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This describes how to release Dagger:

  • 🚙 Engine + 🚗 CLI
  • 🐹 Go SDK
  • 🐍 Python SDK
  • ⬢ Node.js SDK
  • 📒 Documentation
  • 🛝 Playground

This is a high-level diagram of how all the pieces fit together:

flowchart TD
    docs["📒 Documentation"]
    playground["🛝 Playground"]
    repo -.-> docs & playground
    subgraph Dagger
        engine("🚙 Engine")
        cli("🚗 CLI  ")

    repo ==> engine & cli

    cli --> S3 --> brew-tap

    engine --> ghcr --> registry

    go["🐹 Go SDK"]

    repo ==> go --> go-repo --> go-pkg & go-ref
    registry -.- S3 -.- go & python & nodejs

    python["🐍 Python SDK"]
    repo ==> python --> pypi & readthedocs

    nodejs["⬢ Node.js SDK"]
    repo ==> nodejs --> npm

🚙 Engine + 🚗 CLI

Warning It is important to always do an Engine + CLI release prior to releasing any SDK. This will ensure that all the APIs in the SDK are also available in the Engine it depends on.


  • Ensure that all checks are green ✅ for the <ENGINE_GIT_SHA> on the main branch that you are about to release.
  • When you have confirmed that all checks are green, run the following:
git checkout main
git pull

# e.g. export ENGINE_GIT_SHA=ff7653d
# e.g. export ENGINE_VERSION=v0.5.0
git tag "${ENGINE_VERSION:?must be set}" "${ENGINE_GIT_SHA:?must be set}"

git push origin "${ENGINE_VERSION:?must be set}"

This will kick off .github./workflows/publish.yml. At the end of this workflow, a new draft PR will automatically be created to bump the Engine version in the various SDKs.

  • Open this draft PR in & click on Ready to review so that all checks run.
  • After all checks pass, merge this PR. While you wait, maybe clean up the changelog below.


After the release is out, we need to edit the release notes. Here is an example of what we are aiming for v0.3.13. Follow these steps:

  • Go to the newly created release on GitHub
  • Click on ✏️ Edit & then Generate release notes button
  • Click through each pull request and remove all the ones that don't change any Engine or CLI files
  • Remove all New Contributors which do not have a pull request under the What's Changed section
  • Lastly, remove Full Changelog line since in includes changes across all SDKs + Engine + docs, etc.
  • Check that release notes look good in Preview
  • Click on Update release

🐹 Go SDK

Warning Ensure that all SDKs have the same Engine version.

If we publish one SDK with an updated Engine version, we must do the same for all other SDKs. This is important as currently our automatic provisioning code enforces the existence of a single Engine running at a time. Users will not be able to use multiple SDKs at the same time if the Engine version that they reference differs.


  • Ensure that all checks are green ✅ for the <SDK_GIT_SHA> on the main branch that you are about to release. This will usually be the commit that bumps the Engine version, the one that you merged earlier.
  • When you have confirmed that all checks are green, run the following:
# To find the previously released SDK version, go to:
# e.g. export GO_SDK_VERSION=v0.6.0
# e.g. export SDK_GIT_SHA=fd34fdd
git tag "sdk/go/${GO_SDK_VERSION:?must be set}" "${SDK_GIT_SHA:?must be set}"
git push origin "sdk/go/${GO_SDK_VERSION:?must be set}"

This will trigger the publish-sdk-go workflow which publishes to 🐙

  • After the newly published tag appears on 🐙, double-check that is was picked up by You can manually request this new version via<GO_SDK_VERSION>. The new version can take up to 15mins to appear, it's OK to move on.
  • Bump the Go SDK version in our internal mage CI targets: go get -u


After the release is out, we need to create a release from the tag. Here is an example of what we are aiming for sdk/go/v0.6.0. Follow these steps:

Note To start the release notes, we need to have the gh CLI installed, e.g. brew install gh

