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Server Configuration

This document describes how to configure the lorawan-server.

Static parameters (sys.config and lorawan_server.config)

Static server configuration is defined in lorawan-server/releases/<VERSION>/sys.config, which is usually stored under /usr/lib. It is a single file has multiple sub-sections like lorawan_server, lager or `os_mon.

The sys.config is created automatically during the server build (make release) based on the lorawan_server.config. The default values are defined there.

For example:

[{lorawan_server, [
    % update this list to add/remove applications
    {applications, [
        {<<"semtech-mote">>, lorawan_application_semtech_mote}]},
    % UDP port listening for packets from the packet_forwarder Gateway
    {packet_forwarder_listen, [{port, 1680}]},
    % HTTP port for web-administration and REST API
    {http_admin_listen, [{port, 8080}]},
    % default username and password for the admin interface
    {http_admin_credentials, {<<"admin">>, <<"admin">>}},
    % Set the following parameter to true to enable statistics metrics in Prometheus format
    {enable_prometheus, false},
    % amount of rxframes retained for each device/node
    {retained_rxframes, 50},
    % websocket expiration if client sends no data
    {websocket_timeout, 3600000} % ms
{os_mon, [
    % Setting this parameter to true can be necessary on embedded systems with
    % stripped-down versions of Unix tools like df.
    {disksup_posix_only, false}

Review the sys.config and modify where needed. After updating the configuration you need to restart the server.

lorawan_server section

To enable/disable applications, modify the applications section. For more details see the Custom Application Guide.

To disable the plain HTTP web-admin, set {http_admin_listen, []}.

To enable Prometheus statistics metrics export at /metrics URL endpoint, set {enable_prometheus, true}.

lager section

The lager system is used to create and rotate logs. By default two logs will be created: debug and error. Lager will rotate each log file at midnight or when it reaches 10MB, whichever comes first, and keep 5 rotated logs in addition to the current one.

To reduce the amount of storage utilized by the logs and have only 3 files <5MB modify the lager handlers configuration in your sys.config:

{lager_file_backend, [{file, "debug.log"}, {level, debug}, {size, 5242880}, {count, 3}]}

os_mon section

The os_mon is used to monitor the CPU, disk and memory of the underlying operating system.

Set {disksup_posix_only, true} when your embedded system uses stripped-down Unix tools

Run-time parameters

Run-time configuration can be modified via the web Administration.


You need to (in this order):

  • Define at least one administrative Area, which is covered by your server.
  • Define at least one LoRaWAN Gateway you want to use and assign it to an Area.
  • Define LoRaWAN Network parameters according to your geographical region. Recommended values are listed in the List of Regions.

See Infrastructure Administration for more details.


You need to (in this order):

  • Define at least one administrative Group.
  • For each type of a device define a device Profile and assign it to a Group.
  • Configure each device you want to use and assign them to one of the Profiles:
    • To add a device activated by personalization (ABP), create a new Nodes list entry.
    • To add an OTAA device, create a new Devices list entry and start the device. The Nodes list will be updated automatically once the device joins the network.

See Devices Administration for more details.


To use an external application you need to:

  • For each application define a Handler.
  • For each external connection define a Connector and link it with the Handler.

See Handlers and Connectors Administration for more details.

Gateway Setup

You need to connect one or more LoRaWAN gateways, who will forward received frames to the lorawan_server. It can be any combination of packet_forwarder or Basic Station based devices.


To connect the packet_forwarder via the UDP Protocol, edit the global_conf.json in your Gateway and update the server_address, serv_port_up and serv_port_down as necessary.

For example:

    "gateway_conf": {
        "gateway_ID": "AA555A0000000000",
        "server_address": "",
        "serv_port_up": 1680,
        "serv_port_down": 1680,
        "keepalive_interval": 10,
        "stat_interval": 30,
        "push_timeout_ms": 100,
        "forward_crc_valid": true,
        "forward_crc_error": false,
        "forward_crc_disabled": false

When both packet_forwarder and lorawan-server are running on the same machine use localhost or as the server_address.

This protocol does not support authentication nor encryption, but you can setup an own IPsec tunnel to protect the traffic.

Basic Station

To connect a Basic Station via the LNS Protocol, if you don't need authentication:

  • Make sure that the Admin URL in Server -- Configuration contains a correct address and the http:// (or https://) scheme, e.g.:
  • In Server -- Users create a user anonymous and give it the gateway:link scope. (The password is not used.)

In the gateway, create a tc.uri file with a single line containing the server address with the ws:// (or wss:// scheme), e.g.: ws:// It shall match the address configured above (except the scheme).

If you want authentication:

  • The Admin URL scheme shall be https:// and the tc.uri shall use wss://.
  • In Server -- Users create some user, give it a password and the gateway:link scope.

In the gateway, create the tc.uri file (see above) and also a tc.key file with a single line Authorization: Basic xxx, terminated by CRLF (0D0A). Instead of the "xxx", put a Base64 encoded string {user}:{password}.

For example, the following creates the tc.key file for the user "gw" and password "123":

echo -e "Authorization: Basic `echo -n gw:123 | base64`\r" > tc.key

When using wss:// (with or without authentication), create in the gateway also a file with a content of the certfile used in the server http_admin_listen_ssl configuration. For example, copy your "cert.pem" to the gateway and rename it to

Firewall configuration

You may need to enable communication channels from LoRaWAN gateways in your firewall. To enable the packet_forwarder traffic if you use the firewalld (Fedora, RHEL, CentOS) do:

cp lorawan-forwarder.xml /usr/lib/firewalld/services
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=lorawan-forwarder
firewall-cmd --reload

To enable the HTTP(S) traffic for web-admin, do also:

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http-proxy
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=https-proxy
firewall-cmd --reload