layout title active page AB | Talks teaching Statistical Foundations for Physical Therapists Aaron R. Baggett, Ph.D. University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Department of Psychology WEEK 1: Foundations of Statistical Inference: Measuring Uncertainty Lecture Slides PDF Data Excel: Low birth weight example SPSS: Low birth weight example Example Video (Coming soon!) Low birth weight example WEEK 2: Foundations of Statistical Decision Making: Comparing Multiple Groups Lecture Slides PDF Data Excel: Attitudes toward fitness intensity example SPSS: Attitudes toward fitness intensity example Example Video (Coming soon!) Attitudes toward fitness intensity example WEEK 3: Foundations of Statistical Decision Making: Relationships and Prediction Lecture Slides PDF Data Excel: Early childhood longitudinal study example SPSS: Early childhood longitudinal study example Example Video (Coming soon!) Early childhood longitudinal study example Miscellaneous Links and Handouts Choosing the correct statistical test