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AB | R Tutorials |
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Note: The following tutorials were developed for use in PSYC 2305: Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Click to download slides, to download R code.
- R
- Mac OS
- Windows
- **RStudio** - Mac OS - Windows
- Descriptive Statistics
- Measures of Central Tendency
- Measures of Variability
- **Manipulating Data** - Indexing Data Frames - Summarizing data - Calculating Descriptive Statistics by Group
- **Visually Displaying Data:** - `ggplot2` - Customizing `ggplot2`
- **Tests of Hypotheses:** - Single-Sample *t*-Tests - Two-Sample *t*-Tests - Χ2 Analyses
- **Modeling and Predicting Outcomes:** - Correlation - Linear Regression - Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) - Multiple Regression
- **Basic Operations in R:** - Changing or Setting the Working Directory - Saving Plots and Figures - Saving **R** Scripts - Reading in Data - Loading Package Libraries
- **Embedding R Code and Compiling Documents in RStudio:** - Setting Up a Document Template - knitting HTML Documents