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Every change in the native layer, reflects here. This plugin, the Yoonit Camera, we can say that is an aggregation of many Yoonit's native libs: +> * [Android Yoonit Camera](https://github.com/Yoonit-Labs/android-yoonit-camera): Android core camera lib; +> * [iOS Yoonit Camera](https://github.com/Yoonit-Labs/ios-yoonit-camera): iOS core camera lib; +> * [Android Yoonit Facefy](https://github.com/Yoonit-Labs/android-yoonit-facefy): Android face detection and analysis; +> * [iOS Yoonit Facefy](https://github.com/Yoonit-Labs/ios-yoonit-facefy): iOS face detection and analysis; +> +> All this native libs can be used independently. + +## Table Of Contents + +* [Installation](#installation) +* [Usage](#usage) + * [VueJS Plugin](#vuejs-plugin) + * [Vue Component](#vue-component) +* [API](#api) + * [Props](#props) + * [Methods](#methods) + * [Events](#events) + * [Face Analysis](#face-analysis) + * [Head Movements](#head-movements) + * [Messages](#messages) +* [Contribute](#contribute-and-make-it-better) + +## Installation + +```javascript +npm i -s @yoonit/nativescript-camera +``` + +## Usage + +All the functionalities that the `@yoonit/nativescript-camera` provides is accessed through the `YoonitCamera` component, that includes the camera preview. Below we have the basic usage code, for more details, your can see the [**Methods**](#methods), [**Events**](#events) or the [**Demo Vue**](https://github.com/Yoonit-Labs/nativescript-yoonit-camera/tree/development/demo-vue). + +#### VueJS Plugin +`main.js` +```javascript +import Vue from 'nativescript-vue' +import YoonitCamera from '@yoonit/nativescript-camera/vue' + +Vue.use(YoonitCamera) +``` + +After that, you can access the camera object in your entire project using `this.$yoo.camera` + +#### Vue Component + +`App.vue` + +```vue + + + +``` + +## API + +#### Props + +| Props | Input/Format | Default value | Description | +| - | - | - | - | +| lens | `"front"` or `"back"` | `"front"` | The camera lens to use "front" or "back". | +| captureType | `"none"`, `"front"`, `"frame"` or `"qrcode"` | `"none"` | The capture type of the camera. | +| imageCapture | `boolean` | `false` | Enable/disabled save image capture. | +| imageCaptureAmount | `number` | `0` | The image capture amount goal. | +| imageCaptureInterval | `number` | `1000` | The image capture time interval in milliseconds. | +| imageCaptureWidth | `"NNpx"` | `"200px"` | The image capture width in pixels. | +| imageCaptureHeight | `"NNpx"` | `"200px"` | The image capture height in pixels. | +| colorEncoding | `"RGB"` or `"YUV"` | `"RGB"` | Only for android. The image capture color encoding type: `"RGB"` or `"YUV"`. | +| detectionBox | `boolean` | `false` | Show/hide the face detection box. +| detectionBoxColor | `string` | `#ffffff` | Set detection box color. | +| detectionMinSize | `"NN%"` | `"0%"` | The face minimum size percentage to capture. | +| detectionMaxSize | `"NN%"` | `"100%"` | The face maximum size percentage to capture. | +| roi | `boolean` | `false` | Enable/disable the region of interest capture. | +| roiTopOffset | `"NN%"` | `"0%"` | Distance in percentage of the top face bounding box with the top of the camera preview. | +| roiRightOffset | `"NN%"` | `"0%"` | Distance in percentage of the right face bounding box with the right of the camera preview. | +| roiBottomOffset | `"NN%"` | `"0%"` | Distance in percentage of the bottom face bounding box with the bottom of the camera preview. | +| roiLeftOffset | `"NN%"` | `"0%"` | Distance in percentage of the left face bounding box with the left of the camera preview. | +| roiAreaOffset | `boolean` | `false` | Enable/disable display of the region of interest area offset. | +| roiAreaOffsetColor | `string` | `'#ffffff73'` | Set display of the region of interest area offset color. | +| faceContours | `boolean` | `false` | Enable/disable display list of points on a detected face. | +| faceContoursColor | `string` | `'#FFFFFF'` | Set face contours color. | +| computerVision (`Android Only`) | `boolean` | `false` | Enable/disable computer vision model. | +| torch | `boolean` | `false` | Enable/disable device torch. Available only to camera lens `"back"`. | + +#### Methods + +| Function | Parameters | Valid values | Return Type | Description | +| - | - | - | - | - | +| requestPermission | - | - | promise | Ask the user to give the permission to access camera. | +| hasPermission | - | - | boolean | Return if application has camera permission. | +| preview | - | - | void | Start