1.1.0 (2019-06-02)
- asset: fix "remove folder asset": should remove folder's all children (79e3d37)
- asset: fix "remove material asset":1.remove instead of dispose material->maps; 2.if material has no gameObjects, dispose material; (d81994f)
- asset: fix remove texture asset: if texture has no materials, should dispose texture's engine data (c711c20)
- asset: fix rename asset in inspector: if value not change, shouldn't warn (22eeb02)
- asset: script attribute: sort entries show order; add check script event function/attribute jsObj str; (5185889)
- console: fix "str.split error" bug: fix ConsoleBaseComponent->buildMultiLineStringComponent (272a8ba)
- event: fix FloatInput,IntInput->drag over in pointer lock->movement (a085859)
- event: fix init event job->chrome bug for getMovementDeltaWhenPointerLocked (d60b64f)
- event: fix init event job->chrome bug for getMovementDeltaWhenPointerLocked: use skip(2) instead of skip(1) (6eb7a9d)
- imgCanvas: fix bug: remove texture should redraw material snapshot and remove container gameObj (a51373c)
- imgCanvas: use drawImage func instead of Js.object.type (4c94f56)
- inspectorCanvas: fix texture cache: if change texture asset,clear its cache (c93df9f)
- inspectorEngine: fix bug caused by 192843c39172cd9983ac1ed2f524f10b3015209f (db62c89)
- inspectorEngine: fix bug: stateData no state (8ea3542)
- inspectorEngine: need fix bug (192843c)
- publish: index.html: use contentLength instead of totalByteLength (201e5da)
- resize: fix bug: enter editor; show material inspector; resize to big window; show blank area; (9995f8b)
- ui: mouse over FloatInput/IntInput->drag zone should show move cursor (b0c4b57)
- wdb: need jack fix bug (974710e)
- abUI: finish all asset bundle ui (2c24176)
- ambientLight: add ambient light in inspector canvas (3c00512)
- asset: add "remove script event function, script attribute asset" (119af1d)
- asset: add script event function asset; add script attribute asset; (2e0facb)
- asset: fix rename script attribute asset->attribute name: now update in all script components (fee5180)
- asset: script attribute asset: add "update script attribute in all script components" logic (32d3785)
- asset: script event function asset: add "update script event function in all script components" logic (fe76e2e)
- asset-bundle: add "asset->load assetBundle" logic (51fba9d)
- asset-bundle: add "generate all ab" draft logic(pass compile) (e3876ab)
- asset-bundle: add "generate single sab" (5d6a4cf)
- asset-bundle: add geo.png (ec60c07)
- asset-bundle: add HeaderAssetBundle->"generate single rab" related ui (150ca0c)
- asset-bundle: add SelectTree ui draft (63fb0b1)
- asset-bundle: asset tree->add assetBundle node (f0f289c)
- asset-bundle: begin "import ab at runtime when run": rewrite script api for asset bundle (594684b)
- asset-bundle: export/import wpk add asset bundle (6310e5f)
- asset-bundle: finish "build select tree from asset tree for generate single rab" (75c226b)
- asset-bundle: finish "generateAndDownloadSingleRAB" logic (c973ebf)
- asset-bundle: fix generate single rab: added light material shouldn't add to basic material resource data (b149ac7)
- asset-bundle: fix HeaderAssetBundleGenerateAllAB: change generate-single-sab to generate-all-ab (cf32db3)
- asset-bundle: fix modal: click close button shouldn't generate single ab (a179227)
- asset-bundle: header->"generate single rab" add "name" input (2c34074)
- asset-bundle: publish local: write asset bundle to zip (5e45104)
- asset-bundle: support load "asset bundle zip" to asset (72b90e6)
- assetCanvas: finish asset canvas demo (7cf4536)
- camera: fix scene view->edit camera: fix point scale (bcf22bc)
- controller: add "exec script event functions when run" logic (a676fef)
- engine: update wonder.js to 1.0.2 (15da515)
- engine: update wonder.js to 1.1.0 (dda7c6b)
- engine: update wonder.js version (50402dd)
- engine: update wonder.js version (bcf12f1)
- engine: update wonder.js version (238649c)
- engine: update wonder.js version (f7e1eab)
- engine: update wonder.js version (b429bce)
- engine: update wonder.js, wonder-webgl version (9d41c84)
- export: export mateial snapshot (10fda6d)
- header: add "New Scene" (eb5d73a)
- header: fix "New Scene": should operate in stop (5792121)
- header: fix "NewScene": should clear current scene tree node before exec update_transform_gizmos job (b65da2f)
- imgCanvas: create import wdb/gltf file material snapshot (1c75f35)
- imgCanvas: finish remove material should remove it's imageData from imageDataMap (76c648a)
- imgCanvas: finish TODOs (98e2bb6)
- imgCanvas: fix "create material/wdb snapshot": now clear img canvas before draw (245be64)
- imgCanvas: fix AssetTreeInspectorUtils->disposeContainerGameObjectAllChildrenAndReallocateCPUMemory->_reallocateCPUMemory: add condition judge (90e4a49)
- imgCanvas: store img-canvas context in editorState (2b71dfc)
- imgui: fix scene view imgui: if SceneViewIMGUIUtils->convertWorldToScreen return None, return (-100, -100) (a6a1fdd)
- inspector: finish create material sphere into inspector canvas (8573a77)
- inspectorCanvas: arcball camera controller->event work (bb505cb)
- inspectorCanvas: fix "cache texture": load wdb->extract material assets shouldn't dispose texture (48b4db8)
- inspectorCanvas: fix arcball camera controller: left mouse button can still drag (f236513)
- inspectorCanvas: fix generate material snapshot: generate snapshot in MaterialInspector->willUnmount (5c166e9)
- inspectorCanvas: fix MaterialInspector->update snapshot bug (b6d3a64)
- inspectorCanvas: fix remove material asset: if material is removed, not create material sphere (7fe0f3f)
- inspectorCanvas: fix:restore arcball camera controller->angle before update snapshot (62c8c40)
- inspectorCanvas: improve light (b084951)
- inspectorCanvas: update default material snapshot base64 (c801917)
- inspectorCanvas: wdb inspector: generate snapshot in WDBInspector->didMount (952ff4c)
- inspectorCanvas: wDBInspector, MaterialInspector->didMount add tryCatch (6ab8559)
- inspectorEngine: show sphere and camera (938daed)
- job: init_pipelines remove init_script job (e9ac408)
- language: add arcball camera and light language (30126b9)
- language: add asset and inspector language (14215de)
- language: add camera group language (ef33b41)
- language: add message language (7c08bc0)
- language: change header-edit->zh (6b8efc8)
- language: finish header and controller language (6053827)
- language: fix language data (b7fae29)
- language: restore DomHelper->locationReload to use reload (ce4b198)
- left-header: fix clone gameObject has script component (814aca0)
- mainEditorMaterial: split MainEditorBasic/lightMaterial to MainEditorBasic/LightMaterialForGam (6577143)
- message: change message -> isActive to be immutable (e1860e7)
- message: finish message demo (58f197c)
- message: finish message demo (0710f75)
- message: finish message feature (46ce318)
- message: finish message feature (51aeea2)
- progress: add progress willUnmount off event (90ee1d8)
- progress: finish offCustomGlobalEventByEventName in progress->willUnmount (8a12a22)
- progress: finish progress feat and style (548fa0c)
- progress: load wdb, import package add progress (36b9f75)
- progress: use send local ui state instead of operate dom (7912f99)
- publish: fix publish local->no worker: fix for asset bundle (78af837)
- publish: fix publish local->worker: fix for asset bundle (fe1eb33)
- publish: update engine files (80ab8fe)
- pwa: finish pwa update data (2825e30)
- pwa: finish pwa update data (c322bcc)
- redo-undo: fix redo/undo remove script component (5e8e4fc)
- redo-undo: script component->attribute add redo/undo (cdb392a)
- redo-undo: script component->event function add redo/undo (6e58c7c)
- redo-undo: script event function,script attribute asset add redo-undo (dd482af)
- script: add "store script assets in asb", "relate script assets when import package", "extract script assets when load asset" logic(draft) (5300181)
- script: fix event function->body str: replace "return engineState" to return engineState;" (d1fc979)
- script: fix script component: support Int type (560e7fb)
- script: rewrite script api->asset bundle api->addSABSceneGameObjectChildrenToScene, setSABSceneGameObjectToBeScene, disposeSceneAllChildren (e2fa8cc)
- script: script api now update editor (5fb6843)
- script-component: "add script event function": if no scriptEventFunction asset, warn (bc26270)
- script-component: add "remove script component" logic (3d06aab)
- script-component: add "remove script event function" (0cbcaa0)
- script-component: add "script attribute" logic (afaba0c)
- script-component: add "script attribute"->fields logic (ad54248)
- script-component: add script component logic(draft); add "add script event function" logic(draft); (af77d66)
- script-component: fix "add script event function" bugs (4dbcf39)
- script-component: HideScriptEventFunctionGroupForAdd,HideScriptEventFunctionGroupForChange now not dispatch (f21fa91)
- snapshot: add basicMaterial and lightMaterial closeColorPick and blurShininess event handler (d520210)
- wdb: add imageDataIndex in wdbData (bacfd2a)
- wdb: add WDBInspector.re and refactor didMount and willunMount (29ddbef)
- wdb: finish clone wdb gameObject to other engine state (58c609f)
- wdb: finish export package store wdb snapshot to asb, import package should use it (a7c265b)
- wdb: import wdb create snapshot (abdb9a8)
- wdb: import wdb should dispose inspector canvas gameObject (07e54bf)
- remove ImmutableSparseMapService.re (291b8e4)
- update files (91c58e4)
- update files (e3a5e09)
- update wonder.js,wonder-bs-jest,wonder-commonlib,jest version (3891511)
- img: change img size (a50b2d3)
- inspectorCanvas: optimize render inspector canvas: cache texture (51a9e19)
1.0.2 (2019-03-16)
- engine: update wonder.js to 1.0.2 (aa4ace3)
- language: add arcball camera and light language (4ebe5d4)
- language: add asset and inspector language (9ef009d)
- language: add camera group language (4fb0700)
- language: change header-edit->zh (9d9eb51)
- language: finish header and controller language (2f49251)
- language: fix language data (836aaf6)
- language: restore DomHelper->locationReload to use reload (6fc6ee4)
1.0.1 (2019-03-13)
- package: fix "import package": now clear imageData map when dispose assets (6fcab64)
- pwa: finish pwa update data (04a2320)
- rename: rename gameObject name, should can be set "" (e399371)
- sceneTree: add sceneTree node icon (e3eef18)
1.0.0 (2019-03-10)
- hotkey: fix "if event target is scene view, ctrl+d not clone!" bug (6c734f3)
- inspector: fix "remove geometry component": remove instead of dispose geometry (c108770)
- left-header: fix clone->test clone gameObject whose children has light component (b7a3470)
- ui: fix "asset tree":if node->children has no folder node, not show arrow (54a5acf)
- fix welcome and version upgrade modal (554cdd8)
- pwa: fix "add to homescreen"->icon 404 (6599269)
- appShell: add appShell (6134a9a)
- engine: update wonder.js to 1.0.0 (c4955d5)
- engine: update wonder.js version (cf59389)
- focus: increase gameObject which has no geometry->wheel speed (76cdcac)
- focus: increase wheel speed (409fb60)
- img: preload imgs, code in this (19927a6)
- publish: update engine files (f3e749b)
- ui: main button add title (784c2ad)
- welcome and version upgrade modal now use english (803177e)
- preload: revert preload imgs (2ba5edd)
1.0.0-rc.1 (2019-03-05)
- asset: fix "load texture asset": now set format (73397e5)
- package: fix "dispose renderGroup component before export and import package cause check error" bug (f5abd59)
- package: fix "material assets after import" bug (5c6fec4)
- commit dist/index.js, public/css/index.css; remove index.min.css (f4d1e77)
- asset: texture asset: support load jpeg (c0b019c)
- engine: update wonder.js to 1.0.0-rc.1 (a1cdedb)
- engine: update wonder.js version (aa87847)
- focus: set edit camera->arcball move and wheel speed (a8192ca)
- publish: update engine files (48d21e3)
1.0.0-beta.3.1 (2019-03-03)
- pwa: update service-worker.js->cacheName (161a5f3)
1.0.0-beta.3 (2019-03-03)
- scene-view: fix "rotation gizmo"->rotate on axis bug (120257d)
- engine: update wonder.js to 1.0.0-beta.3 (4c0816f)
- engine: update wonder.js version (84eba2a)
- engine: update wonder.js version (9a2a890)
- header: add header notice component, notice welcome user and version upgrade (ae66c64)
- hotkey: add transform hotkeys (2cbf4bb)
- hotkey: delete now can remove asset (05c98b5)
- hotkey: fix asset header->remove caused by 05c98b5fc1c3c769098b888120c1011724c5f29d (0d5fba1)
- modal: add welcome user modal (77a6605)
- publish: update engine files (1b7c679)
- pwa: add pwa service worker and homescreen (bb2ed89)
- pwa: add pwa service worker and homescreen (7bb4825)
- pwa: fix manifest.json-worker.js->start_url (2749203)
- pwa: fix service-worker.js->filesToCache (8d97aca)
- pwa: update service-worker.js->filesToCache (6ece121)
- pwa: update service-worker.js->filesToCache (ecfed72)
- update bs-platform to 4.0.18 (69434c9)
- update jest to 24.1.0 (71b13fe)
- update react to 16.8.3 (427a7dc)
1.0.0-beta.2 (2019-02-26)
- asset: fix "drag texture to be material asset->map->refresh inspector" bug (refer to #44beeb) (fe3fe5b)
- asset: fix "drag texture to be material asset->map" bug (61bfc2c)
- asset: fix "rename asset": if rename to the existed name in the same dir, should fail (c360aa6)
- camera: if blur/drag drop camera controller->distance/minDistance, should refresh transform (2500231)
- camera: if change arcballCameraController's gameObject's parent, should update the component (c9fa3a8)
- camera: when move game view->arcball camera, should update inspector->rotation (5eac3ad)
- console: should only show 99 messages at max (77daf60)
- controller: if view size changed when run, should resize screen when stop (810f49e)
- dragWdb: fix drag wdb before/after scene gameObject, throw error (d12342b)
- event: throw error shouldn't unbind event (c134151)
- left-header: fix "clone gameObject": add "check light count before clone" (1b0a997)
- left-header: fix "dispose gameObject shouldn't dispose gameObject->material component" (4eab2f6)
- left-header: fix "dispose gameObject" bug: dispose gameObject shouldn't cause update_transform_gizmos job error (ab2bd61)
- lightMaterial: now should re-init all light material components(include material assets which type is lightMaterial) if light change (18117c7)
- picking: fix "import package"->pick bug (1a377cc)
- redo-undo: change textureInspector->wrap,filter should add to redo-undo (db459eb)
- redo-undo: fix redo-undo->rotation: transform inspector ui->rotation should undo (dfcd287)
- redo-undo: now drag drop FloatInput->label should add to undo stack (5bfc35f)
- fix "clone gameObject" and "drag wdb" bug refer to #ab2bd6 (37fceb9), closes #ab2bd6
- scene-tree: fix "drag scene-tree->gameObject": now refresh engine state (7e1d670)
- scene-view: if current scene tree node has arcballCameraController component, not render gizmo (7eeb4f1)
- scroll: fix bug scroll sceneTree, not move scroll bar (3790b27)
- scroll: re-calc scroll top and scroll left value (11b989d)
- scroll: re-calc scroll top and scroll left value (2d8c05a)
- scroll: re-calc scroll top and scroll left value (836f9fc)
- ui: fix Header->Controls: now show focus (a3321c5)
- camera: fix floatInput->drag mouse to select value to label; shouldn't cancel select! (2d0d3bf)
- camera: inspector->arcballCameraController add "phi", "theta" field (991c460)
- camera: inspector->arcballCameraController add "target" field (61effea)
- camera: now blur inspector->arcballCameraController->field not refresh inspector! (eb04161)
- console: asset node/scene tree node->"check relation when drag drop" not not error (10ee2c5)
- console: now format message (a4e2679)
- controls: add Header->File->Controls to show shortcut keys (672e115)
- engine: update wonder.js version (a8b4657)
- engine: update wonder.js version to 1.0.0-beta.2 (f203874)
- event: arcball camera controller->keydown: if is combined key, not set target (46a2a94)
- event: mousewheel now set target (bbebdaa)
- focus: add focus hotkey (52a4d33)
- focus: calc focus distance with geometry (9938c58)
- focus: calc focus distance with geometry (4811419)
- focus: finish add hotKey "f" to set camera focus target gameObject (7078ea1)
- focus: finish focus scene gameObject and scene children (1677157)
- focus: fix currentSceneTreeNode and its all children has no geometry component (30d534b)
- focus: fix currentSceneTreeNode and its all children has no geometry component (c1b980d)
- focus: now calc currentSceneTreeNode's all children and its self->aabb (5e96641)
- focus: now distance not affected by scale (8af3e39)
- focus: now distance not affected by scale (5d6c5e6)
- focus: now distance not affected by scale (c476be3)
- isRoot: export package/publish local mark scene gameObject->isRoot to false;export scene mark it to true; (c2a29f3)
- picking: add "pick the same one multiple times to pick the next root gameObject" logic (bc1a73b)
- picking: find top parent gameObject which is root (72ff774)
- publish: update engine files (de7f675)
- scene-tree: scene should be common gameObject after import package; change scene gameObject->name from "scene" to "Scene" after import package (7ea5315), closes #a6466
- scene-tree: scene should be common gameObject(e.g. can add component) (a646618)
- scrollSceneTree: calc scroll scene tree x axis (fdbfddb)
- scrollSceneTree: calc scroll scene tree y axis (5774ba6)
- ui: console:should show clear button when not debug (6395b60)
- ui: now click select material/geometry name can show group (c1c8764)
- ui: the draged tree node to other one don't to be current tree node (50f493d)
1.0.0-beta.1 (2019-02-14)
- engine: update wonder.js to 1.0.0-beta.1 (772a54f)
0.14.0 (2019-02-14)
- asset: fix "drag asset to scene tree" (6e91ac0)
- asset: fix DragEventBaseUtils->_isTreeNodeRelationValid (ebba42f)
- event: fix MainEditor->bind custom event->handle func (ff3f2ad)
- gulp: fix gulpfile.js->changeSnapshotPath (b2fcd55)
- left-header: fix "dispose gameObject":now not refresh engine state after disposeCurrentSceneTreeNode (a8b70f5)
- sceneTree: fix scene tree node draggable attribute | rename store -> uiState | extract UIStateS (27f65f2)
- transform: fix TransformEngineService->getLocalToWorldMatrixTypeArray (9f40a1d)
- transform: inspector->transform->scale: value can't be 0; (69222f5)
- ui: fix Controller.re:now user dispatch instead send state (b11a3ae)
- camera: "arcball camera controller" now bind "point drag start", "point drag drop" event (b88e485)
- camera: scene view->arcballCameraController add keydown event (2401135)
- clone: finish clone gameObject into its parent | finish clone gameObject test (036c411)
- drag: finish drag into gameObject after or before or into gameObject (35ba6ed)
- drag: finish drag wdb into sceneTree feature (98554f0)
- engine: fix TransformEngineService->changeChildOrder (6ca57a2)
- engine: rename "indices" to "indices16";use abstract indices; (518a2b1)
- engine: transformEngineService add "changeChildOrder" (e52e2dc)
- engine: transformEngineService add "changeChildOrder" (5e5cc0a)
- engine: TransformEngineService->changeChildOrder: add contract check (b40eff5)
- engine: update wonder.js version (04e5910)
- engine: update wonder.js version (3a9ac8f)
- engine: update wonder.js version (39abfae)
- engine: update wonder.js version (dab69fd)
- engine: wonderjs->transformAPI->unsafeGetTransformParent should return transform instead of Js.Undefined (a7ac1e3)
- event: add "drag start", "drag drop" event;rename "drag" event to "drag over" event; (86b506a)
- event: fix "trigger arcball event to refresh inspector": now mouse wheel event should refresh inspector (50cf423)
- event: now not each point event will trigger loopBody when stop;arcball now not bind keydown event; (4a281e3)
- event: separate mouse button of pick and controller arcball (dcdfaa1)
- hashMapService: use MutableHashMapService (b13c4ab)
- hotKey: bind hotKeys from setting.json (cb5c109)
- hotKeys: add init_hotkeys job in the engine init_jobs.json (5900c50)
- material: add UpdateAction in HideMaterialGroup action (8306319)
- picking: add "intersect with mesh" logic and pass run test (755a20b)
- picking: add "pick imgui gameObject" (cb6c0ec)
- picking: add GeometryLogicService->setGeometryPoints to remove sphere shape data from editorState (dfd9593)
- picking: add outline(pass compile and run test) (7675b95)
- picking: add picking logic(pass compile) (d5b316b)
- picking: add redo-undo (d792b55)
- picking: change trigger pick event from pointdown to pointtap (dd10f12)
- picking: fix "find top one of picked ones" (a2b0b3b)
- picking: fix "intersect with sphere"->SphereShapeUtils: use applyMatrix4 instead of setFromTranslationAndScale (b4a5478)
- picking: fix "intersect with triangle->intersected point" bug (d88ddb1)
- picking: fix and test "select scene tree node"->"refresh sceneTree and inspector" logic (e6bc5c4)
- picking: fix: if select any transform gameObject when pointtap, not handle pick (14defe3)
- picking: now "drag drop rotation gizmo" will not trigger pick (60d002e)
- picking: now can pick the geometry which has indices32 data (76771b2)
- picking: should set the whole one of the finded one to current scene tree node (6206098)
- picking: support pick nothing (c797550)
- picking: use sphere instead of aabb (6778ed6)
- ray: fix RayUtils->checkIntersectPlane->distanceToPlane (d191a51)
- redo-undo: "drag translation gzimo drop" add to undo stack (92660cc)
- redo-undo: "rotation gizmo" add redo-undo (9ddf272)
- redo-undo: add "scale gizmo" redo-undo (eb36038)
- redo-undo: picking: if "not pick" multiple times continuously, only push to stack once (106d676)
- redo-undo: picking: if "pick the same gameObject" multiple times continuously, only push to stack once (5710664)
- redo-undo: picking: if not undo any ui state before, undo should still work (6591aa4)
- refactor: refactor LeftHeaderCloneGameObjectEventHandler (8d13020)
- scene-tree: fix "drag gameObject" bug (2f3fef6)
- scene-tree: remove scene graph data from store(remove sceneTreeState); add isShowChildrenMap to editorState->sceneRecord; (cfd5159)
- scene-view: "rotation gizmo" add "limit unuse circle gizmo" logic (cdbe203)
- scene-view: "rotation gizmo": add update transform logic (a1ec234)
- scene-view: "rotation gizmo": decrease alphaForUnUsedGizmo (5685753)
- scene-view: "rotation gizmo": now xz, yz circle can work (a12c77b)
- scene-view: "scale gizmo": add "select axis/center box"; add "drag axis/center box"; (2b0b8f5)
- scene-view: "transform gizmo": add "switch world coordinate system" ui (fba343d)
- scene-view: "transform gizmo": support world coordinate system (05dda11)
- scene-view: "translation plane gizmos" add "move translation plane gizmo" logic (978f7d9)
- scene-view: "translation plane gizmos" support drag (f95e806)
- scene-view: "translation plane gizmos"->"select scene tree node" add "moveTranslationPlaneGizmo" logic (6579c97)
- scene-view: "translation/rotation gizmo" add "set current gizmo color to white" logic (3d3e24d)
- scene-view: add "drag rotation gizmo logic"(only xy circle) (b71dd4d)
- scene-view: add "select rotation gizmo logic"(only xy circle) (3541c4c)
- scene-view: add "transform gizmo radio" ui (cd6b378)
- scene-view: add translation plane gizmos (7003d39)
- scene-view: begin "scale gizmo": add switch button;disable coordinate system button with scale; (f1d608a)
- scene-view: begin add "rotation gizmo": now can show gizmo (7cbd7d6)
- scene-view: begin add transform->"translation gameObjects" to scene view(draft logic) (50d03e1)
- scene-view: continue fix "scale gizmo"->"set whole gizmo rotation" bug (refer to #2d9cc) (11f668e), closes #2d9
- scene-view: drag translation gizmos should refresh inspector (8a7c721)
- scene-view: ensure "scale gizmo"->axis/center box not drag to nearly zero (02271f9)
- scene-view: expand translation axis->aabb (3320ac9)
- scene-view: fix "affect rotation gizmo"->now can refresh inspector->rotation (7a2f3e7)
- scene-view: fix "find plane for get intersect point" (314ce20)
- scene-view: fix "point drag start"->_isSelectTranslationAxisGizmo->isIntersectAABB->expand aabb (5c849dc)
- scene-view: fix "point drag start"->_isSelectTranslationAxisGizmo->isIntersectAABB->expand aabb (8fdd950)
- scene-view: fix "scale gizmo"->"set whole gizmo rotation" bug (2d9336f)
- scene-view: fix "select translation gizmo": intersect "with mesh" instead of "with aabb" (9d50fde)
- scene-view: fix "select translation->axis gizmo": intersect "with obb" instead of "with mesh" (f3b4427)
- scene-view: fix "translation gizmo" (47f9aa6)
- scene-view: fix "translation gizmo"->yz plane->"set current gizmo color to white" logic (2ac683a)
- scene-view: fix "translation x axis"->inverse direction (694f1ce)
- scene-view: handle "not get intersect point with plane" case (5312504)
- scene-view: initTransformGizmosJob now bind "point drag start" event instead of "point down" event (2f7cce5)
- scene-view: not print (b99e3f1)
- scene-view: now "drag drop rotation gizmo" will clear rotation data (0592a20)
- scene-view: now "render translation gameObjects"->rotation can work correctly(when has parent) (9dfc4aa)
- scene-view: now first draw zAxis; then draw yAxis; then draw xAxis (ba80018)
- scene-view: now if drag end, still show translation gameObjects and keep pick (ec1de15)
- scene-view: now move translation gameObjects along axis (244a16e)
- scene-view: now only mouse->left button should affect transform gameObjects (9b17466)
- scene-view: scale translation gameObjects based on the distance between currentSceneTreeNode and camera (36e033a)
- scene-view: select scene tree should update translation gameObjects (05a9708)
- scene-view: support "drag translation gizmos" (80169b9)
- scenetree: finish drag into scene gameObject css (179bdac)
- scenetree: finish drag into scene gameObject css (362905d)
- scenetree: finish drag into scene gameObject css (7195d47)
- sceneTree: add gameObject should add to current sceneTree node (fd45ec5)
- sceneTree: add gameObject should add to current sceneTree node (fef2243)
- sceneTree: finish drag sceneTree node to be scene first child (2477ab8)
- sceneTree: finish sceneTree drag node into borther css (778026a)
- sceneTree: finish sceneTree drag node into borther css (f419397)
- sphere: add sphere gameObject | change gameObject type Box->Cude (fdc9050)
- sphere: add sphere gameObject | change gameObject type Box->Cude (a88ad0a)
- texture: finish add texture group css (d5d2c19)
- texture: finish add texture group in light material (052069e)
- update wonder-commonlib version (21a4dc4)
- update wonder-commonlib version (7b80bfc)
- use WonderCommonlib.ImmutableSparseMapService(pass compile) (8c3d867)
- texture: finish sort texture by name (00dcfb4)
- texture: fix "sort texture by name" bug (40807f6)
- transform: move TransformEngineService->changeChildOrder implement to wonder.js (3519a07)
- ui: floatInput now support "drag to change value" (85bb637)
- ui: floatInput->"drag to change value": handle canBeZero (43c648f)
- event: now when trigger event, not refresh inspector(except current scene tree node is arcball) (fea97fc)
- picking: optimize _computeSphereShapeData: now set editorState to store sphere shape data (b07d909)
0.13.1 (2018-12-01)
- ui: console: remove header ui when not debug (0932a74)
- package: optimize wpk: reduce to half size (c51e78b)
- package: optimize wpk: reduce to half size(fix #c51e78) (a345592), closes #c51e78
0.13.0 (2018-11-29)
- asset: fix "load texture asset(jpg image)"->"apply to lightMaterial"->export->import bug (ffb2eea)
- asset: fix "load wdb asset"->the wdb->name in the same path should be unique (7c82de1)
- asset: fix drag texture asset to set material map (6d5e88c)
- asset: fix import->fileReader->type: use extname instead of file.type (d14f028)
- clone: fix bug: clone car gameObject (65b2f87)
- component: fix "replace geometry of gameObject": use "remove geometry" instead of "dispose geometry" (aa5ada5)
- event: fix "trigger refresh_inspector" (419b9de)
- imgui: fix "draw direction light"->_convertAnchorFromTopLeftToCenter (034e49d)
- inspector: fix "select material" bug (bb955ed)
- inspector: fix "texture inspector"->magFilter: only has Nearest, Linear options (dce5738)
- inspector: fix "texture inspector": now change wrap/filter will update texture (0f7c557)
- inspector: fix "when run and has arcballCameraController and is trigger gameView event, transform inspector can't be operate!!!" bug (961c630)
- inspector: fix inspector->material->map: now can show map correctly (843085d)
- inspector: fix transform->rotation (5956a58)
- inspector: fix transform->rotation (ed54953)
- inspector: fix transform->scale: now support 0 (202885b)
- left-header: fix "remove actived camera's parent gameObject" bug (6b2faa2)
- light: fix "change direction light to point light if point lights' count > 4 will cause error" bug (6b035b0)
- publish: fix loading (138f5aa)
- redo-undo: fix "undo to the state before run when run" bug (35df147)
- redo-undo: fix redo-undo->run/stop: now dispatch UpdateStore.All after refresh state when stop (3675f1a)
- scene-tree: fix SceneGraphUtils->addTreeNodeSceneGraphData (ee41864)
- scene-tree: run and stop not refresh sceneTree bug (52fa32c)
- store: fix "rename material asset->warn not refresh console unread count" bug (5770230)
- ui: css: fix console->.header-message (06faf45)
- ui: css: fix drag tree->border css (1583129)
- ui: css: fix MainEditorMaterialMap->.texture-img (f506bde)
- ui: fix "Warning: Can't call setState (or forceUpdate) on an unmounted component" (46365a6)
- ui: fix MainEditorAssetHeader->"Warning: Can't call setState (or forceUpdate) on an unmounted component" (ca7201f)
- assetUtils.re-> _handleRemoveWdbNode can't remove cloned wdb gameObject (6868829)
- ui: improve drag sceneTreeNode/assetTree node (130791b)
- viewport: fix "restore job"->"set view port": set canvas size instead of full screen size (055c4ef)
- fix "no camera" info: now auto resize when trigger resize event (2047a25)
- fix MainEditor->resize canvas bug: judge whether gl is exist (e4545d1)
- fix MainEditor->resizeCanvasAndViewPort (b7686ed)
- fix MainUtils->init: re now load imgui asset (4a9b21a)
- trigger arcball game view event when run: should update inspector (ac07657)
- addablecomponent: finish click other widget close addableComponent (2094a26)
- addablecomponent: finish click other widget close addableComponent (fc89b5f)
- asset: "default scene","added gameObject","added renderGroup->material component" use default light material (5805104)
- asset: "load glb/gltf":if has TEXCOORD_1, fatal (d9cd883)
- asset: "load gltf zip":handle "gltf not exist" exception (3a4ada2)
- asset: "load scene wdb" set imgui; "load model wdb" not set imgui (da7a6f0)
- asset: "rename material asset" add limit (f24e8e1)
- asset: "wdb asset"->"drag wdb asset" add check light count (d1854f1)
- asset: add "load glb" (9fb67d0)
- asset: add "remove material asset" logic (60fc679)
- asset: add "remove texture from material assets" logic (38faae1)
- asset: asset children: sort by type and name (87208ea)
- asset: asset tree: sort by name (7860e03)
- asset: change "select geometry" and "select material" show order (2e59ad6)
- asset: change asset default name to no-name name (56f64e0)
- asset: default asset tree node->isShowChildren change to false (170dd8f)
- asset: fix "asset wdb"->"remove and load asset wdb" bug (59a7e42)
- asset: fix "dispose wdb asset": should dispose the wdb gameObject(remove material) (93ca470)
- asset: fix "drag wdb asset" to folder bug (8ed84a6)
- asset: fix "export/import wdb asset and geometry" related bugs (141592a)
- asset: fix "import wdb": "init all imported gameObjects" instead of init director (9d09f93)
- asset: fix "load asset" type check: shouldn't be .wpk (0c67e63)
- asset: fix "load scene wdb"->init re (af08603)
- asset: fix "load scene wdb","load model wdb": not bind wdb->arcball cameraController event (071a1b7)
- asset: fix "load wdb asset contain light shouldn't be exceed max count" bug (09d99ea)
- asset: fix "load wdb asset"->if wdb has no material, should has no extracted assets (2242f84)
- asset: fix "material asset"-> "change material type" related bugs (71aad3b)
- asset: fix "material asset"->material inspector->"change shader" bugs (a3fd28b)
- asset: fix "material asset"->material inspector->"set map" bugs (2b49413)
- asset: fix "relate asset"->is material,texture,image equal: fix "judge name equal" (d1f1c00)
- asset: fix "relate wdb assets->image data": now judge uint8Array (aed8dbb)
- asset: fix "remove texture asset": should affect texture's material's all gameObjects (ec79edb)
- asset: fix "remove texture asset": should remove it from scene->materials (2ecd735)
- asset: fix "remove wdb+undo" bug (d241cd4)
- asset: fix "rename asset name": if rename the same name, shouldn't warn (b004e29)
- asset: fix "wdb asset" bugs (ba98222)
- asset: fix "wdb asset"->dispose (0a468ba)
- asset: fix geometry asset bug (d17900b)
- asset: fix load wdb after load wdb error (96c21f7)
- asset: handle "drag treeNode to target treeNode","double click folder"->isShowChildren (52729d3)
- asset: load asset->support load same name file again (cc5ec10)
- asset: load asset: now not multiple (c865cc6)
- asset: only warn"not support texCoord_1" once (9744cb9)
- asset: optimie MainEditorAssetChildrenNode->render->texture (38c8633)
- asset: optimize "asset children node" (cfc4d8d)
- asset: optimize "drag wdb asset to scene tree" (13de7fd)
- asset: relation error->warn now only be triggered when drag drop (797e831)
- asset: rename default geometry->name to Wonder-Default-XXX (451e91d)
- asset: support "drag wdb asset" to scene view (59e08d7)
- asset: support "drag wdb asset" to scenetree->treeNode (07db889)
- asset: support load gltf zip (f585fbf)
- assetName: finish load texture and add material, the asset name should be unquie (44d2c0d)
- assetTree: finish can't drag asset node into the node which children has same name (2e53e3d)
- assetWdb: upload asset wdb into asset, get it geometry into geometryNodeMap (0dd38c1)
- camera: fix "camera projection component"->aspect (ff72a5b)
- cloneGameObject: store clonedGameObject into clonedGameObjectMap (739a274)
- component: fix "change geometry"->"show select geometry group widget (36a4e71)
- component: remove BasicMaterial->map(because wdb not support it) (b99fe9f)
- config: adjust engine->setting.json->buffer (1ca4337)
- config: update setting.json(forget to commit before...) (cb3c747)
- console: "load asset" now handle promise reject (b5f6d79)
- console: add debug type; add debug,info icon; (29e6fda)
- console: add try catch for loopBody function (db3fbe4)
- console: assetHeaderUtils->_handleSpecificFuncByTypeAsync use ConsoleUtils.error (da5a509)
- console: change console message data to editorState (5de32bc)
- console: finish console css (cf56574)
- console: finish MainEditorConsole stub wonder_console obj (d47e7bd)
- console: finish show unread console message count (2d994b9)
- console: finsh MainEditorConsole show log info component (313ce62)
- console: fix console->"if warn in MainEditorBottomComponents ui, will trigger recursive warn" (ef8941f)
- console: fix DirectionEngineService->loopBody->tryCatch (13f811a)
- console: fix info->format: support newline (8636e1a)
- console: if no unread message, not show unread count (204f244)
- console: remove unused trace stack info (fcc7a3d)
- console: remove warn,info,log message->type (cd1009e)
- console: simplify debug message (295babd)
- console: simplify error,fatal message (8a92ffe)
- console: use ConsoleUtils.xxx instead of WonderLog.Log.xxx (725b7ae)
- console: use error instead of fatal (bee5a2a)
- dispose: "reallocate geometry": now if geometry buffer nearly full, reallocate(Wonder-Technology/Wonder.js@31af21) (adfd5d8)
- dispose: fix "reallocate geometry" bug (refer to Wonder-Technology/Wonder.js@7bb487) (7dafa60)
- engine: fix engine->setting.json (5e299d3)
- engine: geometry:support geometry->indices->Uint32Array;asset:change texCoord_1 contract check to warn (d2a1f16)
- engine: update version (947c244)
- engine: update wonder.js (0772417)
- engine: update wonder.js (8054552)
- engine: update wonder.js version (9f264c1)
- engine: update wonder.js version (7c58e54)
- engine: update wonder.js version (0d4fbe5)
- engine: update wonder.js version (3780387)
- engine: update wonder.js version (2afcc05)
- engine: update wonder.js version (46d4a0b)
- engine: update wonder.js version (9be01dc)
- engine: update wonder.js version (0c779f7)
- engine: update wonder.js version (fc3a16d)
- engine: update wonder.js version (7d77590)
- engine: update wonder.js version (638dd6c)
- engine: update wonder.js version (dddcfed)
- engine: update wonder.js version to fix bugs (9989143)
- event: add "judge:is event->target not canvas" logic (aee40bf)
- event: fix drag->drop event (5a52fe3)
- event: now use mousedown instead of click event to set event target (df2507c)
- event: optimize "event->trigger refresh inspector" (974f070)
- event: optimize sceneTree,assetTree->select (af03a59)
- export: "export package","export scene": add "check run" logic (d056de3)
- export: add singleInputModal component to set export package name (901fd5a)
- export: export index.js and index.html (6d9f64d)
- export: finish export assets.json file into zip (fe45727)
- export: finish export scene wdb zip file (b186b7b)
- export: finish export wonderpackage.zip file (fe5b958)
- exportTexture: finish handle duplicate texture base64 store (9c0a54d)
- filePath: finish wdb and json file and folder file path is unique (e61f9b9)
- geometry: addAssetGeometryService. (055a755)
- geometry: finish add geometry and test (904337f)
- geometry: finish change geometry cube-> sphere, and finish test (716542f)
- geometry: remove geometryNodeMap (21914db)
- header: fix "click header" (2c5c29b)
- header: fix "click header" (8afbcb5)
- imageResult: add postfix in imageBase64NodeMap (7a26140)
- imgui: fix EditIMGUIFuncUtils->draw direction,point lights (cc883cf)
- import: add import file postfix check (e8930a8)
- import: finish execute dispatch after import package.zip (b93f2d4)
- import: finish import folder and json file (8e46ea2)
- import: finish import wdb file (ec9352f)
- import: finish import wonderpackage demo (0f36ba3)
- inspector: "select material" now can select all type materials (2932718)
- inspector: add "default material shield" dom (4b8cc93)
- inspector: add "select material" logic(pass compile) (9cf1f70)
- inspector: fix "change material type"->name (c27c1a8)
- inspector: fix "material asset"->inspector->change material type->name bug (1e9fcb6)
- inspector: fix "material inspector"->change shader: now not replace meshRenderer (8ad0178)
- inspector: fix "replace material type" and "remove renderGroup component" bug: use remove old material instead of dispose it (bdc4e73)
- inspector: geomemtry: sort "select geometry group" by name (c1a847a)
- inspector: material: sort "select material group" by name (00c2ace)
- job: optimize ReallocateCPUMemoryJobUtils: create buffer when dispose too many (5e04c89)
- modal: finish modal component (1bd6015)
- package: "import package": not redo-undo; add "reallocate" logic; clear redo-undo stacks after import success; (beaab92)
- package: "relate gameObject and asset"->_isImageNodeDataEqual add "judge uint8Array" logic (54e272c)
- package: "relate gameObject and asset"->_isImageNodeDataEqual remove "judge uint8Array" logic (58dca88)
- package: add "export package->html,js,data jsons,res" content (2df3711)
- package: add "export/import package" logic and "relate wdb gameObjects and assets" logic (b61d7c8)
- package: add "relate geometry" logic (62396f0)
- package: add "version" to wpk->header (2c32b58)
- package: commit export/ files(forget to commit before) (9d48248)
- package: export .zip instead of .wonderpackage format (76a7049)
- package: fix "dispose geometry" bug (794ba30)
- package: fix "export/import package with wdb/material assets"->the game/scene view will render the middle result during import package and finish import (429b813)
- package: fix "export/import wdb and texture asset" related bugs (64eb12f)
- package: fix "import package with two texture assets, only has one texture asset" bug (7a2b6f2)
- package: fix "import package"->"exceed max light count" bug (380ae3d)
- package: fix "import package"->"init gameObject with default material" bug (f44fbe6)
- package: fix bind arcballCameraController event bug: package should bind event if any basicCameraView is active; add export package cases; (53860da)
- package: fix bugs (73627f6)
- package: fix export/import package bug (3ddb1ca)
- package: fix import package after import package error (refer to 96c21f) (30292bb)
- package: fix: should keep texture data not change during export,import package (1590c4b)
- package: optimize "export package"->writeBinBufferByBufferViewData (f86b8f4)
- package: optimize "export package": optimize "write asb,wpk buffer" (bc661b2)
- package: optimize "import package"->dispose assets (cebccbc)
- package: optimize "import package"->relate asset (9da52c4)
- package: optimize export scene wdb (a7075ce)
- package: optimize wpk: now wpk->scene wdb has no geometry,image data (8a1797f)
- path: need unique name path (cb2978e)
- publish: add "publish local" (38a9c37)
- publish: add "useWorker" setting;remove imgui; (cff83e5)
- publish: change setting.json->is_debug from true to false (c611b35)
- publish: fix "stream loading can't see scene during loading" bug (d648de1)
- publish: fix index.html: remove detect worker (db466ab)
- publish: fix worker->direction/point light bug (f9581c6)
- redo-undo: "import package" add redo-undo (96cfa3d)
- redo-undo: add contract check (0082a40)
- redo/undo: finish header loadSceneWdb redo/undo (3a163de)
- rename: finish rename asset node add check the same name (264877f)
- rename: rename XXXWdb.re to XXXWDB.re (24f6b30)
- scale: reset set scale == 0 log message (bbbac2c)
- scene: add "export scene" (6f5f703)
- scene: adjust camera->near,far (d45c2bc)
- scene: change Cube->geometry->vertices size from 10 to 1;change its scale from 0.1 to 1; (6e14d65)
- scene: expand grid plane->size (69640fc)
- scene-tree: add "Scene" as root (5f46850)
- scene-tree: change "drag wdb asset"/"drag gameObject" to scene-tree->isShowChildren (4da65e4)
- scene-tree: default scene tree node->isShowChildren change to false (59d831e)
- scene-tree: fix "drag wdb asset to scene tree": should remain other scene tree node's isShowChildren not change (70520ba)
- scene-tree: fix "show Scene inspector": should show nothing (fc62033)
- scene-tree: remove DragTree (fdec4ee)
- setting: add config/setting.json (a69c794)
- shade: add shade for transform if has arcballCameraController (8736103)
- state: add "load scene wdb"->"set wdb->actived camera to editorState" logic (d312506)
- state: arcball: add eventArcballlCameraController_test; run/stop add bind/unbind logic; (3838265)
- state: begin "use one engine state": finish "render in one canvas", "event" draft (9f6008f)
- state: fix "active basicCameraView" (fdbaed0)
- state: fix "active scene camera after two loops" (8b1aac8)
- state: fix "add arcballCameraController" (41725e2)
- state: fix "add camera group": now not active added basicCameraView (7bbc862)
- state: fix "change current camera" (afbc973)
- state: fix "game view"->imgui: has no imgui (036181f)
- state: fix "game view"->viewport (e8d10fa)
- state: fix "load scene wdb"->"load no light scene wdb from scene has light" bug (58a5abf)
- state: fix "load scene wdb"->imgui (aa41f72)
- state: fix "remove camera group component" and "dispose gameObject": unbind arcballCameraController event (b56e75e)
- state: fix "remove camera group" (e430cd1)
- state: fix clear color (84f0aa0)
- state: fix event: now if is stop, loopBody (ba8aab0)
- state: fix game view: not render grid plane (90b5c93)
- state: fix imgui->camera,light position bug (37066f5)
- state: fix inspector->geometry->show geometry group: filter scene view geometrys (dc894c6)
- state: fix MainEditorLightUtils->replaceLightByType (c355a5d)
- state: fix prepareRenderSceneViewJob->imgui (86a6dc6)
- state: fix PrepareRenderViewJobUtils->"active game view camera" bug: (2e54afb)
- state: fix redo/undo (7683b5a)
- state: fix run/stop (241c7ef)
- state: fix viewport (250001a)
- state: remove ee,re,diff(pass compile) (5894920)
- texture: finish export and import texture assets.json (7c3a56d)
- todo: clear TODO (9a53409)
- ui: change css->header->padding (a878e4c)
- ui: console->.header-message now break line (165efa1)
- ui: css: add antd css map (116cbc2)
- ui: css: fix header->import package->file load input->position (8ab3459)
- ui: css: fix right component->height bug(in firefox) (6393663)
- ui: css: fix select material/geometry css (9f25350)
- ui: css: fix select material/geometry title (d3baca0)
- ui: fix asset ui css (fc2c7df)
- ui: fix console->.header-message css (fd0312a)
- ui: fix header and modal css (548b2c7)
- ui: fix sceneTree and bottomComponents css (fe8e12b)
- ui: fix tree css (b0d869f)
- ui: improve sceneTree,assetTree: use mousedown instead of click to select and toggle children (2090447)
- ui: inspector->material: change "Shader" to "Type" (46dadf6)
- rename test.html to index.html (6603713)
- ui: remove Header->File->section-tail(Ctrl+Z, ...) (0f203d5)
- add loading (cec7157)
- add logo, icon (1555ff4)
- wdb: finish upload wdb set isRender is false, drag wdb set isRender is true (4ce9575)
- adjust default scene,cube size,grid plane->data (7082f70)
- begin fix "load scene wdb" (ce28b75)
- clean TODOs (2f4d4a0)
- decrease default sphere geometry component->radius (f508884)
- export,import,publish should work when stop (2878191)
- ui: use "ReasonReact.null" instead of "set style->display to none" (948b274)
- fix "export package/scene"->set name: now can work (eaf3f49)
- fix "load scene wdb"->diff (42e997c)
- fix "load scene wdb"->if load no wdb, return (fa94a9d)
- fix "load scene wdb"->imgui->draw camera (04709f6)
- fix "load scene wdb"->load twice->imgui (6006bc2)
- fix "load scene,asset wdb"->active camera (bed1c77)
- fix "publish" and "export scene"->generate scene wdb (d443289)
- fix Header->Help->Version (473e7f4)
- now AssetUtils->checkAssetNodeName not warn (5d51d98)
- wdb: add "get material/texture assets from loaded wdb asset" logic (c6e7564)
- optimize getAllGameObjects (057184f)
- update: add noUpdate into UpdateStore (436473d)
- setting.json add "buffer" config (df67204)
- update wonder.js, wonder-log version (6d646a6)
- wdb: finish wdb drag into scene (cb75427)
- wdb: fix "load asset wdb"->"loaded asset wdb->light will affect scene gameObjects" (6008d69)
- wdb: import wdb file instead of scene (12d3c9d)
- event: loopBody only when event target is scene (d546cf0)
- inspector: optimize "material inspector"->drag,remove map (890e138)
- optimize "reInit lightMaterials" (136cfa0)
- redo-undo: fix "point data is dirty" (1322187)
- redo-undo: if no undo/redo state, not undo/redo and not refresh (c79eb54)
- redo-undo: limit max stack size (de6bc77)
- redo-undo: optimize memory: when stop, clear copiedRedoUndoStackRecord (eed85d3)
- redo-undo: optimize redo-undo->memory (acfeeca)
- redo-undo: optimize redo: not deepCopy engineState (ba367c6)
- redo-undo: optimize restore geometry (a388e74)
0.12.0 (2018-08-14)
- gameObject: fix bug:add deep dispose gameObject (ce2461b)
- addGameObject: extract AddGameObjectType manage gameObject type (0f9cd42)
- assetState: remove AssetState, change to editorState-> assetRecord (ee4f41b)
- blurEvent: add check blur value is equal origin value (9dc80b8)
- camera: add cameraGroup and remove cameraGroup is run, bind and unbind event (2dc2873)
- camera: add cameraGroup cameraView component (4815161)
- camera: finish camera view component (a706693)
- camera: finish remove currentCamera feature (05f0b87)
- camera: pass ee engine state->arcball cameraController (f4d3046)
- camera: use camera component instead of basicCameraView and perspectiveCamera (2d28e00)
- cameraGroup: finish mainEditorPerspectiveCamera feature and test (1affa54)
- cameraView: add cameraview redo/undo (15949b4)
- color: select color show color pick such as unity (67d972a)
- colorPick: import colorPick ui component, and finish test (eb5eeab)
- component: add addableComponent list to add component (4a5e89c)
- component: add addableComponentBox and add component in gameObject (468d6a3)
- component: add inspectorComponentTypeMap store gameObject's components (0338039)
- component: finish add component feature (337454d)
- component: finish remove component feature (a293dba)
- component: fix "add component"->init gameObject: now with diff (e513341)
- component: remove BoxGeometry; rename CustomGeometry to Geometry; (dc6acad)
- css: extract public/css (c941329)
- emptyGameObject: add empty gameObject (aea09ee)
- engine: add ScreenEngineService->setScreenSize (c777ea4)
- engine: fix engine bug; arcballCameraController not bind event when init, initGameObject (c0e2258)
- engine: update version (e17ffd0)
- engine: update wonder.js (ec493ae)
- engine: update wonder.js version (bfbebf6)
- engine: upgrade to 1.0.0-alpha.23 (7f41102)
- engine: use GameObjectAPI->getAllXXXComponents api (edaf617)
- event: add change currentCamera arcballCameraContollerEvent (9e22eec)
- event: add mouse event into ee and re canvas;remove engine->initEventJob (e78b1e1)
- event: fix MainUtils->set unsafeGetStateFunc and setStateFunc for event: if is run, not loopBody (41f7567)
- event: if is stop, ee should loopBody but re not (1fd5fd6)
- imgui: change imguiFunc to pure func (0f6f64b)
- imgui: each direction light gameObject show one imgui (2855f8f)
- imgui: fix coordinate bug (ddd7005)
- imgui: fix direction light imgui->image x,y (7438d7f)
- imgui: fix imgui->image control->size bug (4e7851e)
- imgui: fix setIMGUIFunc: now get canvas in func (468ee81)
- imgui: not serialize/deserialize customData (872bcdf)
- imgui: refactor MainUtils->setIMGUIFunc (39ea458)
- IMGUI: add draw directionLight icon (ab97d88)
- light: add directionLight change color and change intensity, add those test (0db1676)
- light: add MainEditorLightMaterial (0e6db9f)
- light: add point light feature and test (00e0119)
- light: finish all point light components (308af0a)
- lightMaterial: add light material color, map, shininess feature (594020b)
- lightMaterial: fix change color (5c266b2)
- lightMaterial: fix: add direction light component that should re-init all light material components in the scene (e1c51ae)
- lightMaterial: fix: dispose gameObject which has light component should re-init all light material components in the scene (fb5e9c6)
- lightMaterial: use lightMaterial instead of basicMaterial (d169f3d)
- meshRenderer: add meshRenderer drawMode feature and test (b485890)
- redo/undo: add select gameObject redo/undo check (47ef550)
- rename: stringInput component add isNull field (25e62c0)
- renderGroup: add renderGroup add and show (77974f5)
- scale: add transform -> scale (ddf4994)
- scene: use engine sceneGameObject instead of editorState (5f64e16)
- state: rewrite stateLogicService->getAndRefreshEngineStateWithDiff (ad2d878)
- texture: add handleBoxGeometryAddMap and handleCustomGeometryAddMap function (8c1a76b)
- texture: add texture into MainEditorBasicMaterial (8472a78)
- texture: add textureMapData retainedProps in MainEditorInspector (94c00b0)
- texture: change texture name in nodeMap and engineState (1f58fb8)
- texture: finish add texture and set texture is null redo/undo (4fd2a50)
- texture: finish add texture into material (5ade75d)
- texture: finish convert image to texture (84eb435)
- texture: finish MainEditorBasicMaterial texture component drag event (f7bd9fc)
- texture: finish textureInspector show texture props (f460ea1)
- texture: use getAndRefreshEngineStateWithDiff instead of getAndRefreshEngineState (03e35a5)
- transform: add localEulerAngles, eulerAngles api (6b5beb5)
- update: refactor all shouldUpdate and dispatchFunc (583f9e8)
- viewport: set canvas viewport and resize (e183b20)
- add grid plane gameObject to ee engine state (d759329)
- adjust show effect (eea702e)
- extract assetState, redo/undo don't use it (ece1ae5)
0.11.0 (2018-07-18)
- gameObject: fix bug:add deep dispose gameObject (ce2461b)
- colorPick: import colorPick ui component, and finish test (eb5eeab)
- redo/undo: add select gameObject redo/undo check (47ef550)
- rename: stringInput component add isNull field (25e62c0)
- state: rewrite stateLogicService->getAndRefreshEngineStateWithDiff (ad2d878)
- texture: add handleBoxGeometryAddMap and handleCustomGeometryAddMap function (8c1a76b)
- texture: add texture into MainEditorBasicMaterial (8472a78)
- texture: add textureMapData retainedProps in MainEditorInspector (94c00b0)
- extract assetState, redo/undo don't use it (ece1ae5)
- texture: change texture name in nodeMap and engineState (1f58fb8)
- texture: finish add texture and set texture is null redo/undo (4fd2a50)
- texture: finish add texture into material (5ade75d)
- texture: finish convert image to texture (84eb435)
- texture: finish MainEditorBasicMaterial texture component drag event (f7bd9fc)
- texture: finish textureInspector show texture props (f460ea1)
- texture: use getAndRefreshEngineStateWithDiff instead of getAndRefreshEngineState (03e35a5)
0.10.0 (2018-06-13)
- asset: add assetTree and finish two tree drag event (0e1576a)
- asset: add drag event check div (def6454)
- asset: finish add file into assetTree and fileMap (84d6e20)
- asset: finish addFolder feature (7806e37)
- asset: finish all drag event relation handle (a0bf9c0)
- asset: finish assetType and record operate (9e9bd27)
- asset: finish drag folder and remove folder (0d99cb9)
- asset: finish fileInspector rename (f5006f8)
- asset: finish move file to folder (898ff07)
- asset: finish readFile and deal with it (05f5121)
- asset: finish remove asset node form nodeMap (05c7650)
- asset: finish remove file (60923ee)
- asset: finish showImg in the specific folder (fad6708)
- asset: finish upload json file (90a778a)
- asset: show folder in file content (3c80474)
- engine: upgrade engine to v1.0.0-alpha.18.3 version (252bc00)
- engine: upgrade to v1.0.0-alpha.18.5 (eb628f2)
- engine: upgrade to v1.0.0-alpha.19 (d1006af)
- redo-undo: optimize redo: not deep copy current state (5463e2e)
- asset: optimize async test:reduce debounce time to 10ms (ebf1b6f)
0.9.0 (2018-04-19)
- fix "dispose gameObject cause order wrong(scene tree)" bug (8cecb32)
- need to fix some bug (bb1e406)
- engine: update engine version (7ad68ee)
- redo/undo: fix bug: change material color and change transform, exec undo throw error (e6376cd)
- controller: add run and stop check (b163183)
- controller: can't remove last camera (d3f6a13)
- controller: finish controller stack redo undo (3f08b1c)
- controller: finish run and stop undo/redo stack manager (cd7489f)
- controller: finish two engine state init default scene (ec7e6f8)
- engine: update version (bcd54a3)
- engine: update wonder.js to 1.0.0-alpha.17.1; update wonder-commonlib to 0.2.20 (4f1245f)
- finish stop function cancelAnimationFrame (c0e6494)
- run/stop: add getAndRefreshEngineState function (a7d29a3)
- run/stop: add two engineState and two canvas (26c8c41)
- run/stop: finish two engineState (57b663c)
0.8.0 (2018-03-15)
- addComponent: finish add component by current GameObject is exist component by json data (9e7b221)
- addComponent: finish add sourceInstance component (6a399bd)
- addMaterial: add material ui component (0976a40)
- addMaterial: set current gameObject material color (73bf6e0)
- service: extract basicMaterial engineState logicService and commonService (297e972)
- service: extract editorStateData (c24d87c)
- service: extract EditorStateLogicService and EditorStateCommonService and EditorStateFacade (499a5d2)
- service: extract floatService and rename uiState to store (f3a91aa)
- service: extract GameObjectComposite and GameObjectLogicSingleService (66ca7a2)
- service: extract GameObjectService and currentGameObjectService (e2cccfa)
- service: extract GameObjectUtils and SceneTreeUtils (679dbf4)
- service: extract HistoryLogicService and allStateData (ae8cda7)
- service: extract historyLogicService and finish TODO (f7e9a7b)
- service: extract logicComposite service and singleService and facade (f25d348)
- service: extract primitive/sceneService and CurrentGameObjectService (9b41c40)
- service: extract state stateTuple record primitive atom service (3071e3c)
- service: extract ui inspector and scenetree (2580790)
- service: remove AppExtensionView and extract AppExtensionUtils (3f385c4)
- service: remove MainEditorStateView.re and add service in cz.config (401dd42)
0.7.0 (2018-03-02)
- addComponent: finish add component by current GameObject is exist component by json data (9e7b221)
- addComponent: finish add sourceInstance component (6a399bd)
- addMaterial: add material ui component (0976a40)
- addMaterial: set current gameObject material color (73bf6e0)
0.6.0 (2018-01-29)
- main: use statelessComponentWithRetainedProps instead of statelessComponent (b8fcda1)
- redo/undo: extract allStateData manage uiState,editorState,engineState (e4ec871)
- redo/undo: extract markRedoUndoChangeXXX module (6ed0898)
- redo/undo: finish redo/undo structure (145e771)
- redo/undo: import most.js (baa9cb0)
- redo/undo: use allStateData.history instead of markRedoUndoStack (bce3282)
0.5.0 (2018-01-17)
- defaultScene: now have three gameObject but test is 2 (4b76f72)
- change "DreamForeast" to "Wonder-Technology" (ef1769e)
- mainView: mainEditorMainView.re loop method set editor every frame (a3d180a)
- scene-tree: add drag end event to treeNode (cf8dd07)
- scene-tree: forget add onDragEnd to treeNode.re (585bfd0)
- scenetree: the move ui component method make the recursion (f7031e8)
- sceneTree: insert to target treeNode is error (78b58bc)
- sceneTree: use makeStringToNumber instead of int_of_string (3cdc021)
- config: add .cz-config.js (5e17463)
- disposeGameObject: add disposeGameObject method in adaptor and operator (96f1ddd)
- engine: upgrade to v1.0.0-alpha.12 (22e8f2d)
- gameObject: finish get/set current gameObject (4af7f7c)
- inspector: add build current gameObject component by json data (7abfc83)
- inspector: extract buildGameObjectComponent method by json data (35959c1)
- inspector: import wonder.js setParentKeepOrder (2284069)
- scene-tree: extract utils/ and external/ (b2f16b6)
- scenetree: add check objects associate is right (78b2eab)
- sceneTree: add clearGameObjectChildren method and test (98ef995)
- add .rei file to increase test coverage (ad9783f)
- scene-tree: improve isGameObjectRelationError method perf (cfe246c)
0.4.0 (2017-12-02)
- "npm run test:coverage": add "|| true" (9597569)
- mainEditor.re: add canvas (1734b31)
- pass run test: update rollup, rollup-plugin-commonjs version to newest (8811ea5)
- re-generate editor index to fix conflicts (88b23a0)
- add GameObjectAdaptor,GameObjectOper->"getMaterial" function (26a1aa6)
- add get engine state, set engine state (aef3bd7)
- add sceneTree and inspector component (ede6c5f)
- begin "move component data to componentData_config.ts"(not finish) (b804260)
- begine "import engine": (2a9e8ab)
- GameObjectOper add "getAllComponents" function (a833e5e)
- implement "show box" (c989789)
- import wonder-commonlib (b1098b6)
- package.json: remove node-sass and its dependences (69fde8f)
- package.json: remove node-sass and its dependences (26517f9)
0.2.0 (2017-09-18)
- directory mistake (41981a1)
- fix gulp task "generateEditorIndex" (d9577fa)
- fix parent and child gameObject only show parent gameObject bug (a08f764)
- fix rollup->namedExports->cnpm install: (5ccc6af)
- gulp task "watchForRunTest" add "generateEditorIndex" task (f37d00e)
- gulp task "watchForRunTest" add "generateEditorIndex" task (4d03835)
- gulp task "watchForRunTest" remove "generateEditorIndex" task (db20609)
- jest.json: pass testUI (193f1ae)
- remove component->asset related code (e266501)
- rollup->namedExports: react-dom add "findDOMNode" (1c3f65f)
- rollup.config.xxx.js: "namedExports" now define xxx@xxx(add version to handle the package installed by cnpm case) (60273d6)
- rollup.config.xxx.js: "namedExports" now define xxx@xxx(add version to handle the package installed by cnpm case) (3d71e90)
- run test: use hack to pass run test, but run test still has bug(e.g. can't set current gameObject's material) (903fc81)
- SceneBuss.ts import "it" from contract.ts (595758c)
- adaptor add "getViewport", resize canvas functions (fe35a6b)
- add BasicMaterial component (842bf4e)
- add BasicMaterial component->get color (b044216)
- ci: add "test ui" (a61b404)
- ci: update node version (509e996)
- commit dist files (d44f075)
- DeviceAdaptor add "setViewport" function (3c74192)
- fill BasicMaterial and show it on MainEditor (f833763)
- GameObjectAdaptor: add "getParent","setParent" functions (ec9ba20)
- move getSceneData to redux and epic (eb7875a)
- update version to 0.2.0 (6782836)
- update wonder-expect.js version (6867e2d)
- update wonder.js version (2086aef)
0.1.0 (2017-08-28)
- canvas width and style width (d13acc2)
- ci: add "gulp rollupTest" before "gulp testInCI" (9269659)
- fix README->ci,codecov icon (33851aa)
- fix TransformAdaptor->translate bug:now can translate instead of only set position (f0f70d3)
- now will only set clear color once (9423686)
- package.json: add install "electron" (aea1dda)
- package.json: not install electron (df8ecca)
- pass run test: (53f744d)
- try solve ci->npm install->The package [email protected] does not satisfy its siblings' peerDependencies requirements!: update ts-ject version (464febd)
- add .travis.yml(commit id:8551e need commit it, but forget!) (b4471fa)
- add ci (8551e0f)
- add core ui and wordEditor (66f3694)
- add node server (350322b)
- commit .idea files (0a97f5c)
- commit dist (6225ea9)
- editor architecture (93d37b5)
- try pass ci: update node version (3940569)
- update author to "DreamForest" (9da3ff4)
- use wonder.js as engine instead of amyjs: pass ts compile and rollup (03d39ed)