  • Generate a draft GitHub release by running the following command:
# To find the previously released SDK version, go to:
# e.g. export PREVIOUS_GO_SDK_VERSION=v0.5.2

gh release create "sdk/go/${GO_SDK_VERSION:?must be set}" --generate-notes --notes-start-tag "sdk/go/${PREVIOUS_GO_SDK_VERSION:?must be set}" --draft
  • Add this line to the top of the release notes (replace $ENGINE_VERSION with the value in sdk/go/internal/engineconn/version.gen.go):
This SDK is compatible with 🚙 Engine + 🚗 CLI version [`$ENGINE_VERSION`]($ENGINE_VERSION)
  • Add link to, e.g. 🐹[email protected]
  • Click through each pull request and remove all the ones that don't change any Go SDK files. Some pull requests are labelled with sdk/go, which makes this process quicker.
  • Remove all New Contributors which do not have a pull request under the What's Changed section.
  • Lastly, remove Full Changelog line since in includes changes across all SDKs + Engine + docs, etc.
  • Check that release notes look good in Preview
  • ⚠️ De-select Set as the latest release (only used for 🚙 Engine + 🚗 CLI releases)
  • Click on Publish release

🐍 Python SDK

Warning Ensure that all SDKs have the same Engine version.

If we publish one SDK with an updated Engine version, we must do the same for all other SDKs. This is important as currently our automatic provisioning code enforces the existence of a single Engine running at a time. Users will not be able to use multiple SDKs at the same time if the Engine version that they reference differs.


  • Ensure that all checks are green ✅ for the <SDK_GIT_SHA> on the main branch that you are about to release. This will usually be the commit that bumps the Engine version, the one that you merged earlier.
  • When you have confirmed that all checks are green, run the following:
# To find the previously released SDK version, go to:
# e.g. export PYTHON_SDK_VERSION=v0.5.0
# e.g. export SDK_GIT_SHA=fd34fdd
git tag "sdk/python/${PYTHON_SDK_VERSION:?must be set}" "${SDK_GIT_SHA:?must be set}"
git push origin sdk/python/${PYTHON_SDK_VERSION}

This will trigger the Publish Python SDK workflow which publishes dagger-io to 🐍 PyPI


After the release is out, we need to create a release from the tag. Here is an example of what we are aiming for sdk/python/v0.5.0. Follow these steps:

Note To start the release notes, we need to have the gh CLI installed, e.g. brew install gh

  • Generate a draft GitHub release by running the following command:
# To find the previously released SDK version, go to:
# e.g. export PREVIOUS_PYTHON_SDK_VERSION=v0.4.2

gh release create "sdk/python/${PYTHON_SDK_VERSION:?must be set}" --generate-notes --notes-start-tag "sdk/python/${PREVIOUS_PYTHON_SDK_VERSION:?must be set}" --draft
  • Add this line to the top of the release notes (replace $ENGINE_VERSION with the value in sdk/python/src/dagger/engine/
This SDK is compatible with 🚙 Engine + 🚗 CLI version [`$ENGINE_VERSION`]($ENGINE_VERSION)
  • Add link to PyPI, e.g. 🐍
  • Add link to ReadTheDocs, e.g. 📖
  • Click through each pull request and remove all the ones that don't change any Go SDK files. Some pull requests are labelled with sdk/python, which makes this process quicker.
  • Remove all New Contributors which do not have a pull request under the What's Changed section.
  • Lastly, remove Full Changelog line since in includes changes across all SDKs + Engine + docs, etc.
  • Check that release notes look good in Preview
  • ⚠️ De-select Set as the latest release (only used for 🚙 Engine + 🚗 CLI releases)
  • Click on Publish release

⬢ Node.js SDK

Warning Ensure that all SDKs have the same Engine version.

If we publish one SDK with an updated Engine version, we must do the same for all other SDKs. This is important as currently our automatic provisioning code enforces the existence of a single Engine running at a time. Users will not be able to use multiple SDKs at the same time if the Engine version that they reference differs.


