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QuanSyn 是一个面向于句法计量分析的 Python 包,目前包括depvallingnetlawfitter三个模块。

  • Depval提供了多种方法来计算依存关系的各种指标,包括平均依存距离(Mean Dependency Distance,MDD)、平均层级距离( Mean Hierarchical Distance,HDD)、依存方向(Dependency Direction)、依存距离分布等。还提供了conlluconllpmtmcdt等树库格式的转换接口。
  • Lingnet可以快速将树库转换为句法依存网络和同现网络,用于语言系统建模和语言网络分析。
  • Lawfitter可以把文本数据与目标数学模型快速拟合,检测语言的潜在结构模式。




  1. depval的指标层级体系

'依存有向图' (本图片引自:Chen, R., Deng, S., & Liu, H. (2021). Syntactic Complexity of Different Text Types: From the Perspective of Dependency Distance Both Linearly and Hierarchically. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 29(4), 510–540.

以依存距离(dd)为例,它可以出现在词、句、语篇三个层级上。 在QuanSyn中,词层级的dd指的是目标词作为从属词时与其支配词的线性距离。 句层级的mdd指的是句内所有依存距离之均值。语篇层级的mdd指文本中所有依存距离的均值。 所谓的层级,即统计指标时关注的主体。根据这个差异,每个层级的指标有所变化。具体如下:

  • 词层级:dd, hd, ddir, v

    • dd: Dependency Distance,目标词与其支配词之间的线性距离。如,Bush 和 will 之间的dd = 1。
    • hd: Hierarchical Distance,目标词与句子的根的欧几里得距离。如,Bush 的hd = 1。
    • ddir: Dependency Direction,目标词与其支配词之间依存关系的方向。如,Bush 和 will 之间的依存关系指向前方,也即支配词后置。支配词前置时,ddir = 1,后置时,ddir = -1。
    • v: valency,目标词的动态广义价,也即与目标词有依存关系的词数。如,Bush 仅与 will有依存关系,因此v = 1。
  • 句层级:mdd, mhd, mhdd, tdl, sl, mv, vk, ttw, tth, hi, hf

