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--- a/doc/howtos/python_api_introduction/python_api_introduction.md
+++ b/doc/howtos/python_api_introduction/python_api_introduction.md
@@ -192,6 +192,75 @@ Output:
 >>> 207422.1875
+### `gom_vec3d` and `gom_math`
+The Python module `gom_vec3d` defines the classes `gom.Vec3d` and `Point3d`. `gom.Vec3d` objects are used to represent single coordinates, such as a circle's center or a point, e.g.
+print(gom.app.project.nominal_elements['Circle 1'].center_coordinate)
+# Output:
+# gom.Vec3d (10.0, -10.0, 0.0)
+The Python module `gom_math` provides some utility functions for geometrical computations on `gom.Vec3d` objects.
+To list the contents of `gom_vec3d`:
+import gom
+import gom_math
+items = dir(gom_math)
+print ("gom_math contents:")
+for item in items:
+    print (item)
+# Output:
+# Plane3d_distance_to_point
+# Plane3d_getDirection1
+# Plane3d_intersectWithLine
+# Plane3d_intersectWithPlane
+# Plane3d_perpendPoint
+# Vec3d_cross
+# Vec3d_div
+# ...
+To get a function's documentation, e.g. for `gom_math.Vec3d_mult_scalar`:
+# Output:
+#    Multiplies each component of a Gom.Vec3d vector by a scalar.
+#    Args:
+#        vec (Gom.Vec3d): The input Gom.Vec3d vector.
+#        scalar (float): The scalar value to multiply with.
+#    Returns:
+#        Gom.Vec3d: The result of scalar multiplication of the vector.
+x = 1
+y = 2
+z = 3
+multiplier = 1.5
+vector = gom.Vec3d(x, y, z)
+print(gom_math.Vec3d_mult_scalar(vector, multiplier))
+# Output:
+# gom.Vec3d (1.5, 3.0, 4.5)
+The Python files `gom_vec3d.py` and `gom_math.py` are located in `C:\Program Files\Zeiss\INSPECT\2025\lib\python\gom-python`.
+For more complex operations or efficient handling of large sets of data, the [NumPy](https://numpy.org/) package is recommended.
 ### Element properties in VSCode
 Using Visual Studio Code, you can get auto-completion for the usable keywords directly in a pop-up. 
diff --git a/doc/index.md b/doc/index.md
index 28a7c8a29..6003931bf 100644
--- a/doc/index.md
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@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ Check out the ZEISS INSPECT Apps news page!
 .. toctree::
+   news/20250123-gom-math
+   news/20250106-app-doc-link
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+# Using the `gom_vec3d` and `gom_math` modules
+.. feed-entry::
+   :date: 2025-01-32 11:00
+Did you know? Coordinates are often represented in ZEISS INSPECT Apps as `gom.Vec3d` objects. The `gom_math` module provides some functions for computations on `gom.Vec3d` objects.
+See <a href="../howtospython_api_introduction/python_api_introduction.html#gom_vec3d-and-gom_math">ZEISS INSPECT Python API Introduction &mdash; `gom_vec3d` and `gom_math`</a> for details.
diff --git a/doc/news/news.md b/doc/news/news.md
index d2e7fad4f..b88a2a552 100644
--- a/doc/news/news.md
+++ b/doc/news/news.md
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ myst:
    :title: ZEISS INSPECT 2025 App Python API News
    :link: https://zeissiqs.github.io/zeiss-inspect-addon-api/2025/
+   20250123-gom-math
+   20250106-app-doc-link