This file is written in Markdown format so if you want to create a new line, add 2 spaces to the end of the previous line.


Srujan Deshpande - srujandeshpande
Siva Surya Babu - siv12345
Rishab Kashyap -Rishabkashyap14
Vihar Devalla - vihardevalla
Arpit Nigam - arpitnigam45
Tejus D - Tejus-Dinesh
Joe Rishon Manoj - JoeRishon
Kalikidhar Reddy - kalikidhar
Chinmayi Shetty - chinmayishetty359
Avinash V K - avinash-vk
Varun Seshu - Varun487
Pradish Kapur - pk-95
Noel Saju - Noel-jediknight
Anirudh Rowjee - anirudhRowjee
Shreya Gangadhar - shreyagangadhar
Navin Shrinivas - NavinShrinivas
Mukund Deepak - mukunddeepak
Rakshith Shenoy - rakshithshenoy
Mallika Sirdeshpande - gall1frey
Karuna K C- karunakc
Arnav Kumar - ArnavKumar7