<p ring_white></p>
<p ring_green></p>
<p ring_orange></p>
body {
background: radial-gradient(1q, #73C6EA 0 21q, #0D1335 0);
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p {
position: fixed;
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margin: 87 67;
[ring_white] {
border: 11q solid #FBFAE2;
[ring_green] {
rotate: -60deg;
border: 10px solid #4FA07B;
[ring_orange] {
rotate: 60deg;
border: 10px solid #DC6638;
Attempt | Score | Link |
1 | 604.64 {477}, 100.0% match | Link to the solution |
2 | 613.57 {355}, 100.0% match | Link to the solution |
3 | 638.35 {246}, 100.0% match | Link to the solution |
Highest place in the leaderboard: 17 (2023-09-25)