  • Ensure that all checks are green ✅ for the <SDK_GIT_SHA> on the main branch that you are about to release. This will usually be the commit that bumps the Engine version, the one that you merged earlier.
  • When you have confirmed that all checks are green, run the following:
# To find the previously released SDK version, go to:
# e.g. export NODEJS_SDK_VERSION=v0.5.0
# e.g. export SDK_GIT_SHA=fd34fdd
git tag "sdk/nodejs/${NODEJS_SDK_VERSION:?must be set}" "${SDK_GIT_SHA:?must be set}"
git push origin sdk/nodejs/${NODEJS_SDK_VERSION}

This will trigger the Publish Node.js SDK workflow which publishes a new version to ⬢


After the release is out, we need to create a release from the tag. Here is an example of what we are aiming for sdk/nodejs/v0.5.0. Follow these steps:

Note To start the release notes, we need to have the gh CLI installed, e.g. brew install gh

  • Generate a draft GitHub release by running the following command:
# To find the previously released SDK version, go to:
# e.g. export PREVIOUS_NODEJS_SDK_VERSION=v0.4.2

gh release create "sdk/nodejs/${NODEJS_SDK_VERSION:?must be set}" --generate-notes --notes-start-tag "sdk/nodejs/${PREVIOUS_NODEJS_SDK_VERSION:?must be set}" --draft
  • Add this line to the top of the release notes (replace $ENGINE_VERSION with the value in sdk/nodejs/provisioning/default.ts):
This SDK is compatible with 🚙 Engine + 🚗 CLI version [`$ENGINE_VERSION`]($ENGINE_VERSION)
  • Add link to NPMJS, e.g. ⬢
  • Add link to reference docs, e.g. 📒
  • Click through each pull request and remove all the ones that don't change any Go SDK files. Some pull requests are labelled with sdk/nodejs, which makes this process quicker.
  • Remove all New Contributors which do not have a pull request under the What's Changed section.
  • Lastly, remove Full Changelog line since in includes changes across all SDKs + Engine + docs, etc.
  • Check that release notes look good in Preview
  • ⚠️ De-select Set as the latest release (only used for 🚙 Engine + 🚗 CLI releases)
  • Click on Publish release

📒 Documentation

Warning Merging a documentation PR does NOT automatically deploy the new documentation to the production website.

There are two websites for documentation:

  1. Staging: - Netlify dashboard
  2. Production: - Netlify dashboard

Staging release

When a PR is merged, a new deployment is created for the documentation site and it is automatically published to via Netlify.

Use this staging website to test the documentation, including:

  • verifying that the new content appears in the navigation
  • verifying internal and external links work correctly
  • verifying that images appear correctly
  • etc.

Production release

When a PR is merged, a new production deployment is also created for However, this deployment is not automatically published.

After testing the documentation using the staging website and if you are satisfied with it, manually publish the production deployment via Netlify as follows:

  • Log in to the Netlify dashboard for
  • Refer to the list of "production deploys" and select the one you wish to deploy. Usually, this will be the most recent one. You can confirm this by checking the deployment hash against the latest commit hash in the dagger/dagger repository main branch.
  • On the deployment page, click the "Preview" button to once again preview/check the deployment. You can also check the deployment log to confirm there were no errors during the documentation build process.
  • If you are satisfied with the preview, click the "Publish deploy" button. This will publish the selected deployment on

💡 TIP: There have been cases where Netlify builds have failed with errors, but the same build succeeds when performed locally. In the past, one reason for this has been Netlify's use of a stale cache. In case you encounter this error, click "Options -> Clear cache and retry with latest branch commit" to recreate the deployment with a clean cache.

🛝 Playground

The Dagger Playground is set to automatically update once there's a new release of the Dagger Engine. In order to verify which Dagger version the Playground is using, check the x-dagger-engine HTTP header with the deployed Dagger Engine version is returned for each playground query:


Follow these steps to retrieve and verify the Playground Dagger version:

  1. Login with your GitHub account at
  2. Open your browser's Developer Tools, and then the Network tab
  3. Click the Execute query button
  4. Click in the /playgrounds POST request row in the Network tab
  5. Verify that the x-dagger-engine response header commit value matches the ENGINE_GIT_SHA value from the beginning of this guide