    • mdd: Mean Dependency Distance,句内dd的均值。图中句子的mdd为(8+1+1+3+1+1+1+1+1+2+1+1+1+2)/14 = 1.79。
      • $mdd = \frac{1}{sl-1}\sum_{i=1}^{sl-1}dd_i$
      • Liu, H. (2008). Dependency distance as a metric of language comprehension difficulty. Journal of Cognitive Science, 9(2), 159-191.
    • mhd: Mean Hierarchical Distance,句内hd的均值。图中句子的mhd为(2+5+4+3+4+5+2+2+3+4+4+5+6+6)/14 = 3.93。
      • $mhd = \frac{1}{sl-1}\sum_{i=1}^{sl-1}hd_i$
      • Jing, Y., & Liu, H. (2015, August). Mean hierarchical distance augmenting mean dependency distance. In Proceedings of the third international conference on dependency linguistics (Depling 2015) (pp. 161-170).
    • mhdd: Mean Hierarchical Dependency Distance,依存关系数量除以句内层级数。图中句子的mhdd为14/6 = 2.33。
      • $mhdd = \frac{sl-1}{MAXHL}$, MAXHL为句子中最大层级数。
      • Chen, R., Deng, S., & Liu, H. (2021). Syntactic Complexity of Different Text Types: From the Perspective of Dependency Distance Both Linearly and Hierarchically. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 29(4), 510–540.
    • tdl: Total Dependency Length,句内所有dd的总和。图中句子的tdl为8+1+1+3+1+1+1+1+1+2+1+1+1+2 = 25。
      • $tdl = \sum_{i=1}^{sl-1}dd_i$
      • Futrell, R., Mahowald, K., & Gibson, E. (2015). Large-scale evidence of dependency length minimization in 37 languages. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(33), 10336-10341.
    • sl: Sentence Length,句子的长度。图中为15。
    • mv: Mean Valency,句子内v的均值。图中句子的mv为(2+1+2+3+2+1+1+4+2+1+3+2+3+1+1)/15 = 2.07。这个指标很少用到。
      • $mv = \frac{1}{sl}\sum_{i=1}^{sl}v_i$
      • 广义配价或全配价的文献请参考:
      1. Yan, J., & Liu, H. (2021, May). Quantitative analysis of Chinese and English verb valencies based on probabilistic valency pattern theory. In Workshop on Chinese Lexical Semantics (pp. 152-162). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
      2. Čech, R., Pajas, P., & Mačutek, J. (2010). Full valency. Verb valency without distinguishing complements and adjuncts. Journal of quantitative linguistics, 17(4), 291-302.
    • vk: Variance of Dynamic Valencies ,句子的动态广义价的方差。
      • $vk = \sum_{i=1}^{sl}v_i^2 - (2-\frac{2}{sl})^2$
      • Lu, Q., Lin, Y., & Liu, H. (2018). Dynamic valency and dependency distance. Quantitative analysis of dependency structures, 145-166.
    • tw:Tree Width,句法树的树宽。例句的tw = 4。
    • th:Tree Height,句法树的树高。例句的th = 6。
      • tw & th: Zhang, H., & Liu, H. (2018). Interrelations among dependency tree widths, heights and sentence lengths. Quantitative Analysis of Dependency Structures, 72, 31-52.
    • hi:num of head-initial dependencies,支配词前置型依存关系数量。例句的hi = 5。
    • hf:num of head-final dependencies,句子的层级频率。例句的hf = 9。
      • ddir & hi & hf: Liu, H. (2010). Dependency direction as a means of word-order typology: A method based on dependency treebanks. Lingua, 120(6), 1567-1578.
  • 语篇层级:mdd, mhd, mhdd, mtdl, msl, mv, vk, mtw, mth, hi, hf

    • mdd: Mean Dependency Distance,文本中所有dd的均值。
    • mhd: Mean Hierarchical Distance,文本中所有hd的均值。
    • mhdd: Mean Hierarchical Dependency Distance,文本中所有句子的mhdd的均值。
    • mtdl: Mean Total Dependency Length,文本中所有句子的tdl的均值。
    • msl: Mean Sentence Length,文本中所有句子的sl的均值。
    • mv: Mean Valency,文本中所有v的均值。常用于计算词类。
    • vk: Variance of Dynamic Valencies ,文本中所有句子的vk的均值。
    • mtw: Mean Tree Width,文本中所有句子的tw的均值。
    • mth: Mean Tree Height,文本中所有句子的th的均值。
    • hi: proportion of head-initial dependencies,文本中hi型依存关系的比例
    • hf: proportion of head-final dependencies,文本中hf型依存关系的比例
  • 分布:dd, hd, v, sl, tw, th, pos, deprel

    • dd: Dependency Distance Distribution,依存距离分布。
    • hd: Hierarchical Distance Distribution,层级距离分布。
    • v: Valency Distribution,动态广义价分布。
    • sl: Sentence Length Distribution,句子长度分布。
    • tw: Tree Width Distribution,树宽分布。
    • th: Tree Height Distribution,树高分布。
    • pos: Part-of-Speech Distribution,词性分布。
    • deprel: Dependency Relation Distribution,依存关系分布。
  • 概率配价模式:pos deprel

    • pvp: probabilistic valency pattern,概率配价模式。即词或词类与其依存关系的概率分布。
    • 文献参考:
      1. 刘海涛, & 冯志伟. (2007). 自然语言处理的概率配价模式理论. 语言科学, 6(3), 32-41.
      2. Yan, J., & Liu, H. (2021, May). Quantitative analysis of Chinese and English verb valencies based on probabilistic valency pattern theory. In Workshop on Chinese Lexical Semantics (pp. 152-162). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
      3. Čech, R., Pajas, P., & Mačutek, J. (2010). Full valency. Verb valency without distinguishing complements and adjuncts. Journal of quantitative linguistics, 17(4), 291-302.


