Saez, E. and Zucman, G., 2016. Wealth inequality in the United States since 1913: Evidence from capitalized income tax data. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131(2), pp.519-578. link
Presenters: 徐乐欣,邢琬函,谭柯岑,周锐凝
Piketty, T., Yang, L. and Zucman, G., 2019. Capital Accumulation, Private Property and Rising Inequality in China, 1978-2015. American Economic Review, 109 (7): 2469-96. link
Presenters: 宋韵婕,张超,陈卓,丁一开
Chetty, R., Hendren, N., Kline, P. and Saez, E., 2014. Where is the land of opportunity? The geography of intergenerational mobility in the United States. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 129(4), pp.1553-1623. link
Presenters: 姚心觉,邓涵,马灏,杨卿栩
Chetty, R. and Hendren, N., 2018. The impacts of neighborhoods on intergenerational mobility I & II. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133(3), pp.1107-1162; pp.1163-1228. link1 link2
Presenters: 刘子毅,袁锡林,刘舸帆,张万卿
Fagereng, A., Holm, M.B., Moll, B. and Natvik, G.J.J., 2019. Saving Behavior Across the Wealth Distribution: The Importance of Capital Gains. link
Presenters: Yuzhi Hao and Xiang Shi
Blumenstock, J., Cadamuro, G., & On, R. 2015. Predicting poverty and wealth from mobile phone metadata. Science, 350(6264), 1073-1076. link link for supp
Presenters: 钟慧怡,张子豪,邱语谦,赵驰晖
Glaeser, E.L., Kim, H. and Luca, M., 2017. Nowcasting the local economy: Using Yelp data to measure economic activity (No. w24010). National Bureau of Economic Research link
Presenters: 王德卿,代高琪,何静,李论
Dai, Ruochen, Mookherjee, D., Munshi, K. and Zhang, Xiaobo, 2019. The Community Origins of Private Enterprise in China. link
Presenters: 郭洁瑜,邓博文,江泽茹,侯喆文
Shi, Yu, Townsend, R. and Zhu, Wu, 2019. Internal Capital Markets in Business Groups and the Propagation of Credit Supply Shocks. link
Presenters: 葛沐阳,党仲齐,赵东芳,艾丽雯
Cong, L. W., Gao, H., Ponticelli, J. and Yang, X., 2019. Credit allocation under economic stimulus: Evidence from China. The Review of Financial Studies, Forthcoming. link
Presenters: 颜凝雨,秦冕,苗孟琦,张心怡
Autor, D.H., Dorn, D. and Hanson, G.H., 2016. The China shock: Learning from labor-market adjustment to large changes in trade. Annual Review of Economics, 8, pp.205-240. link
Presenters: 彭云聪,路畅,李泰隆,巫泰之
Hassan, T.A., Hollander, S., van Lent, L. and Tahoun, A., 2019. Firm-level political risk: Measurement and effects. link
Presenters: 黄冠华,孔京
Turrell, A., Speigner, B., Djumalieva, J., Copple, D. and Thurgood, J., 2018. Using job vacancies to understand the effects of labour market mismatch on UK output and productivity.link
Presenters: 杨诗琪,林远钊,卲子豪,叶健
Jegadeesh, N. and Wu, D.A., 2017. Deciphering fedspeak: The information content of FOMC meetings. link
Presenters: 黄疏晏,杨路
Mian, A.R. and Sufi, A., 2019. Credit Supply and Housing Speculation. link
Presenters: 邢舟,梁逸凰,赵舜宇,徐瑞彤
Soo, C.K., 2018. Quantifying sentiment with news media across local housing markets. The Review of Financial Studies, 31(10), pp.3689-3719. link
Presenters: 夏楠,乔一明,陶兆巍,张泽厚
Bailey, M., Cao, R., Kuchler, T. and Stroebel, J., 2018. The economic effects of social networks: Evidence from the housing market. Journal of Political Economy, 126(6), pp.2224-2276. link
Presenters: 丁玉青,孙杨,陈婉晴,王焯
Bailey, M., Dávila, E., Kuchler, T. and Stroebel, J., 2019. House price beliefs and mortgage leverage choice. The Review of Economic Studies, Forthcoming. link
Presenters: 王珂婷,卢敏鸳,王思曼,黄子珍