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Attack Rolls and Reloding (4.2.7 )

Vendare edited this page Oct 7, 2023 · 10 revisions

Attack Rolls

Attacking with a Weapon now only the to Hit roll is sent to chat. If the Attack is a success two buttons are shown.


Clicking on the Evasion Button shows a new Dialog to select which evasion skill to use. The Actor used to roll depends on the currently selected Token or when used as a player and no Token is selected the Default Actor.


When the Evasion Roll fails Damage can exposed directly from the evasion or the original to hit roll.


Note that the damage result will not change no matter how often you click on the button since it was already rolled with the initial to hit. Evasion rolls also don't factor into the amount of hits rolled for the Burst and Full Auto modes.


Instead of a simple message the User is given the option of reloading his weapon by clicking the Button on the chat message. Do note that no ammo reserves are actually considered when reloading since weapon and ammo are not linked. There are no partial reloads, there is no ammo being deducted from the inventory. The Weapons Magazin Value is just reset to maximum.

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