  • 所有指标的计算均不考虑标点符号。
  • 在本工具包中,请严格按照以上编码缩略使用指标。
  1. 树库格式


  • conll:即conllu去除deps和misc两列,其他列没有区别。不再详细介绍。

  • pmt:即PKUMultiViewTreebank/北京大学多视图树库所使用的树库格式。该格式中,每个句子占四行,分别为词形、词性、依存关系类型、支配词线性序号。

    pron verb num class noun punct
    subj root det mod obj punct
    2 0 4 5 2 2
  • mcdt:即MCDT/现代汉语依存树库所使用的树库格式。该格式本质为记录依存关系对。

    sn id form pos head gform gpos deprel
    1 1 pron 2 verb subj
    1 2 verb 0 punct root
    1 3 num 4 class det
    1 4 class 5 例子 noun mod
    1 5 例子 noun 2 verb obj
    1 6 punct


你可以通过 pip 安装 QuanSyn 包:

pip install quansyn





from quansyn.depval import analyze

# 引号内是需要你更改的内容,分别是树库文件存放的*文件夹*路径,和结果保存的*文件夹*路径。
# 注意:必须是文件夹!!!
treebanks_path = r'path/to/treebank'
output_path = r'path/to/output'

# 进行计算
analyze(treebanks_path, output_path)

# 请查看已经保存到本地的结果,然后你就可以使用Excel,SPSS,jamovi等软件作统计分析了。


from quansyn.depval import convert

# 引号内是需要你更改的内容,分别是源文件存放的*文件夹*路径,和输出文件保存的*文件夹*路径。
# 注意:必须是文件夹!!!
input_path = r'path/to/treebank'
output_path = r'path/to/output'

# input_format 和 output_format 分别是源文件格式和输出文件格式,根据需求更改。
# 目前支持的格式有:'conllu', 'conll', 'pmt', 'mcdt',关于4种格式请参考前文的介绍。
input_format = 'conll'
output_format = 'conllu'

convert(input_path, output_path, input_format, output_format)


from quansyn.lingnet import load_edges

# 引号内是需要你更改的内容,分别是源文件存放的*文件夹*路径,和输出文件保存的*文件夹*路径。
# 注意:必须是文件夹!!!
input_path = r'path/to/treebank'
output_path = r'path/to/output'
# mode 选择 'dependency' 或 'adjacency',分别对应树库中的依存关系和同现关系。
mode = 'dependency'
# 加载树库,生成网络
load_edges(input_path, output_path, mode)



示例 1:计算依存关系层级/词层级的指标


from quansyn.depval import DepValAnalyzer

# 加载依存树库
treebank_path = 'path/to/treebank.conllu'
analyzer = DepValAnalyzer(open(treebank_path, encoding='utf-8'))

# 设置指标集,请【严格】按照开头的层级和编码使用指标
# 如果不设置指标集,则默认计算全部指标
metrics = ['dd', 'hd', 'ddir', 'v']
dep_metrics = analyzer.calculate_dep_metrics(metrics=metrics)

# 打印结果

>>> {'dd': [[1,2,3,...],[2,3,5,6,...]], 'hd': [[4,1,1,...],[2,2,5,4,...]], ...}


示例 2:计算句子级别的指标


from quansyn.depval import DepValAnalyzer

treebank_path = 'path/to/treebank.conllu'
analyzer = DepValAnalyzer(open(treebank_path, encoding='utf-8'))

metrics = ['mdd','mhd','mhdd', 'tdl','sl','mv', 'vk', 'tw', 'th', 'hi', 'hf']
sent_metrics = analyzer.calculate_sent_metrics(metrics=metrics)