camera preview if has permission. | +| startCapture | `type: string` | | void | Set capture type "none", "face", "qrcode" or "frame". Default value is `"none"`. | +| stopCapture | - | - | void | Stop any type of capture. | +| destroy | - | - | void | Destroy preview. | +| toggleLens | - | - | void | Toggle camera lens facing "front"/"back". | +| setCameraLens | `lens: string` | `"front"` or `"back"` | void | Set camera to use "front" or "back" lens. Default value is `"front"`. | +| getLens | - | - | string | Return "front" or "back". | +| setImageCapture | `enable: boolean` | `true` or `false` | void | Enable/disabled save image capture. Default value is `false`. | +| setImageCaptureAmount | `amount: Int` | Any positive `Int` value | void | For value `0`, save infinity images. When the capture image amount is reached, the event `onEndCapture` is triggered. Default value is `0`. | +| setImageCaptureInterval | `interval: number` | Any positive number that represent time in milliseconds | void | Set the image capture time interval in milliseconds. | +| setImageCaptureWidth | `width: string` | Value format must be in `NNpx` | void | Set the image capture width in pixels. | +| setImageCaptureHeight | `height: string` | Value format must be in `NNpx` | void | Set the image capture height in pixels. | +| setImageCaptureColorEncoding | `colorEncoding: string` | `"YUV"` or `"RGB"` | void | Only for android. Set the image capture color encoding type: `"RGB"` or `"YUV"`. | +| setDetectionBox | `enable: boolean` | `true` or `false` | void | Set to show/hide the face detection box. | +| setDetectionBoxColor | `color: string` | hexadecimal | void | Set detection box color. | +| setFacePaddingPercent | `percentage: string` | Value format must be in `NN%` | void | Set face image capture and detection box padding in percentage. | +| setDetectionMinSize | `percentage: string` | Value format must be in `NN%` | void | Set the face minimum size percentage to capture. | +| setDetectionMaxSize | `percentage: string` | Value format must be in `NN%` | void | Set the face maximum size percentage to capture. | +| setROI | `enable: boolean` | `true` or `false` | void | Enable/disable face region of interest capture. | +| setROITopOffset | `percentage: string` | Value format must be in `NN%` | void | Distance in percentage of the top face bounding box with the top of the camera preview. | +| setROIRightOffset | `percentage: string` | Value format must be in `NN%` | void | Distance in percentage of the right face bounding box with the right of the camera preview. | +| setROIBottomOffset | `percentage: string` | Value format must be in `NN%` | void | Distance in percentage of the bottom face bounding box with the bottom of the camera preview. | +| setROILeftOffset | `percentage: string` | Value format must be in `NN%` | void | Distance in percentage of the left face bounding box with the left of the camera preview. | +| setROIMinSize | `percentage: string` | Value format must be in `NN%` | void | Set the minimum face size related within the ROI. | +| setROIAreaOffset | `enable: boolean` | `true` or `false` | void | Enable/disable display of the region of interest area offset. | +| setROIAreaOffsetColor | `color: string` | Hexadecimal color | void | Set display of the region of interest area offset color. | +| setFaceContours | `enable: boolean` | `true` or `false` | void | Enable/disable display list of points on a detected face. | +| setFaceContoursColor | `color: string` | Hexadecimal color | void | Set face contours color. | +| setComputerVision (`Android Only`) | `enable: boolean` | `true` or `false` | void | Enable/disable computer vision model. | +| setComputerVisionLoadModels (`Android Only`) | `modelPaths: Array` | Valid system path file to a PyTorch computer vision model | void | Set model to be used when image is captured. To se more about it, Click Here. | +| computerVisionClearModels (`Android Only`) | - | - | void | Clear models that was previous added using `setComputerVisionLoadModels`. | +| setTorch | `enable: boolean` | `true` or `false` | void | Enable/disable device torch. Available only to camera lens `"back"`. | + +#### Events + +| Event | Parameters | Description +| - | - | - +| imageCaptured | `{ type: string, count: number, total: number, image: object = { path: string, source: any, binary: any }, inferences: [{ ['model name']: model output }], darkness: number, lightness: number, sharpness: number }` | Must have started capture type of face/frame. Emitted when the face image file saved: