Attempt | Score | Link |
1 | 600.02 {1,063}, 100.0% match | Link to the solution |
2 | 600.14 {835}, 100.0% match | Link to the solution |
3 | 601.67 {575}, 100.0% match | Link to the solution |
Highest place in the leaderboard: 3 (2023-11-09)
Attempt | Score | Link |
1 | 600.02 {1,063}, 100.0% match | Link to the solution |
2 | 600.14 {835}, 100.0% match | Link to the solution |
3 | 601.67 {575}, 100.0% match | Link to the solution |
Highest place in the leaderboard: 3 (2023-11-09)