>>> {'mdd': [1,2,3,2,3,5,6,...], 'mhd': [4,1,1,2,2,5,4,...], ...}


示例 3:计算文本级别的指标


from quansyn.depval import DepValAnalyzer

treebank_path = 'path/to/treebank.conllu'
analyzer = DepValAnalyzer(open(treebank_path, encoding='utf-8'))

metrics = ['mdd','mhd','mhdd','mtdl','msl','mv', 'vk','mtw','mth', 'hi', 'hf']
text_metrics = analyzer.calculate_text_metrics(metrics=metrics)

>>> {'mdd': 2.32, 'mhd': 2.21, ...}


示例 4:计算指标的分布

from quansyn.depval import DepValAnalyzer

treebank_path = 'path/to/treebank.conllu'
analyzer = DepValAnalyzer(open(treebank_path, encoding='utf-8'))

metrics = ['dd', 'hd','sl', 'v', 'tw', 'th', 'deprel', 'pos']

# normalize=True 表示对频次进行归一化处理,默认为False
distributions = analyzer.calculate_distributions(metrics=metrics, normalize=True)

# 打印结果
>>> {'dd': ([1,2,3,4],[0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4]), 'hd', ...}


示例 5:计算概率配价模式

from quansyn.depval import DepValAnalyzer

# 加载依存树库      
treebank_path = 'path/to/treebank.conllu'
analyzer = DepValAnalyzer(open(treebank_path, encoding='utf-8'))

# 计算词类的pvp,以动词为例,树库使用的标注体系为sud
# input是词类,如果不输入,将不区分词类计算pvp
# target是计算依存关系概率,还是词类概率,默认为'deprel',可选'pos'
pvp = analyzer.calculate_pvp(input='NOUN',target='deprel',normalize=True)

>>> {'act as dependents': {'nmod': 0.1, 'nmod:poss': 0.2, 'nmod:tmod': 0.3, ...},
'act as governors':{...}}


示例 6:转换树库格式

from quansyn.depval import Converter

# 加载树库
treebank_path = 'path/to/treebank.conllu'
converter = Converter(open(treebank_path, encoding='utf-8'))

# 转换格式
# 论元1为原格式,论元2为目标格式
converted_treebank = converter.style2style('conllu', 'pmt')

# 保存结果 save(树库,树库格式,保存路径), 'pmt', 'output_path/to/treebank.txt')

示例 7:搭建语言网络

from quansyn.lingnet import conllu2edge
import networkx as nx

# 加载树库
treebank_path = 'path/to/treebank.conllu'
treebank = open(treebank_path, encoding='utf-8')

# 抽取依存关系为边,如果想抽取同现关系,将mode设置为'adjacency'
# edges 为边列表,每个元素为 (head, dependent)
edges = conllu2edge(treebank, mode='dependency')

# 构建网络,网络指标可以通过networkx计算
G = nx.graph(edges)

示例 8:拟合参数

from quansyn.lawfitter import fit

# 加载数据
data = ([1,2,3,4,5],[0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5])

# 拟合内置分布

# 拟合自定义分布
def custom_dist(x,a):
    return a/(x**2)


>>> {'paras': [0.123456789],'r^2':-16.229684950920042}


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.



If our project has been helpful to you, please give it a star and cite our articles. We would be very grateful.

doi = {10.1209/0295-5075/ac8bf2},
url = {},
year = {2022},
month = {sep},
publisher = {EDP Sciences, IOP Publishing and Società Italiana di Fisica},
volume = {139},
number = {6},
pages = {61002},
author = {Mu Yang and Haitao Liu},
title = {The role of syntax in the formation of scale-free language networks},
journal = {Europhysics Letters},
abstract = {The overall structure of a network is determined by its micro features, which are different in both syntactic and non-syntactic networks. However, the fact that most language networks are small-world and scale-free raises the question: does syntax play a role in forming the scale-free feature? To answer this question, we build syntactic networks and co-occurrence networks to compare the generation mechanisms of nodes, and to investigate whether syntactic and non-syntactic factors have distinct roles. The results show that frequency is the foundation of the scale-free feature, while syntax is beneficial to enhance this feature. This research introduces a microscopic approach, which may shed light on the scale-free feature of language networks.}