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171 lines (138 loc) · 6.25 KB

FxP - Generator

A Generate tool used to generate BBCode for Fxp common tasks.

Tool URL:

Getting Started

git clone
cd fxp-generator
yarn or npm install

First step to do after cloned, is to make a separated branch from master:

  • git checkout -b [branch-name], Then just:
  • yarn start or npm run start

Contribute Guide - New Option

The main focus is at just 2 files, API.tsx, Data.tsx.
starting at Data.tsx, in order to add new option, u will need to add a new constant.

  1. let's say we want to a "new one" option.
    export const DEFINE_CATEGORY = (categoryNumber: number) => `category-${categoryNumber}`,
        DECLARATION_WEEKLY_CHALLENGES = 'declarationWeeklyChallenges',
        PM_WINNER                     = 'pmWinner',
        NEW_ONE                       = 'newOne';

    (TIP) try to follow the syntax plz, clear code, easy to understood.

  2. Add new option to the select options:
    export const options = [
        { id: DEFINE_CATEGORY(1),            title: 'הכרזות' },
        { id: DECLARATION_WEEKLY_CHALLENGES, title: 'הכרזה - משקיען ואשכול השבוע' },
        { id: DEFINE_CATEGORY(2),            title: 'הודעות פרטיות' },
        { id: NEW_ONE,                       title: 'אופצייה חדשה' }
    You can define a new category using the constant function DEFINE_CATEGORY(number)  
    Just make sure u passed a unique number.

  3. Add a new entry to the inputs constant, your will have TS IntelliSense / Autocomplete
    export const inputs: { [template: string]: InputType[] } = {
                label: 'ניק המשקיען',
                name: 'winnerName',
                type: 'text',
                validationSchema: yup.string().min(3, 'קצר מידי')
        [ NEW_ONE ]: [
                label: 'חדש',
                name: 'newOne',
                type: 'text',
                validationSchema: yup.string().min(3, 'קצר מידי').required('חובה למלא שדא זה!')

    In addional, there's basicInputs constant for common use cases, consider using it.

  4. Go to API.tsx, and find htmlTemplates object constant, and add new definition
    const htmlTemplates = {
        [ DECLARATION_WEEKLY_CHALLENGES ]: ({ date, winnerName, postWinner, postLink, postName }: any) => `...`,
        [ NEW_ONE ]: ({ newOne, date }: any) => `[B] new one Text: ${newOne}, at ${date} [/B]`
    Use the "extract object syntax"({ winnerName, ...etc } = templateData), to define which variables u gonna use, like I did! htmlTemplates[ template ]( templateData )) returns a generated string(BBCode) using the variables u provided.
    NOTE: date is passed always so you can use it, will be generate as a string in the following format ''.
  5. (optional) Go back to Data.tsx, and add yourself to contributors array that we looping at Footer component. export const contributors = ['Y_Moshe', 'NewOne'];

After finished making ur changes / work, commit the changes and push ur branch to origin:

git push -u origin [branch-name]

That's it, thank you for contribute :).

UI Componenets


interface InputProps extends StandardTextFieldProps(from `@material-ui` package) {
    name: string;
    value: any;
    onChange: ( ...args: any ) => void;
    hint?: any;
    autoCompleteOptions?: ForumData[];
    onAutoCompleteChange?: ( data: ForumData | any ) => void;
    selectOptions?: OptionType[];
    radioOptions?: OptionType[];

Can render different types of input, can accept all properties StandardTextFieldProps can
But note that not all of them will be used, depends on the input type.
There are 4 diffrent type of Inputs in this app, autocomplete, select, radio, text - default.
The following showing the required params for each type:

Usage example:

    type                 = "autocomplete" || "select" || "radio" || "text"
    name                 = "firstName"
    label                = "First Name"
    onChange             = { handleChange }
    onBlur               = { handleBlur }
    onAutoCompleteChange = { handleAutoCompleteChange } - required for type "autocomplete"
    hint                 = "like a error message"
    error                = { true or false }
    value                = "Moshe"
    autoCompleteOptions  = { ForumData[] } - required for type "autocomplete"
    selectOptions        = { OptionType[] } - required for type "select"
    radioOptions         = { OptionType[] } - required for type "radio" />


export interface SnackAlertProps {
    message: string;
    status: 'error' | 'info' | 'success' | 'warning';
    onClose?: () => void; // must be passed onces!

Useful to display a message to the user, it uses Snackbar from the @material-ui package
When displayed, its position is at the bottom center and will disappear after 3 seconds
Its appearance controlled by the message, if there's a message it will be displayed!

Usage example:

    message = "It Works!"
    status  = "success"
    onClose = { () => console.log('SnackAlert Closed')} />


interface ImgPreviewProps {
    imageURL: string;

Image Preview, just as sounds, renders the image using <img> HTML tag
Wrapped inside a <div> with flex CSS Property set while the <img> has a margin: auto for centering
It also displays a nice spinner while the image is loading.

Usage example:

<ImgPreview imageURL = "" />

Custom Hooks



Will we see it in the React.js future?